Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

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At the end of the day if you live in America and don't believe it's the greatest country on Earth...then you can leave. I hear North Korea is nice.
This is the dumbest, one-size-fits-all statement provided when anyone has any comment regarding anything about American culture or American politics that isn't 100% praise.

1950s version of this: "hey black people: don't like segregation? You can leave.  I hear Somalia is nice."

1920s version of this: "hey women: don't like that you have no voice in the political sphere? You can leave.  I hear Saudi Arabia is nice."

Anyone over the age of 16 that still thinks this is a good retort needs to re-examine their entire life.
So a nation that lags behind all other developed nations in public health outcomes and wealth gaps even though it has the means to correct these problems (and then some) is "da greatest thing that happened to da human race"?  

Duly noted.

like i said, overall we betta than everyone out here...u tend to forget da only reason other countries get da opportunity to have a more robust healthcare industry is because they aint gotta worry about budgets in da military cuz guess who they're gonna cry to when they need a bully nation off their back? da World's police force of course...
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You don't either, you constantly complain about have to pay tax for social services and public.

If you want a small government, no taxes, and complete privatization of all socioeconomic functions, I hear Somalia is nice

Otherwise, shut the hell up too.

See how easily this can be flipped on you?

It is well known that you're in favor of European style socialism. So why not just move over there and be done with it. It's been well documented on here that you hate America.
You don't either, you constantly complain about have to pay tax for social services and public.

If you want a small government, no taxes, and complete privatization of all socioeconomic functions, I hear Somalia is nice

Otherwise, shut the hell up too.

See how easily this can be flipped on you?

It is well known that you're in favor of European style socialism. So why not just move over there and be done with it. It's been well documented on here that you hate America.

Show how I hate America.

I'm not going to allow you to pedal that bull **** around like you pedaled the idea me and my family were struggling and looking for handouts.

So prove this red herring bull ****.
So a nation that lags behind all other developed nations in public health outcomes and wealth gaps even though it has the means to correct these problems (and then some) is "da greatest thing that happened to da human race"?  

Duly noted.
like i said, overall we betta than everyone out here...u tend to forget da only reason other countries gave da opportunity to have a more robust healthcare industry is because they aint gotta worry about budgets in da military cuz guess who they're gonna cry to when they need a bully nation off their back? da World's police force of course...
Now you're just not even reading.

They don't have a more robust healthcare industry. Just the opposite, actually.  America has the most robust healthcare industry.  It spends a greater percentage on medical staff and resources than any developed nation. It's just that America spends a fraction of its GDP on its social services compared to other developed nations.  These countries have better PUBLIC HEALTH OUTCOMES.

Why? because they invest way more in social services that support preventative medicine.
You don't either, you constantly complain about have to pay tax for social services and public.

If you want a small government, no taxes, and complete privatization of all socioeconomic functions, I hear Somalia is nice

Otherwise, shut the hell up too.

See how easily this can be flipped on you?

It is well known that you're in favor of European style socialism. So why not just move over there and be done with it. It's been well documented on here that you hate America.

Show how I hate America.

I'm not going to allow you to pedal that bull **** around like you pedaled the idea me and my family were struggling and looking for handouts.

So prove this red herring bull ****.
He won't, because he can't.
So a nation that lags behind all other developed nations in public health outcomes and wealth gaps even though it has the means to correct these problems (and then some) is "da greatest thing that happened to da human race"?  

Duly noted.

like i said, overall we betta than everyone out here...u tend to forget da only reason other countries gave da opportunity to have a more robust healthcare industry is because they aint gotta worry about budgets in da military cuz guess who they're gonna cry to when they need a bully nation off their back? da World's police force of course...

In 2000 we had a surplus, if we continue at the same level of military spending we would have had more than enough money to solve the Healthcare situation.

Instead we spent that money on tax cuts (mainly for the rich) and went into debt ever further to fund the Iraq War. Remember the Iraq War b, the same one people were labeled as unpatriotic for not supporting.
I swear to god This whole "if you don't like Murrica, then leave" ******** is a cop out. Like seriously, y'all throwing a tantrum like a little ***** cause someone exercised his right to free speech all while we as a country have much bigger issues to seriously be worried (I'm not listing them all here). I ask you this, are you aware of the much bigger issues or is your head really far up your ***?
You don't either, you constantly complain about have to pay tax for social services and public.

If you want a small government, no taxes, and complete privatization of all socioeconomic functions, I hear Somalia is nice

Otherwise, shut the hell up too.

See how easily this can be flipped on you?
It is well known that you're in favor of European style socialism. So why not just move over there and be done with it. It's been well documented on here that you hate America.
Show how I hate America.

I'm not going to allow you to pedal that bull **** around like you pedaled the idea me and my family were struggling and looking for handouts.

So prove this red herring bull ****.
Go back to St. Lucia you commie muslim 
It is well known that you're in favor of European style socialism. So why not just move over there and be done with it. It's been well documented on here that you hate America.

Man shut the hell up with that BS. A mother****er ain't gotta move nowhere. This is our country. We live here and are citizens endowed with rights. And as a citizen we have the right to critize the ills plaguing this country. This country is not above reproach. And you with your hyper nationalistic rethoric are an enemy to that freedom.
You don't either, you constantly complain about have to pay tax for social services and public.

