Breaking Bad Thread - "El Camino" - A Breaking Bad Movie on Netflix 10/11


The genre's are more or less the same. BB and DN are both listed under drama , crime, and thriller on imdb.

DN is one of the best animes, so it's quality is very high.

In terms of medium, I would agree that it's in opposition. But that opposition could be from not being familiar with said medium.

Being introduced to a new medium can be a good thing. Since there's more variety, rather than looking for a show in a medium that said person is already familiar with.
Exactly and that's the main thing. It dragged and dropped in quality towards the end (after L died). No way it's on par or similar to BB as far as consistent quality goes.

As far as reading it goes, I know plenty who say you should just stop reading after Light wins.

Factor the character development of BB into the formula and it becomes even more apparent that they are not in the same class at all.
He was talking about influence not similarity.
You can't misconstrue someone's words in order to fit your argument.
but im not misconstruing

what he said was the truth, influence or similarity wise, thats why i crossed out influence and yet it still follows no?
Influence and similarity are two different words.
Replacing one with the other and saying that it still means the same thing is incorrect.

Also voice actors have to convey those emotions as well.
Go watch some voice acting sessions.
They're not stilling in chairs being motionless while reading their least not the good ones.
dont just tell me they dont mean the same thing, show me how replacing influence with similarity changed the meaning of what he said
You changed what he said. As illurstrated by you yourself. You even cut out part of what he said. Thereby changing it's meaning.
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I wondered why this thread jumped :lol: I was confused why there were suddenly 49 replies

I figured iyen was involved :lol:
Exactly and that's the main thing. It dragged and dropped in quality towards the end (after L died). No way it's on par or similar to BB as far as consistent quality goes.

As far as reading it goes, I know plenty who say you should just stop reading after Light wins.

Factor the character development of BB into the formula and it becomes even more apparent that they are not in the same class at all.
This too.

The main characters are pretty static. They state their stances and never waver. The story is way more plot driven.

It should go without saying but the whole thing with BB were the characters growth even dudes we thought didn't matter as much at the beginning. The show is great cuz ppl are following Walt's journey. It's why some ppl wanted Jesse to die and some other didn't. Same for Sky. We even see Hank change a bit due to his obsession.

In DN, that's not present. Only changes are Light becomes more resolute after he wins and a bit more crazy due to all the worship he gets.

The genre's are more or less the same. BB and DN are both listed under drama , crime, and thriller on imdb.

DN is one of the best animes, so it's quality is very high.

In terms of medium, I would agree that it's in opposition. But that opposition could be from not being familiar with said medium.

Being introduced to a new medium can be a good thing. Since there's more variety, rather than looking for a show in a medium that said person is already familiar with.
You're ignoring the supernatural genre that is the crux of the entire premise and story of DN which would be a roadblock for some. Just seeing Rykoua(sp?) could be a turn off.

I disagree about the quality. I never bothered to watch the entire anime but I've read the manga. The quality drops after L dies. Bringing in weak students of the master to win didn't help at all, Melo or w/e and the other one were incredibly lame and the strategy within the conflicts to come to the conclusion were no longer compelling or as sharp as they were when it was Light vs. L.
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Never seen death note anime but I saw the death note movie with real people and thought it was pretty dope.
Anime not for me but I do admit this death note sounds interesting

Again Breaking Bad is on a whole other level for my personal preferences. I've watched a lot of good shows and movies and nothing is messing with it.

Lost Game of Thrones The Wire The Sopranos Sons Of Anarchy Walking Dead are my favorite shows ever but there is something about breaking bad that separates it from them

Mind you I finished this show in two weeks so I plan on watching it all over again
You're ignoring the supernatural genre that is the crux of the entire premise and story of DN which would be a roadblock for some. Just seeing Rykoua(sp?) could be a turn off.

I disagree about the quality. I never bothered to watch the entire anime but I've read the manga. The quality drops after L dies. Bringing in weak students of the master to win didn't help at all, Melo or w/e and the other one were incredibly lame and the strategy within the conflicts to come to the conclusion were no longer compelling or as sharp as they were when it was Light vs. L.
I don't think so. Considering how popular entities like GoT, Supernatural, *insert every superhero movie/show/comic*, etc are.

What you're basically saying is that anime isn't mainstream enough, which I can agree with.

My sister was ignorant of anime. She thought it was lame. Then I showed her fmab. She finished it quickly, then watched death note, code geass, and baccano. Short story even shorter, her opinion on anime was changed. 

I've had similar situations with 2 friends of mine. 

If the show is good, I don't think most people will care about the unrealistic aspects of said show.

