Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

Will you boycott the NFL this upcoming season?

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Yes, what are you commending them for protesting?

A lot of them aren't even protesting which is the issue that is lost.

So I ask you again, what and who are you commending for their protest?

Any player protesting racial inequality as it pertains to disparate practices, policy and legislation within the justice system, educational system, or any relevant arena that causes one group to thrive and another to be oppressed.

I thought that was the whole reason protestors were protesting? WTH have I been paying attention to?
$31,707: What Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf had to give up in salary for not standing for the Anthem for a game in March 1996

($51K in today's $)
Any player protesting racial inequality as it pertains to disparate practices, policy and legislation within the justice system, educational system, or any relevant arena that causes one group to thrive and another to be oppressed.

I thought that was the whole reason protestors were protesting? WTH have I been paying attention to?

Sorry, that's what Kaep and a very few others before Friday night were doing.

Sunday was about Trump calling out the NFL players who WERE doing that.

The NFL decided to stand in "unity" as an opposition to the presidents comments.

Basically we stand together.

It had NOTHING to do with racial inequalities.

Trump applauded Sundays actions :rofl:

He's got us on our heals.
Sorry, that's what Kaep and a very few others before Friday night were doing.

Sunday was about Trump calling out the NFL players who WERE doing that.

The NFL decided to stand in "unity" as an opposition to the presidents comments.

Basically we stand together.

It had NOTHING to do with racial inequalities.

Trump applauded Sundays actions :rofl:

He's got us on our heals.
Bet those ****ers who were afraid breathe a sigh of relief now that the message is corrupted and they can just lock arms and get away with it.
Sorry, that's what Kaep and a very few others before Friday night were doing.

Sunday was about Trump calling out the NFL players who WERE doing that.

The NFL decided to stand in "unity" as an opposition to the presidents comments.

Basically we stand together.

It had NOTHING to do with racial inequalities.

Trump applauded Sundays actions :rofl:

He's got us on our heals.

I don't believe that. I believe Trump's tweet(s) just reinforced everyone's stance of the state on affairs in this country. I think the protesting is a response to the sum of all the parts (inequality, Trump, etc). Trump's mouth just motivated more solidarity.

If I'm wrong, I still stand with players protesting Trump's hate speech and agenda. What's wrong with that?
We gotta understand that Patriotism to a lot of these people is white supremacy. The country was built on racism. The people that this country loves and celebrates were slave owners men who openly were white supremacist It's the same thing to many people they just hide it behind this "patriotism" "I love my flag and anthem".
I don't believe that. I believe Trump's tweet(s) just reinforced everyone's stance of the state on affairs in this country. I think the protesting is a response to the sum of all the parts (inequality, Trump, etc). Trump's mouth just motivated more solidarity.

If I'm wrong, I still stand with players protesting Trump's hate speech and agenda. What's wrong with that?

My problem is that you've hijacked an important issue for me and and made it your own there by marginalizing what the fight was about.

Your no better then an All Lives Matter, Blue Lives Matter supporter.

Just go home and be a family man.
My problem is that you've hijacked an important issue for me and and made it your own there by marginalizing what the fight was about.

Your no better then an All Lives Matter, Blue Lives Matter supporter.

Just go home and be a family man.

What in the hell are you talking about fam? :lol:

You got the wrong guy. I'm the opposite of those movements. Complete opposite.

I only care about equality. How that was lost to you is bottling.

Nice try though.
We gotta understand that Patriotism to a lot of these people is white supremacy. The country was built on racism. The people that this country loves and celebrates were slave owners men who openly were white supremacist It's the same thing to many people they just hide it behind this "patriotism" "I love my flag and anthem".


Also not to mention all the cultish aspects of flag worship but thats a whole other discussion

They're always talking about a very specific ideology when they use 'patriotism' as a crutch

It's no surprise when the source of greatest resistance to opponents of the police state are the very ones who have benefited from the systemic inequality from the jump and who also feel threatened by the slightest sign of diminishing privilege
We gotta understand that Patriotism to a lot of these people is white supremacy. The country was built on racism. The people that this country loves and celebrates were slave owners men who openly were white supremacist It's the same thing to many people they just hide it behind this "patriotism" "I love my flag and anthem".
True, saw one of my friends on FB who's an OG liberal hippie had a convo with a conservative white who openly said that of course he supports white supremacy, he's white and my friend should too. Folks will veil their true belief, but reality is white supremacy to them is in their best interest. Closet racist white folks are super comfortable and openly racist when there are only white people around. That's why I don't waste time with these coy, smug fools just so they can dance around their true feelings.
What in the hell are you talking about fam? :lol:

You got the wrong guy. I'm the opposite of those movements. Complete opposite.

Nice try though.

I believe Trump's tweet(s) just reinforced everyone's stance of the state on affairs in this country. I think the protesting is a response to the sum of all the parts (inequality, Trump, etc). Trump's mouth just motivated more solidarity.

I still stand with players protesting Trump's hate speech and agenda.

Again, players and you are against Trumps rhetoric.

That IS not and will NEVER be about black equality.

You just want the feeling of a warm blanket without going into the cold to get it.

Trump doesn't have us on our heels. He was gon declare his side the winner no matter what happened. We can't count on Trump nor his supporters to be any kind of grading of reality. We have to keep reporting what's really going on.
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