Cavs V Miami 12/2 Game Thread: LeBrons Homecoming

Originally Posted by AIRJORDAN JB23

Didn't expect the Gibson/Bron convo to be bad...
info por favor?

i was looking at prior pages on this thread and couldnt find anything

LOL look at these Lebron stans defending their boy by bringing up Kobe, like his behavior somehow excuses LeBron's. Hey stans, BOTH of them QUIT. They are BOTH arrogant narcissists. And they BOTH have had their low points.

The fact is LeBron quit in the MIDDLE of a competitive playoff series, and played it off like the clown he is, citing a mysterious "sore elbow" that no MRI or doctor could diagnose. He basically threw the game, and if there was any proof of it, he would be a disgrace to American sports, ala the '19 Black Sox. The Lakers were dead in the water, the score was 94-67, and Kobe basically checked out w/ 5 mins left in the third. So yes, what Lebron did was worse. And no, I'm not a fan of either.

Oh, and lets not forget that this giant plan to "join forces" had been in the works for a long time. Probably since the Olympics in '08.
LOL look at these Lebron stans defending their boy by bringing up Kobe, like his behavior somehow excuses LeBron's. Hey stans, BOTH of them QUIT. They are BOTH arrogant narcissists. And they BOTH have had their low points.

The fact is LeBron quit in the MIDDLE of a competitive playoff series, and played it off like the clown he is, citing a mysterious "sore elbow" that no MRI or doctor could diagnose. He basically threw the game, and if there was any proof of it, he would be a disgrace to American sports, ala the '19 Black Sox. The Lakers were dead in the water, the score was 94-67, and Kobe basically checked out w/ 5 mins left in the third. So yes, what Lebron did was worse. And no, I'm not a fan of either.

Oh, and lets not forget that this giant plan to "join forces" had been in the works for a long time. Probably since the Olympics in '08.
at some of you dudes trying to compare whose quitting was worse.  WOW.  They BOTH quit.  PERIOD.  Then we got the usual Kobe fan/Lebron hater coming in trying to play his "i'm not even a fan of ____" as if that makes him unbiased at this point when we see EVERY thread he makes bashing Bron.

Bron haters in here acting as if what happened last night was SUPPOSED to happen.
Yeah Oooooookkaaay.  I'm sure ALL of you lame haters figured Bron was gonna come out and play one of his best game's this season.  Riiiight.  Just like you guys are "hating" him because he "ruined his legacy" like y'all ever gave a #+$@.  Seriously, got some fake @$! people on here.  
at some of you dudes trying to compare whose quitting was worse.  WOW.  They BOTH quit.  PERIOD.  Then we got the usual Kobe fan/Lebron hater coming in trying to play his "i'm not even a fan of ____" as if that makes him unbiased at this point when we see EVERY thread he makes bashing Bron.

Bron haters in here acting as if what happened last night was SUPPOSED to happen.
Yeah Oooooookkaaay.  I'm sure ALL of you lame haters figured Bron was gonna come out and play one of his best game's this season.  Riiiight.  Just like you guys are "hating" him because he "ruined his legacy" like y'all ever gave a #+$@.  Seriously, got some fake @$! people on here.  
LeBron: remember when you woke up and my d was in your mouth? I lied, that @@+$ mad gay son! You mad? Tell em why you mad, Breast.
Boobie: *#%+ you, king.
LeBron: remember when you woke up and my d was in your mouth? I lied, that @@+$ mad gay son! You mad? Tell em why you mad, Breast.
Boobie: *#%+ you, king.
This Aint Aruba B wrote:
LeBron: remember when you woke up and my d was in your mouth? I lied, that @@+$ mad gay son! You mad? Tell em why you mad, Breast.
Boobie: *#%+ you, king.
This Aint Aruba B wrote:
LeBron: remember when you woke up and my d was in your mouth? I lied, that @@+$ mad gay son! You mad? Tell em why you mad, Breast.
Boobie: *#%+ you, king.
Originally Posted by abovelegit1

LOL look at these Lebron stans defending their boy by bringing up Kobe, like his behavior somehow excuses LeBron's. Hey stans, BOTH of them QUIT. They are BOTH arrogant narcissists. And they BOTH have had their low points.

