Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

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@daddy style really ain't that far off from a lot of what he's saying. But like Lucky said, gotta know your audience. Anything rooted in spirituality/religion is going to get side eyed on here by most. I'd even argue there's a scientific approach that could be taken with some of what's he's said that would be a little easier to digest.
I am new here, and did not know what I was dealing with. I thought I was dealing with adults after stumbling upon the political thread. But I now realize that some while seeming old, are really immature and insecure, then for good reason. So yeah, thanks to you anf the other dude, I am aware and will not waste anymore time.
goddess? now we're talking.

there's something else rising if you know what i mean.

life is all a delusion. we're here to eat, ****, and die. everything else is just to help us get those other things. but i should leave this discussion to the religion science thread.
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I'd honestly like to hear more about this goddess and this lesson. No joking, no jesting, I am genuinely intrigued.

Might be reference to Amma of the Dogon people's religion in West Africa. She was a creator god.

If he's referencing African teachings, depending on the location it could be a few different goddesses or just a general matriarchal goddess figure.
I feel you. I used to think that way but as I've gotten older it's really hit me how little we really know in the grand scheme. When it comes to death, it's all faith based whether you believe that's the end or not. Just something we can't possibly know presently so there's really no sense in debating the subject.

I would def light up with daddy style, I can tell the conversation would be wild :lol:
I feel you. I used to think that way but as I've gotten older it's really hit me how little we really know in the grand scheme. When it comes to death, it's all faith based whether you believe that's the end or not. Just something we can't possibly know presently so there's really no sense in debating the subject.

I would def light up with daddy style, I can tell the conversation would be wild :lol:

You: Dude, why not passing the blunt?

Daddy Style: Ask your ancestors
I always find Anton's positions on these topics funny in the light.

Loves to mock beliefs centered around spirituality but prescribes to LeVeyan Satanist ideology which is rooted heavily in the practice of "magic".

But you believe in "reality".

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I'm going to start using "Pray to your ancestors and find out" in real life whenever my friends ask me ANYTHING
If you mock the ancestors, your entire existence will be cursed until you find the path to redemption. Your whole existence will be hurled into question. Tread carefully.
Sure some of us just don't pretend to know what happens, I know what I WANT to happen. I don't want to exist anymore. 

I think when you die youre bloody dead, but I suppose I'll find out when I'm dead. Until then, let's make life count especially for others we impact. 
Your ego is in the way of your peace. The pain and suffering, the confusion you are experiencing right now is due to your refusal to acknowledge who you truly are, and your tremendous ego is the obstacle that you are refusing to address. You have very little self respect and you are obviously lost, not knowing who you really should be. Stop blaming others for abandoning you, and then find yourself.
[h1]  Veteran moves family out of North Texas after receiving threats over Chili's Veterans Day meal[/h1][h3]Ernest Walker says he has received racially-charged messages.[/h3]

A North Texas veteran made headlines earlier this month after a video surfaced of a Chili's manager taking away his complimentary Veteran's Day meal. Ernest Walker said that the manager began to question his veteran status after a man wearing a Donald Trump t-shirt complained about Walker's credibility. The video of the confrontation has since received more than one million views. Chili's issued an apology to Walker and the man in the video is no longer a manager for the restaurant. The Pentagon also confirmed Walker's military status.

Walker told WFAA-TV that he did not expect the backlash to follow.

Days later, Walker and his family began receiving threatening phone calls, letters and social media messages.

 “We’ve received phone calls, and it’s always a restricted line,” Walker told WFAA. “People are saying, ‘hey, we know where you live.’”

Walker says his dog was even threatened. After a Dallas media agency published Walker's address, he made the decision to move his family from North Texas. Walker says he's now putting forth energy into helping other veterans. Next month he plans to host a free luncheon for veterans.

“This country right now is wounded,” Walker said. “There needs to be a healing process. For the people that reached out to me from all different colors, races, creeds and religions, that let me know there is hope for this country.”

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Trump just making these racists dikheads even bolder, they really feeling themselves thinkin they "got the country back "'s gon happen everywhere but it's really bout to be extra in the south and middle America :smh:
[h1] Veteran moves family out of North Texas after receiving threats over Chili's Veterans Day meal[/h1]

[h3]Ernest Walker says he has received racially-charged messages.[/h3]



A North Texas veteran made headlines earlier this month after a video surfaced of a Chili's manager taking away his complimentary Veteran's Day meal. Ernest Walker said that the manager began to question his veteran status after a man wearing a Donald Trump t-shirt complained about Walker's credibility. The video of the confrontation has since received more than one million views. Chili's issued an apology to Walker and the man in the video is no longer a manager for the restaurant. The Pentagon also confirmed Walker's military status.

