Charlize Theron dressing her black adopted son in a blonde wig and dress...Vol...fam..

I am not speaking on sexuality. AT ALL.

I am speaking on flamboyancy.

When you look at how a child acts, you think about what their parent did to encourage/discourage that behavior. That is what I am referring to when I say, "Reflection of."

Why is that a bad thing though. Like god forbid people are flamboyant and so are their children.

She seems like a great parent with multiple children, however one of them felt like a boy although born a girl 
Well for one, cars are a unisex toy. It would have to be something that is deemed for boys only, like her getting haircuts at barbershops or wearing little boy underwear.

well u want specifics the cars were from the movie Cars from disney..those arent "made for girls" right? thats why i brought up the cars.

If she had a barbie car or something aimed towards females then ofcourse youre right
 at those pictures of lil man...the zest jumps right off my screen.

but who cares anymore?  let him be gay
As sketchy as these things can be, i'm ok with lil man playing Magic Jr in a comfy home as opposed to the potential life of poverty and a child soldier. Her kid at the end of the day.
So you go from one extreme to the other.

Nice work
Being up for an adoption is an extreme in itself.

Kid might be zesty and wants to dress like that.

is she forcing his hand tho? it seems like kids these days know what they want to be.

A child that young doesn't have a sexual preference yet, and does not know what is the norm. The parent is forcing this behavior on the child.
Zestyness is not asexual preference.

I know this grown dude that claims to be straight that's super zesty.
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At least you can admitt your comments were based of the stereotypical and predjudice portrayals of orphans.

So you were talking about all orphans from any country? Not african children like you specifically said? K.
orphans from any country will most likely do better in life being adopted by multimillionaires in a 1st world country period

but dont let logic stop you from arguing whatever point you're trying to make

No one ever said he wouldnt be better off with a multimillionaire. It was the assumption that without her he'd be a child soldier or living in poverty. Perhaps the point was lost on you but im inclined to believe this is just you backtracking. You didnt really need to insert yourself in this convo to state the obvious.
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I hate the "who cares?" crowd :lol:

Such an *** hole stance.

And for the people just excusing this as somethin he wanted, my daughter wants candy for breakfast, it's called parenting.

Da emasculation continues.
I hate the "who cares?" crowd :lol:

Such an *** hole stance.
Eh, the ppl pretending to care are just doing that. Pretending. Same dudes clowning the hell out of Jaden Smith (and Willow) as a teen.

This really is just 1st world problems. Bunch of ppl in middle or lower class passing judgement on some rich famous white lady and her adoptive son for her parenting or lack thereof.

Let's see if the kid is still emasculated 12-15 years from now, or again, if anyone will even care :lol:
What does class have to do with parenting?
A lot.

If money isn't an issue at all a child is raised very differently than a child where that is an issue; enviornment, schooling, values, etc.

This is just something for some of yall to argue about, make judgements, and feign anger over.

Cuz even if every single boy in the world was being emasculated due to bad parenting I wouldn't care at all. Just means more yambs and opportunities for my son(s).
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Explain, I see Zik point out his examples but I still don't see it.

Let me clear up my question.

What does class have to do with how good of a parent you are.

Zik seemed to come off as middle lower class
:lol: In terms of money? Definitely.

You asked what one has to do with the other.

I didn't say being rich or in the 1% or upper class makes you a better parent but it definitely makes you a better provider for your children in terms of the society you live in. You can be lower class and provide other valuable things for your child but one of them probably won't be an automatic in to the best schools from kindergarten to ivy league graduate schools.

I mean the majority of crime is produced by people who are a product of lower and middle class families (for the sake of the argument let's pretend the middle class isn't shrinking). If lower class families had enough income to be in the middle class those family units would be much better off.

Of course there is a flip side to it, there's the stigma of being born with a silver spoon in your mouth. It's a stereotype that does hold true some times and shows what the results of that atmosphere and that parenting produces. Those children don't always grow up to be ppl of high character in comparison to those born in to a lower class.

