California Supreme Court UPHOLDS gay marriage ban.... but existing same-sex marriages to stand

The intention of marriage is to unite two people through a bond with contractual significance (now).

Intent can change, although, some of its historical significance can remain (a couple choosing to get married in a church, for instance), it doesn't meanthe term cannot update much like the law should w/ breaks in technology.

The debate over choice isn't the point here. In fact, its beyond that, because whether or not someone knowingly or subconsciously opts for something, thefact they are being discriminated for their choice is just silly.

Since I've stated before, I won't discuss skin color to make an analogy, let's look at a different example.

You opt for a sleeve tattoo, you enter that tattoo parlor under absolutely no duress and make the decision yourself. You work where it is hot as hell and yourefuse to wear a long sleeve shirt all year and your employer takes notice. You're then passed up for a promotion that you ordinarily would have made ifyou conformed to what is considered "normal". Furthermore, you're kept from client interaction and basically becoming isolated. Is that fair?

Regardless of how you answer it, you have some protection under the law.
Originally Posted by Bad N fluenz

Trust me being gay is not a choice, why would I choose to live a life based on nothing but hate? If you count me my brother and cousin all openly gay share the same last name then my partners uncles and cousins being gay. I think it's safe to say it's in the genes. After all we are all born female, then the hormones decide what we are. So maybe it's the hormones?

Just stop. You are the typical gay, going on about how gay he and his friends or family members are. Truth is their is no proof on what you just said.
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

I don't understand how people can miss such obvious parallels between the two situations though. While the plight of African Americans was much more profound there are at least some aspects of each situation that are similar.
Some may be similar. But there isn't anything anywhere that say African Americans "can't do" or such and such was made just forwhites. There is ancient text that says marriage is for Man and Wife. But the plight for gays is nowhere near that of Blacks. We were slaves. Our wives anddaughter beaten and turned into jumpoffs. We were property
. Gays andgay right supporters should find something else to compare their plight with. Seriously.
forget it.
Why? I mean everyone wants to debate, so lets do it.

If you feel strongly about it, express yourself my man.
Originally Posted by Emmanuel Goldstein

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

So why were African Americans allowed to be a part of something (America) that, at the time, wasn't intended to be for them?

CallHimAR wrote:
Originally Posted by Emmanuel Goldstein

o so now you are a strict constitutionalist LOL ... i hope youre consistent in all facets of political opinion ... which means you are a rebulican ... which means you couldnt have possibly voted for obama ...

Right because there is no gray area in political thought, it's all just black and white. Please stop, you're making yourself look foolish.

so you realize you just proved my original point right?
I honestly must have missed your original point because it makes no sense.
please stop posting because of that ridiculous comparison ... and my original point was why should the original have to cease its existence, and then you said cuz its unconstitutional, and then yous aid theres a gray area with teh constitution ... LOL

you keep discussing constitutionality. what's your stance on interracial marriage?

Originally Posted by John Ohh

Originally Posted by Bad N fluenz

Trust me being gay is not a choice, why would I choose to live a life based on nothing but hate? If you count me my brother and cousin all openly gay share the same last name then my partners uncles and cousins being gay. I think it's safe to say it's in the genes. After all we are all born female, then the hormones decide what we are. So maybe it's the hormones?

Just stop. You are the typical gay, going on about how gay he and his friends or family members are. Truth is their is no proof on what you just said.

wow. you're an idiot.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

forget it.
Why? I mean everyone wants to debate, so lets do it.

If you feel strongly about it, express yourself my man.

no, thanks.
my 1st post pretty much sums up my viewpoint.

..the rest is immaterial... natural, not natural, choice, biological. whatever....
people are comfortable advocating denying basic rights to others.. I'm not.

I'll leave this thread with this....I asked a friend of mine who had gotten married to a long-time and live in GF(also one of my friends)...."So, doyou feel different being married?"
His reply "It's pretty much the same...although.. I do feel a lot closer to my wife, and feel as though our relationship is a lot stronger."

