Chris Brown just lost it (again)

Originally Posted by Heshua

Some people here hold onto things too long. Even Rihanna said she's over it, so the fact that so many people still arent is sad. What more do they want from CB? Why do you all want the guy to do? I truly feel that some people wont be satisfied unless he kills himself.

Ok you Chris Brown back-up dancers are going too far.  Nobody wants that.  And its clear as day CB hasn't let it go either.
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by Heshua

Some people here hold onto things too long. Even Rihanna said she's over it, so the fact that so many people still arent is sad. What more do they want from CB? Why do you all want the guy to do? I truly feel that some people wont be satisfied unless he kills himself.

Ok you Chris Brown back-up dancers are going too far.  Nobody wants that.  And its clear as day CB hasn't let it go either.
You thought you were extra funny with the back-up dancer comment I bet.  He hasnt let it go because he gets asked about it every day of his life, he cant.  Every time he's in public theres probably some paparazzi asking him about it.  What do you want him to do?  He did everything the judge asked him too.  Apparently that's not enough for some people. 
Originally Posted by Heshua

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by Heshua

Some people here hold onto things too long. Even Rihanna said she's over it, so the fact that so many people still arent is sad. What more do they want from CB? Why do you all want the guy to do? I truly feel that some people wont be satisfied unless he kills himself.

Ok you Chris Brown back-up dancers are going too far.  Nobody wants that.  And its clear as day CB hasn't let it go either.
You thought you were extra funny with the back-up dancer comment I bet.  He hasnt let it go because he gets asked about it every day of his life, he cant.  Every time he's in public theres probably some paparazzi asking him about it.  What do you want him to do?  He did everything the judge asked him too.  Apparently that's not enough for some people. 

stop, collaborate, and listen....

all we want dude to do is carry himself like a respectable adult that can control his emotions.  Instead of being applauded for handling the situation with grace he chose to act out like a child.  Maybe you're a child and don't understand that so I'll fall back.
Originally Posted by moundraised23

Originally Posted by LDJ

Wrong is Wrong period. Quit making things out like women are suboordinates, and less of that of a man. Its actually kinda sexiest. Women and men are EQUAL. That means same, ppl tend to forget that. Im not saying what he did is right, but i am also not saying she is the victim. They both should have conducted themselves like civilied adults.

This whole one-sided damsel in distress arguement simps on here are giving is flawed and wack.
Yall as well as the media portray it like she was just sitting on the porch reading to under-priviledge children, and he came up and went all rodney king, slave massa on her.
*gives cuz 5 on the black hand side*
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by Heshua

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Ok you Chris Brown back-up dancers are going too far.  Nobody wants that.  And its clear as day CB hasn't let it go either.
You thought you were extra funny with the back-up dancer comment I bet.  He hasnt let it go because he gets asked about it every day of his life, he cant.  Every time he's in public theres probably some paparazzi asking him about it.  What do you want him to do?  He did everything the judge asked him too.  Apparently that's not enough for some people. 

stop, collaborate, and listen....

all we want dude to do is carry himself like a respectable adult that can control his emotions.  Instead of being applauded for handling the situation with grace he chose to act out like a child.  Maybe you're a child and don't understand that so I'll fall back.

Who the %$%$ are y'all, the attitude improving committee??

Dudes need to worry about their own problems and not some celebrity.
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by Heshua

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Ok you Chris Brown back-up dancers are going too far.  Nobody wants that.  And its clear as day CB hasn't let it go either.
You thought you were extra funny with the back-up dancer comment I bet.  He hasnt let it go because he gets asked about it every day of his life, he cant.  Every time he's in public theres probably some paparazzi asking him about it.  What do you want him to do?  He did everything the judge asked him too.  Apparently that's not enough for some people. 

stop, collaborate, and listen....

all we want dude to do is carry himself like a respectable adult that can control his emotions.  Instead of being applauded for handling the situation with grace he chose to act out like a child.  Maybe you're a child and don't understand that so I'll fall back.

