Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

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at this point ya not serious in reallllly wanting him back in da league.

in reality he'll be back when injury bugs forces someone to enlist his services and his polarization isn't big enough to sacrifice a obvious roster upgrade/stabilization.
At this point there isn't anything he can actually do to get a team to sign him.
At this point unless a coach/team will sign him for whatever reason he will be a free agent.
this point there isn't anything he can actually do to get a team to sign him.

not true, you nor anyone knows what's his agent is asking price is.

Derrick rose took a vet minimum just to prove he could still play so he could potentially cake off next season.

Kaep can make his market value something that owners couldn't refuse.
His resume says that he should be in the league

you're not factoring baggage, and you know what else i watch? politics. Kaepernick has to do something to mitigate da political toxicity he's currently in.

my answer? take waay less money for what your market value says your worth just to get back in da league, and cake off next season.
not true, you nor anyone knows what's his agent is asking price is.

Derrick rose took a vet minimum just to prove he could still play so he could potentially cake off next season.

Kaep can make his market value something that owners couldn't refuse.

Nor you or anyone knows what his market value is or what he's already done to or discussed to make himself mor palpable to owners.

Derrick Rose took a vet minimum because he knee is made of pressed fiberglass insulation and no team would pay much more than what he got to wait for his knee to implode. Interesting you bring up Rose who, iirc didn't even understand what consent was when talking about ol girl that was raped.

At the end of the day his "baggage" is a much bigger burden than any lack of talent, worth, market value, or anything else.

But I do believe we have reached the climax of this convo. We've stated our sides and neither are budgin'. Imma retire from this one.
in reality he'll be back when injury bugs forces someone to enlist his services and his polarization isn't big enough to sacrifice a obvious roster upgrade/stabilization.
idk man
tim Tebow didn't get back in the league
and dude can play
still not sure why they blackballed him
he seemed like a good dude
and also people point out they don't want kaep
cause of the distraction and all that
A. hernandez was locked up for MURDER
and patriots kept it moving regardless
and was still winning
so that aint no valid excuse for someone who just decided to take a knee
? Tim Tebow was never blackballed. If I'm not mistaken, teams just wanted him to play a different position, and he refused. That's on him for being too proud
? Tim Tebow was never blackballed. If I'm not mistaken, teams just wanted him to play a different position, and he refused. That's on him for being too proud
oh i don't remember that all teams wanted him to switch positions
? Tim Tebow was never blackballed. If I'm not mistaken, teams just wanted him to play a different position, and he refused. That's on him for being too proud

Yep, and the times he did line up at TE/WR, the ball either bounced off his facemask, or he ducked
I get what Ray is saying sometimes and he has done a lot of good things in Baltimore but this pray the racism away mindset ain't it. Nat turner was a christian and he knew I need to do some action if I want to get outta this.
I wonder how bad Kap really wants to play next season. He hasn't been very vocal about it.

He also doesn't seem like your typical meathead football player who needs the game to be relevant fame or financial wise.

I really don't see him as the type compromise his beliefs just to appease some NFL owners. If a job is there I'm sure he'll take it, but he's not going to be kissing *** for it either imo.
fox news fox sports...same narrative as usual. the whites will slick talk and the blacks will tap dance
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