Breaking Bad Thread - "El Camino" - A Breaking Bad Movie on Netflix 10/11

Nah, you're assuming that ppl who like BB might like GoT or that trash show Supernatural or would put them on the same level or are even slightly interested in them. Just cuz GoT is popular doesn't say anything about ppl who don't like stories dealing with the supernatural genre. Considering the popularity of other genres holds no weight in this instance.
No. I was saying that since GoT, supernatural, etc are of the supernatural genre and are really popular. Death's note content isn't too out there when compared to said shows' content. 
Ryuk is a flying god of death. Yet in GoT, you have some chick who has a demon come out of her stomach.
Not to mention all the other "weird stuff" in superhero movies. Thor, The Wolverine, Green Lantern. 
This is all completely irrelevant to fans of BB and ppl who don't like the supernatural genre.
I would assume that most people are interested in similar genres regardless of the medium. I myself am interested in action/adventure. So I'm into action/adventure movies, books, anime, tv shows, comics, etc.
What similar genres? How is the supernatural component of DN similar to any genre in BB? It isn't. Hence my point that some ppl who may be looking for something similar to BB would not want something involving supernatural elements so bringing up GoT or anything else under that genre whether it's popular or not would not matter at all.
I find this assumption to be supported by most of the people who I talk to.
That's not a valid support to an assumption. If that meant anything to this discussion I could bring up friends who don't like the supernatural genre or who don't like anime.
Some ppl simply don't like some genres. It wouldn't matter if it was good. Your examples don't really change the argument. They're outliers at best.
Anime isn't a genre. It's a medium.
No **** Sherlock. Maybe you should keep up if you're gonna keep replying. I am not calling anime a genre. I'm talking about the supernatural genre that exists within Death Note. How you jumped to me thinking anime is a genre is something only you could make sense of. I mean seriously reread my post and pay attention to what I'm talking about.
I read the entire manga. I don't need to watch the entire anime other than to be disappointed in w/e was added or left out of the original story for the anime version.
You can't talk about the anime, if you haven't seen it. You can only talk about the manga.
Same story. Nothing I'm saying about the story changes.
It dropped in quality for sure. All of the psychological warfare drops a notch when the two new opponents appea

I don't agree, since Light was always doing something to lure out N.
As opposed to when it was L trying to trap Light. Light doing something to lure Near out doesn't mean the quality didn't drop. I think it's just clear you were fine with the drop in quality.
Obviously, L coudn't have done things the exact same way.
The question was hypothetical. 
An irrelevant hypothetical question which I answered and then explained why it was so flawed in the first place.
Near and Mello were L's successors. It's safe to say that if L was not introduced until some pre-L character died at the hands of Light, then L would have acted in the same way as Near/Mello. 
No it is not. This is just a bull **** assumptions and more of the same what ifs. You have no basis for what you're saying here. The fact is it didn't happen that way. So it's not safe to say AT ALL.

You can see some of the L's attributes in mello/near
Example L attribute in mello(rash): kidnapping that one chick
Example L attribute in near: pretty much everything he did
Mello/Near are like L split in half

In the anime, Light said that he felt like he's being haunted by the ghost of L.
That is an example of the anime showing that that's what L would have done. 
They even showed a freeze frame of L.

It's obvious that Near and mello are like L's split personalities. In the anime both mello/near have similar quirks that L had. 
It's only until Near/mello indirectly work together to stop light is when they become L 2.0.
If mello/near were one character, the show would have been less interesting.
He's bascially be a carbon copy of L, which would have made L's death meaningless.
That's because they're clearly L facsimiles created to try and fill the void of L. It doesn't make them equal to L. As I've repeated they only succeeded because of what L already done. That's already added advantage. If you want to keep playing the what if and replace L with Mello/Near hypothetical it's pretty clear that if Light had faced off against Near and Mello instead of L he would've killed them too. They only won cuz they were working off of what L already did.

It doesn't matter that some of the things they did reminded Light of L. That does not mean at all that what they did is exactly what L would've done. It couldn't be since Near worked with Americans and Mello worked with the mafia. Two different tactics

This here doesn't help anything you're saying. So L got split in to two characters. Doesn't change that it was two ppl vs Light or anything else I said in regards to the format in to how Light was taken down. It just continues to show you can't simply swap out Near and Mello for L. Despite similarities, there are clear differences in all 3 characters so you can not say they're the same or would've done the same thing.

