California Supreme Court UPHOLDS gay marriage ban.... but existing same-sex marriages to stand

Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen
SuperAntigen... my NT comrad... do you feel about gay marriage?

keep in mind that your answer may drastically affect how i think of you...

...Nah but really...

I'm all for gay marriage. Realtalk.

The main argument people use in support of the "gay-marriage" ban is the idea that ---> Marriage a sacred pact between a man and a woman.

Personally, I think that argument is 100% grade-A bull crap, especially when you realize that this is AMERICA, the United States of America--where(heterosexual) divorce rates fluctuate in the high 50%, and a man and woman can get married in the span of 5 minutes, by a guy dressed in an elvis costume,while sitting in their car, in a place rightly known as "sin-city". The fact that a heterosexual couple can get married in such a manner, proves thatmarriage is not as SACRED, in this country, as people would like to argue. In this sense, I believe that homosexual couples have every right to marriage astheir heterosexual counterparts.


Now science is a whole 'nother topic. As inferred in my previous statement, I DO NOT THINK OR BELIEVE, and niether is there scientific evidence to reputemy stance, that homosexuality is "natural" in nature. Now when I say natural, I use it in a manner that would be interchangable with suchdescriptions as "standard", "typical", "archetype", "model", "norm"...etc.

Does it occur in nature, yes, but is it the standard through which the great majority of organisms on our planet use to reproduce. Does it honesly adhere tothe evolutionary precepts first noted by Darwin in his Origin of Species.

And even in those cases where "homosexual" behavior has been observed, can you honestly say that, that is solid proof of it's "natural"existence. Be aware that, "animal sexuality and motivating factors have been and remain poorly understood, and the term has strong cultural implicationsin western society that are irrelevant for other species other than humans." Additionally, scientist tag animals as homosexual soley based on informationinferred from BEHAVIOR and often times, single observations of behavior. For an animal to be truly homosexual, they must exhibit homesexual tendencies in allaspects of their sexual behavior--> copulation, genetital stimulation, mating games, and sexual display behavior. THIS IS NOT THE CASE FOR MANY OF THESEREPORTED ORGANISMS...

But at the end of the day, the killing blow comes from "copulation". Remember, homosexuality = sexual attraction to members of the same sex. Canhomosexual organisms copulate, Yes. But then what...

Remember that, the goal of every organism is to increase its fitness-- which is maximized by how many of its offspring survive. This is the natural and thenormal way through which nature designed all organisms. Because, what's the point of "creating" an organism that cannot reproduce and willsubsequently die out. The natural/normal goal of all organisms is to reproduce and thus increase their fitness...

Now--Are homosexual organisms capable of reproducing offspring. And we're talking about direct fitness here, not that altruistic bull, because to MAXIMIZEyour fitness, you must directly pass YOUR genes into the future, not your sisters, or brothers...or any other related kin...

So again, are homosexual organisms capable of DIRECTLY reproducing offspring. Key word, directly. Answer is NO. And in this framework, because they cannotdirectly reproduce offspring, the cannot directly increase their fitness---> which is CONTRARY to the natural/normal/ nature-intended goal for organismswhich is to make sure that one passes its genes into the future.

From a biological point of view-- HOMOSEXUALITY IS NEITHER NORMAL OR NATURAL... (as intended by "mother" nature)

Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by ericberry14
who are you to judge if someone is wrong or not? Only God can Judge right?
Dude, you call me restating whats in the bible as judging? See that doesn't really make sense to me.

A bigot is a person who is intolerant of or takes offense to the opinions, lifestyles or identities differing from his or her own, and bigotry is the corresponding attitude or mindset
so yes... you are bigots hiding behind religion... not you personally bcuz you're one of the more reasonable religious people on here,
Hmmm see to me that is a very bold thing to tag people with in certain cases. Its covers too much when you call people that.

alright... you say its in the BIble, its in the Old Testament, its in Leviticus i believe... there are so many other things in Leviticus that are ignored by all religious people today, but none of you seem to care about those things... so when you are picking & choosing when to follow the rules as stated in the bible... so you're right you're not judging... just being a tad bit hypocritical...

and that definition may be broad... but its the truth... people that dont support gay marriage, by definition, are bigots...

My man
I live in the Nati. I didn't vote on this andwouldn't. Not really something I want to dictate. I just disagree with it. If they get it they get it.

Oh and if you define the sacredness of marriage based on what we have done to it, DON'T. Its still held in high regard in the eyes of the Lord. Don'tlet our mistakes dictate if its sacred.
Originally Posted by SuperAntigen
how did i know u were gonna come thru with some long !!! response?

