
I would rather he get taught by a veteran than be thrown out there to burn. Schaub had good years, he sucks now but it's not as if that's a transmutable property. It's not as big a deal as people want to make it out to be.

Very true; however, I'd prefer to see our starting QB out there Day 1. Especially if we're spending the money to protect...let him learn by doing. Difference of opinion...sure, but I'm not a huge fan of the sit, watch, and learn for a year or two approach.
The ideal situation would be to have a rookie QB who is undeniably ready and forces the team's hand to start him, similar to Russell Wilson. I'm looking for a QB who progresses quickly and takes over for the veteran during some point in the season. I think expecting more than that would be setting yourself up for disappointment.

We're not going to compete this year, let's realize that now. What this means is that DA and Reggie are likely to be gone, depending on how we look this year. They need to be competitive in a way they haven't been since we almost made the playoffs a few years back.
Scott Bair ‏@BairCSN 6m
#Raiders announce that Rodger Saffold failed a physical and will not be signing with the team.
Saffold failed his physical! going back to the rams???
here we go.....
no news on Tuck, Woodley, Thomas yet? Reggie better not let anyone leave till we have a deal! the first two days of FA have not looked good for us.
I can't believe this. This franchise is cursed man
  Watch this dude go back to St. Louis and BEAST
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We're not cursed, don't be trapped in the moment. A lot people didn't like the contract to begin with so what's the loss? We throw the money at other players and we draft how we need to. One guy isn't going to break our backs.
We're not cursed, don't be trapped in the moment. A lot people didn't like the contract to begin with so what's the loss? We throw the money at other players and we draft how we need to. One guy isn't going to break our backs
true, but still very unfortunate. We have more $$$ than anybody and we haven't even made a splash! nobody wants to come to Oakland unless we overpay, which reggie is not gonna do. we had all these guys come in today and didn't sign ONE! that is scary, it's like the FA got together and said lets go troll the Raiders..... so tired of being the laughing stock of the NFL. so depressing..... hell the Browns are getting it in! the ****ing BROWNS!!!!! really????
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 I like how everyone quick hopping on to bash the Raider, but dat bum failed his Physical ....what you want Reggie & Co. to do? continue with the deal and waste dat much money on someone that can't play?  People are Funny these day ...anyway's teams are built thru the draft not just FA,  we be arite ...IMO we are not in position to sign one or two high price player's to major contract since we ain't closed to begin a playoff team....we need bodies on every position on the team and play makers and like i said all that is thru proper scouting and great drafting, which i believe Reggie and Co. are doing ...
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:lol:  I like how everyone quick hopping on to bash the Raider, but dat bum failed his Physical ....what you want Reggie & Co. to do? continue with the deal and waste dat much money on someone that can't play?  People are Funny these day ...anyway's teams are built thru the draft not just FA,  we be arite ...

He should have paid Valdheer.

Before that he should have paid Houston.

Before that he should not have brought in Flyn.

Before that he should Not have wasted our draft picks.

Before that he should have paid Carson.

Before that he should have kept M.Mitchell

Before that he should Not have hired Allen

Before that he should Not have fired Hue

Before that he should Not have come to Oakland
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for the record i was not a fan of that deal at all, we should have franchised Jared or offered the same deal we tried to give Saffold. It's just unfortunate that it had to happen to us, just another reason for ESPN and all these networks to laugh at the Raiders again.
“@MikeSilver: Right now Reggie McKenzie & Dennis Allen are meeting with Justin Tuck & Lamarr Woodley right now. Team could really use some good news now.”
He should have paid Valdheer.

Before that he should have paid Carson.

Before that he should have kept M.Mitchell

Before that he shouldnt have hired Allen

Before that he shouldnt have fired Hue

Before that he shouldnt have come to Oakland
Valdheer - report saying his bum *** brother was a pain in the butt to work with and he wasn't gonna stay if he wasn't getting crazy mula ..IMO he above average 

Carson, Mitchell = With what money at that time? we was cash strap last few year until this year ...

Hue = dude threw the team under the bus and made bad trades...remember??!?!?

Seattle and Niner took 4+ year of getting rid of bad contracts, and make good FA signing & good drafting to become where they are now guys expect Reggie to do it in 2? with worst cap situation? 
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“@MikeSilver: According to a Raiders source Mark Davis pulled plug on Saffold deal. Could have had surgery and been ready for training camp. Mark said no”
“@MikeSilver: Right now Reggie McKenzie & Dennis Allen are meeting with Justin Tuck & Lamarr Woodley right now. Team could really use some good news now.”
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