Who is anybody to deny the opportunity of that feeling?...a civil union doesn't afford that.
Originally Posted by John Ohh

Originally Posted by Bad N fluenz

Trust me being gay is not a choice, why would I choose to live a life based on nothing but hate? If you count me my brother and cousin all openly gay share the same last name then my partners uncles and cousins being gay. I think it's safe to say it's in the genes. After all we are all born female, then the hormones decide what we are. So maybe it's the hormones?

Just stop. You are the typical gay, going on about how gay he and his friends or family members are. Truth is their is no proof on what you just said.

wow. you're an idiot.

co-sign. This thread will be bookmarked. It could be a great tool in teaching kids how not to be close-minded. I read #%%% like this and I realizethat if I raise my kids to be the exact opposite of a lot of the moronic sentiment in here, my kids will be outstanding people.
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by John Ohh

Originally Posted by Bad N fluenz

Trust me being gay is not a choice, why would I choose to live a life based on nothing but hate? If you count me my brother and cousin all openly gay share the same last name then my partners uncles and cousins being gay. I think it's safe to say it's in the genes. After all we are all born female, then the hormones decide what we are. So maybe it's the hormones?

Just stop. You are the typical gay, going on about how gay he and his friends or family members are. Truth is their is no proof on what you just said.

wow. you're an idiot.

co-sign. This thread will be bookmarked. It could be a great tool in teaching kids how not to be close-minded. I read #%%% like this and I realize that if I raise my kids to be the exact opposite of a lot of the moronic sentiment in here, my kids will be outstanding people.

One I'm not a kid. Two, what does it matter on my opnion on gays? Is it automaticaly wrong? Ohh and Nako Reported Btw.
why not? only the two people determine how "strong" their bond is ... in my opinion, if you need a title to feel any sort of way towards yourcompanion you shouldnt be together ...

i love my fiance just as much as i did before we were engaged ... and im sure i will feel the same after we are married ... we may grow in our love for eachother, but thats on us, not the stroke of a pen or specific legislature
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by John Ohh

Originally Posted by Bad N fluenz

Trust me being gay is not a choice, why would I choose to live a life based on nothing but hate? If you count me my brother and cousin all openly gay share the same last name then my partners uncles and cousins being gay. I think it's safe to say it's in the genes. After all we are all born female, then the hormones decide what we are. So maybe it's the hormones?

Just stop. You are the typical gay, going on about how gay he and his friends or family members are. Truth is their is no proof on what you just said.

wow. you're an idiot.

co-sign. This thread will be bookmarked. It could be a great tool in teaching kids how not to be close-minded. I read #%%% like this and I realize that if I raise my kids to be the exact opposite of a lot of the moronic sentiment in here, my kids will be outstanding people.


are you home schooled? do you take the bible word for word? do you think the earth is flat? do you think the earth is the center of the universe? do any ofthose apply to you? cause seriously...
@ the stuff you say
Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by John Ohh

Originally Posted by Bad N fluenz

Trust me being gay is not a choice, why would I choose to live a life based on nothing but hate? If you count me my brother and cousin all openly gay share the same last name then my partners uncles and cousins being gay. I think it's safe to say it's in the genes. After all we are all born female, then the hormones decide what we are. So maybe it's the hormones?

Just stop. You are the typical gay, going on about how gay he and his friends or family members are. Truth is their is no proof on what you just said.

wow. you're an idiot.

co-sign. This thread will be bookmarked. It could be a great tool in teaching kids how not to be close-minded. I read #%%% like this and I realize that if I raise my kids to be the exact opposite of a lot of the moronic sentiment in here, my kids will be outstanding people.

are you home schooled? do you take the bible word for word? do you think the earth is flat? do you think the earth is the center of the universe? do any of those apply to you? cause seriously...
@ the stuff you say

huh? was that directed at me?
Originally Posted by John Ohh

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by John Ohh

Originally Posted by Bad N fluenz

Trust me being gay is not a choice, why would I choose to live a life based on nothing but hate? If you count me my brother and cousin all openly gay share the same last name then my partners uncles and cousins being gay. I think it's safe to say it's in the genes. After all we are all born female, then the hormones decide what we are. So maybe it's the hormones?

