Cavs V Miami 12/2 Game Thread: LeBrons Homecoming

^The marketing/PR folks and Dan Gilbert did a good job of hyping up the "She-Bang" attitude to stick it to Bron and to prove that life in Cleveland will be a-ok with out Lebron........ and in a few weeks, if not days, as the Cavs suck some more; the vibe will cool down and the real normalized post-Lebron era will return ala pre-Lebron era
Yeah, we'll let the Cleveland-haters tell it.

Oh and btw let me know when FOXnews does a story on Obama's progression so far..
Yeah, we'll let the Cleveland-haters tell it.

Oh and btw let me know when FOXnews does a story on Obama's progression so far..
Originally Posted by Napoleon

Is Cleveland even going to KEEP a basketball team in the next few years?

Seriously... That market won't last.

as much as we clown on ohio they are very passionate about their sports. i think chuck said it well last night that its a shame that miami has to "fan up" when they have guys like bosh, wade and bron on their squad while cities like a cleveland appreciate and love their teams.

well i think we all knew bron was gonna try to go for a career night. he actually did that powder thing which is somewhat disrespectful but give him credit he had guts.
im disappointed in the cavs players that they didnt match the crowds intensity and they let bron go off embarrass them in front of their own bench. shame. even in a different jersey bron is still stepping over the cavs franchise.
Originally Posted by Napoleon

Is Cleveland even going to KEEP a basketball team in the next few years?

Seriously... That market won't last.

as much as we clown on ohio they are very passionate about their sports. i think chuck said it well last night that its a shame that miami has to "fan up" when they have guys like bosh, wade and bron on their squad while cities like a cleveland appreciate and love their teams.

well i think we all knew bron was gonna try to go for a career night. he actually did that powder thing which is somewhat disrespectful but give him credit he had guts.
im disappointed in the cavs players that they didnt match the crowds intensity and they let bron go off embarrass them in front of their own bench. shame. even in a different jersey bron is still stepping over the cavs franchise.
Originally Posted by CP1708

Originally Posted by Al3xis

and quitting is quitting. Both Lebron/Kobe did it, and was a low-point for both careers.


And one has a higher high point, then the other.  So I'ma go ahead and go out on a limb and say I can speak out about it, is that cool with you stalker, I mean Vet? 


 - yeah man, you go right ahead with that......
Originally Posted by CP1708

Originally Posted by Al3xis

and quitting is quitting. Both Lebron/Kobe did it, and was a low-point for both careers.


And one has a higher high point, then the other.  So I'ma go ahead and go out on a limb and say I can speak out about it, is that cool with you stalker, I mean Vet? 


 - yeah man, you go right ahead with that......
the fact that lebron took those bums to 60+ wins and to the finals is a miracle onto itself.  where are all those clowns claiming that if you're good enough to win 60 games you're good enough to win the chip?  not even mj himself could win anything with these band of losers.
the fact that lebron took those bums to 60+ wins and to the finals is a miracle onto itself.  where are all those clowns claiming that if you're good enough to win 60 games you're good enough to win the chip?  not even mj himself could win anything with these band of losers.
I'm an Indians fan, genius. I do not hate that city like everyone else.

They were dead last in attendance this year and have not hit over a 28k average since 2002. The 28k happened in 2007, when they actually were contending.

This compared to when the Jake was sold out every single game in the mid to late 90's with 40K plus.

Comparing the highs and lows, yes..there is little to no support anymore for that team.
I'm an Indians fan, genius. I do not hate that city like everyone else.

They were dead last in attendance this year and have not hit over a 28k average since 2002. The 28k happened in 2007, when they actually were contending.

This compared to when the Jake was sold out every single game in the mid to late 90's with 40K plus.

Comparing the highs and lows, yes..there is little to no support anymore for that team.
Originally Posted by Al3xis

I'm an Indians fan, genius. I do not hate that city like everyone else.
Was wondering when you were gonna hit em with that. 

How did you get Indy anyways?  Manny? 

Originally Posted by Al3xis

I'm an Indians fan, genius. I do not hate that city like everyone else.
Was wondering when you were gonna hit em with that. 

How did you get Indy anyways?  Manny? 

Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

Some tweets from Boobie...

BobCavsinsider Bob Finnan
Everyone thought they were goofing around. That wasn't the case, Boobie said.

