Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

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they don't carry any baggage either.

you're asking a owner to take on a high profile polarizing figure that isn't that good...

thats a recipe for extended unemployment/free agency.

We get the baggage, but that's the problem. His baggage is MINOR but is causing major problems.
And it isn't even a "isn't that good" issue. He's better than most secondary QBs in the league statistically. Stats don't prove that other QBs should be picked up instead of him.

Again, if Kaep was a bad QB the conversation would be shorter. He is a more than decent option that should have been picked up on multiple teams
Nobody talks about how Harbaugh leaving, key people on the OL that left, injuries and how it had affected his play but yet he managed to throw 59% with 16 TDs and 4 Picks in his last season with the 49ers....but he's not a good QB >D

In 11 games with one of the worst offensive cores in the league. Who was he throwing to?

Blaine Gabbert landed a job. He was awful too.


Dude has a sixth sense for this @#$@.

:rofl:at using Ray Rice (Edit: mixed up with Ray Lewis, but the point still stands) as an example. Dude was literally involved in a murder case and fans still loved him despite that.

The rule of thumb in this country is to do whatever the hell you want as long as it doesn't affect white people and their dogs.
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In 11 games with one of the worst offensive cores in the league. Who was he throwing to?

Blaine Gabbert landed a job. He was awful too.

He had nobody to throw to which what was the case I was trying to make. 49ers were on a downside ever since Harbaugh left
minor to us( i ain't care either way) but to da patriotic red blooded Murcian' type, (NFL's main demographic) he might as well pissed on da holy Bible.

If the NFL came out and said this, this could be valid to bring up. But they don't use that excuse. So you keep bringing this up like you are letting some mysterious cat out of some bag, is useless.

To clarify: We know why he hasn't been signed, but the NFL says it's more about his football talent which statistically shouldn't be an issue.
*cough* kneeling during the National Anthem =/= knocking your wife out on video *cough*
My mistake. Either way, the point still stands, so I don't even get your "coughs"

Ray Lewis was literally accused of muder. Ben Roethlisberger was accused of rape. Where were these "baggage" claims for the past decade? All I heard was "hard working, blue collar athletes"

Also, Ray Rice made millions off wrongful termination, and Goodell publicly apologized about his handling of the issue. Dude was initially suspended only TWO GAMES for domestic violence, while Kaepernick has been blackballed for NOTHING. Where's Kaepernick's check?

I'd believe these claims of "baggage" if they were consistently applied, but the NFL and its fans pick what to be actually outraged over.
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To clarify: We know why he hasn't been signed, but the NFL says it's more about his football talent which statistically shouldn't be an issue.

they'll gonna tell you da sky is green if it involved money, at da end of da day, there's a big enough constituency in da NFL that would revolt their product if they signed a almost washed up QB that pissed on their holy grail, da stars & stripes Murica'.
So basically, you don't have anything unique or original to add to the conversation.

We know the real reason he doesn't have a job. We got it. We also know the likelihood of NFL being truthful about it is slim to none. Check. We are dismissing their claim that it's based on talent on the field. So pleas, stop reminding us who Kaep pissed off, we know
oh yeah? what you think feminazis women's groups would do if Ray Race was ever given another chance in da NFL? :nerd:

Ray Race =\= Ray Rice
My pettiness aside, those same feminazis aren't preventing Tyreke Hill, Zeke Elliot and La'el Collins from playing in the league
wait, what point are we arguing here?

we know he is a decently capable QB.

we know he would very likely be better in the offenses of most teams than Blaine Gabbert, Mike Glennon, or any McCowns or McNowns.

we therefore know he is being held out for his stance.

we also know that this is driven by the will of the common NFL fan.

...but, we know they will never directly admit to collusion--particularly driven by the "political beliefs" of players--because it besmirches the integrity of The Shield or whatthe****ever.

it is also not surprising that a corporation would lie to protect their financial interests.

all of these things are known and acknowledged by all who care about them.

...guess the question is, what now?
oh yeah? what you think feminazis women's groups would do if Ray Race was ever given another chance in da NFL? :nerd:

Please use your logic/reading skills from your countless years in college to answer this question (which you conveniently ignored):

Also, Ray Rice made millions off wrongful termination, and Goodell publicly apologized about his handling of the issue. Dude was initially suspended only TWO GAMES for domestic violence (and terminated by the Ravens only when the video surfaced), while Kaepernick has been blackballed for NOTHING. Where's Kaepernick's check?
Big Ben knows how them feminazi's would react to such a man who would attack women ever playing on the field
It's not both, talent-wise Kaep should have a jersey on each Sunday. It's all baggage
wait, what point are we arguing here?

we know he is a decently capable QB.

we know he would very likely be better in the offenses of most teams than Blaine Gabbert, Mike Glennon, or any McCowns or McNowns.

we therefore know he is being held out for his stance.

we also know that this is driven by the will of the common NFL fan.

...but, we know they will never directly admit to collusion--particularly driven by the "political beliefs" of players--because it besmirches the integrity of The Shield or whatthe****ever.

it is also not surprising that a corporation would lie to protect their financial interests.

all of these things are known and acknowledged by all who care about them.

...guess the question is, what now?

Honestly nothing. NH playing whitedevil's advocate
"Baggage" also curiously didn't apply when Richie Incognito was out here using racial slurs against his teammate. The Dolphins did the right thing, but the same fans angry at Kaepernick for KNEELING were justifying Incognito calling his teammate a "half n___ piece of _____" as "just friendly trash/locker room talk" and were complaining about the sport going soft :lol:
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