Walker told WFAA-TV that he did not expect the backlash to follow.

Days later, Walker and his family began receiving threatening phone calls, letters and social media messages.

 “We’ve received phone calls, and it’s always a restricted line,” Walker told WFAA. “People are saying, ‘hey, we know where you live.’”

Walker says his dog was even threatened. After a Dallas media agency published Walker's address, he made the decision to move his family from North Texas. Walker says he's now putting forth energy into helping other veterans. Next month he plans to host a free luncheon for veterans.

“This country right now is wounded,” Walker said. “There needs to be a healing process. For the people that reached out to me from all different colors, races, creeds and religions, that let me know there is hope for this country.”
This ish don't make sense
He served for our country and gets treated like this :smh:
[h1] Veteran moves family out of North Texas after receiving threats over Chili's Veterans Day meal[/h1]

[h3]Ernest Walker says he has received racially-charged messages.[/h3]



A North Texas veteran made headlines earlier this month after a video surfaced of a Chili's manager taking away his complimentary Veteran's Day meal. Ernest Walker said that the manager began to question his veteran status after a man wearing a Donald Trump t-shirt complained about Walker's credibility. The video of the confrontation has since received more than one million views. Chili's issued an apology to Walker and the man in the video is no longer a manager for the restaurant. The Pentagon also confirmed Walker's military status.

Walker told WFAA-TV that he did not expect the backlash to follow.

Days later, Walker and his family began receiving threatening phone calls, letters and social media messages.

 “We’ve received phone calls, and it’s always a restricted line,” Walker told WFAA. “People are saying, ‘hey, we know where you live.’”

Walker says his dog was even threatened. After a Dallas media agency published Walker's address, he made the decision to move his family from North Texas. Walker says he's now putting forth energy into helping other veterans. Next month he plans to host a free luncheon for veterans.

“This country right now is wounded,” Walker said. “There needs to be a healing process. For the people that reached out to me from all different colors, races, creeds and religions, that let me know there is hope for this country.”
This ish don't make sense
He served for our country and gets treated like this :smh:
And they be mad at some athletes that don't mess with the anthem , tombout respect the flags n the troops :lol:
Trump just making these racists dikheads even bolder, they really feeling themselves thinkin they "got the country back "'s gon happen everywhere but it's really bout to be extra in the south and middle America
That is a likely scenario, one that has a recent precedent. The UK saw a massive spike in hate crimes after the Brexit vote. And while the Brexit campaign was filled with all sorts of bigotry, it doesn't come close to Trump's campaign in that regard. Combine that with the US' history of racial divide and a similar scenario becomes quite likely.

I've laid out some of the statistics in another thread about the normalization of white supremacy so I'll just copy it here. The UK isn't the US of course but it's a scenario one should certainly keep in mind.
Hate crime  surged in England, Wales and Northern Ireland in the second half of July – nearly a month after the EU referendum vote – and still remains at significantly higher levels than a year ago.

The latest set of figures quietly released by the National Police  Chiefs’ Council on Wednesday show a 49% rise in incidents  to 1,863 in the last week in July when compared with the previous year. The week after saw a record 58% increase in recorded incidents  to 1,787.

Jack Dromey, who was Labour’s shadow police minister for three years, said: “Many victims are still afraid to come forward and so the scale of attacks could be far higher than what is being reported. The UN said two weeks ago that the problem of underreporting hate crime persists in Britain and the government’s own hate-crime strategy sets out to increase the reporting of hate crime, acknowledging one of the biggest challenges to the police in tackling it,” he said.

Previously published official figures had revealed that there had been a 46% spike – then the worst on record – in reports of hate crime to the police in the week immediately after the 23 June referendum. But the latest data shows that the increase in hate crime has continued, although the level of increase has dipped.
 The most recent weekly data shows that the level of hate crime is 16% higher than over a similar period last year, with 1,384 incidents reported in the third week of August, the last set of figures available.

But despite the increases, police chiefs say they no longer want to collate weekly figures, arguing that the reduction in the level of increase means that is no longer justified.

Mark Hamilton, the NPCC lead for hate crime, said that the reductions in the rate of increase meant they were no longer going to require weekly updates from police forces in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

“We have seen continued decreases in reports of hate crimes to forces and these reports have now returned to formerly seen levels for 2016. For this reason, we will return to our previous reporting procedures and will no longer be requiring weekly updates from forces,” he said.

“This doesn’t mean that hate crime is no longer a priority. We know that divisions still exist in our society and that tensions could rise again. Police forces will continue with their robust response and we will react swiftly to any future signs of tension.”

