Breonna Taylor

This explains a lot

How did the family get a 12 mil settlement before the case was over?
How did the family get a 12 mil settlement before the case was over?

Because they knew the cops should've been charged but they weren't going to charge them. Cameron spent 195 days trying to make sure no real charges were ever filed.
Doing this off top of dome, so open to fact-checking.

So it’s after midnight. Under unclear circumstances, LMPD sketchily obtains a no-knock warrant. The suspect is Breonna’s ex-BF. However, he’s already been apprehended prior to execution of this search warrant. But the guise is the ex-BF allegedly stashed drugs and/or cash at Breonna’s apt.

The no-knock warrant becomes a knock one. LMPD claims they both knocked and announced their presence. Sgt. Mattingly says six or seven times in audio questioning. Kenneth Walker and Bre both hear nothing except for a “loud bang.” No responses when they stunningly ask, “Who is there?” NYT canvassed the area. Only 1 of 12 neighbors they contacted in the apt. complex heard and corroborated the police story.

Kenneth fires a single shot from a legally owned weapon. Defending his home and GF. Pretty standard for any man to do. It strikes Sgt. Mattingly, so him and Det. Cosgrove proceed to return fire 22 times. Five or six shots in which strike and kill Breonna.

No body cams. In the aftermath, the narrative flips to lay blame on Kenny for Bre’s death. While this man is reeling from the events, still unable to compute what just happened. Like it was his fault for firing off a warning shot.

But because Bre’s family gets $12M from Louisville taxpayer money. Because no-knock warrants are no longer allowed in Kentucky. Because LMPD requires body cams now. For all those reasons, we’re supposed to believe justice was served. That Bre’s life and legacy were honored.
I asked you if it was any different before 2006 before the law you're talking about went into effect and you said you didn't know. The answer is no. They'll do what they please and get away with it regardless of what the law states.
That's not how it works.
The conspiracy is not to go against the laws in place; it is to make sure that the laws overwhelmingly favor cops, even at the expense of the general public, and it's only possible to have those laws in place because of low interest (organic or engineered) in the legislative process.

It's that simple.
That's not how it works.
The conspiracy is not to go against the laws in place; it is to make sure that the laws overwhelmingly favor cops, even at the expense of the general public, and it's only possible to have those laws in place because of low interest (organic or engineered) in the legislative process.

It's that simple.
If what you're saying is true that would mean that prior to 2006, police in Louisville couldn't just murder people and get away scot free. You said yourself that you didn't even know if they were prosecuted appropriately at that time. They weren't. It comes across as if you're saying if more people would've just voted in 2006 this never would've happened. It comes across as if you're saying the law and justice are never circumvented by this corrupt system. It comes across as if you're saying the system isn't corrupt.
I'm not even surprised. We know what this country is about. Cops can do whatever they to black people and their superiors and the white court system will find ways to defend it, justify it and get 'em off. Until these cops start getting knocked off, **** is gonna keep happening. These people only react when it happens to them.
This should be a wake up call to these confused *** ADOS blacks that claim they're not voting unless they see a black agenda.
Not only must black people vote, but we must also learn about the power the black dollar has.
Under locally voted in Sheriffs and DA's who lean right because that's where their biggest support is from.
Is this true in every instance? Are there any sheriffs and DA's who lean left and these incidents still take place? Please take the question at face value
****** will send a couple of tweets during a presidential election year talmbout both sides are the same, voting doesn't do anything so they can pat themselves on the back about how much smarter they are than everyone else. Spoiler alert: You're not.
Completely ignore local politics where the effects are right there in your face and ignore members of the community trying to change **** at the grassroot level. Those grassroot people lose to mfs working to maintain the status quo because the other side despite being less always make sure they vote to keep things the same.
The fact that one group continuously works to reduce the amount of voters despite the fact that historically voter turnout is already low should tell you everything.
But hey "free thinkers".
If what you're saying is true that would mean that prior to 2006, police in Louisville couldn't just murder people and get away scot free. You said yourself that you didn't even know if they were prosecuted appropriately at that time. They weren't. It comes across as if you're saying if more people would've just voted in 2006 this never would've happened. It comes across as if you're saying the law and justice are never circumvented by this corrupt system. It comes across as if you're saying the system isn't corrupt.
That's a misinterpretation of what I'm saying, which is that the law is not just. What they can do legally is not what they should be doing ethically. Remember that slavery was legal; segregation was legal; a whole bunch of unethical **** was legal before people took upon themselves to change the laws by doing their civic duty, which includes but is not limited to voting. I don't understand how you deducted from my previous comments that the system was not corrupt when I've been saying the exact opposite the whole time. And I don't understand why it's so hard to comprehend that there may be power in the simple act of voting if the people who wish to control you are willing to **** up the postal service (the backbone of a growing online economy) to keep you from exercising that particular right.
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