You haven't even seen the entire show, so how can you speak on the show's quality?

Maybe the near arc was boring in the manga, but in the anime it was excellent.

Death Note's quality is top notch right down to the songs they used for the show.

About 98% of the Death Note osts are awesome.

The quality didn't drop after L's death. I bet that your interest dropped, rather than it's quality.

After L's death, L reincarnated comes back to take down Light.

If L never died, and did the exact same things as N, would you still feel that the quality dropped?

Mello/Near did what L would have done.

The anime even alluded to that.
Breaking Bad is to TV what The Godfather is to movies..Yep, it's that gotdamn good and ain't no way in hell a cartoon is even sniffing the same realm as BB..
I've already shown examples of animes that convey "emotion" that are on par with BB.

You've seemingly ignored them.

You're just being ignorant at this point.

As I've said before, go watch some voice acting sessions and watch the vids that I already replied to you with.
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I don't think so. Considering how popular entities like GoT, Supernatural, *insert every superhero movie/show/comic*, etc are.
What you're basically saying is that anime isn't mainstream enough, which I can agree with.
My sister was ignorant of anime. She thought it was lame. Then I showed her fmab. She finished it quickly, then watched death note, code geass, and baccano. Short story even shorter, her opinion on anime was changed. 
I've had similar situations with 2 friends of mine. 

If the show is good, I don't think most people will care about the unrealistic aspects of said show.

You haven't even seen the entire show, so how can you speak on the show's quality?
Maybe the near arc was boring in the manga, but in the anime it was excellent.
Death Note's quality is top notch right down to the songs they used for the show.
About 98% of the Death Note osts are awesome.

The quality didn't drop after L's death. I bet that your interest dropped, rather than it's quality.
After L's death, L reincarnated comes back to take down Light.
If L never died, and did the exact same things as N, would you still feel that the quality dropped?

Mello/Near did what L would have done.
The anime even alluded to that.
I've already shown examples of animes that convey "emotion" that are on par with BB.
You've seemingly ignored them.
You're just being ignorant at this point.
As I've said before, go watch some voice acting sessions and watch the vids that I already replied to you with.

I have watched a bunch of anime before, and I never said it was bad or stupid or non-entertaining..And I have watched several shows about voice over acting/behind the scene stuff about the voice actors from a movie or cartoon..I'm not saying they don't work hard or aren't talented..I'm saying it 100x's harder to stand out in the desert and do take after take after take for days on end than it is to sit in a perfectly air conditioned room with a cup of tea and talk into a microphone..

And you haven't show any examples of anime that "convey emotion" that are on par with BB, because that's not possible..
You seemingly don't want to admit that cartoonime is not equal to real actors doing what they've worked damn near their whole to do..
You're just being a fanboy who can't tell the difference between real life shows and cartoons..

Obviously neither of us is going to agree with the other, so let's just agree to disagree..
Made a Heisenberg shirt.
I'm pretty sure Skinny Pete is on the Black List now :lol:



You're ignoring the supernatural genre that is the crux of the entire premise and story of DN which would be a roadblock for some. Just seeing Rykoua(sp?) could be a turn off.