Just stop. You are the typical gay, going on about how gay he and his friends or family members are. Truth is their is no proof on what you just said.

wow. you're an idiot.

co-sign. This thread will be bookmarked. It could be a great tool in teaching kids how not to be close-minded. I read #%%% like this and I realize that if I raise my kids to be the exact opposite of a lot of the moronic sentiment in here, my kids will be outstanding people.

One I'm not a kid. Two, what does it matter on my opnion on gays? Is it automaticaly wrong? Ohh and Nako Reported Btw.

I didn't say you were a kid. I said I will raise my kids to be the exact opposite of you, you know...thoughtful, compassionate, capable ofreasoning.
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by John Ohh

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by John Ohh

Originally Posted by Bad N fluenz

Trust me being gay is not a choice, why would I choose to live a life based on nothing but hate? If you count me my brother and cousin all openly gay share the same last name then my partners uncles and cousins being gay. I think it's safe to say it's in the genes. After all we are all born female, then the hormones decide what we are. So maybe it's the hormones?

Just stop. You are the typical gay, going on about how gay he and his friends or family members are. Truth is their is no proof on what you just said.

wow. you're an idiot.

co-sign. This thread will be bookmarked. It could be a great tool in teaching kids how not to be close-minded. I read #%%% like this and I realize that if I raise my kids to be the exact opposite of a lot of the moronic sentiment in here, my kids will be outstanding people.

One I'm not a kid. Two, what does it matter on my opnion on gays? Is it automaticaly wrong? Ohh and Nako Reported Btw.
I didn't say you were a kid. I said I will raise my kids to be the exact opposite of you, you know...thoughtful, compassionate, capable of reasoning.

Ouch you went alittle too far on that one, you wanna elaborate on that one punk?
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by John Ohh

Originally Posted by Bad N fluenz

Trust me being gay is not a choice, why would I choose to live a life based on nothing but hate? If you count me my brother and cousin all openly gay share the same last name then my partners uncles and cousins being gay. I think it's safe to say it's in the genes. After all we are all born female, then the hormones decide what we are. So maybe it's the hormones?

Just stop. You are the typical gay, going on about how gay he and his friends or family members are. Truth is their is no proof on what you just said.

wow. you're an idiot.

co-sign. This thread will be bookmarked. It could be a great tool in teaching kids how not to be close-minded. I read #%%% like this and I realize that if I raise my kids to be the exact opposite of a lot of the moronic sentiment in here, my kids will be outstanding people.

are you home schooled? do you take the bible word for word? do you think the earth is flat? do you think the earth is the center of the universe? do any of those apply to you? cause seriously...
@ the stuff you say
huh? was that directed at me?

nah man...directed at the john oooooooooooo
Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by John Ohh

Originally Posted by Bad N fluenz

Trust me being gay is not a choice, why would I choose to live a life based on nothing but hate? If you count me my brother and cousin all openly gay share the same last name then my partners uncles and cousins being gay. I think it's safe to say it's in the genes. After all we are all born female, then the hormones decide what we are. So maybe it's the hormones?

Just stop. You are the typical gay, going on about how gay he and his friends or family members are. Truth is their is no proof on what you just said.

wow. you're an idiot.

co-sign. This thread will be bookmarked. It could be a great tool in teaching kids how not to be close-minded. I read #%%% like this and I realize that if I raise my kids to be the exact opposite of a lot of the moronic sentiment in here, my kids will be outstanding people.

are you home schooled? do you take the bible word for word? do you think the earth is flat? do you think the earth is the center of the universe? do any of those apply to you? cause seriously...
@ the stuff you say
huh? was that directed at me?
nah man...directed at the john oooooooooooo

How the !+$$ am I ignorant? because I don't think that gays should be married? You seem the one to be ignorant, your not understanding my views, whileI'm trying to understand yours.
Originally Posted by John Ohh

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by John Ohh

Originally Posted by Bad N fluenz

Trust me being gay is not a choice, why would I choose to live a life based on nothing but hate? If you count me my brother and cousin all openly gay share the same last name then my partners uncles and cousins being gay. I think it's safe to say it's in the genes. After all we are all born female, then the hormones decide what we are. So maybe it's the hormones?