Ok thats cool in all but why isnt the same thing expected out of her? Why didnt you address that? The very thing you are saying he shouldve acted like, she should have did, then this whole ordeal wouldnt have happened. It was her not carrying herself lady like, not being a self respecting female, and not being able to control her emotions that lead cb to go donkey kong on her forehead.
Originally Posted by xX LeGod Xx

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by Heshua

You thought you were extra funny with the back-up dancer comment I bet.  He hasnt let it go because he gets asked about it every day of his life, he cant.  Every time he's in public theres probably some paparazzi asking him about it.  What do you want him to do?  He did everything the judge asked him too.  Apparently that's not enough for some people. 

stop, collaborate, and listen....

all we want dude to do is carry himself like a respectable adult that can control his emotions.  Instead of being applauded for handling the situation with grace he chose to act out like a child.  Maybe you're a child and don't understand that so I'll fall back.

Who the %$%$ are y'all, the attitude improving committee??

Dudes need to worry about their own problems and not some celebrity.
 I'm saying though.  
Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by Heshua

You thought you were extra funny with the back-up dancer comment I bet.  He hasnt let it go because he gets asked about it every day of his life, he cant.  Every time he's in public theres probably some paparazzi asking him about it.  What do you want him to do?  He did everything the judge asked him too.  Apparently that's not enough for some people. 

stop, collaborate, and listen....

all we want dude to do is carry himself like a respectable adult that can control his emotions.  Instead of being applauded for handling the situation with grace he chose to act out like a child.  Maybe you're a child and don't understand that so I'll fall back.

Ok thats cool in all but why isnt the same thing expected out of her? Why didnt you address that? The very thing you are saying he shouldve acted like, she should have did, then this whole ordeal wouldnt have happened. It was her not carrying herself lady like, not being a self respecting female, and not being able to control her emotions that lead cb to go donkey kong on her forehead.
This post isn't about Rihanna.  You can go pages back and see where I placed blame on her.  This post is about a young man acting a fool and lames defending.  

"She hit him first", "Just let him live", "They should only talk about the album".... get serious.  I don't hate Chris Brown and I don't like Rihanna. I have no bias I just live in reality.  And in reality if he would've addressed the comments correctly Robin would've moved on with the interview.  This bamma had the nerve to break windows and throw a tantrum....that's cool?  If you can't see the flaws in the guy then you prob got the same flaws. 

But who am I? 

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

stop, collaborate, and listen....

all we want dude to do is carry himself like a respectable adult that can control his emotions.  Instead of being applauded for handling the situation with grace he chose to act out like a child.  Maybe you're a child and don't understand that so I'll fall back.

Ok thats cool in all but why isnt the same thing expected out of her? Why didnt you address that? The very thing you are saying he shouldve acted like, she should have did, then this whole ordeal wouldnt have happened. It was her not carrying herself lady like, not being a self respecting female, and not being able to control her emotions that lead cb to go donkey kong on her forehead.
This post isn't about Rihanna.  You can go pages back and see where I placed blame on her.  This post is about a young man acting a fool and lames defending.  

"She hit him first", "Just let him live", "They should only talk about the album".... get serious.  I don't hate Chris Brown and I don't like Rihanna. I have no bias I just live in reality.  And in reality if he would've addressed the comments correctly Robin would've moved on with the interview.  This bamma had the nerve to break windows and throw a tantrum....that's cool?  If you can't see the flaws in the guy then you prob got the same flaws. 

But who am I? 


She initatiated the entire ordeal. Period. And i feel where you comming from in like another thread i mentioned this we as an society, well really americans never deal with the root of problems and pratice preventive measures. We anaylize depict every aspect of a subject but they key element.

Why should he even have to address them at all. It happened and its done. Him repeatedly being asked the same questions does what exactly? How does it change what occured? What would come of asking him about this ordeal 2 10 20 years from now do? As far as im concern not addressing her is the MAIN problem. By brushing what she did and over emphasizing what he did perpectuate ppl, esp young girls that i can cut a fool, be beligerent, act a donkey, go around hitting dudes and throwing temper tantrums, worse will happen he will go to jail etc... and i will look like a hero. And be praised and coddled, for my actions.