Its my damn summer break... i aint tryna read all that goobly +%#%... but i did anways

and i pretty much agree with everything you're saying... but for me whether homosexuality is a naturally occuring thing or is a choice is pretty irrelevantin my opinion about it.... the fact for me is that it doesnt affect me in any way if they are allowed to get married... i live in the bay area, i see gaycouples all the time... it makes no difference to me whether they are married/have a civil union/ or are just dating... it all looks the same to me as aspectator... it just looks like two males/females that are together...

Also i'd really like someone who believes that homosexuality is a choice to explain to me how that doesnt imply that heterosexuality is a choice also... ifyou choose to be gay, then at some point you chose to be straight... i'd also like to know how you can change what you are sexually attracted to... bcuz iknow that if i decided 2morro to be gay, i 100% without a doubt wouldnt be able to be sexually excited by the thought of having sex with a man...

not to mention i still dont understand why people care so much... also why is religion so divisive, its supposed to bring people together
Originally Posted by Bad N fluenz

smh this is a said day in America if the courts in california allow discrimination to be upheld then EVERYONE should be worried, too bad some of you fail to see the downfall of this. I wouldn't be suprised if we were to see worse things to come.
Absolutely. It is a sad day when discrimination gets approved in the court of law. Absolutely shameful.
Marriage should not be recognized by the state, it is a religious term, and should be kept as such.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Marriage should not be recognized by the state, it is a religious term, and should be kept as such.
Problem is, people don't respect the church or God like they used to.
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Ah, tyranny of the majority upheld, how democratic.

This never should have been an issue to be decided by the people of the state. It is a question of the rights of the citizens of California, and that is to be decided by the courts.

Originally Posted by swizzc


Gays dont deserve to be married under the constitution.

Just as African Americans did not deserve to be free under the Constitution?

If you want to get technical about it, no one deserves to be married under the constitution, every citizen of the United States should be granted a license of civil union, not marriage. Marriage is for the Church, Civil Unions should be given by the government.

Love that...
Especially since most men hate gay men.. but think lesbians are hot...
SMH and double standards.
this is a democracy

there was a referendum

the people have spoken

why are the gays trippin?

they campaigned hard, it didnt work, the people voted

respect the democratic process!
Originally Posted by Lizaker4Lizife

this is a democracy

there was a referendum

the people have spoken

why are the gays trippin?

they campaigned hard, it didnt work, the people voted

respect the democratic process!
If you wanted to marry someone but couldn't because the law says it's wrong wouldn't u be mad? There are hundreds of millions ofhomosexual couples who are not going to stop being who they are beccause the law says they can't get married... honestly, I don't see why theycan't get married....
Originally Posted by treewing

Originally Posted by Lizaker4Lizife

this is a democracy

there was a referendum

the people have spoken

why are the gays trippin?

they campaigned hard, it didnt work, the people voted

respect the democratic process!
If you wanted to marry someone but couldn't because the law says it's wrong wouldn't u be mad? There are hundreds of millions of homosexual couples who are not going to stop being who they are beccause the law says they can't get married... honestly, I don't see why they can't get married....

in order for a law to change, there is a voting process.
they voted, the people spoke. case closed

maybe our society is not ready for this drastic change of morals and ethics. Maybe later in the future, the voting results will reflect a change is societalnorms. but for now, this is how it is.
I don't understand all the effort that is being put into getting the ruling overturned. Through civil unions they have all the same rights as a married manand woman. I personally do not agree with gay marriage. Still I think they are afforded their rights and they have them. There is no discrimination. This isjust preserving the sanctity of marriage. Just because the majority don't take it seriously doesn't mean it should be trampled upon. I believe wholeheartedly in marriage. Just as other have said if this classified as marriage then the flood gates will open. Polygamy, beastiality, underage marraige, etcwill all call foul at some point. The line must me drawn here..... this further
Originally Posted by Lizaker4Lizife

this is a democracy

there was a referendum

the people have spoken

why are the gays trippin?

they campaigned hard, it didnt work, the people voted

respect the democratic process!
what if african americans stopped the movement because they were outvoted?

*puts on flame suit*

*walks out granpa simpson style*
Originally Posted by Lizaker4Lizife

Originally Posted by treewing

Originally Posted by Lizaker4Lizife

this is a democracy

there was a referendum

the people have spoken

why are the gays trippin?

they campaigned hard, it didnt work, the people voted

respect the democratic process!
If you wanted to marry someone but couldn't because the law says it's wrong wouldn't u be mad? There are hundreds of millions of homosexual couples who are not going to stop being who they are beccause the law says they can't get married... honestly, I don't see why they can't get married....

in order for a law to change, there is a voting process.
they voted, the people spoke. case closed

maybe our society is not ready for this drastic change of morals and ethics. Maybe later in the future, the voting results will reflect a change is societal norms. but for now, this is how it is.

