California Supreme Court UPHOLDS gay marriage ban.... but existing same-sex marriages to stand

Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by cartune


Whats so hard about that just change it to something else other than marriage

then it isn't marriage. what's wrong with calling it marriage? when 1 of 2 marriages don't work.
Exactly why would they even want to get married? My thing is they can have the same rights as a married couple just leave the married thing to onewoman one man. Because whats next? You are going to have to legalize polygamy and any other taboo sexual preferences. who is to tell them they cant get marriedtoo? Its been established that marriage is no longer between a man and a woman. And I am no way a bigot or homophobic in fact i know some people who happen tobe gay that agree with me just change the name.
Years ago it was against the law for blacks to marry whites, funny how things change.

The funny thing is y'all can't stop change, years from now gays will be able to marry and you will be looked at as the buffoons in the eyes of history.
cartune wrote:
Originally Posted by Essential1

cartune wrote:

Whats so hard about that just change it to something else other than marriage

then it isn't marriage. what's wrong with calling it marriage? when 1 of 2 marriages don't work.
Exactly why would they even want to get married? My thing is they can have the same rights as a married couple just leave the married thing to one woman one man. Because whats next? You are going to have to legalize polygamy and any other taboo sexual preferences. who is to tell them they cant get married too? Its been established that marriage is no longer between a man and a woman. And I am no way a bigot or homophobic in fact i know some people who happen to be gay that agree with me just change the name.

that polygamy and man and animal argument is silly. BUT if they are consensual adults polygamy should be allowed, who is it hurting ?(if your argument againstgay marriage is the reproductive side then you would dislike people with multiple babies from different woman right?) Here's where animals and incestrelationships won't be allowed because they are not consensual adults both consenting to marriage.

Also I know black people who aren't too keen on black people so your last point is void.

SunDoobie great way of reading over clarification. Comparing the two is not comparing the struggle, if you think you cannot compare one part without full outcomparison you need to go to a debate, or read a book because your intellect is lacking.
ericberry14 wrote:
and that definition may be broad... but its the truth... people that dont support gay marriage, by definition, are bigots...

I dont support gay marriage but Im not against it either how am I a bigot?
Originally Posted by cartune

ericberry14 wrote:
and that definition may be broad... but its the truth... people that dont support gay marriage, by definition, are bigots...
I dont support gay marriage but Im not against it either how am I a bigot?

Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh

Years ago it was against the law for blacks to marry whites, funny how things change.

The funny thing is y'all can't stop change, years from now gays will be able to marry and you will be looked at as the buffoons in the eyes of history.

yup it always works out those standing in the way of progress get rolled over sooner or later.

In a generation the atheist/agnostic % in the country will be in the 30%.
And I believe in god.
ummmm you guys do understand that if we allowed popular votes to decide human rights issues there would stillbe segregation right?

there's some madness going on in this thread. Gay people CHOOSE to be gay?? what type of gay people have yall met?

3 things that bother me in particular about this issue.

1. people think that majority should be the absolute factor in running a country. It shouldn't... The average citizen in America is often misinformed,wants to bring religion into gov't, and in many cases has had little to no interactivity with homosexuals. Maybe I sound like an elitest but so be it.

2. Black people advocating the courts decision and voting for prop 8 in general is just absolutley despicable. No "gay is not the new black" but youguys should be ashamed of yourselves as a group of people who have been so discriminated against to have the balls to discriminate against another group ofpeople. Interracial marriage wasn't illegal that long ago...

3. The "sanctity of marriage" is a joke. half of Americans get divorced and at least a third are horrible parents. Nothing speacial or holy aboutmarrige.
Originally Posted by Essential1

cartune wrote:
Originally Posted by Essential1

cartune wrote:

Whats so hard about that just change it to something else other than marriage

then it isn't marriage. what's wrong with calling it marriage? when 1 of 2 marriages don't work.
Exactly why would they even want to get married? My thing is they can have the same rights as a married couple just leave the married thing to one woman one man. Because whats next? You are going to have to legalize polygamy and any other taboo sexual preferences. who is to tell them they cant get married too? Its been established that marriage is no longer between a man and a woman. And I am no way a bigot or homophobic in fact i know some people who happen to be gay that agree with me just change the name.

that polygamy and man and animal argument is silly. BUT if they are consensual adults polygamy should be allowed, who is it hurting ?(if your argument against gay marriage is the reproductive side then you would dislike people with multiple babies from different woman right?) Here's where animals and incest relationships won't be allowed because they are not consensual adults both consenting to marriage.

-My arguement isnt about the reproductive side because I rather them adopt then to have a baby by another party like I see all the time down here

- The basis of marriage is a consenting man and a consenting woman right? Ok gay marriage is saying you dont have to be a man and woman anymore so why cant youhave children getting married?

