Chris Brown just lost it (again)

Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by Nash

why on earth is this thread 21 pages long

Because some dudes in here are saying it's ok to beat a girl halfway to death if she hits you first.

fam, she wasnt beaten halfway to death

she got wallop. thats all
that most likely goes to show us all the Chris Brown himself isn't even over this situation even thought you all claim he is and Rihanna is as well.

You approve of the questions, than flip out. Most likely he didn't think they were going to spark the nerve that they did. Proves to us all that he can't deal with what he did, yet half of NT wants us to move on and deal with it...
Homeboy obviously needs help.....These sheep in this thread enable his "I'm better than you behavior"
Originally Posted by PoloLax

Lot of people are judging my thoughts and opinions on this subject. Many have said things of this nature:

lol this is still going on?
pololax stays believing that some people on NT are saying what CB did to rihanna was right.
no one is saying what CB did was right...why are you so stubborn?
I posted on the second page and have been reading since, I am convinced this relates to something he feels strongly about in his personal past as he continues to return to the 2009 incident. No one outright said it was the correct thing to do.
There is no way any female is going to hit you while your driving (hypothetically speaking, because none of us know the real facts lets face it), and not retaliate physically

Pololax definitely needs to chill out...i dont know if he has any personal experiences, but dude...stop putting words in other people's mouths.

that's what i mean...but pololax kept on going and going with the topic of whether it is right to hit girls, which had nothing to do with the original topic or the video. He kept on saying that someone said hitting girls was okay...but no one directly said this
People are attacking me stating that I'm going overboard on an issue that I feel strongly about. The fact of the matter is, many of you have stated that no one in this thread has said that what CB did was right. Well, I just looked back at the last 4 pages quickly and this is what I found:

But you're acting as if Rhianna is a new born puppy, Like She couldn't possibly put her hands on CB and harm him....Chris lip was busted too...

Idk if you've ever been in a relationship....but women like to "push buttons".... Now, Yes CB was wrong for beating her to the extent that he did.... but Im more than sure that Rhianna hit him first...and more than once

!#%$ outta here wit that +#+@ son, i saw that video too, had that broad done that to me i would've slapped her weave off E. honda style

You better then me id more then likely let one go in her. I mean this double standard stuff gotta stop. How are men and women equal (by the way equal means same) yet tall are saying it should be different when it comes to woman. If thats the case and men are physically dominant, then this theory should be wide spread

^word (@ninjahood). foh with that TYPICAL nonsense. dudes quick to put these females on pedestals. i wish a female would spit on me.

Dudes in here REALLY about that "let a %+*%% beat my @!$ just cuz shes female" life? I don't support violence in any way, but I completely respect self defense and equality among the sexes. And once your hands or feet violate my space you have %!+%*@ up, male or female
No one should be putting their hands on ANYONE but I'll be damned if a female gets away with it just because she has *******. Act like a lady and you won't get man handled.

she started it.

c'mon b..stop injecting your opinion on da situation as fact.

chris brown already went thru it for 2 years, what makes you think he's any different from anyone else? cuz he's got money? so president Clinton still has to be asked about da Lewinsky scandal?

mike vick still gotta answer question about da dog incident? pssh thats some clown %$# reply b.... 

at da end of da day these people are human. stop tryin to poke a stick at them and justify it as "well they're celebrities, they're supposed to deal with it...its corny and biased.

The fact is there are people in here justifying what CB did was right. This isn't a celebrity issue either.This is an issue of domestic violence, beating women. If you can't understand that there are people in here stating it is ok what CB did than you all need to get your eyes checked cause it's right there, in quotations, just from page 17 mind you.

I know what the original topic was and yes did it get off topic bringing up an event two years ago? Yes, but the events of yesterday were related to the events two years ago. Many of you claim
Chris Brown should be allowed to live his life because this incident was two years ago and many have forgotten about it.

Rihanna hasn't forgotten about it, just because you relax a restraning order doesn't mean you forgive the person for what  they did, and most likely I'd bet that there was a little money in that situation to make CB look better. That's how the entertainment business and many other businesses work, money makes problems go away, atleast on the surface, but that is a completely different topic.

The simple fact is I will never forgive a person who beats a female to damn near unconsciousness like that unless your life was truly in danger, and CB's life was not in danger. We THINK we all know the reports from what happened that night, and CB had a scratch or two. He pulled that car over and beat her, not even giving a place for Rihanna to run. If you think Rihanna was sitting there taking that beating from a guy that most of NT thinks would beat the rest of NT up, you're doing nothing but lying to yourself.

You think a little community service and a public apology is justifable for his actions, I don't. Regular men go to prison for vicious attacks like that, who dont have money to have good and proper representation (people get time for a bag of weed and some dont so whats your point?).. This was not even comparable to a domestic abuse case where he slapped a woman after an argument over money. This was straight ASSAULT.

