keef isnt the reason for like the past 100 murders but keef association with bd is the reason jojo dead it could have been the other way around and it would be jojo's fault the fact that they claim they are killing each other is the reason there in hot water.

Man forreal I can't feel all that bad about JoJo. You put up a video with automatic weapons basically saying they BD killers, F them n_'s and all that there. THEN you make another video callin Reese out saying you gonna kill him, then on top of that you tweet your location and phone number, basically sayin their hood is soft.

I don't support gang violence in any way, but NOBODY should be surprised of the outcome of the whole situation. It's not some sad story about a innocent child or JoJo was trying to shy away from the beef, or he was trying to do something with his life. You don't say you're going to kill somebody then show up in their hood and think everything's gonna be cool.

Sorry, but there's not sympathy over here. Only person I feel sorry for is his mother because she lost her child, but even still I don't totally believe her story that she didn't know what her son was involved in.
And why was Twista in that Traffic video? :smh: C'mon fam you too old to be out there co-signing this. I mean I understand being proud of some youngins from your hood making it but don't be out there gooning it up.

Twista's hood doesn't even exist anymore. They tore that stuff down.

But I'm not mad at Keef. I feel the same way he does. It's funny and sad.
dang, man don't say that---
Honestly, I was REAAAAALLLY hoping wit' 'Ye hoppin' on the remix he'd kinda reach out to Keef and try to mentor him. He not gonna listen to nobody but older people that's in the game right now, honestly. But alas, he just more or less used him for his own wave

Maybe 50 might be tryna step up by inviting him to NY? He need more than people who just wanna capitalize offa his sound and make a few dollas.

He messed that up already.
Man I was looking for the tweet where he mentioned Kim Kardashian with a heart and smiley face and something to the effect of "Hey Boo" right after he tweeted the Kanye tweet, but I can't even find it on google, this Jojo story getting so much attention.

Any mention of Chief Keef on Google gets you some Keef/Lupe/Jojo **** for like 10 pages straight. SMH.
it's not rap beef at all. it's dudes banging since they were 12 and rapping is a second thought.
it's savage out here minneapolis/chicago and other midwest cities. we had kids in high school getting killed for throwing down gd. the **** is out of control here sometimes.
my advice to keef would be to move away from the midwest if he doesn't want to get killed.
The Chi murder rate was high when this fool was like 6.  I don't know what the deal is something in the water I don't know.  What I do know is the murder rate out there was high like it is now when Twister and Jamie Foxx was trickin on tracks. 

I want to blame Waka special ed *** so bad when it comes to this giant influx of ****** music, but how can I when these fools accepted that trash and tried to turn it into treasure

It's real life gang street ish first...The fact they all rap is just a coincidence. 
Don't ban me bro don't ban me

But when this is your example of manhood, And this is all u know then they then take down the projects and these people get spread around the city this an example of what your left with.

this was filmed I believe 2002-2007 so it's nothing new in the Chiago

If inappropriate i will take it down 

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Chief Keef Cant Rap N Is Gonna Fall Off Cause All The Stuff He Been Gettin Himself In Lately...He Got His Chicago Attitude Mixed Wit His Ignorance Is A Recipe 4 Disaster. Soon He Gonna Disappear On Some LockUp Or 6 Feet Deep Mess...He Slappin Hands Tht Feed Him, N This Twitter Mess He B Gettin In2 Is Makin Him Look Dumb
:lol: Are you serious? The white people at interscope are rubbing their hands like Birdman at this point. Do you know how many people learned who Chief Keef was this past week? Dudes name is buzzing. If they play this right he gonna make some rich people even richer.

Yall still dont see how this **** works? Keef aint nothing but a tax write off.

Interscope had a good year fiscally and signed dude on some "Bear Bryant" ****

If he blows up cool if he doesnt will write him off as a million dollar expense and still eat off his publishing.

He's not buzzin. He's not getting show money. You can book him for $3K and promoters want nothing to do with him because

a. he attracts the younger dumber crowd. Not the alcohol buying crowd

b. he only got one radio song thats popular because of someone else

And Dro aint 17 he a old head. Its a shame cause this the new hustle they got goin up there it aint even the white folks its ****** exploiting these young dudes for a advance check from the label. Word to Lil Mouse.
Chicago been crazy, and seems to be getting worse..

