California Supreme Court UPHOLDS gay marriage ban.... but existing same-sex marriages to stand

The uphold of gay marriage ban, bans homosexual marriage but any homosexual marriage before prop 8 is still a valid and legal marriage.

So gay marriage is bad and illegal, but these gay people can be married and it is fine.

They better be prepared for a long judicial fight that they are going to lose because now they are infringing on civil rights.
Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

The hell is wrong with people in here? If gays want to get a piece of paper AND added rights what the hell does that have to do with YOU or how you live your life? Ya'll be acting like a bunch of bigots in here.
they're acting like bigots beause they are bigots... they just dont want to admit it & hide behind religion to hide their bigotry...

but for all of you who use religion as your reasoning against gay marriage...

according to the bible... which is more important?

Love thy fellow man(not in the homosexual sense)
A man lying with another man is an abomination

Whats so hard about that just change it to something else other than marriage
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

I don't get the "do what you do in your own privacy" comment. What are gay people doing in public that's so horrible?
the "in your own privacy" argument is exactly the reason you should let them do them, because they're gonna do it "in their ownprivacy." for those against it, what's gonna change in your life?
California Supreme Court UPHOLDS gay marriage ban.... but existing same-sex marriages to stand
Err what? so if some are already allowed, why stop the others?

That's like if in the wire when the city found out about hamsterdam, just said "ok leave hamsterdam open, but don't build anymore." Eitherit's illegal or not, they put themselves in a hole on that one.
Originally Posted by cartune


Whats so hard about that just change it to something else other than marriage

then it isn't marriage. what's wrong with calling it marriage? when 1 of 2 marriages don't work.
Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

I don't get the "do what you do in your own privacy" comment. What are gay people doing in public that's so horrible?
the "in your own privacy" argument is exactly the reason you should let them do them, because they're gonna do it "in their own privacy." for those against it, what's gonna change in your life?
California Supreme Court UPHOLDS gay marriage ban.... but existing same-sex marriages to stand
Err what? so if some are already allowed, why stop the others?

That's like if in the wire when the city found out about hamsterdam, just said "ok leave hamsterdam open, but don't build anymore." Either it's illegal or not, they put themselves in a hole on that one.

Duh, separate but equal.
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by ericberry14

What are you new?

Last time I checked...... in science..... you have to have a MALE and a FEMALE to create offspring..... meaning it's the NORMAL thing to be heterosexual as that's the way you're made so that you can REPRODUCE

Correct me if I'm wrong though.....

Cuz I mean it'd make sense if every single person in the world were homosexual so that no one could reproduce


Nope, some living things reproduce through asexual reproduction. I also want you to define 'natural' because homosexuality is found quite often innature. Does that mean we have to convert those heathen primates to Christianity?
Originally Posted by Frankie Valentino

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by ericberry14

What are you new?

Last time I checked...... in science..... you have to have a MALE and a FEMALE to create offspring..... meaning it's the NORMAL thing to be heterosexual as that's the way you're made so that you can REPRODUCE

Correct me if I'm wrong though.....

Cuz I mean it'd make sense if every single person in the world were homosexual so that no one could reproduce


Nope, some living things reproduce through asexual reproduction. I also want you to define 'natural' because homosexuality is found quite often in nature. Does that mean we have to convert those heathen primates to Christianity?

Simple life forms produce via asexual reproduction--never "higher" life forms. Furthermore, look into why reproductive strategies like Asexualityevolved...

Homosexuality is NOT "found quite often in nature". Even if it is, tell me, how would you rate the prevalence of homosexuality to that ofheterosexuality in nature.

Which is more "typical" and which is "atypical"...

Also SUNDoobie it may be voted for by the CA residents BUT if you go to 1960's Mississippi and said should African-Americans have the right to be citizens, it would have been voted against.
WHAT? You're comparing the African American struggle in 1960's Mississippi to gay rights in 2009?

How many gays do you know that have to sit in the back of the bus or couldn't drink from the same drinking fountain as heterosexuals in 2009?

How many gays do you know that were not allowed to vote, or were segregated in 2009?

Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

The hell is wrong with people in here? If gays want to get a piece of paper AND added rights what the hell does that have to do with YOU or how you live your life? Ya'll be acting like a bunch of bigots in here.
they're acting like bigots beause they are bigots... they just dont want to admit it & hide behind religion to hide their bigotry...

but for all of you who use religion as your reasoning against gay marriage...

according to the bible... which is more important?

Love thy fellow man(not in the homosexual sense)
A man lying with another man is an abomination
Of course those that disagree with gay marriage are bigots.

Love thy fellow man(not in the homosexual sense)
Of course this is important but don't get it twisted. I love everyone but if you are wrong, I'll tell you so if its whats needed.

they're acting like bigots beause they are bigots... they just dont want to admit it & hide behind religion to hide their bigotry...

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

The hell is wrong with people in here? If gays want to get a piece of paper AND added rights what the hell does that have to do with YOU or how you live your life? Ya'll be acting like a bunch of bigots in here.
they're acting like bigots beause they are bigots... they just dont want to admit it & hide behind religion to hide their bigotry...

but for all of you who use religion as your reasoning against gay marriage...

according to the bible... which is more important?

Love thy fellow man(not in the homosexual sense)
A man lying with another man is an abomination
Of course those that disagree with gay marriage are bigots.