The disclosure comes in a week when senior Polish ministers travelled to Britain to seek reassurances about the safety of the Polish community in the UK in the aftermath of the fatal attack on Arkadiusz Jóźwik in Harlow, Essex. A silent vigil and march was held in Harlow at the weekend.

Dromey said it was not yet the right time for the police to decide to stop collecting weekly figures. “The national rate of reported hate crimes remains higher than at this point last year and the high-profile attacks in Harlow show that there is still a deeply worrying trend of abuse and violence.”

The police linked the spike in hate crime incidents immediately after the June referendum directly to the vote, saying people had taken the vote to leave the EU as a licence to behave in a racist or discriminatory way. Offences had been mainly harassment and threats of a racist nature against “visible minorities” as well as people from eastern Europe.

Amber Rudd, the home secretary, went further when she discussed the figures with MPs on the home affairs select committee on Wednesday, saying that the level was back in line with 2015.

“There was a spike in crime after 23 June. I am pleased to say it has now gone back to levels comparable to last year. We are watching it carefully. We will continue to combat hate crime however we can,” she told MPs.

Dromey said: “Putting race and immigration centre-stage in the referendum campaign in the way that politicians did resulted in a tide of abuse. Immigration will be a dominant issue in the debate on where Britain goes post-Brexit and so we will need a continued focus on the impact this is having in communities.”
The Brexit vote appears to have driven an increase in anti-LGBT hate crimes by having “opened up the door to prejudicial opinions”, charity workers have warned.

MPs on the Home Affairs Select Committee heard that visibly LGBT victims were told “you’re next” by people dishing out abuse and citing the Leave vote as justification.

The charity Galop, which records LGBT hate crimes and provides advice to victims, says it has registered a number of such explicitly-Brexit related attacks against visibly gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender people in the months following the EU referendum. 

Figures released by the charity show that hate crimes against LGBT people rose by 147 per cent between July and September, compared to the same period last year.

Speaking of hate crimes more broadly, Nick Lowles, the director of anti-racism organisation Hope Not Hate, said the result of the referendum appeared to have “emboldened” people with prejudiced views.

An analysis of police figures by The Independent  conducted following the vote found that attacks had risen further and faster in the most eurosceptic parts of the country. 

Lincolnshire saw a 191 per cent rise in ethnic and religiously motivated hate crimes in the week immediately after the referendum, Kent saw an increased of 143 per cent and Nottingham saw a 140 per cent increase in such violent hate crimes.
Of course our resident Trump supporters have completely dismissed such a scenario but you can look at this data and draw your own conclusions.
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Of course our resident Trump supporters have completely dismissed such a scenario but you can look at this data and draw your own conclusions.

Should be noted that a good number of our resident Trumpists (especially the minority ones) live in liberal bastions. They get to be indifferent about displays of xenophobia because they are less likely to be targeted.
Should be noted that a good number of our resident Trumpists (especially the minority ones) live in liberal bastions. They get to be indifferent about displays of xenophobia because they are less likely to be targeted.

Dudes talking all this pro America @#$@ while living in neighborhoods where a good percentage of the population are immigrants that can't even speak English :lol:
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Should be noted that a good number of our resident Trumpists (especially the minority ones) live in liberal bastions. They get to be indifferent about displays of xenophobia because they are less likely to be targeted.

Dudes talking all this pro America @#$@ while living in neighborhoods where a good percentage of the population are immigrants that can't even speak English :lol:

I often pause and ask myself if NH realizes that "hispanic enclave" he cherishes so much and uses as a firewall against American realities would go away if Trump and his supporters had their way in NYC. Someone should PM him the story of Black Wall Street.
Fox News is so corny. This is considered news to that joke of a station.

Brady breaks the record for most all time wins for a qb. A record which will likely never be broken.

Eric Berry has one of the most feel good stories of the year getting a pick 6 and game winning pick 2 in his return to the city he had his cancer treatment in. Not a single article or mention from them on that, yet Kaeps crappy game is news lmao.

All in the name of pandering to your audience I guess though.

View media item 2251456
My theory on God:

Questions always have answers... That lead to more questions.

So God is the answer to the question that arises once you learn everything.

An ever-darting concept that escapes the theory of everything.

:pimp: :pimp:
Fox News is so corny. This is considered news to that joke of a station.

Brady breaks the record for most all time wins for a qb. A record which will likely never be broken.

Eric Berry has one of the most feel good stories of the year getting a pick 6 and game winning pick 2 in his return to the city he had his cancer treatment in. Not a single article or mention from them on that, yet Kaeps crappy game is news lmao.

All in the name of pandering to your audience I guess though.

View media item 2251456

The comments are cringeworthy and all my cop friends on FB loved it :smh:
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