Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

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It's nothing wrong with wearing an Afro, I wear one from time to time; but after a certain length the hairstyle looks more like a gimmick rather than a statement.
It's nothing wrong with wearing an Afro, I wear one from time to time; but after a certain length the hairstyle looks more like a gimmick rather than a statement.

Gimmick or statement?

Odell has a clear hair gimmick but he's getting commercials not lectures, you know why?

Because Kaep is making a statement WS fear.

Being black is ok.

Because our hair doesn't obey the laws of white gravity doesn't make his hair bad.

Got **** dudes like you jumping through hoops for white acceptance instead of accepting yourself.
I'm supposedly a **** but you're upset that a "mixed" athlete isn't able to play a sport lol Just like your avi suggest you're both a slave mentally and physically. You're finished.
I'm supposedly a **** but you're upset that a "mixed" athlete isn't able to play a sport lol Just like your avi suggest you're both a slave mentally and physically. You're finished.

If he was as white as Tom Brady I would feel the same way for anyone being blackballed for fighting for basic human rights for any race.

Him being mixed has nothing to do with his message.

But I have the slave mentality.
You're too slow to see that he is being "blackballed" by a league that isn't owned by him or people who look like him. If they have something against his hairstyle they won't hire him because they own the league. Just like corporate America. Vick was just coming from a real world perspective.
You're too slow to see that he is being "blackballed" by a league that isn't owned by him or people who look like him. If they have something against his hairstyle they won't hire him because they own the league. Just like corporate America. Vick was just coming from a real world perspective.

ebro from hot 97 basically said this.
You're too slow to see that he is being "blackballed" by a league that isn't owned by him or people who look like him. If they have something against his hairstyle they won't hire him because they own the league. Just like corporate America. Vick was just coming from a real world perspective.

But....that's considering the fact that he'd be wearing a helmet and not a suit and tie he doesn't need to be "clean cut" especially where there are several "rougher" lookin' dudes on the field.
Vick was coming from a clown status point of view. These are the same owners who let criminals drunk drive, beat their spouses, get into bar fights, sell fake memorabilia, rape women in bathrooms, moon their female trainers, have boxes of steroids just show up at their homes, shoot themselves in the leg etc. play on their football teams....some more extreme than others but Cap never did any of those things.

The "real world" reason they don't want him on their team is not because of his hair, it's because he was willing to protest the flag/anthem.
Rather it's his hair or political views, he's unemployed because "they" own the league and "they" don't want him in it.
You're too slow to see that he is being "blackballed" by a league that isn't owned by him or people who look like him. If they have something against his hairstyle they won't hire him because they own the league. Just like corporate America. Vick was just coming from a real world perspective.

So if I had long locks on blonde hair like Clay Matthews, I'd get hired?
It is not is damn hair.

They let tons of dudes, of all races, wear hair styles not commonly found in corporate America.

It is his political views that are getting him black balled
It is not is damn hair.

They let tons of dudes, of all races, wear hair styles not commonly found in corporate America.

It is his political views that are getting him black balled

But he needs to do as he's told if he wants to work in the NFL.

It's a privilege not a right.

He should do as told or get a job in "the real world"

I could be in the MLB right now but I was "blackballed" and now I work a job in the real world
This is the real issue folks, do your research. It's no reason I shouldn't be playing professional baseball. I was personally trained by Brandon Phillips and his brother PJ in high school and college. I was slated to go pro but I was blackballed.
think some of ya underestimate da fidelity Conservative Billionaire NFL owners have to da National Anthem, and da American Patriot ethos that they were willing to give Michael Vick a second Chance & yet Colin Kaepernick remains unemployed.

maybe some of ya need to speak to a patriotic "murican" (da overwhelming consumer of da NFL) and ask them how they feel... I'm pretty sure letting Colin back without some sort of capitulation & conciliatory is a non starter.
think some of ya underestimate da fidelity Conservative Billionaire NFL owners have to da National Anthem, and da American Patriot ethos that they were willing to give Michael Vick a second Chance & yet Colin Kaepernick remains unemployed.

maybe some of ya need to speak to a patriotic "murican" (da overwhelming consumer of da NFL) and ask them how they feel... I'm pretty sure letting Colin back without some sort of capitulation & conciliatory is a non starter.

Exactly, like it or not Conservatives run the world.

Ya'll not saying anything that hasn't been said. We know how old white men operate.
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