Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

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It's as if there will be no end game from all of this. I would love for Goodell to be fired as a result but it just seems like with Trumps inclusion, this will all just fizzle away and things will return to normal.

Things will never be “normal” anymore I feel we as a generation will face even tougher challenges

I wouldn’t someone else said do something else stretch or get ready for the game during the anthem...I bet he wants the whole nfl to take that knee so he can tweet some bow down to your leader type of ****....he’s playing everyone for his own personal entertainment and it probably benefits him financially one way or an other...his name is all day for the past year on tv they making fun of him but any publicity is good for a business
It's as if there will be no end game from all of this. I would love for Goodell to be fired as a result but it just seems like with Trumps inclusion, this will all just fizzle away and things will return to normal.

This is what im trying to figure out. I agree, the real power would be not playing at all, but very few would be willing to do this.
This is what im trying to figure out. I agree, the real power would be not playing at all, but very few would be willing to do this.

They need someone smart to try to flip it and restructure a cause. This is no longer about Kaep. They could turn it into players rights, fighting for guaranteed contracts or getting rid of Goodell. Otherwise, this is gonna die out before the season is over.
just imagine how glorious it could've been if those 70% of black players did not show up to play?! It's like their non-guaranteed contracts is more powerful than the cause :smh:
No doubt Trump only cares about Trump and I feel the reason he's doing this is that another shoe is about to drop concerning the Russia investigation.

It's hard to have a discussion with someone who is not trying to have the same discussion. This protest is not about the military and watching the videos that were posted shows people don't listen.
Some people are scared to mess up something they have been working their whole lives to obtain.

Everyone isn't "irreplaceable."

Pat Tillman gave up his football career, that he'd "worked his whole life to obtain" but you mean to tell me, my own people are afraid to make this sacrifice to stand up for themselves???

That's ludicrous
Pat Tillman gave up his football career, that he'd "worked his whole life to obtain" but you mean to tell me, my own people are afraid to make this sacrifice to stand up for themselves???

That's ludicrous
Again, it isn't fair to say what people should and shouldn't do.

Everyone isn't in the same position.

If a 5th round pick fears that he will be put on the "radar" by kneeling or protesting, I completely understand why he wouldn't want to potentially ruffle feathers.

We have to stop looking at everything so black and white
And also, please remember that just because a player doesn't take a knee means he is a "sellout" or "not down for the cause."

There are many ways to fight for equality that these athletes do on a day to day basis that we don't see. Reading to kids in schools, helping the homeless. All of those things help the community.

So don't be so quick to judge someone because you don't see them protest the way that YOU want them to protest.

Not fair.

Not right
And also, please remember that just because a player doesn't take a knee means he is a "sellout" or "not down for the cause."

There are many ways to fight for equality that these athletes do on a day to day basis that we don't see. Reading to kids in schools, helping the homeless. All of those things help the community.

So don't be so quick to judge someone because you don't see them protest the way that YOU want them to protest.

Not fair.

Not right
no but we fund their product so they............. wait wrong thread llamf
I wouldn't say they're complete sellouts, but they are definitely afraid of jeopardizing their standing with white supremacist management and fans. It certainly makes you a ***** and afraid to stand up for their conviction, but that's their burden to live with.
They need someone smart to try to flip it and restructure a cause. This is no longer about Kaep. They could turn it into players rights, fighting for guaranteed contracts or getting rid of Goodell. Otherwise, this is gonna die out before the season is over.

The kneeling was never about Kaep. It was about police brutality and abuse of power. I fear this will get lost in the amount of talking points that can be drawn from the players' actions and the reactions to it.

What often kills legitimate movements is the lack of centralized message. What I'm seeing is people protesting to make "a" point, but not THE point Kaep was talking about: the imbalance of the US justice system.

Asking for anything else right now will only be used as ammo against those who demand justice for all.
I wouldn't say they're complete sellouts, but they are definitely afraid of jeopardizing their standing with white supremacist management and fans. It certainly makes you a ***** and afraid to stand up for their conviction, but that's their burden to live with.

It all comes down to whether you have options. Those who have more (and thus, not much to lose if they end up being blackballed by the leagues) should be on the front lines and make it safe for those who don't have as many options to speak up. That's why the "uncle tom" accusations lobbed towards Cam and other superstars who are being wishy washy are legitimate.

Revolutions are never, nor will they ever be led by the poor and/or uneducated.
I wouldn't say they're complete sellouts, but they are definitely afraid of jeopardizing their standing with white supremacist management and fans. It certainly makes you a ***** and afraid to stand up for their conviction, but that's their burden to live with.

I mean that is easy for us to say sitting where we are.

We don't know people's situations
The kneeling was never about Kaep. It was about police brutality and abuse of power. I fear this will get lost in the amount of talking points that can be drawn from the players' actions and the reactions to it.

What often kills legitimate movements is the lack of centralized message. What I'm seeing is people protesting to make "a" point, but not THE point Kaep was talking about: the imbalance of the US justice system.