For every 1 goon that dies, 15 are right there waiting to take his place..

Vicious cycle :smh:

The worst part is it might be to late for a older head to get in them boys ear.
i knew chi was real when i used to watch american gangster on B.E.T and that one gang show on spike tv
Its really.
I dont know what its gonna take, but its gonna have to take a massive movement to take back the streets. Parents, families, communities gonna have to come together and wallk the streets every night, Increase the amount of cops...ALL KINDS OF S!!!!
kids out here getting killed, KIDS. smh

only way. need to re up those call to oneness walks.

but ****, even those. lil ruffians were posted on the corners pointing and laughing as we walked by. they aint tryna hear that/
promoters want nothing to do with him because
a. he attracts the younger dumber crowd. Not the alcohol buying crowd
b. he only got one radio song thats popular because of someone else

On top of this, all the madness he's caught up in may help your "street buzz", but it hurts your show money.

Nobody wants to book an artist that increases the likelyhood of a riot in their venue.
Honestly, I hope that Keef, Reese, and whoever else in their crew that has been talking recklessly online about it, were somehow directly behind Coleman's murder and go down for it.

I don't know about other places, but young people in Chicago are following this very closely. If some severe consequences come behind this incident to the people that have been publicly engaging in feuding online and even implicating themselves in the situation, I think that could deter some of this hood beef being escalated online going forward and might make young people more conscious of what they put on the internet in that regard. This is a high enough profile situation where I think it could really have an impact. If nothing happens to Keef and Reese, I think the opposite will happen, to the further detriment of these very young people and their communities...
Man get that crap outta here. Aint nothing going to change in the region...cats talking about rico acts :lol: Outta touch cats.

I grew up in the crib...it really aint THAT bad. Cats talking about they wont go here or past Cellular in this thread...Shut up!...

Its like anywhere else...the Lil Mouse song chorus tells you everything you need to hear. If you claim a set and provocatively flex it...of course there's gonna be repercussions. You can be in a vl territory one day...have fam who live in a gd/bd faction the next...theres cats cool with dudes living in rival hoods. Theres just dos and donts like in any hood. Scary cats acting likeits the movies where its dudes pressuring you to be in a gang and stepping on a sidewalk in the hood leads to smoke. :lol:

I get a lil feeling that most of yall talking about how yall hate to see this (like yall really out here) sideways fascinated by it and seen all episodes of he wire.
Man get that crap outta here. Aint nothing going to change in the region...cats talking about rico acts :lol: Outta touch cats.

I grew up in the crib...it really aint THAT bad. Cats talking about they wont go here or past Cellular in this thread...Shut up!...

Its like anywhere else...the Lil Mouse song chorus tells you everything you need to hear. If you claim a set and provocatively flex it...of course there's gonna be repercussions. You can be in a vl territory one day...have fam who live in a gd/bd faction the next...theres cats cool with dudes living in rival hoods. Theres just dos and donts like in any hood. Scary cats acting likeits the movies where its dudes pressuring you to be in a gang and stepping on a sidewalk in the hood leads to smoke. :lol:

I get a lil feeling that most of yall talking about how yall hate to see this (like yall really out here) sideways fascinated by it and seen all episodes of he wire.

Who exactly are you referring to?
And another thing...Lupe dont get that much respect or love in the Chi...not because hes 'lyrical' and came on a decade late....Lupe is just like all young black males from the area who are looking to prove themselves. He just does it different. Imho...this dude gets a fix off of being someone who thinks hes smarter and wiser than other cats. He tries too hard to go over peoples heads cause it makes him feel better about himself...and a lot of people, whether its in the hood or corporate america, look at that as lame. Calling another cat 'scary' on the radio after the dude is poppin is lame. Like someone said...he would be 1 call or 2 gallons of petro away. Saying you gonna quit rap is just a way to say 'Hey...im a nba player...i dont wanna play in your rucker tournament with these streetballera.' He aint fooling no one and wont be missed. Thats why he aint poppin.
^^ Lupe's true intentions are between him & his heart. But to call him lame for calling Keef scary is completely out of line. Keef IS scary, he represents a generation of lost youth that are living up to the "super predator savage" stereotype that many try to paint for Black men already. Some truly idiotic comments posted in here.
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^^ Lupe's true intentions are between him & his heart. But to call him lame for calling Keef scary is completely out of line. Keef IS scary, he represents a generation of lost youth that are.h living up to the "super predator savage" stereotype that many try to paint for Black men already. Some truly idiotic comments posted in here.

