Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

Will you boycott the NFL this upcoming season?

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Again, players and you are against Trumps rhetoric.

That IS not and will NEVER be about black equality.

You just want the feeling of a warm blanket without going into the cold to get it.


The stretch Armstrong level of reach is impressive. I sincerely believe you have me confused with someone else. I've done a lot for poor folks, mainly underprivileged minorities and immigrants in my spare time and during my career. In the streets and in an administrative setting. A lot. So everything you're spewing comes as a slap in the face.
That's some BAN excuse by Archer. If he really wanted to do it he would've. His teammates don't have to like it, but they would have to respect his decision. Now they know where he stands but also know he doesn't have the conviction to stand by his beliefs. Soft.
It was, though I still slightly understand his predicament vs an NFL player where black players are 70%.
The stretch Armstrong level of reach is impressive. I sincerely believe you have me confused with someone else. I've done a lot for racial equality in my spare time and during my career. A lot. So everything you're spewing comes as a slap in the face.

I'm not doubting your as a person or your stance on other things.

But you commending the NFL players this weekend is laughable to me.

If they wanted to stand with Kaep they would of been done it.

They are taking a stance on Trump calling out the NFL, and they did it in the most beta way which Trump actually applauded so wtf does that say to you?

My last and final post on this but yesterday was not about racial inequality, or anything Kaep was fighting for.
I'm not doubting your as a person or your stance on other things.

But you commending the NFL players this weekend is laughable to me.

If they wanted to stand with Kaep they would of been done it.

They are taking a stance on Trump calling out the NFL, and they did it in the most beta way which Trump actually applauded so wtf does that say to you?

My last and final post on this but yesterday was not about racial inequality, or anything Kaep was fighting for.

If you group with me Blue Lives Matter or All Lives Matter, I 100% take offense to that. That should be taken as a blatant insult to anyone. Then insinuating I'm a rat, or mole, or whatever that backhanded insult was...IDK

Shame on anyone who protested anything when they only felt it was "safe" to do so.

I was under the assumption that the protests were geared toward inequality, corruption, oppression, etc... hence me commending them. That is what I'm most concerned with.

If the protests yesterday weren't about that and "took away" from Kaepernick's initial message, then that sucks. I first believed they were a show of solidarity with Kaep AND against Trump.
Boycotting the NFL was never a real thing anyway. The games was better so of course the ratings are gonna go up coming off of Thurdays great game.

Ratings were up because this fiasco served as the catalyst for them to go up. Everyone doing all this posturing and this didn't do anything but make people tune in.

If boycotting was never a real thing...what the **** is this all about? Ya'll going to keep doing this **** for the next however many years? We going to keep complaining and crying about how rich white men keep doing rich white men **** and not really doing anything substantial about it.

The blueprint was set back during the civil rights movement. You want change...hit their pockets. Bottom line. What J Cole said yesterday was facts. "Fans" are just as responsible. Ya'll complain about **** and then conform anyway because you need your "entertainment".

Those pieces of **** vanilla face conservative faux-patriots who sit on ESPN comment boards and claim they aren't going to watch anymore because of the kneeling...are still watching. The "other side" that keep crying about how the Good Ole Boy network is running THEIR **** and want #justiceforKap...are still watching.

This is like people protesting Nike for questionable labor practices and still lining up for new releases every weekend. I really don't get it.
Hope all this protesting, boycotting & kneeling leads to something bigger.
Putting our money in black owned banks, supporting black owned businesses & having our top high school athletes at least think about going to an HBCU are three things I want to see more of.
You can't sit here and talk crazy about the white man when you're still giving the majority of your time & money to the white man.
Hope all this protesting, boycotting & kneeling leads to something bigger.
Putting our money in black owned banks, supporting black owned businesses & having our top high school athletes at least think about going to an HBCU are three things I want to see more of.
You can't sit here and talk crazy about the white man when you're still giving the majority of your time & money to the white man.

This. Actual change.
I’m cool on kneeling. We need more dialogue. After today, dudes will be kneeling to fit in.

People still think this about disrespecting the flag and won’t ever get but the handful that want to engage in a conversation can learn something. Like Thskip
Hope all this protesting, boycotting & kneeling leads to something bigger.
Putting our money in black owned banks, supporting black owned businesses & having our top high school athletes at least think about going to an HBCU are three things I want to see more of.
You can't sit here and talk crazy about the white man when you're still giving the majority of your time & money to the white man.

now we're speaking proper English...let just a few high school superstars choose to go to Morehouse or Howard and watch what happens. see how fast they get new facilities and high profile coverage. imagine Grambling winning the national championship. they'll recognize green if not brown.
Hope all this protesting, boycotting & kneeling leads to something bigger.
Putting our money in black owned banks, supporting black owned businesses & having our top high school athletes at least think about going to an HBCU are three things I want to see more of.
You can't sit here and talk crazy about the white man when you're still giving the majority of your time & money to the white man.

It is incredibly sad that so many of us black people truly don't understand the power we yield due to a lack of information.

Being "woke" has become so sensationalized that you can have hundreds of thousands of us spitting all this "woke" ****...but not applying ANY of the information into action.

What good is knowledge if it's not being applied?
Ratings were up because this fiasco served as the catalyst for them to go up. Everyone doing all this posturing and this didn't do anything but make people tune in.

If boycotting was never a real thing...what the **** is this all about? Ya'll going to keep doing this **** for the next however many years? We going to keep complaining and crying about how rich white men keep doing rich white men **** and not really doing anything substantial about it.

The blueprint was set back during the civil rights movement. You want change...hit their pockets. Bottom line. What J Cole said yesterday was facts. "Fans" are just as responsible. Ya'll complain about **** and then conform anyway because you need your "entertainment".

Those pieces of **** vanilla face conservative faux-patriots who sit on ESPN comment boards and claim they aren't going to watch anymore because of the kneeling...are still watching. The "other side" that keep crying about how the Good Ole Boy network is running THEIR **** and want #justiceforKap...are still watching.

This is like people protesting Nike for questionable labor practices and still lining up for new releases every weekend. I really don't get it.

Too many black, white, latino people in this country love football. Period. The NFL and college football are monsters. You'd be better off getting black people to boycott another business or some ****. If you don't watch football anyway it's easy to say "lets boycott it" you ain't boycotting cuz you never watched it anyway.

You still watch the NBA right? You want your entertainment too. How many NBA fans boycotted the league when Donald Sterling said what he said? Or when the Cavs owner wrote that slave master letter about Lebron? Or when Craig Hodges got black balled? Or when Chris Jackson was going through **** with the league? Getting black people to boycott football or basketball ain't realistic. People love these sports and it provides too many opportunities.
now we're speaking proper English...let just a few high school superstars choose to go to Morehouse or Howard and watch what happens. see how fast they get new facilities and high profile coverage. imagine Grambling winning the national championship. they'll recognize green if not brown.
Speaking of Howard... Cam Newton's brother has been getting a lot of press for being their QB and leading them to a major upset. Wish this would motivate more black athletes to join HBCUs. Crazy seeing our institutions become laughing stocks after PWIs tricked us into playing for them.
now we're speaking proper English...let just a few high school superstars choose to go to Morehouse or Howard and watch what happens. see how fast they get new facilities and high profile coverage. imagine Grambling winning the national championship. they'll recognize green if not brown.

And that's where it needs to start. Building black owned businesses is always the first step. Getting people to just stop watching sports ain't realistic.
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