Love thy fellow man(not in the homosexual sense)
Of course this is important but don't get it twisted. I love everyone but if you are wrong, I'll tell you so if its whats needed.

they're acting like bigots beause they are bigots... they just dont want to admit it & hide behind religion to hide their bigotry...


who are you to judge if someone is wrong or not? Only God can Judge right?

but onto the bigot part:
A bigot is a person who is intolerant of or takes offense to the opinions, lifestyles or identities differing from his or her own, and bigotry is the corresponding attitude or mindset
so yes... you are bigots hiding behind religion... not you personally bcuz you're one of the more reasonable religious people on here,
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Also SUNDoobie it may be voted for by the CA residents BUT if you go to 1960's Mississippi and said should African-Americans have the right to be citizens, it would have been voted against.
WHAT? You're comparing the African American struggle in 1960's Mississippi to gay rights in 2009?

How many gays do you know that have to sit in the back of the bus or couldn't drink from the same drinking fountain as heterosexuals in 2009?

How many gays do you know that were not allowed to vote, or were segregated in 2009?


I'm combating your argument that people voting for it is sign sealed and delivered we no longer need to talk about it. I was not evencomparing the struggle, I was saying if you allowed the "majority" to vote on the "minorities" rights the minority would lose.

No citizen should be allowed to vote on other person.

If we can vote on who can get married, let's vote on what music is degrading to society and ban it. Then tv shows. etc.
This is a horrifying destruction of civil liberty and any NTer that supports this needs to seriously reevaluate their belief system.
The fact of the matter is that being gay is not a choice, this has been proven, no matter what your trumped up insecurity tells you, this has been proven byscience.

The fact that people are standing by and allowing a right that is given to every other American to be taken away from a certain group is just shows howlaughable your notions of "liberty" and "justice".

If two p
eople love each other and want to make a commitment and receive the same legal benefits that every other American does WHAT THE @@%! IS SO WRONG WITH THAT?
I'm combating your argument that people voting for it is sign sealed and delivered we no longer need to talk about it. I was not even comparing the struggle, I was saying if you allowed the "majority" to vote on the "minorities" rights the minority would lose.

No citizen should be allowed to vote on other person.

If we can vote on who can get married, let's vote on what music is degrading to society and ban it. Then tv shows. etc.
So NOW you're not comparing the two but didn't you just post.... .
Also SUNDoobie it may be voted for by the CA residents BUT if you go to 1960's Mississippi and said should African-Americans have the right to be citizens, it would have been voted against.
Sounds like a comparison to me.

Whose no longer talking about it?

In one year, gay rights activist with their Hollywood friends will have another ballot initiative for us to vote on and again it will fail. It will go againto the Supreme Court, where again it will fail and on and on and on. That was why I originally supported these gays in the first place which was to give emwhat they want and let's move on with our lives. However as I stated earlier, the hypocrisy and ignorance of these gays because they loss the politicalprocess was so sickening that I no longer will ever support their cause.

If two people love each other and want to make a commitment and receive the same legal benefits that every other American does WHAT THE @@%! IS SO WRONG WITH THAT?
They do have the same benefits! It's just that we Californians want the sacrament of marriage to be between a man and woman PERIOD!

What is SO WRONG WITH THAT? Anyways.. I am done with this topic. Ya all have a good day.
As of 2007, California affords domestic partnerships most of the same rights and responsibilities as marriages under state law (Cal. Fam. Code §297.5). Among these:
  • Making health care decisions for each other in certain circumstances
  • Hospital and jail visitation rights that were previously reserved for family members related by blood, adoption or marriage to the sick, injured or incarcerated person.
  • Access to family health insurance plans (Cal. Ins. Code §10121.7)
  • Spousal insurance policies (auto, life, homeowners etc..), this applies to all forms of insurance through the California Insurance Equality Act (Cal. Ins. Code §381.5)
  • Sick care and similar family leave
  • Stepparent adoption procedures
  • Presumption that both members of the partnership are the parents of a child born into the partnership
  • Suing for wrongful death of a domestic partner
  • Rights involving wills, intestate succession, conservatorships and trusts
  • The same property tax provisions otherwise available only to married couples (Cal. R&T Code §62p)
  • Access to some survivor pension benefits
  • Supervision of the Superior Court of California over dissolution and nullity proceedings
  • The obligation to file state tax returns as a married couple (260k) commencing with the 2007 tax year (Cal R&T Code §18521d)
  • The right for either partner to take the other partner's surname after registration
  • Community property rights and responsibilities previously only available to married spouses
  • The right to request partner support (alimony) upon dissolution of the partnership (divorce)
  • The same parental rights and responsibilities granted to and imposed upon spouses in a marriage
Originally Posted by ericberry14
who are you to judge if someone is wrong or not? Only God can Judge right?
Dude, you call me restating whats in the bible as judging? See that doesn't really make sense to me.

A bigot is a person who is intolerant of or takes offense to the opinions, lifestyles or identities differing from his or her own, and bigotry is the corresponding attitude or mindset
so yes... you are bigots hiding behind religion... not you personally bcuz you're one of the more reasonable religious people on here,
Hmmm see to me that is a very bold thing to tag people with in certain cases. Its covers too much when you call people that.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by ericberry14
who are you to judge if someone is wrong or not? Only God can Judge right?
Dude, you call me restating whats in the bible as judging? See that doesn't really make sense to me.

A bigot is a person who is intolerant of or takes offense to the opinions, lifestyles or identities differing from his or her own, and bigotry is the corresponding attitude or mindset
so yes... you are bigots hiding behind religion... not you personally bcuz you're one of the more reasonable religious people on here,
Hmmm see to me that is a very bold thing to tag people with in certain cases. Its covers too much when you call people that.

alright... you say its in the BIble, its in the Old Testament, its in Leviticus i believe... there are so many other things in Leviticus that areignored by all religious people today, but none of you seem to care about those things... so when you are picking & choosing when to follow the rules asstated in the bible... so you're right you're not judging... just being a tad bit hypocritical...

and that definition may be broad... but its the truth... people that dont support gay marriage, by definition, are bigots...
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