That's just common sense.
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You're trying way too hard to convince people that a cartoon is on BB's level..Just give up, because you're way too ignorant to appreciate the quality of REAL television..

He never said he didn't appreciate BB, or real television. In fact iYen has made it very clear he is a big fan of the show. Calling him ignorant because he simply doesn't agree with you makes it blatantly obvious who the ignoramus really is.

Just because a show is live action does not automatically make it better than an animated series. Shows like Batman (TAS 1992) and Trigun have far better character development while delving deeper into the human psyche and vast spectrum of emotions than the majority of live action series are ever willing to go. To discredit a series or film for no other reason than its a cartoon is just as absurd as discrediting a good novel because you don't like the cover. Good storytelling is good storytelling plain and simple and there are many different mediums in which one can tell a story.

Frankly... You're coming off as someone with very little appreciation for art, who doesn't read much and hasn't experienced what truly good storytelling is more than a handful of times. ..... A typical overly defensive TV series fanboy who jumped into a series late in the game and had their mind completely blown away. I saw the same thing with Wire and Soprano fanboys. "Nothing compares to ______; Nothing will ever compare to ______; _______ is the best show ever; My life is over now that ______ is off air." Cant tell them kinda fans nothing.

I agree that Breaking Bad is an absolutely amazing series, but the matter of fact is you labeling it better than any other show is a merely a matter of opinion.
He never said he didn't appreciate BB, or real television. In fact iYen has made it very clear he is a big fan of the show. Calling him ignorant because he simply doesn't agree with you makes it blatantly obvious who the ignoramus really is.

Just because a show is live action does not automatically make it better than an animated series. Shows like Batman (TAS 1992) and Trigun have far better character development while delving deeper into the human psyche and vast spectrum of emotions than the majority of live action series are ever willing to go. To discredit a series or film for no other reason than its a cartoon is just as absurd as discrediting a good novel because you don't like the cover. Good storytelling is good storytelling plain and simple and there are many different mediums in which one can tell a story.

Frankly... You're coming off as someone with very little appreciation for art, who doesn't read much and hasn't experienced what truly good storytelling is more than a handful of times. ..... A typical overly defensive TV series fanboy who jumped into a series late in the game and had their mind completely blown away. I saw the same thing with Wire and Soprano fanboys. "Nothing compares to ______; Nothing will ever compare to ______; _______ is the best show ever; My life is over now that ______ is off air." Cant tell them kinda fans nothing.

I agree that Breaking Bad is an absolutely amazing series, but the matter of fact is you labeling it better than any other show is a merely a matter of opinion.

He's the one who started the name calling..And I have an huge appreciation for art, whether it's music, film, tv, stage, canvas I can appreciate it..I can also appreciate anime and happen to think it's pretty damn cool..And for you, or iyen, to assume I'm somehow ignorant, or have never read a book, or my life is somehow lacking because I won't give Death Note the same amount of props as I do Breaking Bad, The Wire, NYPD Blue, West Wing or any other highly successful/award winning/critically acclaimed tv show just goes to show how truly ignorant you two are..

I'm done with this argument..My opinion has been stated..Your opinion has been stated..Like I said before, we will just have to agree to disagree on this topic..Thanks for your hate and your input..Have a nice day..:D
continuing w this argument 
I'm not gonna even bother reading what has transpired here :lol:

Anybody looking to check out another series dealing with crime bosses and annoying wives should watch Justified. I've killed the last 3 seasons in the past week. Its very addicting :smokin
Saw this on Reddit. Thought NT would get a kick out of it..

Couple Halloween costumes.. Walter Jr. and his breakfast..

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He never said he didn't appreciate BB, or real television. In fact iYen has made it very clear he is a big fan of the show. Calling him ignorant because he simply doesn't agree with you makes it blatantly obvious who the ignoramus really is.

Just because a show is live action does not automatically make it better than an animated series. Shows like Batman (TAS 1992) and Trigun have far better character development while delving deeper into the human psyche and vast spectrum of emotions than the majority of live action series are ever willing to go. To discredit a series or film for no other reason than its a cartoon is just as absurd as discrediting a good novel because you don't like the cover. Good storytelling is good storytelling plain and simple and there are many different mediums in which one can tell a story.

