Charlize Theron dressing her black adopted son in a blonde wig and dress...Vol...fam..

dudes on NT always trying to appropriate homosexuality on little children and its kinda disgusting. No if ands or buts about it.. Iam pretty sure this kid will have severe psychological problems once he is of age and realizes the trauma he was put through by this witch. 

there is nothing normal about this behavior nor should it be looked at as some lifestyle choice.. its disgusting brainwashing at its core...  #sorrynotsorry
Tell em. Toddlers are confused about alot of things, that's when u are a parent and tell them and pow solved. If u have kids u have been in a similar scenario before especially a son.
I told this story a few months ago and me, my girl and my son were in Walmart and saw a kid like this. Had to be 4-6 white kid with both his parents. He had on pink pajama outfit with the my little pony house shoes. I had to do a double take to make sure it was a boy. And they were in the doll aisle letting son pick a barbie. I tried to ignore it but my 4 year old loud as ever did what kids do. "Ugh daddy, he a girl, those toys for girls right? Why he playing with girl toys, ewww?" I just grabbed his hand and walked away, but the rest of the day he was asking about it. I wasn't bout to tell him that **** was cool I don't eem care what y'all think. I was like son he peed on himself so he had to wear his sister clothes and they were buying her some toys.

My son picked up my niece barbie dolls one time, I yelled his name and gave him the death stare and that thing hit the ground faster than he picked it up. He was a kid and didn't know better, it was up to me to tell him that wasn't for him.
ya kid sweet. its too late fam. let him be.
i struggle with is concept ALOT

i sincerely believe it to be so and there are several families that are acquaintances of ours that are adopting black boys... i cringe when i see little homies hair or him walking around in suspenders and a bow tie like a damn toy doll

like i legit dont know how to react or broach the subject, its hard to watch even from afar at times, the idenity issues these poor children are going to have
I think there are certain aspects of being black that a parent of another race just wouldn't be able to teach that child.

IE: What is she going to tell that boy when officers that look like her are constantly killing/beating folks that look like him?

How is she going to explain slavery when he has questions about it?

Let me ASSUME that the child was "rescued" from a horrible life, I am glad someone was able to step up and give him a higher quality of life. Good for him. But culturally, he will just miss out on so much if he were to be raised by someone that experienced what he experienced. 

 I am glad someone was able to step up and give him a higher quality of life.

 I am glad someone was able to step up and give him a higher quality of life.

 I am glad someone was able to step up and give him a higher quality of life.

 I am glad someone was able to step up and give him a higher quality of life.

 I am glad someone was able to step up and give him a higher quality of life.

Let me repeat it Before you dudes hit me with the, "You would rather for him to be a homeless child soldier" card
You don't need to be black to explain racism 

 @ lil dude in suspenders and bowties making jewseejay uncomfortable

Yall gotta do better come on
i struggle with is concept ALOT

i sincerely believe it to be so and there are several families that are acquaintances of ours that are adopting black boys... i cringe when i see little homies hair or him walking around in suspenders and a bow tie like a damn toy doll

like i legit dont know how to react or broach the subject, its hard to watch even from afar at times, the idenity issues these poor children are going to have :x
I think there are certain aspects of being black that a parent of another race just wouldn't be able to teach that child.

IE: What is she going to tell that boy when officers that look like her are constantly killing/beating folks that look like him?

How is she going to explain slavery when he has questions about it?

Let me ASSUME that the child was "rescued" from a horrible life, I am glad someone was able to step up and give him a higher quality of life. Good for him. But culturally, he will just miss out on so much if he were to be raised by someone that experienced what he experienced. 

 I am glad someone was able to step up and give him a higher quality of life.
 I am glad someone was able to step up and give him a higher quality of life.
 I am glad someone was able to step up and give him a higher quality of life.
 I am glad someone was able to step up and give him a higher quality of life.
 I am glad someone was able to step up and give him a higher quality of life.

Let me repeat it Before you dudes hit me with the, "You would rather for him to be a homeless child soldier" card

How do you know a 5 yo is gay though? I'm 99% sure he isn't sleeping with men.

Only people that seem traumatized so far are individual NT posters.
Samething Magic thought about his son. He'll grow out of it...
Dont worry about.
Really? If Magic said his 5yo son that sleeps with will grow out of it, I think that would be something great to have a quote of. Until then I can't take what you said serious.
How do you know a 5 yo is gay though? I'm 99% sure he isn't sleeping with men.

Only people that seem traumatized so far are individual NT posters.
nobody is saying he's gay . we are saying that the mother is advertising to the world and her son that dressing up as a female is ok at an early age which is a form of psychological abuse because boundaries that seperate man and women are blurred and it can confuse an child who is very impressionable to the the world and will be scared for growing up in an enviornment which isnt ideal to raise a strong healthy black man,
How do you know a 5 yo is gay though? I'm 99% sure he isn't sleeping with men.

Only people that seem traumatized so far are individual NT posters.
nobody is saying he's gay . we are saying that the mother is advertising to the world and her son that dressing up as a female is ok at an early age which is a form of psychological abuse because boundaries that seperate man and women are blurred and it can confuse an child who is very impressionable to the the world and will be scared for growing up in an enviornment which isnt ideal to raise a strong healthy black man,

People are saying he's gay. Hence my post

:rofl: :rofl:  at those pictures of lil man...the zest jumps right off my screen.

but who cares anymore?  let him be gay
Is this a global issue? Or is it just in this country?

Cuz this whole country has became full of cry babys.

Everyone gets offended.

Everything is offensive.

You have to change your views and ways you would normally raise a child, cuz some gay people wana cry about stuff.

Sensitive era.
That is disturbing to me that any parent would let their male child dress like that. The kids brain isn't even close to being developed at that age, she is messing him up for life. Once he became a teenager and much closer to having a fully developed brain, then let him make choices like that if he really wants to. But he has no idea what the consequences of that are at this point.
Is this a global issue? Or is it just in this country?

Cuz this whole country has became full of cry babys.

Everyone gets offended.

Everything is offensive.

You have to change your views and ways you would normally raise a child, cuz some gay people wana cry about stuff.

Sensitive era.
Seems like you're the one getting offended that Charlize Theron isn't raising her child to your liking.

Some of you dudes care way too much about things that aren't harming anyone else and have no bearing on your lives whatsoever.
She adopts him potentially saving him from a terrible life lost in the system......................she is messing him up for lifem for letting him dress however he wants. :rolleyes
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and the key word here is impressionable

kids are impressionable

if you raise a child giving them the impression that anything is "okay", then they will behave as such
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