Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

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So I guess we can finally shut this "Blue Lives Matter" crap down now...

I mean since it's being proven Blue Lives only Matter if you're white.
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^^The guy that called her ISIS would probably be like "uhhhh how is she a cop? she's a muslim"
Blue Lives only matter when they kill black people and need defending. When cops get killed by white people I don't see this rush to defame the killers
[h1]  Giants FB Nikita Whitlock says burglars vandalized his home with racist messages[/h1]
New York Giants fullback Nikita Whitlock said burglars broke into his New Jersey apartment and wrote racist messages.

Whitlock told WCBS-TV in New York that a video game system and jewelry were taken, and other electronics were left behind but also said he arrived from a night out with his wife and children to find a swastika, the letters "KKK" and the phrase "Go back to Africa" written in his home.

"It just re-establishes that no matter where you are, no matter who you are, this can happen to you," said Whitlock. "It's about to be 2017. Oppression, violence, racism, hatred, violence, there's no need for that."

"It's very disgusting, actually; it's very disheartening," Whitlock's wife, Ashley, said. "You hear about things that do happen, but you never think, 'Oh, this is going to happen to me.'"

Authorities said it's the second time the Whitlock's home was broken into, with the first break-in happening over Thanksgiving holiday. That investigation remains open.

Whitlock is in his second season with the team and is currently suspended 10 games without pay for violating the league's policy on performance-enhancing drugs.
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Good to see Kaps parents speaking out and emphasizing they support what he's doing especially after people tried to twist it like they felt otherwise.
[h1]  Indianapolis Colts black cheerleader hugs boy who used slur[/h1]
A US black cheerleader who was targeted by a high school student's racial slur after she posed for a viral photo with him has forgiven the teenager.

The Indianapolis Colts dancer, known as Leanna E, met the 17-year-old and hugged him as he apologised.

She tweeted a smiling photo of herself with the embarrassed student.

The unidentified boy had jokingly griped in a Snapchat photo that his friend put him next to a black woman, though he used the n-word.

"A week ago I was the victim of a racial slur that was shared around the world," Leanna tweeted.

"Today, I chose forgiveness & feel stronger because of it."

The controversy began on 14 December when Leanna and another cheerleader posed for a picture with two students from Western High School in Russiaville, a town 60 miles (96km) north of Indianapolis, during an event to promote a blood donation campaign.

Forgiveness works great internally but what does it really change?
Actually I think that kind of forgiveness is harmful internally. I feel like the expectation for black people to understand, empathize, and forgive, is unreasonably high. This is one of those times where I feel like I can see the pain behind the smile.
She shouldn't have let that white student off the hook. Let him fess up to and own his white supremacy by himself. Our sista went the wrong way on this one.
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She shouldn't have let that white student off the hook. Let him fess up to and own his white supremacy by himself. Our sista went the wrong on this one.

Agreed. White people will point to this as an example of how race relations should be handled though
The conversation will switch to how negroes should act instead of the initial offense.
Unfortunately. I just wanted to emphasize that it's not right to expect any action that would suppress her rage or invalidate how she feels. What she did highlights the impossible expectations society has for black people. We can't be too angry/passionate, we have to cure the evils of this world with love, we have to combat racism any/everywhere and meet everyone's standard when it comes to each situation, we need to be mindful of how we dress, we need to be mindful of how our hair naturally grows. Honestly, it gets tiring and if she doesn't want to be the one to fight I understand. I imagine as the cheerleader of an NFL team she gets that kind of scrutiny on the regular.
[h1]Man Doesn’t Help Woman Stuck In The Snow Due To A Sticker On Her Car[/h1]
The winter months are often plagued with car troubles and sometimes those who get stuck rely on passerby to get them back on route. However, one man’s Facebook post went viral after he refused to help a stuck driver due to a sticker on her car.


Ohio man, Troy Brown, is no stranger to using his social media to discuss his political views, frequently posting about government and the Black Lives Matter movement. However, Brown never anticipated that one of his posts would garner so much attention.


Brown’s Facebook post insinuates that he was driving through a blizzard when he noticed a woman’s car stuck in a snow ditch on the side of the road. Brown initially planned to help the woman, but after noticing that her car had a sticker supporting President-elect Donald Trump, he changed his mind.

Brown has been adamantly anti-Trump on social media and saw this particular moment as an opportunity for reprisal. Brown posted a picture of the stuck car as well as a brief video of himself shaking his head in disapproval alongside the caption: “I was going to help her but she has a #Trump sticker on her car. #CallYoPresident. Sincerely, Troy Brown.”
[h1]Man Doesn’t Help Woman Stuck In The Snow Due To A Sticker On Her Car[/h1]

The winter months are often plagued with car troubles and sometimes those who get stuck rely on passerby to get them back on route. However, one man’s Facebook post went viral after he refused to help a stuck driver due to a sticker on her car.


Ohio man, Troy Brown, is no stranger to using his social media to discuss his political views, frequently posting about government and the Black Lives Matter movement. However, Brown never anticipated that one of his posts would garner so much attention.


Brown’s Facebook post insinuates that he was driving through a blizzard when he noticed a woman’s car stuck in a snow ditch on the side of the road. Brown initially planned to help the woman, but after noticing that her car had a sticker supporting President-elect Donald Trump, he changed his mind.

Brown has been adamantly anti-Trump on social media and saw this particular moment as an opportunity for reprisal. Brown posted a picture of the stuck car as well as a brief video of himself shaking his head in disapproval alongside the caption: “I was going to help her but she has a #Trump sticker on her car. #CallYoPresident. Sincerely, Troy Brown.”


savage. on one hand i'd be inclined to help cuz im that kind of dude. but i can't entirely be bad at this. trump's campaign brought out the hate in america more than any other candidate in my lifetime, so i wouldn't be surprised if said stranded driver had some type of biases that led her to vote trump, thus warranting this keeping it moving moment.
Sad part of it all, homie probably encounters folks and has GREAT relationships with people who are Trump supporters. He just doesn't know. I can't rock w/ dude not trying to help.
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