Cmon China, you're better than that China vs. Georgetown Basketball

A lot of ya'll are sounding like complete idiots to me. With all the racial tensions and stereotypes out there ya'll are coming at these dudes for trying not to act like idiots? Be serious
I guess its better to do the right thing and be ridiculed than do the wrong thing and be vilified. And make no mistakes about it, if these dudes were out there throwing chairs and acting like "animals" not only would they have gotten mollywhopped by the crowd, the media would crucify them as well.
Originally Posted by Caerus

Originally Posted by Mr Marcus

dude prob don't wanna get banned on here cause any lil joke about them is an auto ban
It's crap like this that perpetuates the myth that Asians get a pass on NT for some reason. People are blatantly using racist terms (Liu-Kang kicks? Miniature Yao Mings?) and it's just jokes 
 the hell out of here.
Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Originally Posted by Caerus

Originally Posted by Mr Marcus

dude prob don't wanna get banned on here cause any lil joke about them is an auto ban
It's crap like this that perpetuates the myth that Asians get a pass on NT for some reason. People are blatantly using racist terms (Liu-Kang kicks? Miniature Yao Mings?) and it's just jokes 
 the hell out of here.
I used that term on twitter. Nothing to do with NT...
So, the FT advantage at this point in the game was 57-15? LOL. Saw someone say the Chinese team hadn't made much more than 5 FG's in 3+ quarters.

Past Georgetown teams have been soft, this one is not. They did what they were supposed to do. Defend their teammates and proceed to get the hell outa there.

9/12's of the roster is comprised of 18 & 19 year olds. Going against China's military team. Took the L or whatever, I don't care.

I couldn't be happier to come home to this news.
It sounds like the Bayi Rockets were getting worked by the Hoyas (even though they were cheating, look at the FTs) and got mad enough to put hands on them.

Real tough of some grown ex-military men to start throwing fists and chairs at kids who were better than them on their own court.
Originally Posted by RavageBX

A lot of ya'll are sounding like complete idiots to me. With all the racial tensions and stereotypes out there ya'll are coming at these dudes for trying not to act like idiots? Be serious
I guess its better to do the right thing and be ridiculed than do the wrong thing and be vilified. And make no mistakes about it, if these dudes were out there throwing chairs and acting like "animals" not only would they have gotten mollywhopped by the crowd, the media would crucify them as well.


I saw guys coming to the aid of teammates and trying to get out of there....$@@$ outta here with standing there and trying to fight 5 people at once.  I swear people in this thread are dumb.   Let's be real....even if folks saw a dude on the G-Town roster w. hands like Iron Mike in his prime but still got his $%$ kicked, you'd be more focused on clowning.  Don't even try to play the "oh...if so and so could throw hands" argument.  Your mind was made up before you clicked "play" on the vid.  Yall can name squads like Bama, FSU, etc....but they'd be in the same damn boat as G-Town.  In that type of situation, there ain't no hero award being given out....u do what u gotta do to get out of there in one piece. 
I feel bad for the G-Town players. Them Chinese dudes just kept coming and coming and still had to resort to throwing chairs.
Originally Posted by Al3xis

So, the FT advantage at this point in the game was 57-15? LOL. Saw someone say the Chinese team hadn't made much more than 5 FG's in 3+ quarters.

Past Georgetown teams have been soft, this one is not. They did what they were supposed to do. Defend their teammates and proceed to get the hell outa there.

9/12's of the roster is comprised of 18 & 19 year olds. Going against China's military team. Took the L or whatever, I don't care.

I couldn't be happier to come home to this news.

homer much?
Is this getting real attention in the media? I feel like a group of military athletes committing an act like this is probably a big deal.
Originally Posted by Kevin Cleveland

Is this getting real attention in the media? I feel like a group of military athletes committing an act like this is probably a big deal.

It'll be on Yahoo Sports by tonight...ESPN should cover it in a couple days
I apologize for offending the former and current prep school kids.
Ok. So 18-19 year olds are automatically supposed to get whooped by older cats?
Its ok to run from the scene while your team mates are defending themselves?
Go back and watch the video. A couple G-TOWN cats were RUNNING, not backing up.

In a situation like this you dont turn your back and run.
You quicly back up closer to where your allies are and then attack together with force.
Just because your outnumbered doesnt mean you have to take the L.
Obviously listening to all that rap music doesnt help when the s$%t hits the fan.
No, real media.

If roles were reversed, and the world saw a bunch of black American military athletes doing this to an international college team inside the United States, all hell would break loose.
Georgetown did the right thing. Look at that crowd and how classless they were in throwing those water bottles...and the lack of security even doing anything to try to stop the fight in the first place. If they tried to take it to another level they would have been in truly deep $!$+. They did the right thing in bouncing as soon as they could. If they tried to fight back, they would have been fighting a war they would have zero chance of winning...maybe even turning this into a big international incident and getting people really hurt.
hopefully the real media does pick up on this.....military dudes acting undisciplined in a setting like this

but when you check the differences in fts you'll see what the agenda was.....damn shame china cheating in exhibition games
Originally Posted by Kevin Cleveland

Is this getting real attention in the media? I feel like a group of military athletes committing an act like this is probably a big deal.
is this a serious post?
I feel like dudes don't know the full story and are coming to their own conclusions.
Originally Posted by Kevin Cleveland

No, real media.

They mentioned it briefly on ATH
Dont really expect to see the media "jump on this" 

showing black athletes running away from a fight doesnt really fit there agenda 
Looks like one of the taller players on the Chinese team bodied up the smaller G-Town player and no foul was called. It was likely heated way before that. But then that dude took a swing. If refs wont help me out on a blatant foul, ill handle it myself type of mentality. He looked to have been out sized by 7-8 inches. Teammates shouldve been right there to help out. Instead I think he got beat up.

#10 on the team is 6-10. You just had a 6-2 guy take a weak swing at you and you automatically swing back? He took no time to just push it off or let things be.

China got a bunch of goons on they squad
. Dudes got charles oakley, artest, anthony mason, and em. lookin' like they about that life.
I'm sorry, but if I am being attacked by 1-2 people I would go all out and you better believe they will get hurt as much as I do.

But with that said, a fight breaking out thousand of miles away from home, you don't fight in someone else backyard. They did the right thing, try to get the %**% out of there in one piece.

Everyone saying they would have done something....99.9% sure you would not have done anything.
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