Just stop. You are the typical gay, going on about how gay he and his friends or family members are. Truth is their is no proof on what you just said.

wow. you're an idiot.

co-sign. This thread will be bookmarked. It could be a great tool in teaching kids how not to be close-minded. I read #%%% like this and I realize that if I raise my kids to be the exact opposite of a lot of the moronic sentiment in here, my kids will be outstanding people.

One I'm not a kid. Two, what does it matter on my opnion on gays? Is it automaticaly wrong? Ohh and Nako Reported Btw.

I hope you did because I'm starting to question being part of a community of fools. How some people can even think or say some of the idioticthings I've seen in this thread, and repeat them with such vehemence is baffling to me.
Originally Posted by John Ohh

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by John Ohh

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by John Ohh

Originally Posted by Bad N fluenz

Trust me being gay is not a choice, why would I choose to live a life based on nothing but hate? If you count me my brother and cousin all openly gay share the same last name then my partners uncles and cousins being gay. I think it's safe to say it's in the genes. After all we are all born female, then the hormones decide what we are. So maybe it's the hormones?

Just stop. You are the typical gay, going on about how gay he and his friends or family members are. Truth is their is no proof on what you just said.

wow. you're an idiot.

co-sign. This thread will be bookmarked. It could be a great tool in teaching kids how not to be close-minded. I read #%%% like this and I realize that if I raise my kids to be the exact opposite of a lot of the moronic sentiment in here, my kids will be outstanding people.

One I'm not a kid. Two, what does it matter on my opnion on gays? Is it automaticaly wrong? Ohh and Nako Reported Btw.
I didn't say you were a kid. I said I will raise my kids to be the exact opposite of you, you know...thoughtful, compassionate, capable of reasoning.

Ouch you went alittle too far on that one, you wanna elaborate on that one punk?

Ok. I don't want my kids to be anything like you. I never want my kids to say such senseless rubbish as 'typical gay' or 'gaysaren't discriminated against' or anything else you will undoubtedly say in coming pages. I would hope to give my kids the tools to somehow not sound sohopelessly stupid. That is all. I would hope my kids would never sound anything like you. I think that is elaborate enough.
Originally Posted by John Ohh

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by John Ohh

Originally Posted by Bad N fluenz

Trust me being gay is not a choice, why would I choose to live a life based on nothing but hate? If you count me my brother and cousin all openly gay share the same last name then my partners uncles and cousins being gay. I think it's safe to say it's in the genes. After all we are all born female, then the hormones decide what we are. So maybe it's the hormones?

Just stop. You are the typical gay, going on about how gay he and his friends or family members are. Truth is their is no proof on what you just said.

wow. you're an idiot.

co-sign. This thread will be bookmarked. It could be a great tool in teaching kids how not to be close-minded. I read #%%% like this and I realize that if I raise my kids to be the exact opposite of a lot of the moronic sentiment in here, my kids will be outstanding people.

are you home schooled? do you take the bible word for word? do you think the earth is flat? do you think the earth is the center of the universe? do any of those apply to you? cause seriously...
@ the stuff you say
huh? was that directed at me?
nah man...directed at the john oooooooooooo

How the !+$$ am I ignorant? because I don't think that gays should be married? You seem the one to be ignorant, your not understanding my views, while I'm trying to understand yours.