Only problem with that is, every dude aint cb. And some of these guys will take it a step further and could result in death. So instead of being REactive and talking about the problems/issues the result of something bad. Lets be PROactive and take preventive steps so situations like ths do not happen.

True we cant prevent all domestic violence. Some PEOPLE (i wanna say ppl, since everyone is being bias and making it men on women only) just beat there partners for a myraid of reasons. Just cause the sky blue, the grass is green etc. But in instances like this, its clear cut that this was the result of being antagonised, provoked, disrespected, and assualted.

I think she should have been a woman spoke out and admitted her flaws and faults and her part in this ordeal, and stressed to her young fans that you dont act out like a child, be disrespectfull, attack someone when you upset, dont get your way.

And before you even try to say some girls/women dont think this way... Think again. WSHH, jerry, maury etc have made millions and billions of dollars off of ppl, moreso women who have this mindset.
Originally Posted by LDJ

  First off i am a father. And i wouldnt show preferential treatment over my girls getting beat up over my son. Like really imma say oh well son you got be to death oh well your a boy MAN UP. But if my girls go get beat imma go on a storming rampage and kill duke if they attack my girls. Come see me when you grow up have a family and have kids.

Second I instill into my kids both girls and boy that violence is the be all to end all. And only use it in self-defense (something Rhianna negligent parents forgot to teach her) I have told my kids esp my girls that using violence because you dont get your way and/or dont like what you hear is immature and childish and doesnt solve anything (again something Rhianna parents didnt instill in her).

End of the day she acted immature, childish, and took her frustration out physically on him. He over-reacted and took it to far and to extreme. She should have been a mature woman and instead of hitting him and acting like a chicken head, been an adult and just ask to leave/drop her off.
Every last word of this is the truth.
The only error on his part is not being able to keep his composure together at least long enough to let his understandable frustration out in his car, at home, in the studio, etc. Wherever the hell he can go privately to cool off.
Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by LDJ

Ok thats cool in all but why isnt the same thing expected out of her? Why didnt you address that? The very thing you are saying he shouldve acted like, she should have did, then this whole ordeal wouldnt have happened. It was her not carrying herself lady like, not being a self respecting female, and not being able to control her emotions that lead cb to go donkey kong on her forehead.
This post isn't about Rihanna.  You can go pages back and see where I placed blame on her.  This post is about a young man acting a fool and lames defending.  

"She hit him first", "Just let him live", "They should only talk about the album".... get serious.  I don't hate Chris Brown and I don't like Rihanna. I have no bias I just live in reality.  And in reality if he would've addressed the comments correctly Robin would've moved on with the interview.  This bamma had the nerve to break windows and throw a tantrum....that's cool?  If you can't see the flaws in the guy then you prob got the same flaws. 

But who am I? 


She initatiated the entire ordeal. Period. And i feel where you comming from in like another thread i mentioned this we as an society, well really americans never deal with the root of problems and pratice preventive measures. We anaylize depict every aspect of a subject but they key element.

Why should he even have to address them at all. It happened and its done. Him repeatedly being asked the same questions does what exactly? How does it change what occured? What would come of asking him about this ordeal 2 10 20 years from now do? As far as im concern not addressing her is the MAIN problem. By brushing what she did and over emphasizing what he did perpectuate ppl, esp young girls that i can cut a fool, be beligerent, act a donkey, go around hitting dudes and throwing temper tantrums, worse will happen he will go to jail etc... and i will look like a hero. And be praised and coddled, for my actions.

Only problem with that is, every dude aint cb. And some of these guys will take it a step further and could result in death. So instead of being REactive and talking about the problems/issues the result of something bad. Lets be PROactive and take preventive steps so situations like ths do not happen.

True we cant prevent all domestic violence. Some PEOPLE (i wanna say ppl, since everyone is being bias and making it men on women only) just beat there partners for a myraid of reasons. Just cause the sky blue, the grass is green etc. But in instances like this, its clear cut that this was the result of being antagonised, provoked, disrespected, and assualted.