if the Lakers hadnt won another championship i probably wouldve never forgave kobe for this. 

anyways, i just read that convo about gibson and bron. shame on bron and shame on his postgame about continuing his greatness in miami. another slap in the face to these fans

Originally Posted by abovelegit1

LOL look at these Lebron stans defending their boy by bringing up Kobe, like his behavior somehow excuses LeBron's. Hey stans, BOTH of them QUIT. They are BOTH arrogant narcissists. And they BOTH have had their low points.

if the Lakers hadnt won another championship i probably wouldve never forgave kobe for this. 

anyways, i just read that convo about gibson and bron. shame on bron and shame on his postgame about continuing his greatness in miami. another slap in the face to these fans

In all honesty, I enjoy what sports and athletes can do as far as raising meaningful debates and arguments between people and/or internet sites. It's clearly the hottest topic everywhere and surely is definitely a staple on NT's S&T forum ..... but, having said that, I'd hate to see a fellow NT'er whomever they may be get banned for what I would call the NT's version of an OVERT TECH (sarcasm). basically fellas I feel that we can go on and on about this game that was played and has been played but I wouldn't want that at the expense of someone getting banned unnecessarily .... just my thoughts NT fam...

The game was one to remember for many reasons, but it's gone and over .... therefore just lock this bad boy up before words and emotions carry further then debate and points made to support your argument! ... I can already sense that it's bound to happen
In all honesty, I enjoy what sports and athletes can do as far as raising meaningful debates and arguments between people and/or internet sites. It's clearly the hottest topic everywhere and surely is definitely a staple on NT's S&T forum ..... but, having said that, I'd hate to see a fellow NT'er whomever they may be get banned for what I would call the NT's version of an OVERT TECH (sarcasm). basically fellas I feel that we can go on and on about this game that was played and has been played but I wouldn't want that at the expense of someone getting banned unnecessarily .... just my thoughts NT fam...

The game was one to remember for many reasons, but it's gone and over .... therefore just lock this bad boy up before words and emotions carry further then debate and points made to support your argument! ... I can already sense that it's bound to happen
Originally Posted by OneTrust

at some of you dudes trying to compare whose quitting was worse.  WOW.  They BOTH quit.  PERIOD.  Then we got the usual Kobe fan/Lebron hater coming in trying to play his "i'm not even a fan of ____" as if that makes him unbiased at this point when we see EVERY thread he makes bashing Bron.

Bron haters in here acting as if what happened last night was SUPPOSED to happen.
Yeah Oooooookkaaay.  I'm sure ALL of you lame haters figured Bron was gonna come out and play one of his best game's this season.  Riiiight.  Just like you guys are "hating" him because he "ruined his legacy" like y'all ever gave a #+$@.  Seriously, got some fake @$! people on here.  
LOL wut. Have you seen me in the Lakers thread the last few games? He's still one of the biggest ball hogs in the league and I have no qualms in calling Bryant out. And no, I don't make it a habit of rooting for pompous adulterers. Clearly you're not biased though, what with you immediately posting to stick up for your precious "Bron." I couldn't care less about that fake frontrunner, or his legacy. What he did WAS worse, and I'm just calling it like I see it. So here's to you sir:
Originally Posted by OneTrust

at some of you dudes trying to compare whose quitting was worse.  WOW.  They BOTH quit.  PERIOD.  Then we got the usual Kobe fan/Lebron hater coming in trying to play his "i'm not even a fan of ____" as if that makes him unbiased at this point when we see EVERY thread he makes bashing Bron.