Asking for anything else right now will only be used as ammo against those who demand justice for all.
From the jump, Kap said what the kneeling was about. The White Supremacists were the ones that tried to flip the narrative to make it about the FLAG (Patriotism). They knew what he said but they knew where they wanted to take it.
From the jump, Kap said what the kneeling was about. The White Supremacists were the ones that tried to flip the narrative to make it about the FLAG (Patriotism). They knew what he said but they knew where they wanted to take it.

Pretty much.

They never even show the Anthem unless it's a MNF, playoff game or SB.
The kneeling was never about Kaep. It was about police brutality and abuse of power. I fear this will get lost in the amount of talking points that can be drawn from the players' actions and the reactions to it.

What often kills legitimate movements is the lack of centralized message. What I'm seeing is people protesting to make "a" point, but not THE point Kaep was talking about: the imbalance of the US justice system.

Asking for anything else right now will only be used as ammo against those who demand justice for all.

Of course it wasn't about Kaep. It was to symbolize they were in solidarity for what he stokd for in the first place. That's beside the point. At this point, they aren't kneeling for what Kaep stood for. They're doing it for different reasons. Kaeps stance is forgotten, which is why people turned it into what it is now. Now you have everybody doing something. Even Ray Lewis was kneeling. Now that it's lost, they need to either put focus back on the original cause or while attention is still had, focus on an end game. Otherwise, like I said, it'll be forgotten before the season ends
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Pat Tillman gave up his football career, that he'd "worked his whole life to obtain" but you mean to tell me, my own people are afraid to make this sacrifice to stand up for themselves???

That's ludicrous

People that use Tillmans name in their reasoning against kneeling have got not a damn clue on what Tillman actually believed in and stood for when he was alive :lol:
From the jump, Kap said what the kneeling was about. The White Supremacists were the ones that tried to flip the narrative to make it about the FLAG (Patriotism). They knew what he said but they knew where they wanted to take it.

I agree with you. What I'm saying is that the WS tactic is working because the discussion they're having in the media (sports and politics) is not about the subject of the protest; it's about whether players should express themselves on the field. Social media is on topic, but the channels of info most watched by Americans are not.
From the jump, Kap said what the kneeling was about. The White Supremacists were the ones that tried to flip the narrative to make it about the FLAG (Patriotism). They knew what he said but they knew where they wanted to take it.

100% fax

The Dotard in Chief has also taken the opportunity to try to merge his brand/name with the flag so that they become indistinguishable from one another and its been working lowkey...

It's a dangerous game too since now anyone who speaks out against him is gonna be labelled as 'unpatriotic' or a 'traitor' as ironic as it would sound coming from folks who will go out of their way justify the confederacy's existence and support a compromised, and foreign adversary backed, president...
Not caught up on this thread and I'm sure it's been said.... But the only reason everyone is suddenly on the take a knee bandwagon is because Trump finished off his "sons of Bees" statements by basically saying boycott the games with protesters and fire players. An actual boycott would affect the cash flow of these team owners, so now they all gotta back track or release a statement and actually firing players would ignite kaepernick's cause to the next level.

They DO NOT CARE about activism and if it didn't hit them in the wallet.. it would have been business as usual
Sadly, the original message is already getting lost and drowned out by some.

I was watching my local Philadelphia news last night, and they were discussing the Eagles decision as a team to stand a lock arms in solidarity. They went on to highlight other teams who did the same thing, and titled the segment 'Solidarity Sunday' :smh:

So yeah a lot of these new dudes are just doing it to give Trump the finger. (even though that backfired, because that's what he and the rest of uneducated Americans approve of).
By selling and profiting you only sound like your in it for the money...sure the nfl made money off of him he don’t care about the money he’s throwing it away because of his beliefs...if he sells the tickets, the nfl will make money off the guy he sells the tickets too for parking, food, beer.etc

It comes across as a publicity stunt to me for views/likes.

Take the Giants fan who burned his tickets for example. He could’ve easily sold those tickets and donated the funds he got to the family of a fallen officer, or something along those lines if he feels the way he felt. Could’ve done it quietly behind the scenes as well. Him making the vid just comes off as seeking attention.
People that use Tillmans name in their reasoning against kneeling have got not a damn clue on what Tillman actually believed in and stood for when he was alive :lol:

Seems you didn't quite get the gist of my analogy. I could care less what Pat Tillman stood for. The point I'm making is why can't MY people take a stand, despite jeoparadizing whatever career path they've forged. Stand up for yourselves. Period.
I wasn't speaking on you though tbf,I'm talking about the people hijacking his death to promote a certain jingoistic form of 'patriotism'
Patriotism's definition is not "blindly support your country and ignore everything negative". These thin-skinned crybabies whining over the anthem protests don't have the slightest clue about patriotism.
If they were truly patriots, they would be willing to acknowledge the country's problems, try to figure out solutions and work towards them. Instead they're getting in their feelings over a peaceful protest that seeks to bring attention to real significant problems.
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