I think she should have been a woman spoke out and admitted her flaws and faults and her part in this ordeal, and stressed to her young fans that you dont act out like a child, be disrespectfull, attack someone when you upset, dont get your way.

And before you even try to say some girls/women dont think this way... Think again. WSHH, jerry, maury etc have made millions and billions of dollars off of ppl, moreso women who have this mindset.

Like I said before....This ain't about Rihanna tho. This post is about CB and his actions.
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

This post isn't about Rihanna.  You can go pages back and see where I placed blame on her.  This post is about a young man acting a fool and lames defending.  

"She hit him first", "Just let him live", "They should only talk about the album".... get serious.  I don't hate Chris Brown and I don't like Rihanna. I have no bias I just live in reality.  And in reality if he would've addressed the comments correctly Robin would've moved on with the interview.  This bamma had the nerve to break windows and throw a tantrum....that's cool?  If you can't see the flaws in the guy then you prob got the same flaws. 

But who am I? 


She initatiated the entire ordeal. Period. And i feel where you comming from in like another thread i mentioned this we as an society, well really americans never deal with the root of problems and pratice preventive measures. We anaylize depict every aspect of a subject but they key element.

Why should he even have to address them at all. It happened and its done. Him repeatedly being asked the same questions does what exactly? How does it change what occured? What would come of asking him about this ordeal 2 10 20 years from now do? As far as im concern not addressing her is the MAIN problem. By brushing what she did and over emphasizing what he did perpectuate ppl, esp young girls that i can cut a fool, be beligerent, act a donkey, go around hitting dudes and throwing temper tantrums, worse will happen he will go to jail etc... and i will look like a hero. And be praised and coddled, for my actions.

Only problem with that is, every dude aint cb. And some of these guys will take it a step further and could result in death. So instead of being REactive and talking about the problems/issues the result of something bad. Lets be PROactive and take preventive steps so situations like ths do not happen.

True we cant prevent all domestic violence. Some PEOPLE (i wanna say ppl, since everyone is being bias and making it men on women only) just beat there partners for a myraid of reasons. Just cause the sky blue, the grass is green etc. But in instances like this, its clear cut that this was the result of being antagonised, provoked, disrespected, and assualted.

I think she should have been a woman spoke out and admitted her flaws and faults and her part in this ordeal, and stressed to her young fans that you dont act out like a child, be disrespectfull, attack someone when you upset, dont get your way.

And before you even try to say some girls/women dont think this way... Think again. WSHH, jerry, maury etc have made millions and billions of dollars off of ppl, moreso women who have this mindset.

Like I said before....This ain't about Rihanna tho. This post is about CB and his actions.

He being cb had no actions is my point. What actions did he do? From what the story is he REacted. So if we are talking or this thread is about cbs actions then we dont have a thread at all, do we?
Originally Posted by PoloLax

Lot of people are judging my thoughts and opinions on this subject. Many have said things of this nature:

lol this is still going on?
pololax stays believing that some people on NT are saying what CB did to rihanna was right.
no one is saying what CB did was right...why are you so stubborn?
I posted on the second page and have been reading since, I am convinced this relates to something he feels strongly about in his personal past as he continues to return to the 2009 incident. No one outright said it was the correct thing to do.
There is no way any female is going to hit you while your driving (hypothetically speaking, because none of us know the real facts lets face it), and not retaliate physically

Pololax definitely needs to chill out...i dont know if he has any personal experiences, but dude...stop putting words in other people's mouths.

that's what i mean...but pololax kept on going and going with the topic of whether it is right to hit girls, which had nothing to do with the original topic or the video. He kept on saying that someone said hitting girls was okay...but no one directly said this
People are attacking me stating that I'm going overboard on an issue that I feel strongly about. The fact of the matter is, many of you have stated that no one in this thread has said that what CB did was right. Well, I just looked back at the last 4 pages quickly and this is what I found:

But you're acting as if Rhianna is a new born puppy, Like She couldn't possibly put her hands on CB and harm him....Chris lip was busted too...