And I've said it before and I'll say it again. A lot of you dudes in here are crying about
"she started it". Are you serious? Men and woman are not built the same( and some men and men arent built the same) Alot of you guys by judging on the pics you posted(no racism asians etc are about the size of my young teenage daughter) So if you slap me in the face attack I should take it easy because im twice your height and size?. It's obvious Chris nor Rhianna can't control his their tempers  as dictated by the outburst yesterday and his beating of Rihanna two years ago. If a girl anyone starts something,regardless of gender like homie said up top, if she "pushes buttons" its up to you to try to be the bigger person as a man to handle that situation. Emotionally. You leave her at the side of the curb and tell her to go fetch a taxi. You don't beat her.

Chris Brown got what our often times injustice and prejudice judicial system felt that was fair off easy. He served community service and made a public apology. No jail time. He was able to go on and make hit records and get back to the rise of fame that he wanted to acheive. But his immaturity once again got in the way of himself just like that night he hit her. He They both needs to take responsibility for what he they did, and he can't expect people to forget about it. It's a part of growing up, to answer the questions. Mike Vick still answers it, and he don't get all pissy about it. He knows it will always haunt him, the only way to make it better is to play well on the field. Mike Vick has to talk to kids about not beating or killing dogs, hell CB don't even have to talk to kids and he BEAT A DAMN HUMAN. He got off easy and now he can't even deal with journalists bringing up the questions.

Did you see the answer he gave to Robin Roberts? He said it's not a big deal in his life anymore and he's past it. You kidding me? Not a big deal? He don't even think about the situation like that. Great message to people around the world who look up to him. Beat your woman, plead to some low !!# charge and get famous and forget all about it.

The original point of this topic was like doesn't the media let it go. Because it's a big freakin' deal. He beat a woman. Now he wants to be rewarded for what he has done in the music industry while we just let it all fade away like nothin' bad every happened? You don't hide behind your mistakes you confront them, it's time for Chris Brown to grow up and stop blaming the media. He needs to blame himself and take the questions like a man.

   Wrong is Wrong period. Quit making things out like women are suboordinates, and less of that of a man. Its actually kinda sexiest. Women and men are EQUAL. That means same, ppl tend to forget that. Im not saying what he did is right, but i am also not saying she is the victim. They both should have conducted themselves like civilied adults.

This whole one-sided damsel in distress arguement simps on here are giving is flawed and wack. Yall as well as the media portray it like she was just sitting on the porch reading to under-priviledge children, and he came up and went all rodney king, slave massa on her.
Originally Posted by LDJ

Wrong is Wrong period. Quit making things out like women are suboordinates, and less of that of a man. Its actually kinda sexiest. Women and men are EQUAL. That means same, ppl tend to forget that. Im not saying what he did is right, but i am also not saying she is the victim. They both should have conducted themselves like civilied adults.

This whole one-sided damsel in distress arguement simps on here are giving is flawed and wack.
Yall as well as the media portray it like she was just sitting on the porch reading to under-priviledge children, and he came up and went all rodney king, slave massa on her.
*gives cuz 5 on the black hand side*
Originally Posted by moundraised23

Originally Posted by LDJ

Wrong is Wrong period. Quit making things out like women are suboordinates, and less of that of a man. Its actually kinda sexiest. Women and men are EQUAL. That means same, ppl tend to forget that. Im not saying what he did is right, but i am also not saying she is the victim. They both should have conducted themselves like civilied adults.

This whole one-sided damsel in distress arguement simps on here are giving is flawed and wack.
Yall as well as the media portray it like she was just sitting on the porch reading to under-priviledge children, and he came up and went all rodney king, slave massa on her.
*gives cuz 5 on the black hand side*

Once again, when you're sister, cousin, mother, friend, girlfriend get's beat by a gross $%@ man like that, for whatever reason. Come back and see me.
Mar 22 2011 1:54 PM EDT 64,546
[h1]Chris Brown Interview Defended By 'Good Morning America'[/h1][h2]'We ask questions that are relevant and newsworthy,' a rep for ABC tells MTV News.[/h2]
By Jocelyn Vena (@jocelyn1212) /sitewide/images/spacer.gif

Text Size Decrease Increase

Shortly after news broke that Chris Brown had stormed out of ABC News' Times Square studios following an appearance on "Good Morning America," a rep for ABC released a statement to MTV News defending their interview, during which host Robin Roberts asked Brown about his 2009 assault of Rihanna and its consequences.


"As always, we ask questions that are relevant and newsworthy," the rep said in the statement. "And that's what we did in this interview with Mr. Brown."

With varying reports surfacing after the incident, Roberts took to her Twitteraccount to react to Brown's outburst, writing, "Sure has been an interesting AM @GMA. Still sorting thru everything myself. Just my 2nd day on twitter, wonder what tomorrow will bring?"

