Breaking Bad Thread - "El Camino" - A Breaking Bad Movie on Netflix 10/11


Me and my employee did the yellow suits for work! My dude did white face so he can look like Jesse but took it off when he realized he looked like Sammy Sosa. Hahaha.
I was talking about people in general not just bb fans
How could you be talking about ppl in general if you start off saying ppl who like BB and suggest they watch DN? Are ppl who like BB not fans of BB?
Again, DN/BB are both listed under drama, thriller, and drama on imdb.
If said person is a fan of said genres, it follows that they'll most likely like both shows. 
Regardless of DN's extra genres(supernatural/animation).
All you're doing here is ignoring my point. I'm sure anything can make sense if you ignore other opposing views and dissenting opinions.
I didn't say that it was. It's an assumption.
So we agree it's irrelevant. Your assumption doesn't add anything to what you're talking about. Just filler to my reply.
You seem to not know the difference, so I cleared it up for you. You said "some ppl simply don't like some genres. It wouldn't matter if it was good." I was talking about shows( primarily animes), then you misused the word genres. The exchange is down below. You need to pay more attention to the words you type.
At no point can you show where I do not know the difference between anime and what a genre. Just because you don't understand what I said and assumed I meant anime is a genre does not make it so. That's your inability to comprehend. At no point did you clear up anything for me since you were the one confused in the first place. I'm talking about the genre which you brought up. Not that it is an anime but since you're ignoring the supernatural genre in DN I can see why you're not making the proper connections to the point I'm making and aren't able to process it.
You haven't seen the anime therefore, you can't say that.
Some ppl simply don't like some genres. It wouldn't matter if it was good. Your examples don't really change the argument. They're outliers at best.
See this is where it's important that you have seen the anime. You're talking about the manga, which I have not read.
I'm talking about the anime, which you have not seen. 
So discussing this "drop in quality" is a waste of our time.
The quality of the anime was great from start to finish. 
Once you've watched the anime, then you can construct an argument that says otherwise.
Just watched the anime. Same story save for the added crap and cut scenes. Lo and behold my argument did not change as far as quality goes since you know it was the same story.
The point of the hypothetical question was to show that the drop in quality had more to do with your opinion rather than there actually being a drop in quality. The psychological warfare contines with near. Right from Near's enterance to Light's death. First N figures about that L #2 has to be Light, then Light kept trying to lure out N through some mind games. As implied by Light when he'd be thinking to himself "What are you doing to do N?"
I think you're ignoring that just because something continues does not mean the quality of it didn't drop. Unfortunately for you, you're hypothetical does not achieve what you wanted it to.
No it is not. This is just a bull **** assumptions and more of the same what ifs. You have no basis for what you're saying here. The fact is it didn't happen that way. So it's not safe to say AT ALL
Mello and N were both students at Whammy's house. That's the basis of my argument. Therefore whatever Watari did to L, he most likely did the same thing to M and N. As I said before, the anime implied something like that through several callbacks to L. 
None of this changes what I've said prior. I repeat the fact is it didn't happen that way. So it's not safe to say AT ALL. You can't in one reply say he would've done the same thing as Mello or Near and then in the next reply say the two of them were very different from L. You're contradicting yourself. They're facsimiles that do not equal L together since they needed to work off of what L already did to accomplish what he didn't.

No they're not. Mello and L have more disimilarities than similarities. That would have been the case if there was only one of them. Since there's two, the L aspect(Light's demise) of the show changed. No longer did Light have to worry about what one person was doing. He had to worry about what two people were doing. Mello almost made Light have to kill his own sister. That's just one of the examples of where the quality is still top notch.
They're L's successors, so whether or not they're equal to L doesn't matter at the end of the eay. 
It's clear at this point that we have different standards for quality. Which is why you see none while I do. You don't want to agree with the drop in quality after L's death and you seem to think because the same things happened before continued to happen the quality remained consistent despite how they happened. I disagree.
As you said, "No .... sherlock." They're L's successors. Successing implies continuing the work that said predecessor left unfinished. 
That does not make them equal to him. That does not mean L would've done the same things they did. If you want to run with this, feel free to dismiss all the other stuff you were saying before which again contradicts these statements.
You're incorrect because L worked with criminals and he would have worked with any national police agency. He only worked with the Japanese police force because he concluded that Kira was in Japan. 
I'm talking about what did happen. You're talking about what he would've done but didn't during the story when trying to catch Kira.
What I was saying is that the L aspect(Light getting caught slipping) got split into two forces(mello/near).
I wasn't saying that all three characters are the same. 
All things being equal, L would have taken similar actions that mello/near did. The show thought highly of deductive skills. 
Given the deductive skills that L processes he would have came to the make similar decisions are Near.
L was going to test the DN himself. That's something mello would have done. In fact, I think he almost did it in the anime if I remember correctly.
L revealed to Light that he suspected him of being Kira. That's what near would have done. In fact he did something similar to that by annoncing to the task force that he suspected Light of being Kira.
You went from same actions to similar. To the implication means they're the same. Which is all false. These examples you're bringing up just reminds me of the rehashes that occurred in the second part of the story which all played a part in the drop in quality. Anyway the last point in that quote still stands to this reply. Nothing you've said here changes it:

This here doesn't help anything you're saying. So (the) L (character or protagonist) got split in to two characters. Doesn't change that it was two ppl vs Light or anything else I said in regards to the format in to how Light was taken down. It just continues to show you can't simply swap out Near and Mello for L. Despite similarities, there are clear differences in all 3 characters so you can not say they're the same or would've done the same thing (whether you're talking about the "L aspect" or not).
you win
My wife got us a free trial of Hulu+ and they have the entire series of The Shield..I'm about 5 episodes in and I'm not feeling it too much..It's ok, but not great..Is it something I should stick with cause it gets better or does it basically stay the same for the whole series?..
Just finished watching the entire series... WOW!

One of the best shows I've ever seen.

Some stuff I didn't like though...

That Bltch Ash Ninja Hank and his wife... like seriously they couldn't turn the other cheek and after all that Walt had did for them. I was like he was hell bent on catching Walt and bringing him to justice. I don't think that was done right because in real life I think that if it's family they would have turned the other cheek. But, I'm happy that B. A. N. got his dome turned into a stadium.

Another thing was his Bltch **** Son Walt/Flyn/Lt. Dan's son from Forrest Gump... like seriously even till the end he was acting like that man? My pops could have did worse than that I would still not act like how this crippled ***** acted I would have stood and manned up and still sided with my pops no matter what.

His wife Skylar that floosie... I mean I didn't like when she started cheating but at least she stuck by him when that Btch made N Hank was trying to bring Walt down but still I hated her almost as much as Lori from Walking Dead and Jenny from Forrest Gump :smh:

That dumbash Jesse man... I can't believe he thought going to the cops was a reasonable thing to do :smh: this dude is like the ultimate F ups of all F ups in the history of whenever... Gus was right... never trust a drug addict. I think Walt should have killed him off a long time ago and it baffles me that he would turn on Walt after all that he had done and how many times he saved him

Walt... I don't like how they portrayed him towards the end like he was some monster or something like that or that he was this like sort of evil mastermind. He was a well mild mallard man that did what he had to for his family and friends. I would have liked if he got back the money and got away and bounced to somewhere overseas or something

The lawyer Saul :lol: :nthat: this dude was alright with me though :D

Badger and skinny P :pimp: they came through at the end after all of that :lol:
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Great show though as I've stated.

I wish I would have followed it while it was airing and going on and kept up with this thread to read peoples thoughts on episodes and the finale.

I would go back and try to find the pages in this thread discussing the finale, but "ain't nobody got time for that".
Booklet in the Barrel

Dear Breaking Bad Fan...

Endings are, to use Jesse Pinkman's favourite word, a *****. Endings mean saying goodbye, and saying goodbye is hard.

Nobody likes leaving a party too soon. When the music's still playing and the drinks are still flowing and all your buddies are together and laughing and waving you back, come back - Hey, this thing's just getting started! - it feels downright ungrateful not to stick around. Worse, it makes you wonder what great times you'll miss once you're gone.

Over the last few years, many people have asked me why Breaking Bad was leaving the party. Friends and strangers alike told me it was too soon to end the show. I thank them for that highest of compliments. Just as I now thank you.

Yes, you, pal, I'm talking to you. You're the completist who just shelled out good money for our series box set. This, after you bought each and every individual season as they came available (all of which you've now got listed on eBay). And there you sit, cross-legged on the living room floor in front of your new black plastic barrel, which is splayed open atop your coffee table. And you're actually reading the liner notes. I mean, who does that?!

You're the reason we made Breaking Bad in the first place. You're why we sweated the small stuff for six straight years. And why the folks at Sony Home Entertainment busted their butts making what I believe to be the coolest, most complete series box set ever. There are way, way more extras jam-packed into this sucker than are required to satisfy the *****-mistress that is Commerce. This final set represents, dare I say it, a labor of love.

That's because we knew you were out there, raving as much about this show as we do. And that means the world to us.

Believe it or not, you're also the reason we ended Breaking Bad when we did. Because the only thing worse than leaving a party too soon is leaving it too late.

Yours Truly,

Vince Gilligan

I think I'm going to pull the trigger on the box set now.
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