Idk if you've ever been in a relationship....but women like to "push buttons".... Now, Yes CB was wrong for beating her to the extent that he did.... but Im more than sure that Rhianna hit him first...and more than once

!#%$ outta here wit that +#+@ son, i saw that video too, had that broad done that to me i would've slapped her weave off E. honda style

You better then me id more then likely let one go in her. I mean this double standard stuff gotta stop. How are men and women equal (by the way equal means same) yet tall are saying it should be different when it comes to woman. If thats the case and men are physically dominant, then this theory should be wide spread

^word (@ninjahood). foh with that TYPICAL nonsense. dudes quick to put these females on pedestals. i wish a female would spit on me.

Dudes in here REALLY about that "let a %+*%% beat my @!$ just cuz shes female" life? I don't support violence in any way, but I completely respect self defense and equality among the sexes. And once your hands or feet violate my space you have %!+%*@ up, male or female
No one should be putting their hands on ANYONE but I'll be damned if a female gets away with it just because she has *******. Act like a lady and you won't get man handled.

she started it.

c'mon b..stop injecting your opinion on da situation as fact.

chris brown already went thru it for 2 years, what makes you think he's any different from anyone else? cuz he's got money? so president Clinton still has to be asked about da Lewinsky scandal?

mike vick still gotta answer question about da dog incident? pssh thats some clown %$# reply b.... 

at da end of da day these people are human. stop tryin to poke a stick at them and justify it as "well they're celebrities, they're supposed to deal with it...its corny and biased.

Rihanna hasn't forgotten about it, just because you relax a restraning order doesn't mean you forgive the person for what  they did
Over the weekend, and almost three weeks after Chris Brown allegedly attacked girlfriend Rihanna after an altercation over a text message, the two young singers got back together to work on their problems. Rihanna has forgiven Brown and is willing to give the relationship another go, People magazine and TMZ have both confirmed.

On February 8, Brown got so infuriated when Rihanna reportedly took the car keys out of the ignition and threw them out the window, that he repeatedly hit and bit her until a concerned passerby heard her screams and called the police. An investigation has been underway ever since to determine whether the DA could charge Brown with making criminal threats, domestic violence and even attempted murder. However, Rihanna seems to have accepted Chris’ apology and is now with him at Diddy’s Miami mansion, working out their problems.

“They’re together again. They care for each other. While Chris is reflective and saddened about what happened, he is really happy to be with the woman he loves. He called to wish her happy birthday. They’ve reached out to each other. It’s been mutual.
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

This post isn't about Rihanna.  You can go pages back and see where I placed blame on her.  This post is about a young man acting a fool and lames defending.  

"She hit him first", "Just let him live", "They should only talk about the album".... get serious.  I don't hate Chris Brown and I don't like Rihanna. I have no bias I just live in reality.  And in reality if he would've addressed the comments correctly Robin would've moved on with the interview.  This bamma had the nerve to break windows and throw a tantrum....that's cool?  If you can't see the flaws in the guy then you prob got the same flaws. 

But who am I? 

Since I'm a little older I feel I gotta school some of you youngn's cuz your responses and defense of this guy is gonna give me some ill wrinkles
1) When in a relationship, YOUR WOMAN WILL GO THROUGH YOUR PHONE!!!!!! ( I dont care how much she "trust" you, its not a trust thing, its a control thing)
2) He really needs to humble himself, SERIOUSLY, your previous album was banned from Walmart!!! I aint gonna front, you came out with deuces, it was a hit and the public started to embrace you
2a) You preyed on Everyone sympathy and gave a little crying spiel to really get over with the public
3) Everyone here has seen Belly, maybe Chris hasnt but when your girl checks you about another chick you PIPE HER DOWN TO SHUT HER UP

4) If you gotta box your woman to put her in check, its about fear more than respect, you dont want you woman to fear you
5) When you are a public figure and you MESS UP (DUI, DV, Drugs,  etc..), and you have to grovel to the public to support you, it is IRRELEVANT how long ago you messed up (Tiger WILL ALWAYS be question about his affairs,Vick will ALWAYS be questioned about dogs, Bonds will ALWAYS be questioned about steroids, your screw-ups are your legacy.. PERIOD, which leads me to my next point.....
6) Chris Brown, is a BLACK MAN  in America, I dont know if he didnt get the memo, but the leash on you is way shorter than it will EVER be on Charlie Sheen, just exposed how much of a hater you are with that Tweet...
7) Last But not least...........I dunno how you MEN on this board can defend this...........