Frankly... You're coming off as someone with very little appreciation for art, who doesn't read much and hasn't experienced what truly good storytelling is more than a handful of times. ..... A typical overly defensive TV series fanboy who jumped into a series late in the game and had their mind completely blown away. I saw the same thing with Wire and Soprano fanboys. "Nothing compares to ______; Nothing will ever compare to ______; _______ is the best show ever; My life is over now that ______ is off air." Cant tell them kinda fans nothing.

I agree that Breaking Bad is an absolutely amazing series, but the matter of fact is you labeling it better than any other show is a merely a matter of opinion.

He's the one who started the name calling..And I have an huge appreciation for art, whether it's music, film, tv, stage, canvas I can appreciate it..I can also appreciate anime and happen to think it's pretty damn cool..And for you, or iyen, to assume I'm somehow ignorant, or have never read a book, or my life is somehow lacking because I won't give Death Note the same amount of props as I do Breaking Bad, The Wire, NYPD Blue, West Wing or any other highly successful/award winning/critically acclaimed tv show just goes to show how truly ignorant you two are..

I'm done with this argument..My opinion has been stated..Your opinion has been stated..Like I said before, we will just have to agree to disagree on this topic..Thanks for your hate and your input..Have a nice day..:D

Had you thoroughly read my comments you would see my argument has nothing to do with Deathnote itself; in fact Ive never actually seen an episode. My argument lies in fact you are readily willing to dismiss the quality of content in any series for no other reason than because it is a cartoon. As I have said before animation is a wonderful medium when used properly because it is not bound by the rules of this earth. Therefor in certain applications it is far more effective in conveying the artists message than live action pictures could ever attempt.

Oh and for the record.... The West Wing sucked (in my humble opinion of course) and if we're bringing up Emmys Batman TAS won and was nominated for its fair share in its short 2.5 year run.

IMO Emmy Awards aren't an accurate indicator of a shows worth... if that were the case Breaking Bad would have cleaned house and we all know that wasn't the case.
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This is all completely irrelevant to fans of BB and ppl who don't like the supernatural genre.
What similar genres? How is the supernatural component of DN similar to any genre in BB? It isn't. Hence my point that some ppl who may be looking for something similar to BB would not want something involving supernatural elements so bringing up GoT or anything else under that genre whether it's popular or not would not matter at all
Again, DN/BB are both listed under drama, thriller, and drama on imdb.

If said person is a fan of said genres, it follows that they'll most likely like both shows. 

Regardless of DN's extra genres(supernatural/animation).
That's not a valid support to an assumption. If that meant anything to this discussion I could bring up friends who don't like the supernatural genre or who don't like anime
I didn't say that it was. It's an assumption.
You seem to not know the difference, so I cleared it up for you. You said "some ppl simply don't like some genres. It wouldn't matter if it was good." I was talking about shows( primarily animes), then you misused the word genres. The exchange is down below. You need to pay more attention to the words you type.
If the show is good, I don't think most people will care about the unrealistic aspects of said show.
Some ppl simply don't like some genres. It wouldn't matter if it was good. Your examples don't really change the argument. They're outliers at best.
Same story. Nothing I'm saying about the story changes.
You haven't seen the anime therefore, you can't say that. 
As opposed to when it was L trying to trap Light. Light doing something to lure Near out doesn't mean the quality didn't drop. I think it's just clear you were fine with the drop in quality.
See this is where it's important that you have seen the anime. You're talking about the manga, which I have not read.

I'm talking about the anime, which you have not seen. 

So discussing this "drop in quality" is a waste of our time.

The quality of the anime was great from start to finish. 

