Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

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i think he kneeled every game last season, so i assume he kneeled today. nothing but respect.

“The best way to describe it is,” Thomas began, “I think 15 years from now, especially once my daughter gets older, and it’s sad to say, and hopefully she doesn’t, but if she ever experiences something in life where ... it involves race and it involves discrimination or something like that, she can say, ‘OK, how did my dad respond to it?’

“And she can look to me for that. And I’ll also be able to look in the mirror myself and say, ‘OK, I’ve done something about it.’

“I’ve felt guilty in the past. I’ve felt like I wasn’t using my voice, I wasn’t using my platform when I actually had an opportunity to say something about it, stuff that I saw that was going on that was wrong.

“But now I can say I’ve actually done something about it.”

Scam Newton wishes he had a backbone like this Guy.

Sports is part of the fight against racism, and there’s no turning back: Arthur
Suddenly sports hadn’t been this political since Muhammad Ali. LeBron James called Trump “U Bum.” Jim Harbaugh, the football coach at Michigan, said, “Read the Constitution.”

Sports, like everything else, lives in the world. It can be tempting to believe sports is a shiny, ridiculous bubble of wins and losses and dingers and dunks. It’s like closing your curtains and pretending the stadium down the road was built by magic. It’s one of many comforting illusions. Stick, as they say, to sports.

And then Sunday the sports world found itself more enmeshed with politics and protest than at any point in modern history. A little over one year ago then-San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick knelt during the American national anthem before a pre-season game to protest against systemic racism in the United States. Nobody even noticed at first. He kept kneeling. He left the 49ers after last season, and was not signed by any NFL team. He isn’t a top-10 QB, but he’s being blackballed without shame.

One year later, the argle-bargle-belching president of the United States decided to play to his canker-sore ego and his racism-fuelled base by attacking the athletes of the National Football League and the National Basketball Association, which by sheer and utter coincidence are the two pro sports leagues in North America with the most Black players. At a rally in Alabama — another coincidence! — he called players who kneel to protest during the national anthem “sons of *****es,” and said they should be fired. Then, after Golden State Warriors star Steph Curry said he didn’t want to visit the White House to celebrate their NBA championship, Donald Trump rescinded the invitation. Sunday, on the only Twitter account in the world that may start a nuclear war, he called for a boycott of the NFL.

Suddenly sports hadn’t been this political since Muhammad Ali. LeBron James called Trump, with devastating precision, “U Bum.” Jim Harbaugh, the football coach at Michigan, said, “Read the Constitution.” People across the NFL criticized Trump: Even former coach Rex Ryan, on ESPN, said: “I supported Donald Trump . . . and I’m reading these comments and it’s appalling to me, and I’m sure it’s appalling to almost any citizen in this country. And I apologize for being pissed off, because right away I’m associated with what Donald Trump stands for.”

Ryan was mighty late to the party on this one, but at least there was a party. There were sideline protests and demonstrations during anthems across the NFL, some of which were booed by fans in the stadiums. It had already spread: Saturday night, Oakland A’s rookie catcher Bruce Maxwell became the first MLB player to kneel during an anthem. During the anthem before Game 1 of the WNBA final Sunday, the Los Angeles Sparks stayed in their locker room. In the NFL, anthem performers knelt. It’s a hell of a day when Terry Bradshaw takes time on the Fox NFL pre-game show to explain that the president might not grasp the concept of freedom of speech.

And every piece of it became, thanks to the howling unquenchable ego of the most powerful man in the world, a choice. Seattle and Tennessee stayed in their locker rooms during the anthem, and so did the Pittsburgh Steelers. But Seattle cited “the injustice that plagues people of colour in this country”; Pittsburgh tried to make it about avoiding politics, even as Steelers offensive lineman Alejandro Villanueva, a decorated army veteran, left the locker room to stand for the anthem.

“People shouldn’t have to choose,” Steelers coach Mike Tomlin told CBS. “If a guy wants to go about his normal business and participate in the anthem, he shouldn’t be forced to choose sides. If a guy feels the need to do something, he shouldn’t be separated from his teammate who chooses not to. So we’re not participating today.”

But that’s not how things work anymore. Trump is a human lie detector, revealing what you are, and he divides people as naturally as he breathes. And as much as anything, Trump is a force for white nationalism and white supremacy. You can’t find a middle ground on white supremacy: When you try, there are suddenly very fine people among the KKK and Nazis. As former NFL player Charles Woodson said on ESPN, “This is choose-your-side Sunday. It really is. And what side are you on?”