PDcavsinsider Mary Schmitt Boyer
Daniel Gibson said what looks like smiles & laughs with #LeBron weren't. Some things were said last night that hurt friendship, he said.

PDcavsinsider Mary Schmitt Boyer
When asked point-blank if Daniel Gibson is still friends with #LeBron, he simply smiled. Came right after he said he smiles when he's angry.

WFNYScott Scott @ WFNY
#Cavs RT @CavsFredMcLeod Boobie says conversations on bench with LeBron James were not friendly as they appeared

Thats even worse. So he was basically talking %%%@ to them right at their bench and they still didn't do anything 
Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

Some tweets from Boobie...

BobCavsinsider Bob Finnan
Everyone thought they were goofing around. That wasn't the case, Boobie said.

PDcavsinsider Mary Schmitt Boyer
Daniel Gibson said what looks like smiles & laughs with #LeBron weren't. Some things were said last night that hurt friendship, he said.

PDcavsinsider Mary Schmitt Boyer
When asked point-blank if Daniel Gibson is still friends with #LeBron, he simply smiled. Came right after he said he smiles when he's angry.

WFNYScott Scott @ WFNY
#Cavs RT @CavsFredMcLeod Boobie says conversations on bench with LeBron James were not friendly as they appeared

Thats even worse. So he was basically talking %%%@ to them right at their bench and they still didn't do anything 
You do realize there is about 12-13 teams in the MLB with less than 28k attendence average? Cities including Baltimore, Toronto, DC and Pittsburgh. 12-13 teams, that's damn near half of the MLB and a lot of it has to do with the steroid issue, amongst other financial issues that sports fans are dealing with.

So saying there is no support for a team that are dealing with the same issues other teams are dealing with, doesn't put blame on the city itself - this is what a lot of teams are dealing with.

I guarantee you now that Lebon is gone, the Indians will thrive. The city is is rejuvenating..
You do realize there is about 12-13 teams in the MLB with less than 28k attendence average? Cities including Baltimore, Toronto, DC and Pittsburgh. 12-13 teams, that's damn near half of the MLB and a lot of it has to do with the steroid issue, amongst other financial issues that sports fans are dealing with.

So saying there is no support for a team that are dealing with the same issues other teams are dealing with, doesn't put blame on the city itself - this is what a lot of teams are dealing with.

I guarantee you now that Lebon is gone, the Indians will thrive. The city is is rejuvenating..
Originally Posted by rck2sactown

^The marketing/PR folks and Dan Gilbert did a good job of hyping up the "She-Bang" attitude to stick it to Bron and to prove that life in Cleveland will be a-ok with out Lebron........ and in a few weeks, if not days, as the Cavs suck some more; the vibe will cool down and the real normalized post-Lebron era will return ala pre-Lebron era

I'm giving the cavs one season.  if they suck but play hard and are fun to watch fans will support them. in a city like cleveland i think fans would get behind a 39-43 team as long as they play hard and compete every night.

If they just hit rock bottom and go into full out suck mode, I still think fans will gut it out for this season but next season it will start to look like games in the 02-03 season again.

The key thing here though is effort and moves being made. Dan Gilbert letter can be a gift and a curse. He got the Cleveland fanbase behind him strong because of that, but it will only last so long,  if they don't make no moves, bring people in, or do something to improve the team in the next 3 seasons fans are going to start thinking, maybe this is why Lebron left.
Originally Posted by rck2sactown

^The marketing/PR folks and Dan Gilbert did a good job of hyping up the "She-Bang" attitude to stick it to Bron and to prove that life in Cleveland will be a-ok with out Lebron........ and in a few weeks, if not days, as the Cavs suck some more; the vibe will cool down and the real normalized post-Lebron era will return ala pre-Lebron era

I'm giving the cavs one season.  if they suck but play hard and are fun to watch fans will support them. in a city like cleveland i think fans would get behind a 39-43 team as long as they play hard and compete every night.

If they just hit rock bottom and go into full out suck mode, I still think fans will gut it out for this season but next season it will start to look like games in the 02-03 season again.

The key thing here though is effort and moves being made. Dan Gilbert letter can be a gift and a curse. He got the Cleveland fanbase behind him strong because of that, but it will only last so long,  if they don't make no moves, bring people in, or do something to improve the team in the next 3 seasons fans are going to start thinking, maybe this is why Lebron left.
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