Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

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I challenged you to kill yourself first, you still here on the comfort of your computer screen blabbermouthing nonsense. If you kill yourself I will consider joining whatever spiritual black cult you want me to.

I'd rock the Black Isrealite outfit and burn incense and everything.

View media item 2246476

Some of these outfits are on point tho:nthat:
I do not think that I suggested suicide for anyone, even though there are many who cannot stand to live with white privilege that are already doing so, nor am I recruiting anyone for any cult. Your paranoia is quite interesting. If you have some hidden guilt, pray to your ancestors for forgivness.
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I've heard or read it from a variety of people from shamans to Bill Hicks. The idea of death not really existing is very very old.
Hmm this sounds familiar....can't put a finger on it. Where have I heard this before?

View media item 2246588
Yes, I did type that. But where are you getting the suicide commentary? You seem to be struggling with comprehension. Just because you are not afraid to die, knowing that there is no such thing as death, it does not mean that you should be reckless in your decision to test whether or not your choice is just. In many faiths it is said that we are here to build character in order to elevate our spiritual standing. To know that there is no death means that you may continue to return, in order to get life right. If there are wars, and the situation is just, to die with honor, fighting for a just cause is honorable. It is called dying a good death in ancient times, which was echoed by the stoics, and later people of roman heritage. The stoics got this philosophy from the earliest Africans. So if you wish to discuss this respectfully, I will. But it seems as if you have a chip on your shoulder. If this is the case, you are possibly on the wrong team and you have some praying to do.
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Actually I'm pretty sure that idea evolved before homo sapiens. :lol:  

I love Egyptian mythology as much as the next man but the idea of death being transient is old. Hell there are animals who display behaviors that suggest death not being permanent.
I hope you find the peace that you seek.
I've heard or read it from a variety of people from shamans to Bill Hicks. The idea of death not really existing is very very old.
Yea everybody seems to know what happens when you die, I'll find out for myself when I die thank you.

Of course it's nothing knew every Abrahamic religion has been preaching that nonsense for centuries. The idea of death not being permanent is a detriment to society. Why do I have to give a sh what happens to me or other people on this earth if death doesn't really exist. I might as well kill myself now or others.

Sorry guys I prefer to live in reality. I ain't dead yet but I'll be sure to post on NT from the grave and tell yall how it is.

Goes further than Abrahamic religions but you knew that already. We have no idea what happens at the time of death beyond our physical understanding that we've been taught. I'm not a religious person and am damn near atheist but I also don't pretend that I know more than I really do.

The idea of death not being permanent isn't really detrimental to anyone, but the actions with the beliefs could be. The way you're framing it discredits people who live good lives helping others and doing great things because they believe they'll come back in an elevated form, or whatever their belief may be.

Maybe if more people believed in true reincarnation/temporary death they'd stop being ***** to each other and social justice could come at a greater pace [emoji]128064[/emoji]

The fact that you mention everyone knows what happens when you die mockingly then go on to imply you know the other people are wrong was funny to me by the way :lol:
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Goes further than Abrahamic religions but you knew that already. We have no idea what happens at the time of death beyond our physical understanding that we've been taught. I'm not a religious person and am damn near atheist but I also don't pretend that I know more than I really do.

The idea of death not being permanent isn't really detrimental to anyone, but the actions with the beliefs could be. The way you're framing it discredits people who live good lives helping others and doing great things because they believe they'll come back in an elevated form, or whatever their belief may be.

Maybe if more people believed in true reincarnation/temporary death they'd stop being ***** to each other and social justice could come at a greater pace [emoji]128064[/emoji]
In order to find out the truth, all it takes is a conversation with a babalawo, or conversing with your ancestors. I have mentioned this several times, and many just ignore it. I think it is fear, really.
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If someone believes they'll be reborn in higher form or whatever their belief may be, and because of that they spend their life donating, teaching, saving lives, anything positive, how is that detrimental to society? If it follows the guns don't kill people logic, then wouldn't this mean belief in non-death is actually a positive impact?

Going from "death isn't real" to "why should I care about other people" doesn't really make sense unless you're already an ******* really :lol:
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I'm going to start using "Pray to your ancestors and find out" in real life whenever my friends ask me ANYTHING
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human nature is a ***** though.

it comes before anything. religion, reincarnation, death, politics, life area all secondary.
I'm going to start using "Pray to your ancestors and find out" in real life whenever my friends ask me something
That isn't bad move you know. It will make them reconnect with what may be lost. EDIT: If they are white, they may not have any ancestors to speak to.
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If someone believes they'll be reborn in higher form or whatever their belief may be, and because of that they spend their life donating, teaching, saving lives, anything positive, how is that detrimental to society? If it follows the guns don't kill people logic, then wouldn't this mean belief in non-death is actually a positive impact?

No it doesn't because people who think they will be born in a higher form don't put as much worth on their present life, and the present earth and their present neighbors. They are too busy thinking of some sh..that's going to happen in the distant future. 

We've already established that most of this planet believes in the afterlife or going to a better place. What has that accomplished?

And no statistics actually show atheists (who are less inclined to believe in an afterlife_ are more altruistic, they tend to be more humanistic, kinder to animal, kinder to nature than their "religious, afterlife chasing" counterparts. it's a fact.

Afterlife and reincarnation are not the same thing. Afterlife implies the heaven/garden/70 virgins kinda deal whereas reincarnation implies rebirth on earth in another physical body as a continuation.

The afterlife thing as I'm assuming you're referring to since you brought up Abr religions comes packaged inside of all that extra stuff. Reincarnation itself doesn't have to even be tied to a religion but afterlife seems to always be.

I can believe the last part but it kinda lumps everyone together just to use the "statistics" thing. When most of the world has a belief system, of course the sample size for ****** people will be much bigger than the minority group. If atheists were the majority it surely would be the other way around. Being atheist doesn't make you inherently good, you're probably just a little bit smarter than your religious counterpart.
Some of the responses here prove the fantastic job that white supremacy has done to keep many of you in the dark about what this life is about. You joke, you jest, and when then day approaches that you do transition, you will finally realize that you have not learned the lesson that you were sent here to learn, preventing your elevation. Your EGO is in the way because you refuse to acknowledge what you do not know. You will continue to make the same mistakes and as I said earlier, the time is here. Those of you on the wrong side are going to wish that you paid attention. The signs are here, and the Goddess is rising. Those who know, know.
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I'd honestly like to hear more about this goddess and this lesson. No joking, no jesting, I am genuinely intrigued.
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