This is the era of everything is politics, and sports has been pulled into the ever-widening gyre. NASCAR owners threatened to fire drivers who protested during the anthem. The Stanley Cup-winning Pittsburgh Penguins put out a statement that said they would indeed visit the White House and that “any agreement or disagreement with a president’s politics, policies or agenda can be expressed in other ways. However, we very much respect the rights of other individuals and groups to express themselves as they see fit.” It was so mealy-mouthed and tin-eared it could have sung, “If I only had a heart.” Now the Penguins get to stand next to Trump after he trumpets what can now be considered, in the wake of the protests, their support.

It might not seem like it, but Kaepernick didn’t kneel to protest Trump, or the military, or the anthem itself, any more than Gandhi’s hunger strike was about protesting food. Last year, Kaepernick explained himself by saying, “I have great respect for men and women who have fought for this country. I have family, I have friends that have fought for this country . . . they fight for liberty and justice for everyone, and that’s not happening.”

He talked about police brutality, systemic racism, empathy for those who didn’t have his platform. He wasn’t protesting America. He was protesting racism in America. That’s what it was about, and is about, and the real conversation here. Other players joined him, but only a few. And Donald Trump dumped rocket fuel on the spark because that’s the only thing he knows how to do.

Stick to sports, as an idea, was always a childlike fantasy or a disingenuous barb, and it is as dead as it has ever been. That, along with humiliating Chris Christie, might be the only good thing Trump has ever done. Everyone picks a side now. Sports is part of the fight, and there’s no turning back.

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What these people opposing these protests fail to realise is pretty basic

- blacks protest peacefully....get dogs and hoses/pepper spray/tanks or hit by cars.
- violent response back....****** get shot and whole neighborhood get turnt up
- do sit-ins...get food dumped on em or pepper sprayed
- attempt to get justice thru legal means....cops get off EVERY DAMN TIME.
- take a ****** knee during the anthem while folks is getting ****** beer....and get called out for it.
- we get our dead bodies and killings reported or videoed or steamed and people laugh at it.
- we ask our politicians or local officials to fix the problem and we get lip service.

And then they tell you " oh there's better means to get your point across"......:camby:

I hope ****** bring this country to a screeching hault.
These clowns gotta stop locking arms. Either take a knee or stand for the protest. Dudes need to do like Shady did today and stretcch and do other random stuff during the anthem.
Shady was tap dancing but I'll give him a second chance since he did this during the anthem.
"take it off the field, not on the field"

This was the silver lining of Trump's residency.

Usually in controversies like this the people on the "other" side are crazy racist trolls but the comments under these videos are full of support and even in the videos you see people of multiple backgrounds and in the first video there's even a POC, and they're all taking the stance of "keep it off the field, ******"

It's revealing people's true stances now that it's infiltrated more than hashtags

Cam, Jameis, Julio,OBJ, , Russell, AB and all the other shook Black athletes will be left out of the history books
Man quits stadium job after Bills protest


ORCHARD PARK, N.Y. – Several Bills players knelt during the national anthem. Others locked arms.

"I can't stand and support something where our leader of this country is just acting like a jerk,” LeSean McCoy said in a post-game press conference.

It was a show of solidarity for members of the NFL who believe President Trump's remarks Friday evening toward players were divisive, but there were plenty of people –fans, players, politicians–arguing both sides.

Stadium worker Erich Nikischer quit his job at New Era Field after almost 30 years.

“I waited until the National Anthem ended, I took off my shirt, threw my Bills hat on the ground, walked out,” Nikischer said in a sit-down interview with Channel 2 at his West Seneca home.

Nikischer says he has no problem with players protesting before the National Anthem. It's when the kneeling continued into the song that strong feelings took over.

“During the National Anthem…the song that is about our country, our veterans that fight and die for us, it's just something I feel you shouldn't disrespect that way,” he said. "I believe people have the right to protest; I just don't believe that's the proper venue for it.”

He's not alone in that latter sentiment. Safety Jordan Poyer's fiancé says that's how the couple feels, and that Saturday night, they decided he wouldn't partake in an on the field protest.

"I feel like there's a certain time or place where you should make a stand for something, and we both agree that it's not in your work force, your work field,” Rachel Bush said. “So yeah, I agree there's something that should be done, but we both mutually don't agree that it should be done during their work...during their football season.”

Nikischer said it was a hard decision, and that he will miss those he worked with.

“I will never step foot in the that place again, I will never watch an NFL football game again until this ends,” Nikischer said.
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So what is going on?