Once you've watched the anime, then you can construct an argument that says otherwise.
An irrelevant hypothetical question which I answered and then explained why it was so flawed in the first place
The point of the hypothetical question was to show that the drop in quality had more to do with your opinion rather than there actually being a drop in quality. The psychological warfare contines with near. Right from Near's enterance to Light's death. First N figures about that L #2 has to be Light, then Light kept trying to lure out N through some mind games. As implied by Light when he'd be thinking to himself "What are you doing to do N?"
No it is not. This is just a bull **** assumptions and more of the same what ifs. You have no basis for what you're saying here. The fact is it didn't happen that way. So it's not safe to say AT ALL
Mello and N were both students at Whammy's house. That's the basis of my argument. Therefore whatever Watari did to L, he most likely did the same thing to M and N. As I said before, the anime implied something like that through several callbacks to L. 
That's because they're clearly L facsimiles created to try and fill the void of L. It doesn't make them equal to L. As I've repeated they only succeeded because of what L already done. That's already added advantage. If you want to keep playing the what if and replace L with Mello/Near hypothetical it's pretty clear that if Light had faced off against Near and Mello instead of L he would've killed them too. They only won cuz they were working off of what L already did.

It doesn't matter that some of the things they did reminded Light of L. That does not mean at all that what they did is exactly what L would've done. It couldn't be since Near worked with Americans and Mello worked with the mafia. Two different tactics

This here doesn't help anything you're saying. So L got split in to two characters. Doesn't change that it was two ppl vs Light or anything else I said in regards to the format in to how Light was taken down. It just continues to show you can't simply swap out Near and Mello for L. Despite similarities, there are clear differences in all 3 characters so you can not say they're the same or would've done the same thing.

That's just common sense.
No they're not. Mello and L have more disimilarities than similarities. That would have been the case if there was only one of them. Since there's two, the L aspect(Light's demise) of the show changed. No longer did Light have to worry about what one person was doing. He had to worry about what two people were doing. Mello almost made Light have to kill his own sister. That's just one of the examples of where the quality is still top notch.

They're L's successors, so whether or not they're equal to L doesn't matter at the end of the eay. 

As you said, "No .... sherlock." They're L's successors. Successing implies continuing the work that said predecessor left unfinished. 

You're incorrect because L worked with criminals and he would have worked with any national police agency. He only worked with the Japanese police force because he concluded that Kira was in Japan. 

What I was saying is that the L aspect(Light getting caught slipping) got split into two forces(mello/near).

I wasn't saying that all three characters are the same. 

All things being equal, L would have taken similar actions that mello/near did. The show thought highly of deductive skills. 

Given the deductive skills that L processes he would have came to the make similar decisions are Near.

L was going to test the DN himself. That's something mello would have done. In fact, I think he almost did it in the anime if I remember correctly.

L revealed to Light that he suspected him of being Kira. That's what near would have done. In fact he did something similar to that by annoncing to the task force that he suspected Light of being Kira.
got the chills at the "he got away part"

and the camera slowly goes up

makes wonder if that was walt's life after death view looking down at himself while going into ...heaven?
I was talking about people in general not just bb fans
How could you be talking about ppl in general if you start off saying ppl who like BB and suggest they watch DN? Are ppl who like BB not fans of BB?
Again, DN/BB are both listed under drama, thriller, and drama on imdb.
If said person is a fan of said genres, it follows that they'll most likely like both shows. 
Regardless of DN's extra genres(supernatural/animation).
All you're doing here is ignoring my point. I'm sure anything can make sense if you ignore other opposing views and dissenting opinions.
I didn't say that it was. It's an assumption.
So we agree it's irrelevant. Your assumption doesn't add anything to what you're talking about. Just filler to my reply.

You seem to not know the difference, so I cleared it up for you. You said "some ppl simply don't like some genres. It wouldn't matter if it was good." I was talking about shows( primarily animes), then you misused the word genres. The exchange is down below. You need to pay more attention to the words you type.
At no point can you show where I do not know the difference between anime and what a genre. Just because you don't understand what I said and assumed I meant anime is a genre does not make it so. That's your inability to comprehend. At no point did you clear up anything for me since you were the one confused in the first place. I'm talking about the genre which you brought up. Not that it is an anime but since you're ignoring the supernatural genre in DN I can see why you're not making the proper connections to the point I'm making and aren't able to process it.
You haven't seen the anime therefore, you can't say that.
Some ppl simply don't like some genres. It wouldn't matter if it was good. Your examples don't really change the argument. They're outliers at best.