I'm talking on a general basis though. There are exceptions on an individual basis.

So it isn't as simple as saying when it comes to parenting in a certain class of income/status.

Thought everybody kind of knew this though. Parents in the upper class with the same values and beliefs as parents from the lowest class won't raise children that end up being similar when it comes to beliefs and values on average. There's more to raising children than just the role of the parents.
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:lol: In terms of money? Definitely.

You asked what one has to do with the other.

I didn't say being rich or in the 1% or upper class makes you a better parent but it definitely makes you a better provider for your children in terms of the society you live in. You can be lower class and provide other valuable things for your child but one of them probably won't be an automatic in to the best schools from kindergarten to ivy league graduate schools.

I mean the majority of crime is produced by people who are a product of lower and middle class families (for the sake of the argument let's pretend the middle class isn't shrinking). If lower class families had enough income to be in the middle class those family units would be much better off.

Of course there is a flip side to it, there's the stigma of being born with a silver spoon in your mouth. It's a stereotype that does hold true some times and shows what the results of that atmosphere and that parenting produces. Those children don't always grow up to be ppl of high character in comparison to those born in to a lower class.

I'm talking on a general basis though. There are exceptions on an individual basis.

So it isn't as simple as saying when it comes to parenting in a certain class of income/status.

Thought everybody kind of knew this though. Parents in the upper class with the same values and beliefs as parents from the lowest class won't raise children that end up being similar when it comes to beliefs and values on average. There's more to raising children than just the role of the parents.

Yeah obviously having money provides better opportunity for your children, that has nothing to do with parenting though.

Your not a good parent because you can afford better things then me.
Having money defintely has to do with parenting. I just explained why. Providing better opportunities for your children is extremely important in the society we live in and should not be dismissed at all.

Saying being broke or being rich has nothing to do with your parenting is a lie.

As for the last part, I gotta assume you didn't fully read or fully comprehend my posts if you think this has to do with having money means you're a better parent. You kinda missed the point in regards to what I said about a bunch of ppl in the middle or lower class passing judgement on a rich white lady and her adoptive son and 1st world problems/not caring.
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Explain, I see Zik point out his examples but I still don't see it.

Let me clear up my question.

What does class have to do with how good of a parent you are.

Zik seemed to come off as middle lower class when it comes to parenting in a certain class of income/status.[/B]

Thought everybody kind of knew this though. Parents in the upper class with the same values and beliefs as parents from the lowest class won't raise children that end up being similar when it comes to beliefs and values on average. There's more to raising children than just the role of the parents

thx Master Zik
Having money defintely has to do with parenting. I just explained why. Providing better opportunities for your children is extremely important in the society we live in and should not be dismissed at all.

Saying being broke or being rich has nothing to do with your parenting is a lie.

As for the last part, I gotta assume you didn't fully read or fully comprehend my posts if you think this has to do with having money means you're a better parent. You kinda missed the point in regards to what I said about a bunch of ppl in the middle or lower class passing judgement on a rich white lady and her adoptive son and 1st world problems/not caring.

Do yo have kids?

Your time >>>> your money
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In other words, no amount of money can substitute for the time you actually spend with your kids.
I'm not reading these wall of text early on but skimming thru, this can't be stressed enough.
dudes on NT always trying to appropriate homosexuality on little children and its kinda disgusting. No if ands or buts about it.. Iam pretty sure this kid will have severe psychological problems once he is of age and realizes the trauma he was put through by this witch. 

there is nothing normal about this behavior nor should it be looked at as some lifestyle choice.. its disgusting brainwashing at its core...  #sorrynotsorry
A white mother doesn't know how to raise a black man
i struggle with is concept ALOT

i sincerely believe it to be so and there are several families that are acquaintances of ours that are adopting black boys... i cringe when i see little homies hair or him walking around in suspenders and a bow tie like a damn toy doll

like i legit dont know how to react or broach the subject, its hard to watch even from afar at times, the idenity issues these poor children are going to have :x
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