not because you dont think they should be married...but for comments like:
Just stop. You are the typical gay, going on about how gay he and his friends or family members are. Truth is their is no proof on what you just said.
what proof do YOU have that it is NOT a choice? none. you don't wake up everyone morning and choose to be straight. likewise, gay people dontwake up and choose to be gay. you're simplifying attraction and behavior. you can only choose your behavior. but behavior alone does not make you straightor gay. you cannot choose what sex you're attracted to. you simply cannot. you cant even choose what girl to be attracted to. it just happens. andattraction determines whether or not you're straight or gay.

again, take this example. you have a guy attracted to dudes. he wants to avoids ridicule, so he only sleeps with women. while his behavior is straight, histhoughts are gay. is he gay or straight?
Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by John Ohh

Originally Posted by Bad N fluenz

Trust me being gay is not a choice, why would I choose to live a life based on nothing but hate? If you count me my brother and cousin all openly gay share the same last name then my partners uncles and cousins being gay. I think it's safe to say it's in the genes. After all we are all born female, then the hormones decide what we are. So maybe it's the hormones?

Just stop. You are the typical gay, going on about how gay he and his friends or family members are. Truth is their is no proof on what you just said.

wow. you're an idiot.

co-sign. This thread will be bookmarked. It could be a great tool in teaching kids how not to be close-minded. I read #%%% like this and I realize that if I raise my kids to be the exact opposite of a lot of the moronic sentiment in here, my kids will be outstanding people.

are you home schooled? do you take the bible word for word? do you think the earth is flat? do you think the earth is the center of the universe? do any of those apply to you? cause seriously...
@ the stuff you say
huh? was that directed at me?
nah man...directed at the john oooooooooooo

I was going to say, dude! I wasn't home schooled, thebible is of no use to me, and I am certain the earth isn't flat.
The intention of marriage is to unite two people through a bond with contractual significance (now).

Intent can change, although, some of its historical significance can remain (a couple choosing to get married in a church, for instance), it doesn't meanthe term cannot update much like the law should w/ breaks in technology.

The debate over choice isn't the point here. In fact, its beyond that, because whether or not someone knowingly or subconsciously opts for something, thefact they are being discriminated for their choice is just silly.

Since I've stated before, I won't discuss skin color to make an analogy, let's look at a different example.

You opt for a sleeve tattoo, you enter that tattoo parlor under absolutely no duress and make the decision yourself. You work where it is hot as hell and yourefuse to wear a long sleeve shirt all year and your employer takes notice. You're then passed up for a promotion that you ordinarily would have made ifyou conformed to what is considered "normal". Furthermore, you're kept from client interaction and basically becoming isolated. Is that fair?

Regardless of how you answer it, you have some protection under the law.
Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

Originally Posted by John Ohh

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by John Ohh

Originally Posted by Bad N fluenz

Trust me being gay is not a choice, why would I choose to live a life based on nothing but hate? If you count me my brother and cousin all openly gay share the same last name then my partners uncles and cousins being gay. I think it's safe to say it's in the genes. After all we are all born female, then the hormones decide what we are. So maybe it's the hormones?

Just stop. You are the typical gay, going on about how gay he and his friends or family members are. Truth is their is no proof on what you just said.

wow. you're an idiot.

co-sign. This thread will be bookmarked. It could be a great tool in teaching kids how not to be close-minded. I read #%%% like this and I realize that if I raise my kids to be the exact opposite of a lot of the moronic sentiment in here, my kids will be outstanding people.

are you home schooled? do you take the bible word for word? do you think the earth is flat? do you think the earth is the center of the universe? do any of those apply to you? cause seriously...
@ the stuff you say
huh? was that directed at me?
nah man...directed at the john oooooooooooo

How the !+$$ am I ignorant? because I don't think that gays should be married? You seem the one to be ignorant, your not understanding my views, while I'm trying to understand yours.
not because you dont think they should be married...but for comments like:
Just stop. You are the typical gay, going on about how gay he and his friends or family members are. Truth is their is no proof on what you just said.
what proof do YOU have that it is NOT a choice? none. you don't wake up everyone morning and choose to be straight. likewise, gay people dont wake up and choose to be gay. you're simplifying attraction and behavior. you can only choose your behavior. but behavior alone does not make you straight or gay. you cannot choose what sex you're attracted to. you simply cannot. you cant even choose what girl to be attracted to. it just happens. and attraction determines whether or not you're straight or gay.