Bron haters in here acting as if what happened last night was SUPPOSED to happen.
Yeah Oooooookkaaay.  I'm sure ALL of you lame haters figured Bron was gonna come out and play one of his best game's this season.  Riiiight.  Just like you guys are "hating" him because he "ruined his legacy" like y'all ever gave a #+$@.  Seriously, got some fake @$! people on here.  
LOL wut. Have you seen me in the Lakers thread the last few games? He's still one of the biggest ball hogs in the league and I have no qualms in calling Bryant out. And no, I don't make it a habit of rooting for pompous adulterers. Clearly you're not biased though, what with you immediately posting to stick up for your precious "Bron." I couldn't care less about that fake frontrunner, or his legacy. What he did WAS worse, and I'm just calling it like I see it. So here's to you sir:
Originally Posted by MrONegative

I'm an East coast guy, and if it wasn't for the Vikings, Twins and Timberwolves, I would've forgotten Minnesota existed when my geography started slippin.
Don't forget about:




Originally Posted by swyftdahoe

Butonto your 3rd point.. That was never going to be the case.. LeBrondidn't leave on bad terms w' the players.. Maybe just w' the org andcity..
That's why I don't understand why people are mad at Boobie and the boys for not showing animosity. These dudes were all pretty good friends when Bron was there. So what kind of phony, 2-faced +%+@ would it be if they turned their nose up at Bron when he approached to dap them up or say what up?
Originally Posted by MrONegative

I'm an East coast guy, and if it wasn't for the Vikings, Twins and Timberwolves, I would've forgotten Minnesota existed when my geography started slippin.
Don't forget about:




Originally Posted by swyftdahoe

Butonto your 3rd point.. That was never going to be the case.. LeBrondidn't leave on bad terms w' the players.. Maybe just w' the org andcity..
That's why I don't understand why people are mad at Boobie and the boys for not showing animosity. These dudes were all pretty good friends when Bron was there. So what kind of phony, 2-faced +%+@ would it be if they turned their nose up at Bron when he approached to dap them up or say what up?
Originally Posted by SHUGES

Originally Posted by swyftdahoe

But onto your 3rd point.. That was never going to be the case.. LeBron didn't leave on bad terms w' the players.. Maybe just w' the org and city..
That's why I don't understand why people are mad at Boobie and the boys for not showing animosity. These dudes were all pretty good friends when Bron was there. So what kind of phony, 2-faced +%+@ would it be if they turned their nose up at Bron when he approached to dap them up or say what up? 
again the difference why this generation of basketball is soft. isiah and magic were great friends shared pregame kisses then proceeded to kill each other once the game started. its part of competition. yeah you can be friends but when you start taunting and disrespecting other teams coaches then thats a big reason to check him then after the game is over you become buddy buddy.

Originally Posted by SHUGES

Originally Posted by swyftdahoe

But onto your 3rd point.. That was never going to be the case.. LeBron didn't leave on bad terms w' the players.. Maybe just w' the org and city..
That's why I don't understand why people are mad at Boobie and the boys for not showing animosity. These dudes were all pretty good friends when Bron was there. So what kind of phony, 2-faced +%+@ would it be if they turned their nose up at Bron when he approached to dap them up or say what up? 
again the difference why this generation of basketball is soft. isiah and magic were great friends shared pregame kisses then proceeded to kill each other once the game started. its part of competition. yeah you can be friends but when you start taunting and disrespecting other teams coaches then thats a big reason to check him then after the game is over you become buddy buddy.

MJ, Pippen and Ewing, and Oak were friends too... didn't stop those battles from happening. nobody is saying the cavs had to jump lebron and kick him in the face. theres nothing wrong with a hard foul when he's going to the basket.

you never go hard at your friends in a pick up game?
MJ, Pippen and Ewing, and Oak were friends too... didn't stop those battles from happening. nobody is saying the cavs had to jump lebron and kick him in the face. theres nothing wrong with a hard foul when he's going to the basket.

you never go hard at your friends in a pick up game?
Originally Posted by DubA169

you never go hard at your friends in a pick up game?

Shhhhhhhh me and some my friends have fought over a pick-up game before 
 (realtalk),  picked each other up, went home and ate together. That's how we did it. That's why I said this team doesn't represent how the city really is. Bunch of soft Bill Cosby pudding @%$+%*+.
Originally Posted by DubA169

you never go hard at your friends in a pick up game?

Shhhhhhhh me and some my friends have fought over a pick-up game before 
 (realtalk),  picked each other up, went home and ate together. That's how we did it. That's why I said this team doesn't represent how the city really is. Bunch of soft Bill Cosby pudding @%$+%*+.
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