I understand both sides but where my stance is marriage is suppose to be a sacred, traditional union between man and woman all religion aside and I feel likethe gay community just wants to be a part of it so they can be recognized in matrimony. You can have all that but just let marriage remain a traditonal namefor a union between a man and woman. Its not much to ask
Originally Posted by LifeLessons

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

I bet this guy wishes he didn't choose to be gay!

or this guy

or this guy..

I guess had they not chosen to invite that world of hatred into their lives they would still be around. Please people, before choosing your sexuality look at the mistakes these guys made. Their deaths could have easily been prevented had they not made that decision to be gay.

ok and blacks were hung because of the color of their skin.......whats your point....hate crimes arent limited to gays....gays are treated just like everybody else except they can't get married......and i wish they wouldn't let gays adopt....damn shame them kids have to grow up in that unnatural envioronment

Originally Posted by DubA169

3. The "sanctity of marriage" is a joke. half of Americans get divorced and at least a third are horrible parents. Nothing speacial or holy about marrige.
So since its a joke let the gays get married thats what it sounds like. Why cant gays get their own marriage and show straights how its suppose tobe done I feel like that could actually save marriage
cartune wrote:
-My arguement isnt about the reproductive side because I rather them adopt then to have a baby by another party like I see all the time down here

- The basis of marriage is a consenting man and a consenting woman right? Ok gay marriage is saying you dont have to be a man and woman anymore so why cant you have children getting married?

I understand both sides but where my stance is marriage is suppose to be a sacred, traditional union between man and woman all religion aside and I feel like the gay community just wants to be a part of it so they can be recognized in matrimony. You can have all that but just let marriage remain a traditonal name for a union between a man and woman. Its not much to ask

-The adopting part many couples would do if married, and do when they are not married. But causes problems if they are not married if one of them pass.

It is consenting adults like I said in my post. Children are not consenting ADULTS.

Ah yes marriage is sacred as is with the Bachelor, Next, Flavor of Love, the Swan, JOe Millionaire, Who Wants to Marry A Millionaire, etc. etc. Where about50% of all marriages are annulled, divorce, or separating. Where over a third cheat on their spouse. Also the traditional form of marriage is between same racebut different gender. Marriage is not sacred or traditional anymore.
@ the ones hiding behind their $%$!%##% religion. can't come up with a reason THEY personally don't agree with gay marriage aside from the #$%! theywere spoon fed by their close minded parents and possibly child molesting priests.
Originally Posted by Kicktionair

Just let them live

I just don't get why there is control over choice
da issue is tax benefits you get when your married...government/ citizen feel they don't have to pay for a individual's sexual preference.
Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by Essential1

cartune wrote:
Originally Posted by Essential1

cartune wrote:

Whats so hard about that just change it to something else other than marriage

then it isn't marriage. what's wrong with calling it marriage? when 1 of 2 marriages don't work.
Exactly why would they even want to get married? My thing is they can have the same rights as a married couple just leave the married thing to one woman one man. Because whats next? You are going to have to legalize polygamy and any other taboo sexual preferences. who is to tell them they cant get married too? Its been established that marriage is no longer between a man and a woman. And I am no way a bigot or homophobic in fact i know some people who happen to be gay that agree with me just change the name.

that polygamy and man and animal argument is silly. BUT if they are consensual adults polygamy should be allowed, who is it hurting ?(if your argument against gay marriage is the reproductive side then you would dislike people with multiple babies from different woman right?) Here's where animals and incest relationships won't be allowed because they are not consensual adults both consenting to marriage.

-My arguement isnt about the reproductive side because I rather them adopt then to have a baby by another party like I see all the time down here

- The basis of marriage is a consenting man and a consenting woman right? Ok gay marriage is saying you dont have to be a man and woman anymore so why cant you have children getting married?

I understand both sides but where my stance is marriage is suppose to be a sacred, traditional union between man and woman all religion aside and I feel like the gay community just wants to be a part of it so they can be recognized in matrimony. You can have all that but just let marriage remain a traditonal name for a union between a man and woman. Its not much to ask

marriage hasn't been sacred for sometime now doggie. look at the divorce rates, look at the cheating spouses. also, for the people arguing about gays notbeing able to reproduce, should we take away the marriage licenses of a couple that cannot have kids?
smh this is a said day in America if the courts in california allow discrimination to be upheld then EVERYONE should be worried, too bad some of you fail tosee the downfall of this. I wouldn't be suprised if we were to see worse things to come.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by Kicktionair

Just let them live

I just don't get why there is control over choice
the issue is tax benefits you get when your married...government/ citizen feel they don't have to pay for a individual's sexual preference.
well then we shouldn't pay for straight benefits either, way to be discriminatory.

also the issue is not tax benefits, it is the Bible sorry Magic Book.
Originally Posted by KoolKatz

Originally Posted by Kicktionair

Just let them live die


wow, really? are you that much of an ignorant @$++? wishing death upon another because you don't like them? u aren't any different than a racist personyou idiot.
So yall saying since marriage is a joke now let the gays get married cause no one takes marriage seriously anymore anyways

thats almost as backwards as the people celebrating the ban
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