again, take this example. you have a guy attracted to dudes. he wants to avoids ridicule, so he only sleeps with women. while his behavior is straight, his thoughts are gay. is he gay or straight?

i dont think YOU understand the term if i get up today and choose to sleep with a man if i liked it or not im gay point blank as a normal man youdont do any acts with another man that involves there body or yours.

now if i find myself attracted to the same sex then im a homosexual

and that dude is a homosexual living in a term that is known as "down low" he is the worst cuz he is leading somebody on and the 1st time he feelsthat its ok to come out he crush that lady
Originally Posted by Bad N fluenz

Trust me being gay is not a choice, why would I choose to live a life based on nothing but hate? If you count me my brother and cousin all openly gay share the same last name then my partners uncles and cousins being gay. I think it's safe to say it's in the genes. After all we are all born female, then the hormones decide what we are. So maybe it's the hormones?
your a fool to even post that you can trick yourself out with that if you want too, but lets be real when you raise a child around gay people thenthey grow up with the idea that thats "ok" and normal .

and no its not safe to say its in the gens, as a specie we are 1 of 2 or 3 that enjoy the act of sex only thing to be found in our gens is the act to pass onour gens aka reproduce
Originally Posted by CasperJr

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

Originally Posted by John Ohh

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by John Ohh

Originally Posted by Bad N fluenz

Trust me being gay is not a choice, why would I choose to live a life based on nothing but hate? If you count me my brother and cousin all openly gay share the same last name then my partners uncles and cousins being gay. I think it's safe to say it's in the genes. After all we are all born female, then the hormones decide what we are. So maybe it's the hormones?

Just stop. You are the typical gay, going on about how gay he and his friends or family members are. Truth is their is no proof on what you just said.

wow. you're an idiot.

co-sign. This thread will be bookmarked. It could be a great tool in teaching kids how not to be close-minded. I read #%%% like this and I realize that if I raise my kids to be the exact opposite of a lot of the moronic sentiment in here, my kids will be outstanding people.

are you home schooled? do you take the bible word for word? do you think the earth is flat? do you think the earth is the center of the universe? do any of those apply to you? cause seriously...
@ the stuff you say
huh? was that directed at me?
nah man...directed at the john oooooooooooo

How the !+$$ am I ignorant? because I don't think that gays should be married? You seem the one to be ignorant, your not understanding my views, while I'm trying to understand yours.
not because you dont think they should be married...but for comments like:
Just stop. You are the typical gay, going on about how gay he and his friends or family members are. Truth is their is no proof on what you just said.
what proof do YOU have that it is NOT a choice? none. you don't wake up everyone morning and choose to be straight. likewise, gay people dont wake up and choose to be gay. you're simplifying attraction and behavior. you can only choose your behavior. but behavior alone does not make you straight or gay. you cannot choose what sex you're attracted to. you simply cannot. you cant even choose what girl to be attracted to. it just happens. and attraction determines whether or not you're straight or gay.

again, take this example. you have a guy attracted to dudes. he wants to avoids ridicule, so he only sleeps with women. while his behavior is straight, his thoughts are gay. is he gay or straight?

i dont think YOU understand the term if i get up today and choose to sleep with a man if i liked it or not im gay point blank as a normal man you dont do any acts with another man that involves there body or yours.

now if i find myself attracted to the same sex then im a homosexual

and that dude is a homosexual living in a term that is known as "down low" he is the worst cuz he is leading somebody on and the 1st time he feels that its ok to come out he crush that lady

that's my's about attraction. not behavior. girls who make out with girls in the club aren't all lesbians. only the onesthat are actually attracted to girls are lesbians. a lot of girls just do that stuff for attention. doesn't make them lesbian or bi.
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