See this is where it's important that you have seen the anime. You're talking about the manga, which I have not read.
I'm talking about the anime, which you have not seen. 
So discussing this "drop in quality" is a waste of our time.
The quality of the anime was great from start to finish. 
Once you've watched the anime, then you can construct an argument that says otherwise.
Just watched the anime. Same story save for the added crap and cut scenes. Lo and behold my argument did not change as far as quality goes since you know it was the same story.
The point of the hypothetical question was to show that the drop in quality had more to do with your opinion rather than there actually being a drop in quality. The psychological warfare contines with near. Right from Near's enterance to Light's death. First N figures about that L #2 has to be Light, then Light kept trying to lure out N through some mind games. As implied by Light when he'd be thinking to himself "What are you doing to do N?"
I think you're ignoring that just because something continues does not mean the quality of it didn't drop. Unfortunately for you, you're hypothetical does not achieve what you wanted it to.

No it is not. This is just a bull **** assumptions and more of the same what ifs. You have no basis for what you're saying here. The fact is it didn't happen that way. So it's not safe to say AT ALL

Mello and N were both students at Whammy's house. That's the basis of my argument. Therefore whatever Watari did to L, he most likely did the same thing to M and N. As I said before, the anime implied something like that through several callbacks to L. 
None of this changes what I've said prior. I repeat the fact is it didn't happen that way. So it's not safe to say AT ALL. You can't in one reply say he would've done the same thing as Mello or Near and then in the next reply say the two of them were very different from L. You're contradicting yourself. They're facsimiles that do not equal L together since they needed to work off of what L already did to accomplish what he didn't.

No they're not. Mello and L have more disimilarities than similarities. That would have been the case if there was only one of them. Since there's two, the L aspect(Light's demise) of the show changed. No longer did Light have to worry about what one person was doing. He had to worry about what two people were doing. Mello almost made Light have to kill his own sister. That's just one of the examples of where the quality is still top notch.
They're L's successors, so whether or not they're equal to L doesn't matter at the end of the eay. 
It's clear at this point that we have different standards for quality. Which is why you see none while I do. You don't want to agree with the drop in quality after L's death and you seem to think because the same things happened before continued to happen the quality remained consistent despite how they happened. I disagree.
As you said, "No .... sherlock." They're L's successors. Successing implies continuing the work that said predecessor left unfinished. 
That does not make them equal to him. That does not mean L would've done the same things they did. If you want to run with this, feel free to dismiss all the other stuff you were saying before which again contradicts these statements.

You're incorrect because L worked with criminals and he would have worked with any national police agency. He only worked with the Japanese police force because he concluded that Kira was in Japan. 
I'm talking about what did happen. You're talking about what he would've done but didn't during the story when trying to catch Kira.

What I was saying is that the L aspect(Light getting caught slipping) got split into two forces(mello/near).
I wasn't saying that all three characters are the same. 
All things being equal, L would have taken similar actions that mello/near did. The show thought highly of deductive skills. 
Given the deductive skills that L processes he would have came to the make similar decisions are Near.
L was going to test the DN himself. That's something mello would have done. In fact, I think he almost did it in the anime if I remember correctly.
L revealed to Light that he suspected him of being Kira. That's what near would have done. In fact he did something similar to that by annoncing to the task force that he suspected Light of being Kira.
You went from same actions to similar. To the implication means they're the same. Which is all false. These examples you're bringing up just reminds me of the rehashes that occurred in the second part of the story which all played a part in the drop in quality. Anyway the last point in that quote still stands to this reply. Nothing you've said here changes it:

This here doesn't help anything you're saying. So (the) L (character or protagonist) got split in to two characters. Doesn't change that it was two ppl vs Light or anything else I said in regards to the format in to how Light was taken down. It just continues to show you can't simply swap out Near and Mello for L. Despite similarities, there are clear differences in all 3 characters so you can not say they're the same or would've done the same thing (whether you're talking about the "L aspect" or not).
60. I could've easily gotten a hazmat suit + a respirator mask for 45 and under. Was gonna return this but all sales were final so I was SOL.
The Tyvek suit (which doesn't breathe at all btw) was $15

The Respirator (China Special via eBay) $5

Blue Gloves [had some at home but probably would've been] $1
Blue Meth Candy - Made it, but probably no more than $5 in materials (sugar, corn syrup, food coloring, water)
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