
The only way i would be happy is if we got woodley and pepper too.

Our line would then be Tuck,Woodly,Peppers and Clowny LOL

Im not big on Clowny buy im sure two or three vets who show him the ropes and make him shine.
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“@CSNRaiders: Tuck: 'I'll be a recruiter' of defensive talent: Justin Tuck has name recognition. The respected... #RaidersTalk”
If I remember correctly, Richard Seymour was supposed to do something along those lines during his time here and look what happened to that. Tuck seems like a better character guy, so I hope it works out. My bad for the negativity but sucking **** for over a decade will do that to ya.
You know what?
No matter how bad we are.
No matter how many sub .500 seasons.
We have the best looking jerseys in the league.

And for that, I will always be a proud fan.

Imagine being a Cleveland fan :x

"Which brings us to the other huge thing that leaves with Tuck: Strong, high-character leadership. It's no accident that the Giants put Pierre-Paul's locker next to Tuck's. They did it because they wanted Pierre-Paul to learn as much as possible, if only by osmosis. They wanted Tuck to be right there when Pierre-Paul had a question, for Pierre-Paul to have a front-row seat to watch Tuck carry himself as a professional in team meetings, in media interviews, while suiting up for practice, while studying his playbook ... all of it. And Pierre-Paul wasn't the only one in that room who looked at Tuck with reverence. Kiwanuka did, too. Antrel Rolle  counted Tuck among the influences that helped him rise to the level of co-captain. Tuck was the other co-captain on defense, a no-brainer election every year. "

finish strong Reggie with FA, then have a Strong draft ...We on the right path back to greatness ....
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You know what?
No matter how bad we are.
No matter how many sub .500 seasons.
We have the best looking jerseys in the league.

And for that, I will always be a proud fan.

Imagine being a Cleveland fan :x

The Browns jerseys are one of the best IMO.
Was talking to a few of my  OG Raider's fan co-worker's brought up the idea of signing Mark Sanchez ....he said Mark Sanchez situation reminded him of Jim Plunkett might be good to have someone with starting experience and have some rookie sit for a few years ...we don't really need a strong arm QB, since i think DA want to be a run happy offense ...what yall think? Sanchez for cheap might be an option? 
If I remember correctly, Richard Seymour was supposed to do something along those lines during his time here and look what happened to that. Tuck seems like a better character guy, so I hope it works out. My bad for the negativity but sucking **** for over a decade will do that to ya.

True but Seymour did not really want to come here; Al traded for him. Tuck chose to visit and sign so hopefully he and Woodly will be leaders. Still need a couple of offensive line guys.

I am liking Clowny and Watkins more and more everyday since it is less likely they turn out to be bust with leaders like Tuck in the locker room.
Please Reggie no QB in the draft. McGloin is fine he just needs protection, a healthy RunDMC and one more anotWr
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