How is it out of line? When he did it on the radio...where thousands could hear? Thats lame. Have you ever met Keef? Spoke to him...got to actually know him? I bet Lupe never has either. Talking about he loves him..:lol: Lupe really thinks hes some wise human who is secure about everything.

Keef aint lost. Hes doing exactly what he needs to d o to survive in his environment. People kill me with that brush stroke of generalizations. If you a black male and you dont know what you have to do or dress or carry yourself to get the respect it needs to leave that environment, then its just a choice in your head that you just love that street ****. Everybody in Chicago and Gary know what to do if you dont want to be involved. How can you have the maturity of seeing grown **** around you everyday, but not give them respect when it comes to a decision they can make. Saying "oh....they are just kids"
They know what they are doing. A 12 year old in Englewood aint the same 12 year old in Utah. Just as many cats who choose to stay in chi or gary to live that life...theres a bunch of cats who left to go to Indiana State or move to Indianapolis or Milwaiukee.

I think people are afraid to admit that there are some people who just might really like that lifestyle. Everybody aint trying to be everybody elses definition of success.
On top of this, all the madness he's caught up in may help your "street buzz", but it hurts your show money.
Nobody wants to book an artist that increases the likely hood of a riot in their venue.
Now people are making sense..You can't compare 50 cent's buzz to this kid's buzz..50 was not doing stupid things like openly making fun of someones death who he was more than likely involved in. At the end of the day, 50 and Ja rule's beef stayed on wax and 50 was a much better rapper with a crew of much better rappers. To call Keef a cash cow is ridiculous, just like Cartune said, dude can only generate money to the label is from being a tax write off. People are turned off by the violence and his lack of respect, and he is more than likely going to lose his deal from all of this.
How is it out of line? When he did it on the radio...where thousands could hear? Thats lame. Have you ever met Keef? Spoke to him...got to actually know him? I bet Lupe never has either. Talking about he loves him..:lol: Lupe really thinks hes some wise human who is secure about everything.
Keef aint lost. Hes doing exactly what he needs to d o to survive in his environment. People kill me with that brush stroke of generalizations. If you a black male and you dont know what you have to do or dress or carry yourself to get the respect it needs to leave that environment, then its just a choice in your head that you just love that street ****. Everybody in Chicago and Gary know what to do if you dont want to be involved. How can you have the maturity of seeing grown **** around you everyday, but not give them respect when it comes to a decision they can make. Saying "oh....they are just kids"
They know what they are doing. A 12 year old in Englewood aint the same 12 year old in Utah. Just as many cats who choose to stay in chi or gary to live that life...theres a bunch of cats who left to go to Indiana State or move to Indianapolis or Milwaiukee.
I think people are afraid to admit that there are some people who just might really like that lifestyle. Everybody aint trying to be everybody elses definition of success.
I feel like I just got dumber reading that. No offense, but that whole post sucked.
What lies did I spew in the comment? You sound lame saying it sucked without any remarks.

It woild be different if my post was formed on all opinions. The only thing I really shared was how I felt about Lupe. Everything else is truth.

People leave Chicago and Gary everyday. I think people dont quite understand because it might be different than where they are from, but 20 - 18 year olds and younger run neighborhoods and factions in the crib. I grew up where the smallest cat was 'that dude' in the hood.

I think people are out of touch because they think its still 1980s and 90s kids. As soon as I see someone say 'they are just kids' I know instantly that person is outta touch and never been deep in the environment of Chicago.

And im not saying its right. I went to Isu to leave and gain something better for me. And I knew thats what i wanted when i was like 10. 'Kids' in Chicago aint lost....its just a region that seems to just love hood ****. Its been like that since forever. They know what they doing.
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