I disagree about the quality. I never bothered to watch the entire anime but I've read the manga. The quality drops after L dies. Bringing in weak students of the master to win didn't help at all, Melo or w/e and the other one were incredibly lame and the strategy within the conflicts to come to the conclusion were no longer compelling or as sharp as they were when it was Light vs. L.
I don't think so. Considering how popular entities like GoT, Supernatural, *insert every superhero movie/show/comic*, etc are.
Nah, you're assuming that ppl who like BB might like GoT or that trash show Supernatural or would put them on the same level or are even slightly interested in them. Just cuz GoT is popular doesn't say anything about ppl who don't like stories dealing with the supernatural genre. Considering the popularity of other genres holds no weight in this instance.
What you're basically saying is that anime isn't mainstream enough, which I can agree with.
This goes without saying.
If the show is good, I don't think most people will care about the unrealistic aspects of said show.
Some ppl simply don't like some genres. It wouldn't matter if it was good. Your examples don't really change the argument. They're outliers at best.
You haven't even seen the entire show, so how can you speak on the show's quality?
I read the entire manga. I don't need to watch the entire anime other than to be disappointed in w/e was added or left out of the original story for the anime version.
Maybe the near arc was boring in the manga, but in the anime it was excellent.
The quality didn't drop after L's death. I bet that your interest dropped, rather than it's quality.
It dropped in quality for sure. All of the psychological warfare drops a notch when the two new opponents appear
After L's death, L reincarnated comes back to take down Light.
If that happens in the anime, then you've really turned me off of checking it out.
If L never died, and did the exact same things as N, would you still feel that the quality dropped?
Yes. Saying that doesn't even make sense though cuz they were only able to take down Light because of what L did up to his death and Near only succeeded in part cuz of what Mello did up to his death. First you'd have to change the story involving L's death and then make sense of how Light would go on to continue his charade for the next couple years along with the other DN users that were involved to set up that finale. So exactly how is L going to do the same thing they did? Near won due in parts of the actions of Mello and L (realizing the rules about the DN were a lie, the lawyer brought in, the kidnappings, etc.). That's a group effort despite them not being teamed up. L vs. Light was one on one and that's the way both wanted it. There's no way L would've taken down Light the way Near did or the way Mello tried.
Mello/Near did what L would have done.
The anime even alluded to that.
This is an assumption and no they didn't do what he would've done. The only life L was willing to risk was his own. He wasn't as reckless as Mello or as timid as Near. They both fell short in living up to L and know they were not his equal. Not to mention he didn't gain the help needed to take down Light like Mello and Near did by indirectly helping each other.
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^^I'm watching Blacklist now and it's pretty damn good..Skinny Pete showed up outta nowhere with a totally different character than BB..He did a good job and I hope they keep him on the show..
Nah, you're assuming that ppl who like BB might like GoT or that trash show Supernatural or would put them on the same level or are even slightly interested in them. Just cuz GoT is popular doesn't say anything about ppl who don't like stories dealing with the supernatural genre. Considering the popularity of other genres holds no weight in this instance.
No. I was saying that since GoT, supernatural, etc are of the supernatural genre and are really popular. Death's note content isn't too out there when compared to said shows' content. 

Ryuk is a flying god of death. Yet in GoT, you have some chick who has a demon come out of her stomach.

Not to mention all the other "weird stuff" in superhero movies. Thor, The Wolverine, Green Lantern. 

I would assume that most people are interested in similar genres regardless of the medium. I myself am interested in action/adventure. So I'm into action/adventure movies, books, anime, tv shows, comics, etc.

I find this assumption to be supported by most of the people who I talk to.
Some ppl simply don't like some genres. It wouldn't matter if it was good. Your examples don't really change the argument. They're outliers at best.
Anime isn't a genre. It's a medium.
I read the entire manga. I don't need to watch the entire anime other than to be disappointed in w/e was added or left out of the original story for the anime version.
It dropped in quality for sure. All of the psychological warfare drops a notch when the two new opponents appea
I don't agree, since Light was always doing something to lure out N.
If that happens in the anime, then you've really turned me off of checking it out.
Yes. Saying that doesn't even make sense though cuz they were only able to take down Light because of what L did up to his death and Near only succeeded in part cuz of what Mello did up to his death. First you'd have to change the story involving L's death and then make sense of how Light would go on to continue his charade for the next couple years along with the other DN users that were involved to set up that finale. So exactly how is L going to do the same thing they did? Near won due in parts of the actions of Mello and L (realizing the rules about the DN were a lie, the lawyer brought in, the kidnappings, etc.). That's a group effort despite them not being teamed up. L vs. Light was one on one and that's the way both wanted it. There's no way L would've taken down Light the way Near did or the way Mello tried
Obviously, L coudn't have done things the exact same way.

The question was hypothetical. 

Near and Mello were L's successors. It's safe to say that if L was not introduced until some pre-L character died at the hands of Light, then L would have acted in the same way as Near/Mello. 

You can see some of the L's attributes in mello/near

Example L attribute in mello(rash): kidnapping that one chick

Example L attribute in near: pretty much everything he did

Mello/Near are like L split in half.
This is an assumption and no they didn't do what he would've done. The only life L was willing to risk was his own. He wasn't as reckless as Mello or as timid as Near. They both fell short in living up to L and know they were not his equal. Not to mention he didn't gain the help needed to take down Light like Mello and Near did by indirectly helping each other
In the anime, Light said that he felt like he's being haunted by the ghost of L.

That is an example of the anime showing that that's what L would have done. 

They even showed a freeze frame of L.

It's obvious that Near and mello are like L's split personalities. In the anime both mello/near have similar quirks that L had. 

It's only until Near/mello indirectly work together to stop light is when they become L 2.0.

If mello/near were one character, the show would have been less interesting.

He's bascially be a carbon copy of L, which would have made L's death meaningless.
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You're trying way too hard to convince people that a cartoon is on BB's level..Just give up, because you're way too ignorant to appreciate the quality of REAL television..
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