The Civil Rights movement of the 1950s and 60s.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Marriage should not be recognized by the state, it is a religious term, and should be kept as such.
Problem is, people don't respect the church or God like they used to.

Marriage should have no legal association.

My problem isn't with gay marriage but with marriage being a legal term in general. MARRIAGE IS A RELIGIOUS TERM, SO THE FACT THAT THE VERY PEOPLE THATRELIGION OUTLAWS FROM MARRYING WANT TO GET MARRIED MAKES NO SENSE TO ME. YOU GUYS ARE LOOKING AT IT FROM THE WRONG ANGLE. Polygamy should be recognized, andwhat about this ridiculous "must be 18" nonsense.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Marriage should not be recognized by the state, it is a religious term, and should be kept as such.
Problem is, people don't respect the church or God like they used to.

Marriage should have no legal association.


This is a horrifying destruction of civil liberty and any NTer that supports this needs to seriously reevaluate their belief system.
The fact of the matter is that being gay is not a choice, this has been proven, no matter what your trumped up insecurity tells you, this has been proven by science.


Yea... didn't think so.

what if african americans stopped the movement because they were outvoted?

For the last time...

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

yes...b/c the few # of women who choose to be with other women is indicative of the entire gay community.

I can use the medical term for you and liken it to a very very very broad range of things. But I don't want to really go there, trust me its a choice. Yournot "born" that way. Just doesn't happen. You can't be born asian, but felt like a black man.. thus your "born" a black man stuckin an asian body...
Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

yes...b/c the few # of women who choose to be with other women is indicative of the entire gay community.

I can use the medical term for you and liken it to a very very very broad range of things. But I don't want to really go there, trust me its a choice. Your not "born" that way.

You really have absolutely no idea what you are taking about. Why are you certain that it is a choice? Are you saying this despite the ridiculousamounts of scientific evidence stating otherwise? Are you saying this because it's an easier way to cover your bigotry? Is it easier to say that in orderto make sure no one tries to trump the black struggles? 'Do what you do in privacy?' You don't even try to veil that you view homosexuals as lesserpeople. So really, should we just 'trust you' because you personally have issues with homosexuals?
Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

Well, damn, I was going to quote some of the research that suggests otherwise, but you put it in all caps, so it must be true.
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

yes...b/c the few # of women who choose to be with other women is indicative of the entire gay community.

I can use the medical term for you and liken it to a very very very broad range of things. But I don't want to really go there, trust me its a choice. Your not "born" that way.
You really have absolutely no idea what you are taking about. Why are you certain that it is a choice? Are you saying this despite the ridiculous amounts of scientific evidence stating otherwise? Are you saying this because it's an easier way to cover your bigotry? Is it easier to say that in order to make sure no one tries to trump the black struggles? 'Do what you do in privacy?' You don't even try to veil that you view homosexuals as lesser people. So really, should we just 'trust you' because you personally have issues with homosexuals?

Sir, all that typing and you have YET to post any "scientific" evidence that pinpoints this so called "fact". By all means, please post it.
Other wise, it is YOU have have "absolutely no idea whatyou are taking about".

And just like a person without facts, you attack me with
You don't even try to veil that you view homosexuals as lesser people
Again this is incorrect. Yet because I said being gay is a choice I view homosexuals as a "lesser" people? Incredible.

So really, should we just 'trust you' because you personally have issues with homosexuals?

What issues? Exactly. Again making up things to support your false statements...
Sad guy.

Well, damn, I was going to quote some of the research that suggests otherwise, but you put it in all caps, so it must be true.
I keep seeing this... Yet nothing comes of it.
Originally Posted by Lizaker4Lizife

Originally Posted by treewing

Originally Posted by Lizaker4Lizife

this is a democracy

there was a referendum

the people have spoken

why are the gays trippin?

they campaigned hard, it didnt work, the people voted

respect the democratic process!
If you wanted to marry someone but couldn't because the law says it's wrong wouldn't u be mad? There are hundreds of millions of homosexual couples who are not going to stop being who they are beccause the law says they can't get married... honestly, I don't see why they can't get married....

in order for a law to change, there is a voting process.
they voted, the people spoke. case closed

maybe our society is not ready for this drastic change of morals and ethics. Maybe later in the future, the voting results will reflect a change is societal norms. but for now, this is how it is.
It passed with 52% that is not a drastic change in society to overturn it. I don't think that is grounds to ban gay marriage, if almost halfhold an opinion you have no grounds to say it is immoral. And so you know gay marriage was legal before prop 8 in Cali, so in essence they took away theirrights.

Maybe we should vote whether you deserve to be a U.S. citizen if it passes are we allowed to kick you out of the country?
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