Circuit City to liquidate remaining US stores (Wiki and Informative Video on Pg 1)

They're gonna mark up prices and then discount the marked up prices at like 50-75%. Liquidation shopping noobs, don't be fooled by this tactic.
yep good bye for good. I worked for them for 2.5 years beginning in 2004 and my store was closed in 2006 for other reasons. I went through it all. Employeeswill be able to get good deals on stuff if they're good with the managers and such. I got a pair of $100 bose head phones for free and like 6-7 cds free.but yea best deals will be towards the end. youll be able to bargin more by that time. im going in to mines sunday to give them time to mark stuff down sincestore just found out today.
Why do people act like their gonna start slashing prices dramatically? What theyre gonna do is take discount items gradually, maybe 5-10% this week and adding5-10% every other week until things slowly go away. Just like CompUSA Mervyns and Linens and Things did
will the prices be the same throughout the whole time or will they just keep decreasing as time goes on? i need an ew tv but dont wanan get too happy and gobuy it this weekend and 2 weeks later its half price of what i paid

gonna hit it up tomorrow and Sun and see what I can scoop up

then go back on Tues or Wed to see if the deals get better

this is crazy though
i used to work for them i just recently got laid off from them because my location closed. but to tell u the truth do not go running up in there the first daysof the sales because all the items they carry will be above normal price. what i'm saying is, example a bluray dvd will cost about $30 they will rake theprice up to $40 dollars and then knock off a percentage from the $40. what i would do is just save ur money and wait until the last weeks of the store closingu will get stuff dirty cheap i promise u.
when would you say the better deals on TV's and what not are? the end of this week? Thursday-%*#?

I'm really just trying to cop a TV or 2 and a $%%% load of movies
Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

They're gonna mark up prices and then discount the marked up prices at like 50-75%. Liquidation shopping noobs, don't be fooled by this tactic.
Good advice
^^^^ wait for the last 2 or 3 weeks i garantee u would get 2 tv's for the price of one. i got a 46" 120hz tv on the last week for only $550 oh andthat was a samsung that original price was $2000. i didnt even get a manager hook up and i was losing my job. but now i get to watch a nice tv.
wait til late February/ march, the courts basically said let the sale run til then
im not surprise circuit city is going out of business, judging by there policies and how there stores are managed in my area
Sucks that people are out of a job.

I haven't bought anything from Circuit City in like 10 years though.
Originally Posted by Airjordans23and45

^^^^ wait for the last 2 or 3 weeks i garantee u would get 2 tv's for the price of one. i got a 46" 120hz tv on the last week for only $550 oh and that was a samsung that original price was $2000. i didnt even get a manager hook up and i was losing my job. but now i get to watch a nice tv.
damn. what city was your store in?
Originally Posted by Airjordans23and45

^^^^ wait for the last 2 or 3 weeks i garantee u would get 2 tv's for the price of one. i got a 46" 120hz tv on the last week for only $550 oh and that was a samsung that original price was $2000. i didnt even get a manager hook up and i was losing my job. but now i get to watch a nice tv.

good lookin' out my dude, I think I'll wait till a little later to make the big purchases like TV's
I'll probably go tomorrow or Sunday though still to scoop up some movies and what not

I know it says no car installations will be available but I had my CD player installed at CC and I think theres a loose wire behind it and i've beenmeaning to take it to have it checked. Do you think they'll still be open for stuff like that?
Originally Posted by RellNye

They did it to themselves when they got rid of commissioned workers.
That's the truth. Ever since then they've just been Best Buy lite and given that, why not just go to Best Buy?
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