Sources tell E! News that the star "went ballistic" shortly after the interview wrapped. He started cursing and throwing furniture, making show staffers "feel scared."

"He went ballistic, absolutely ballistic," the source explained. "After Robin got a lot of criticism for [not pressing] Tiger [Woods], she pressed him. She was concerned after she was slammed for that. Chris thought he'd be asked one question, not pressed on it. They say, 'We'll ask you one Rihanna question,' but she kept asking follow-ups. He got off and went crazy.

"He smashed a chair into a window and that glass is so thick, people heard shattering and security was called," the source added. "It was to the point where people were scared. The question is now how ABC will report it."

Sources tell People a similar story, with an eyewitness adding, "He was visibly upset and appeared livid after the interview."
dude keeps trying to act hard but has the build of a 14 year old JV football player. come on, if it wasn't for the fact that he has hired security, dude would get bodied if he acted like this in front of real men.
Originally Posted by PoloLax

Originally Posted by moundraised23

Originally Posted by LDJ

Wrong is Wrong period. Quit making things out like women are suboordinates, and less of that of a man. Its actually kinda sexiest. Women and men are EQUAL. That means same, ppl tend to forget that. Im not saying what he did is right, but i am also not saying she is the victim. They both should have conducted themselves like civilied adults.

This whole one-sided damsel in distress arguement simps on here are giving is flawed and wack.
Yall as well as the media portray it like she was just sitting on the porch reading to under-priviledge children, and he came up and went all rodney king, slave massa on her.
*gives cuz 5 on the black hand side*

Once again, when you're sister, cousin, mother, friend, girlfriend get's beat by a gross $%@ man like that, for whatever reason. Come back and see me.

man hush up wit dat
so u dont agree that:
A- They both should have conducted themselves like civilied adults
B- This whole one-sided damsel in distress arguement simps on here are giving is flawed and wack.
i'm not condoning in beating women at all, but unless u was in Cbreezy's lap or some how fit into that lambo that night this %*@# is one-sided
have i experienced the battery of women in my life? Yes
do i think he should have laid hands on her? No
if u feel that damn strongly about it, go work with battered women who need help (if u dont already) instead of gettin mad cuz we dont share the same feelins as u
keep sittin here and discussing dude's actions if u want to Perez......

*fires up spliff and exits thread*
PoloLax wrote:
moundraised23 wrote:
LDJ wrote:
Wrong is Wrong period. Quit making things out like women are suboordinates, and less of that of a man. Its actually kinda sexiest. Women and men are EQUAL. That means same, ppl tend to forget that. Im not saying what he did is right, but i am also not saying she is the victim. They both should have conducted themselves like civilied adults.

This whole one-sided damsel in distress arguement simps on here are giving is flawed and wack.
Yall as well as the media portray it like she was just sitting on the porch reading to under-priviledge children, and he came up and went all rodney king, slave massa on her.
*gives cuz 5 on the black hand side*

Once again, when you're sister, cousin, mother, friend, girlfriend get's beat by a gross $%@ man like that, for whatever reason. Come back and see me.

  First off i am a father. And i wouldnt show preferential treatment over my girls getting beat up over my son. Like really imma say oh well son you got be to death oh well your a boy MAN UP. But if my girls go get beat imma go on a storming rampage and kill duke if they attack my girls. Come see me when you grow up have a family and have kids.

Second I instill into my kids both girls and boy that violence is the be all to end all. And only use it in self-defense (something Rhianna negligent parents forgot to teach her) I have told my kids esp my girls that using violence because you dont get your way and/or dont like what you hear is immature and childish and doesnt solve anything (again something Rhianna parents didnt instill in her).

End of the day she acted immature, childish, and took her frustration out physically on him. He over-reacted and took it to far and to extreme. She should have been a mature woman and instead of hitting him and acting like a chicken head, been an adult and just ask to leave/drop her off.
Originally Posted by moonmaster3

dude keeps trying to act hard but has the build of a 14 year old JV football player. come on, if it wasn't for the fact that he has hired security, dude would get bodied if he acted like this in front of real men.

You mean if he was abusing a woman. Well yeah I think anyone would step in and help. But dudes wern't saying that, they were saying if they saw CB in public they would stomp him. We all know that aint true yall dudes wouldn't do anything exept ask for an autograph and thats a fact.
Cocaine is a helluva drug.

Instead of being mad at Robin Roberts, dude shoulda been upset at his stylist for having him on tv looking like a fruitcake.
This thread is pure comedy! LOL. CB is a real cat so I respect dude. He just has anger issues.
its really disgusting how a lot you men would respect this garbage of man.

i wouldnt be surprised if the people here defending chris are women beaters also.

f**kn disgusting
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