I don't understand why people can't see that Grant CAN'T speak ill of the Maloof's publically. After all... he is their employee and they do sign his check. If he were to go on a vindictive spree, why would a future ownership group not think he wouldn't do the same to them? While it's frustrating most of the time, I do see some of his points that the Maloofs have donated a lot to charities in Sacramento. Personally, I don't hold much of a grudge against Joe & Gavin. I do wish, however, they would stand up to their little brother and realize there is more to business than just money. With their reputation ruined, their chances of owning another major sports franchise within the next generation are virtually zero because no commissioner would want to put up with the trouble they cause. I think they might give Loria in Miami a run for his money as worst owner for a city if they were allowed by buy a franchise.