
“@MikeSilver: According to a Raiders source Mark Davis pulled plug on Saffold deal. Could have had surgery and been ready for training camp. Mark said no”
Ain't mad at dat, if i drop dat much money on yo as#, you better be ready to play and not require any surgery ...
“@MikeSilver: According to a Raiders source Mark Davis pulled plug on Saffold deal. Could have had surgery and been ready for training camp. Mark said no”
Mark getting involved, i like it. now  get in there and sign Tuck and Woodley!
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Because Mark Davis doesn't know **** about football, he's admitted to not knowing enough. If he doesn't trust his GM to make moves then why keep him around? Do we really want someone who will operate like Al Davis without having any of Al's sense for the game?
Valdheer - report saying his bum *** brother was a pain in the butt to work with and he wasn't gonna stay if he wasn't getting crazy mula ..IMO he above average 

Carson, Mitchell = With what money at that time? we was cash strap last few year until this year ...

Hue = dude threw the team under the bus and made bad trades...remember??!?!?

Seattle and Niner took 4+ year of getting rid of bad contracts, and make good FA signing & good drafting to become where they are now guys expect Reggie to do it in 2? with worst cap situation? :lol:

That is a good point. Those 2 teams are pretty good examples. And after the eagles "dream team" failure I can understand the hesitation in opening up the bank and going after big name after big name
Because Mark Davis doesn't know **** about football, he's admitted to not knowing enough. If he doesn't trust his GM to make moves then why keep him around? Do we really want someone who will operate like Al Davis without having any of Al's sense for the game?
Mark Davis didn't do the physical, if you were Mark and your team doc said this guy needs surgery to be ready for the season, are you still gonna give him 42 mil? hell no!
Valdheer - report saying his bum *** brother was a pain in the butt to work with and he wasn't gonna stay if he wasn't getting crazy mula ..IMO he above average 

Carson, Mitchell = With what money at that time? we was cash strap last few year until this year ...

Hue = dude threw the team under the bus and made bad trades...remember??!?!?

Seattle and Niner took 4+ year of getting rid of bad contracts, and make good FA signing & good drafting to become where they are now guys expect Reggie to do it in 2? with worst cap situation? :lol:

Ok so you want us to give Reggie two more years?

Btw Seahawks and Niners drafted better than Reggie. Not only has Reggie failed to Draft impact players in 2 years but he has also lost the 2 good players we drafted in the last 5 years.

Only guy he drafted that i like is Sio Moore but at that rate it will take us 51 years to get a real team ready.

Happy Jr is getting involved now
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I gave my GM full control over the team, I authorize him to spend my money because I believe in his ability to manage the team and by extension my money. If I take that away from him by doing this I've already sabotaged him and I might as well fire him. Who is going to want to work for me if I show that I am capable of undercutting anyone whenever I want?
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I gave my GM full control over the team, I authorize him to spend my money because I believe in his ability to manage the team and by extension my money. If I take that away from him by doing this I've already sabotaged him and I might as well fire him. Who is going to want to work for me if I show that I am capable of undercutting anyone whenever I want?
good point. But as the owner he has to step in when he deems necessary for the sake of the team, i sure as hell am not giving 42mil when you need surgery, and Reggie is a fool if he wanted to keep that deal together. Dude failed his physical! can't point the finger at Mark Davis for that decision, he had no choice....
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I gave my GM full control over the team, I authorize him to spend my money because I believe in his ability to manage the team and by extension my money. If I take that away from him by doing this I've already sabotaged him and I might as well fire him. Who is going to want to work for me if I show that I am capable of undercutting anyone whenever I want?

Dude is your hate for AL that deep or your love for Reggie that strong? I bet you are under 22 and thats explains it.

Even the 95.7 radio hosts were bashing Reggie and they are usually the reasonable ones and level headed since most are not Raider fans. The guy during my lunch break said Reggie is not showing indication he can build a team. "Reggie can dismantle a team but does not show signs he has a the masonry skills or even a building permit...the Nation deserves a sturdy house, a mansion. Reggie and Allen are building a shack that will get blown away by week 5" -radio host
It was a classic rant.

They also hate how Reggie picks packers but it could explain why Madden also thought highly of him. "We all know madden likes the Packers org and brett favre" radio host.

They also said a real GM has to get the guys he wants regardless. Pappa said Al Davis use to get sad when at the end of his life people did not want to come here because of his reputation (Mentioned McNabb) but a GM needs to do whatever it takes to get the guys he wants...its a business. It does not matter if Rivas or Valdheer family like get the impact player and make it work...its a business and everyone has to follow the contract.
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First, older than 22.

Second, read what you quote from me again. I don't hate Al Davis nor do I love Reggie (nor am I as enthusiastic about him as I was before). If the owner, some who is admittedly not knowledgeable enough to run a team on his own, feels that he needs to step in and make personnel decisions on his own, what does that say about his faith in the man he hired personally? Why would someone want to come in and work for an owner like this who will meddle whenever he doesn't like what he sees? Mark set a terrible precedent today. If he's going to do this whenever he thinks the GM has messed up then why should any come in for the job? I wouldn't.

I think Reggie is done after this year barring a team emerges that challenges everyone's expectation of them. DA would of course be gone too.
Reggie has no more excuses, if you can't spend 60 Mil and get FA in here he needs to kick rocks.....
And what is so exciting about an old declining Justin Tuck exactly?...

When was his last sack... 2011?...

He made absolutely 0 impact last season in NY. 0.

This is just another washed up guy that no one else obviously wants.
And what is so exciting about an old declining Justin Tuck exactly?...

When was his last sack... 2011?...

He made absolutely 0 impact last season in NY. 0.

This is just another washed up guy that no one else obviously wants.

He's still better than what we have.

Go make a Chargers offseason thread.
And what is so exciting about an old declining Justin Tuck exactly?...

When was his last sack... 2011?...

He made absolutely 0 impact last season in NY. 0.

This is just another washed up guy that no one else obviously wants.
um..... he had 11 sacks last year.....
Some of you guys are crazy. Justin Tuck had 10 sacks last year. He's a bonafide leader and his jockstrap has more experience winning than our entire 53 man roster and front office combined. 
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Dude is a chargers fan? 
 Kick rocks
Some of you guys are crazy. Justin Tuck had 10 sacks last year. He's a bonafide leader and his jockstrap has more experience winning than our entire 53 man roster and front office combined. 
exactly, dude is a stud and always has been, and he is only 30, dudes acting like he 35 and ish... will be a great pick up for us.
First, older than 22.

Second, read what you quote from me again. I don't hate Al Davis nor do I love Reggie (nor am I as enthusiastic about him as I was before). If the owner, some who is admittedly not knowledgeable enough to run a team on his own, feels that he needs to step in and make personnel decisions on his own, what does that say about his faith in the man he hired personally? Why would someone want to come in and work for an owner like this who will meddle whenever he doesn't like what he sees? Mark set a terrible precedent today. If he's going to do this whenever he thinks the GM has messed up then why should any come in for the job? I wouldn't.

I think Reggie is done after this year barring a team emerges that challenges everyone's expectation of them. DA would of course be gone too.

Yes. I hope so.

No one here, except for the charger fan, wants to see the Raiders lose. I hope Reggie proves me wrong and turns this team around. I really do but he is not showing any signs.
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Just found out about the news his health worried me so this could be a blessing for us. Might draft Robinson or Watson might play LT.
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