Caught Cheating on a exam .. help me out UPDATE pg 14

Originally Posted by whyhellothere

prof gonna hit op with the question:

I've heard of people talking there way out of this and I am the master of talking my way out of anything with professors.

Dude to the liberal bleeding heart nature of many profs you can play on there sympathies, you should basically attempt to say this:

that despite a horrible set of circumstance (pressure/family situation/anxiety/ and if you are really feeling gully death in the family) but despite this it is no excuse and you are ready to take full responsibility for your actions(you must say that you a ready to take responsibility and actions were misguided and wrong) that is unless there is some way that the teacher that you are willing to do any work to fix this situation if possible (making the suggestion  that you will do WORK to remedy it is important.)

try getting a hold of the email of the professor and sending an email try getting into contact with her BEFORE he or she has a chance to make up there mind completely the earlier you plant the seeds of sympathy the better chance you can get off.

This is your best hope, good luck, and god speed.
I've heard of people talking there way out of this and I am the master of talking my way out of anything with professors.

Dude to the liberal bleeding heart nature of many profs you can play on there sympathies, you should basically attempt to say this:

that despite a horrible set of circumstance (pressure/family situation/anxiety/ and if you are really feeling gully death in the family) but despite this it is no excuse and you are ready to take full responsibility for your actions(you must say that you a ready to take responsibility and actions were misguided and wrong) that is unless there is some way that the teacher that you are willing to do any work to fix this situation if possible (making the suggestion  that you will do WORK to remedy it is important.)

try getting a hold of the email of the professor and sending an email try getting into contact with her BEFORE he or she has a chance to make up there mind completely the earlier you plant the seeds of sympathy the better chance you can get off.

This is your best hope, good luck, and god speed.
Originally Posted by ask ab0ut me

Okay thanks for all the input.
I already thought that the most logical thing was to go in to the meeting and just confess and take the blame so thats what i am gonna do.

Should I email him today to at least set up the meeting? I know i have class all afternoon on Monday so i don't want him to send me a time and me not be able to make it.

Im nervous as hell but the fact that he let me finish the test and just said we will talk Monday is making me feel a little better.

Tips for the meeting? What should i really say when i go in there when he asks me what i was thinking or why i did this. 

An update will come Monday, unless i get kicked outta school that day or something then  i'll prolly run my car off a cliff.
please record this and if you survive post it on NT
Originally Posted by ask ab0ut me

Okay thanks for all the input.
I already thought that the most logical thing was to go in to the meeting and just confess and take the blame so thats what i am gonna do.

Should I email him today to at least set up the meeting? I know i have class all afternoon on Monday so i don't want him to send me a time and me not be able to make it.

Im nervous as hell but the fact that he let me finish the test and just said we will talk Monday is making me feel a little better.

Tips for the meeting? What should i really say when i go in there when he asks me what i was thinking or why i did this. 

An update will come Monday, unless i get kicked outta school that day or something then  i'll prolly run my car off a cliff.
please record this and if you survive post it on NT
Originally Posted by LuckyLuchiano

Originally Posted by Noskey

Originally Posted by Pysch

cheating in college is way different than cheating in hs. you gotta master your craft in h.s so u're a pro by the time u hit college. last time i got cheating was in 8th grade

#*$*%*! truth. Practice makes perfect, and the perfecting the White People Method has never steered me wrong. And never being caught ftw
Maaaaaaaaaaaan I don't think yall understand some of the stuff we pulled off in Undergrad, like beyond that basic cheat sheet stuff, lol From hiring local goons to go to previous classes and get exams, to Ti-89s, etc etc we went HARD
I will honestly attemt this.
Originally Posted by LuckyLuchiano

Originally Posted by Noskey

Originally Posted by Pysch

cheating in college is way different than cheating in hs. you gotta master your craft in h.s so u're a pro by the time u hit college. last time i got cheating was in 8th grade

#*$*%*! truth. Practice makes perfect, and the perfecting the White People Method has never steered me wrong. And never being caught ftw
Maaaaaaaaaaaan I don't think yall understand some of the stuff we pulled off in Undergrad, like beyond that basic cheat sheet stuff, lol From hiring local goons to go to previous classes and get exams, to Ti-89s, etc etc we went HARD
I will honestly attemt this.
this is like that other NT'er that told his professor that there was a death in the family in order to miss an exam.... and he needed a fake plane ticket to prove he travelled.
just put the extra effort in studying. come on now.
this is like that other NT'er that told his professor that there was a death in the family in order to miss an exam.... and he needed a fake plane ticket to prove he travelled.
just put the extra effort in studying. come on now.
I know OP is sweating bullets right now....word to 40yr Old Virgin the nite before work.

I would NOT email the professor.
Reason being, is if you email him/her talking about your guilty, you will NOT be able to appeal any decision IF you are expelled.
The evidence they will use is your email OP.
I know OP is sweating bullets right now....word to 40yr Old Virgin the nite before work.

I would NOT email the professor.
Reason being, is if you email him/her talking about your guilty, you will NOT be able to appeal any decision IF you are expelled.
The evidence they will use is your email OP.

Go into your student association/union's office tomorrow first thing in the morning. Ask to speak to the president, and lay out the facts. You PAY part of student fees to these guys to have your back when %!+@ goes down. They have a member on your school's board of governors and if they know you, they will support you.
Ask for their advice, and follow it.

Go into your student association/union's office tomorrow first thing in the morning. Ask to speak to the president, and lay out the facts. You PAY part of student fees to these guys to have your back when %!+@ goes down. They have a member on your school's board of governors and if they know you, they will support you.
Ask for their advice, and follow it.
I had a professor once that told us that if he caught someone cheating, he wouldn't say anything until the end of the quarter. He would make them finish up the quarter and then get them kicked out of school right after. Terrifying
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