Originally Posted by gambit215

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

This post isn't about Rihanna.  You can go pages back and see where I placed blame on her.  This post is about a young man acting a fool and lames defending.  

"She hit him first", "Just let him live", "They should only talk about the album".... get serious.  I don't hate Chris Brown and I don't like Rihanna. I have no bias I just live in reality.  And in reality if he would've addressed the comments correctly Robin would've moved on with the interview.  This bamma had the nerve to break windows and throw a tantrum....that's cool?  If you can't see the flaws in the guy then you prob got the same flaws. 

But who am I? 

Since I'm a little older I feel I gotta school some of you youngn's cuz your responses and defense of this guy is gonna give me some ill wrinkles
1) When in a relationship, YOUR WOMAN WILL GO THROUGH YOUR PHONE!!!!!! ( I dont care how much she "trust" you, its not a trust thing, its a control thing)
2) He really needs to humble himself, SERIOUSLY, your previous album was banned from Walmart!!! I aint gonna front, you came out with deuces, it was a hit and the public started to embrace you
2a) You preyed on Everyone sympathy and gave a little crying spiel to really get over with the public
3) Everyone here has seen Belly, maybe Chris hasnt but when your girl checks you about another chick you PIPE HER DOWN TO SHUT HER UP

4) If you gotta box your woman to put her in check, its about fear more than respect, you dont want you woman to fear you
5) When you are a public figure and you MESS UP (DUI, DV, Drugs,  etc..), and you have to grovel to the public to support you, it is IRRELEVANT how long ago you messed up (Tiger WILL ALWAYS be question about his affairs,Vick will ALWAYS be questioned about dogs, Bonds will ALWAYS be questioned about steroids, your screw-ups are your legacy.. PERIOD, which leads me to my next point.....
6) Chris Brown, is a BLACK MAN  in America, I dont know if he didnt get the memo, but the leash on you is way shorter than it will EVER be on Charlie Sheen, just exposed how much of a hater you are with that Tweet...
7) Last But not least...........I dunno how you MEN on this board can defend this...........


Im a little bit older then you, and my ole lady has never went through my phone check my emails etc nuttin like that. i aint saying its never happen to me. But girls like that in the past i ended right then and there. I have kids so at that time or anytime a women approaches me in a way like rhianna did, or have that mentality i cut the cord before a situation like this can even occur. This situation is a prime example of the results of not having a father/father figure in the home. Had he had that, henever woulda been in a situation like this to happen because he never woulda dealt with a girl that would present an issue which would lead to those type of situation.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by PoloLax

Lot of people are judging my thoughts and opinions on this subject. Many have said things of this nature:

lol this is still going on?
pololax stays believing that some people on NT are saying what CB did to rihanna was right.
no one is saying what CB did was right...why are you so stubborn?
I posted on the second page and have been reading since, I am convinced this relates to something he feels strongly about in his personal past as he continues to return to the 2009 incident. No one outright said it was the correct thing to do.
There is no way any female is going to hit you while your driving (hypothetically speaking, because none of us know the real facts lets face it), and not retaliate physically
Pololax definitely needs to chill out...i dont know if he has any personal experiences, but dude...stop putting words in other people's mouths.

that's what i mean...but pololax kept on going and going with the topic of whether it is right to hit girls, which had nothing to do with the original topic or the video. He kept on saying that someone said hitting girls was okay...but no one directly said this
People are attacking me stating that I'm going overboard on an issue that I feel strongly about. The fact of the matter is, many of you have stated that no one in this thread has said that what CB did was right. Well, I just looked back at the last 4 pages quickly and this is what I found:

But you're acting as if Rhianna is a new born puppy, Like She couldn't possibly put her hands on CB and harm him....Chris lip was busted too...

