Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

Will you boycott the NFL this upcoming season?

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It all comes down to whether you have options. Those who have more (and thus, not much to lose if they end up being blackballed by the leagues) should be on the front lines and make it safe for those who don't have as many options to speak up. That's why the "uncle tom" accusations lobbed towards Cam and other superstars who are being wishy washy are legitimate.

Revolutions are never, nor will they ever be led by the poor and/or uneducated.
That's why it gets beat into these guys heads over and over to have proper money management and investments, yet most ignore it and hinge their livelihood on a sport that has non guaranteed contracts, can take you out at any moment or leave you with degenerative brain disease.
I agree with you. What I'm saying is that the WS tactic is working because the discussion they're having in the media (sports and politics) is not about the subject of the protest; it's about whether players should express themselves on the field. Social media is on topic, but the channels of info most watched by Americans are not.

It's working because I truly believe that many of those that aren't impacted by police brutality just don't care. I also think that they are the main consumers of traditional media. I guarantee if the players were taking a seat for breast cancer or hurricane relief we would see a much different reaction.
the only thing that's going to do anything. at. all. is the players not taking the field. brand name players, your Cam and Dez other one-syllable superstars.

as a player you can stand, you can sit, you can stretch, you can stay in the locker a fan you can watch, not watch, watch basketball, watch cricket, burn tickets, burn jerseys, burn 45 on Twitter.

NO ONE THAT COUNTS GIVES AN ACTUAL **** as long as the profits are rolling in.

if you kneel in protest then take the field and crank up the cash cow, what have you actually done?

if you burn your team gear instead of giving it to Goodwill where it can at least clothe the naked, what have you actually done?

if you switch to college football--the feeder system of the NFL and home to actual unpaid gridiron gladiators duking it out for Alabama and Ole Miss (look "Ole Miss" up sometime)--what have you actually done?

oh #they will pretend to be outraged so you feel like you're doing you feel like a revolutionary for your new t-shirt or whatever...but they know there is but one way to effect actual change, and that's by throwing a tangible wrench into the works.

look at Chick-Fil-A. they stuck their corporate noses where they didn't really belong, and some people boycotted them...but as long as they have employees, commercials, and a silent, indifferent majority they will be just fine.

now consider that we're talking about a global entity that dwarfs a domestic chicken sandwich restaurant and my point will become clear.

until players start sitting after the anthem, we're just making a bunch of noise. **** up the Super Bowl, then see how people respond.

I'll be watching to see if it happens.
if they go as far as to boycott playing, what do you guys imagine happens, their only point in demonstrating was to raise awareness, they've do that, i don't think not watching football is going to cause police brutality become a cause that courts take more seriously, and i would hope not watching football causes more unification amongst our community
The cause has already been manipulated and lost. :smh:

patriotism is as strong as religious conviction, i knew once da kneeling of da flag was being perceived as a "slight" to da military and da country, da messaging got conflated and lost.

da intransigence aint helping on either side, cuz from da looks of it, everyone is talking past each other's point.
We can have a conversation about what the flag stands for, Trump, uniting America, kneeling for the flag........


That has been washed away with political jargon.

Very smart play from those who don't want to focus on the issue so they sway it towards the cowards who just want to stand for something easy.

"Black equality...... nah I can't go, but unity in America..... now that's something I can get down with!"

Captain Wild Bill from Deadliest Catch is PISSED at the Steelers for anthem protest, makes dramatic declaration
during the national anthem is not the time to bring about discussion of the nation....... d**n you gotta love people
the anthem is a time we pretend to care about soldiers and vets, because once they come home, we don't give a f**k..........
you don't have to make your voice heard during the most regarded point of the week, do it when i can ignore you.........
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Does this question really need to be asked? :rofl:

Yes, what are you commending them for protesting?

A lot of them aren't even protesting which is the issue that is lost.

So I ask you again, what and who are you commending for their protest?
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