If you want a small government, no taxes, and complete privatization of all socioeconomic functions, I hear Somalia is nice

Otherwise, shut the hell up too.

See how easily this can be flipped on you?

It is well known that you're in favor of European style socialism. So why not just move over there and be done with it. It's been well documented on here that you hate America.

Show how I hate America.

I'm not going to allow you to pedal that bull **** around like you pedaled the idea me and my family were struggling and looking for handouts.

So prove this red herring bull ****.

Go back to St. Lucia you commie muslim 

Girls in Lucia not into get their cheeks eaten so..........

So a nation that lags behind all other developed nations in public health outcomes and wealth gaps even though it has the means to correct these problems (and then some) is "da greatest thing that happened to da human race"?  

Duly noted.

like i said, overall we betta than everyone out here...u tend to forget da only reason other countries gave da opportunity to have a more robust healthcare industry is because they aint gotta worry about budgets in da military cuz guess who they're gonna cry to when they need a bully nation off their back? da World's police force of course...

In 2000 we had a surplus, if we continue at the same level of military spending we would have had more than enough money to solve the Healthcare situation.

Instead we spent that money on tax cuts (mainly for the rich) and went into debt ever further to fund the Iraq War. Remember the Iraq War b, the same one people were labeled as unpatriotic for not supporting.

yeah, remember da budget Obama called unpatriotic for going to debt 9 billion? how'd that work out him? :lol

bottomline, ill take Obama as a screw up for 8 years in da good ol' red white and blue then anywhere else on this space rock.

some of ya need to take a crap in a outhouse at a 3rd world country, or be held captive as a political prisoner for expressing your beliefs, maybe ya would appreciate it in da United States betta. :lol
The "if you don't like it you can get out" guys are almost always Trump supporters

The same Trump who is running his campaign on the premise that America is a laughing stock, perceived as weak, and needs a reboot in order to be "great again"

Funny how that works
why is my only option for moving out of america a third world country... there are plenty of other countries where people can move to and have an equal if not better quality of life than the one that they were having in the USA
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Show how I hate America.

I'm not going to allow you to pedal that bull **** around like you pedaled the idea me and my family were struggling and looking for handouts.

So prove this red herring bull ****.

You're constantly railing against every aspect of America. I could literally pick any thread and see your overly negative critique about our nation. Not to mention your constant war to inject European style socialism into our country. So like I said, why not just leave because you obviously do not like it here.
The "if you don't like it you can get out" guys are almost always Trump supporters

The same Trump who is running his campaign on the premise that America is a laughing stock, perceived as weak, and needs a reboot in order to be "great again"

Funny how that works

So wait, Trump and his supporters don't think America is great right now? Take y'all ***** on to somewhere else then. I heard wherever the **** that plane disappeared is nice this time of year.
So a nation that lags behind all other developed nations in public health outcomes and wealth gaps even though it has the means to correct these problems (and then some) is "da greatest thing that happened to da human race"?  

Duly noted.

like i said, overall we betta than everyone out here...u tend to forget da only reason other countries gave da opportunity to have a more robust healthcare industry is because they aint gotta worry about budgets in da military cuz guess who they're gonna cry to when they need a bully nation off their back? da World's police force of course...

In 2000 we had a surplus, if we continue at the same level of military spending we would have had more than enough money to solve the Healthcare situation.

Instead we spent that money on tax cuts (mainly for the rich) and went into debt ever further to fund the Iraq War. Remember the Iraq War b, the same one people were labeled as unpatriotic for not supporting.

yeah, remember da budget Obama called unpatriotic for going to debt 9 billion? how'd that work out him? :lol

bottomline, ill take Obama as a screw up for 8 years in da good ol' red white and blue then anywhere else on this space rock.

some of ya need to take a crap in a outhouse at a 3rd world country, or be held captive as a political prisoner for expressing your beliefs, maybe ya would appreciate it in da United States betta. :lol

I live in a "third world" country for half my ******* life.

You been living on welfare in NYC all of yours

But you wanna lecture me about worldly experience and counting my blessings :lol
There are people without indoor plumbing in the US

There are political prisoners in the US
why is my only option for moving out of america a third world country... there are plenty of other countries where people can move to and have an equal if not better quality of life than the one that they were having in the USA

so whats stoppin you?

You been living on welfare in NYC all of yours

oh so we back to lies again? :lol imma say **** it label you a America hating, anti white commie..since we bout da lies nows.
It is possible to live well in a 3rd world country. You're not immediately handed some tattered clothes to wear and old flip flops with a tin roofed shack and a pit in the back to **** in if you move to one.
Show how I hate America.

I'm not going to allow you to pedal that bull **** around like you pedaled the idea me and my family were struggling and looking for handouts.

So prove this red herring bull ****.

You're constantly railing against every aspect of America. I could literally pick any thread and see your overly negative critique about our nation. Not to mention your constant war to inject European style socialism into our country. So like I said, why not just leave because you obviously do not like it here.

Shut the hell up with this red herring ********.

You have no proof just your opinion about me not loving America.

I want better for it, that is love, not being satisfied with the dysfunction and injustice
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Take a crap in an outhouse. The broke *** conservative that whines about every aspect of America to the point of of downright defiance and complete unwillingness to contribute to its greatness trying to tell people what to do. This is an idiot trap. Dipset.
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