Idk if you've ever been in a relationship....but women like to "push buttons".... Now, Yes CB was wrong for beating her to the extent that he did.... but Im more than sure that Rhianna hit him first...and more than once

!#%$ outta here wit that +#+@ son, i saw that video too, had that broad done that to me i would've slapped her weave off E. honda style

You better then me id more then likely let one go in her. I mean this double standard stuff gotta stop. How are men and women equal (by the way equal means same) yet tall are saying it should be different when it comes to woman. If thats the case and men are physically dominant, then this theory should be wide spread

^word (@ninjahood). foh with that TYPICAL nonsense. dudes quick to put these females on pedestals. i wish a female would spit on me.

Dudes in here REALLY about that "let a %+*%% beat my @!$ just cuz shes female" life? I don't support violence in any way, but I completely respect self defense and equality among the sexes. And once your hands or feet violate my space you have %!+%*@ up, male or female
No one should be putting their hands on ANYONE but I'll be damned if a female gets away with it just because she has *******. Act like a lady and you won't get man handled.

she started it.

c'mon b..stop injecting your opinion on da situation as fact.

chris brown already went thru it for 2 years, what makes you think he's any different from anyone else? cuz he's got money? so president Clinton still has to be asked about da Lewinsky scandal?

mike vick still gotta answer question about da dog incident? pssh thats some clown %$# reply b.... 

at da end of da day these people are human. stop tryin to poke a stick at them and justify it as "well they're celebrities, they're supposed to deal with it...its corny and biased.

Rihanna hasn't forgotten about it, just because you relax a restraning order doesn't mean you forgive the person for what  they did
Over the weekend, and almost three weeks after Chris Brown allegedly attacked girlfriend Rihanna after an altercation over a text message, the two young singers got back together to work on their problems. Rihanna has forgiven Brown and is willing to give the relationship another go, People magazine and TMZ have both confirmed.

On February 8, Brown got so infuriated when Rihanna reportedly took the car keys out of the ignition and threw them out the window, that he repeatedly hit and bit her until a concerned passerby heard her screams and called the police. An investigation has been underway ever since to determine whether the DA could charge Brown with making criminal threats, domestic violence and even attempted murder. However, Rihanna seems to have accepted Chris’ apology and is now with him at Diddy’s Miami mansion, working out their problems.

“They’re together again. They care for each other. While Chris is reflective and saddened about what happened, he is really happy to be with the woman he loves. He called to wish her happy birthday. They’ve reached out to each other. It’s been mutual.
I never liked chris yellow. so him throwing a fit like a big cry baby makes me laugh at him more. i guess the "craaaaaaaaaaazier" he is in public the more his records will sell. he's so corney.
Originally Posted by LDJ

ForeverDecember21 wrote:
LDJ wrote:

You didnt have to. You implied it by basically dodging and not addressing the root of the problem. The antagonizer of this whole situation. None of this would have happen if it was not for her actions and her childish and inappropriate behavior. You seem to completely leave that vital fact out of the argument.

Thats like if someone breaks in my house and i shoot them. Sure i could fight them possibly come up with an alternative to shooting them. But the burgular wouldnt have gotten shot had they never broke into my house.

What are you talking about? Shup up. Argument? I simply said what i wanted to say and you questioned it. for what? implying? the foh. How you gonna tell me that im implying. When im clearly not. And didnt side with either. 
Root of the problem? I dont give a flying #%%% about who started the fight between chris & ri... that +@!% doesnt affect me. Are you seriously that caught up over another mans problems that ur getting so worked up for?

My point is she made a conscious decision and purposely put herself in a position for something like this to happen. Do i applaud what he did no. But she should have some accountability for the role she played in thsi situation. And it seems like alot of you guys thats cb bashing refuse to see that.

Im not saying what he did is right, but i am also not saying she is the victim. They both should have conducted themselves like civilied adults.

WHO THE @#$* ARE YOU ARGUING WITH!? Are you debating with yourself? Cause i agree with this.

But like i said i could never bring myself to beat a woman. Was that implying that i give Rihanna a pass for you? .... Stop it 5. 
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