A lot of these people and teams weren't in support of Keep when he first took his stance, but all of a sudden, everyone is taking a stance. Like I seriously saw Ray Lewis out there. Wasn't he the first one ****in? Is everyine doing something just to be talked about, or are they just trying to escape the negative press? Because this doesn't even seem like it's about Kaep and what he stood for anymote.
Man quits stadium job after Bills protest


During the National Anthem…the song that is about our country, our veterans that fight and die for us, it's just something I feel you shouldn't disrespect that way,” he said. "I believe people have the right to protest; I just don't believe that's the proper venue for it.”

He's not alone in that latter sentiment. Safety Jordan Poyer's fiancé says that's how the couple feels, and that Saturday night, they decided he wouldn't partake in an on the field protest.

"I feel like there's a certain time or place where you should make a stand for something, and we both agree that it's not in your work force, your work field,” Rachel Bush said. “So yeah, I agree there's something that should be done, but we both mutually don't agree that it should be done during their work...during their football season.”

So what is going on?

A lot of these people and teams weren't in support of Keep when he first took his stance, but all of a sudden, everyone is taking a stance. Like I seriously saw Ray Lewis out there. Wasn't he the first one ****in? Is everyine doing something just to be talked about, or are they just trying to escape the negative press? Because this doesn't even seem like it's about Kaep and what he stood for anymote.
Ray's wokeness is as suspect as his hairline.

Him kneeling today was the protest equivalent of spraying black ice on the situation. He thinks he is fooling everyone, but people know fraudulence when they see it.
So what is going on?

A lot of these people and teams weren't in support of Keep when he first took his stance, but all of a sudden, everyone is taking a stance. Like I seriously saw Ray Lewis out there. Wasn't he the first one ****in? Is everyine doing something just to be talked about, or are they just trying to escape the negative press? Because this doesn't even seem like it's about Kaep and what he stood for anymote.

While watching the games, announcers made it seem like players were standing together for being called “sons of *****es” that they were standing arms locked in unity as one team

It’s not about kap...they don’t care, they only want THEIR check...a real protest would be willingly sitting out the season and NOT get paid but only a few players would be able to do this and send a message

Best part of the day was watching the Texans defense slam Tom Brady into the floor multiple times
But But he's in a traditionally Liberal state.

This is what happens when you're a product of unwashed inbreeding. People like this idiot could've sold their tickets and memorabilia for hundreds/thousands of dollars but chose to burn them instead. Also, you've already paid for those products, and the NFL has already made money off you. Burning merchandise and tickets literally has no purpose except trying to look tough on Youtube, except you end up looking like someone who has no life instead :lol:

I had about 5 US soccer jerseys that I got rid of after Trump was elected, but instead of burning them, I sold them for $40 each and took a trip to visit my friends in LA. I'm not even trying to brag though; it just seems like common sense
This is what happens when you're a product of unwashed inbreeding. People like this idiot could've sold their tickets and memorabilia for hundreds/thousands of dollars but chose to burn them instead. Also, you've already paid for those products, and the NFL has already made money off you. Burning merchandise and tickets literally has no purpose except trying to look tough on Youtube, except you look like someone who has no life instead :lol:

By selling and profiting you only sound like your in it for the money...sure the nfl made money off of him he don’t care about the money he’s throwing it away because of his beliefs...if he sells the tickets, the nfl will make money off the guy he sells the tickets too for parking, food, beer.etc
True. What do you think made him change his heart? Is he just doing it now since everyone else is doing it?
i think so
what did he do last week???
i believe he stood
could be wrong since i haven't seen a single game this year
So what is going on?

A lot of these people and teams weren't in support of Keep when he first took his stance, but all of a sudden, everyone is taking a stance. Like I seriously saw Ray Lewis out there. Wasn't he the first one ****in? Is everyine doing something just to be talked about, or are they just trying to escape the negative press? Because this doesn't even seem like it's about Kaep and what he stood for anymote.
yeah now everybody teen ride the wave since he called nfl players sob's
"no way
never let them ****** ride ya wave
While watching the games, announcers made it seem like players were standing together for being called “sons of *******” that they were standing arms locked in unity as one team

It’s not about kap...they don’t care, they only want THEIR check...a real protest would be willingly sitting out the season and NOT get paid but only a few players would be able to do this and send a message

Best part of the day was watching the Texans defense slam Tom Brady into the floor multiple times

It's as if there will be no end game from all of this. I would love for Goodell to be fired as a result but it just seems like with Trumps inclusion, this will all just fizzle away and things will return to normal.
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