Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

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The whole perceived perception of 'disrespecting the flag, anthem, or military is nothing but a crock of ****. Keeping it:emoji_100: it's just been a brilliant deflection to keep from addressing the issue from which Kap initially took the knee. In fact he consulted with a military veteran who suggested to him it would be more 'respectful' to take a knee rather than sit. This has everything to do with those who don't want change to the status quo. They don't want equality, they don't want to lose their privilege, they quite frankly don't care about the injustices that minorities face cause it's been in their face more than ever over the last 3 years. Nobody wants to act or at the very least acknowledge that **** is ****** up in this country. They don't wanna hear why, they don't want to start a serious dialogue, let alone move towards corrective action. It's just been so convenient to just act like we make this **** up and/or it doesn't exist. I'm quite frankly fed up.
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And the angrier they get the more Kaep fans/supporters want to support him more

that polarization goes both ways, see Villanueva jersey sales.

Kapernick would nip ish on da bud by just reiterating he's wasn't disrespecting da flag, anthem, and Patriots/military...

aa it stands now da message is thoroughly muddled.
This has everything to do with those who don't want change to the status quo. They don't want equality, they don't want to lose their privilege, they quite frankly don't care about the injustices that minorities face cause it's been in their face more than ever over the last 3 years. Nobody wants to act or at the very least acknowledge that **** is ****ed up in this country. I'm quite frankly fed up.

So how do you guys feel everyday? You guys hateful? Gloomy? Paranoid?

I am really trying to be a happy person. And I am mostly successful at it. Although I know the truths - I try not to let that cloud constantly hang over me. But maybe that is what being black is.
Kapernick would nip ish on da bud by just reiterating he's wasn't disrespecting da flag, anthem, and Patriots/military...

Why does he need to reiterate what was already made publicly known? He said what this was about in the beginning. Even spoke with a vet who suggestion he took that made him go from sitting to kneeling.
All the information on why he did it is out there, the folks against it don't care for what he says, they have their reasoning and that's what they have made "fact"

been told cats he should ball out in Canada.
So how do you guys feel everyday? You guys hateful? Gloomy? Paranoid?

I am really trying to be a happy person. And I am mostly successful at it. Although I know the truths - I try not to let that cloud constantly hang over me. But maybe that is what being black is.

Angry, anxious, but mostly happy. Got a daughter to give guidance to that keeps me on track.

Like you said you can't let that cloud hang over you. We might be cursed but nothing lasts forever.
So how do you guys feel everyday? You guys hateful? Gloomy? Paranoid?

I am really trying to be a happy person. And I am mostly successful at it. Although I know the truths - I try not to let that cloud constantly hang over me. But maybe that is what being black is.

Probably a combination of disappointment and sadness. The notion of division in general maddens me. It's not only confined to this country either. The fact that there are people in this world who literally don't have food while there are others that have several homes, cars, servants, financial assets, etc; and the all of the disparity in between is an unforgivable characteristic of humans.
Kap could say all the right things and it’ll still get dismissed and swept under the rug.

It’s people who served or are currently on active duty who’ve said they support Kap and what he’s protesting.

They’ve been dismissed by a bunch of assclowns who never served a day in their life as having served for the wrong reasons, being lost and confused, and misguided. That’s what’s disingenuous about this. For as much as they claim to love the military and the brave troops who went to the Middle East, they sure don’t show it when those troops are in support of Kap.

It’s no need to explain or rationalize things to those people.
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So how do you guys feel everyday? You guys hateful? Gloomy? Paranoid?

I am really trying to be a happy person. And I am mostly successful at it. Although I know the truths - I try not to let that cloud constantly hang over me. But maybe that is what being black is.

I'm not gone lie I'm frustrated just because of some of the people I have to deal with on a daily basis and **** I hear them spewing, but mostly trying to just better myself financially and educationally so I can be in a better position to uplift our community in whatever small part I can.

And when I do come across people (especially white people) who seem to have empathy for our plight, give them the straight dope and encourage them to tell their friends and family who still might be close minded. Because it seems they're only receptive when it comes from one of their own. Otherwise you just another ***** complaining when you don't really have it that bad.
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Why does he need to reiterate what was already made publicly known?

because its not well known, and Trump just threw water all over da nuance.

so now da narrative is "patriots mad at da protests of da national anthem/flag vs players exercising their right to protest"

out da dialogue is why they're even protesting.
Yeah people need to stop this fantasy that MLK was universally loved for his peaceful strive for equality, they hated that **** then and hate it now. Stop worrying about upsetting white supremacists or we'll remain stagnant.

Exactly, gotta stop trying to please the WS and live your life. Rich, Poor, criminal or law abiding, we still are seen as just another *** by some folks.
The very first thing he said when he started was the protest was about injustice and they ignored that and made it anti-police military.
This isn't about a lack of clarity on why this is happening it's an attempt to avoid the true conversation for a much easier to win statement.

Kaep even said he's over kneeling now and he's still hung out to dry
Yeah people need to stop this fantasy that MLK was universally loved for his peaceful strive for equality, they hated that **** then and hate it now. Stop worrying about upsetting white supremacists or we'll remain stagnant.

"b-b-b-but what would mlk think? he wanted peaceful protest!"

************ they assassinated him, just like they did medgar evers. just like they did harry moore.
Kap could come out and say it's not about the flag, anthem, or military until he's blue in the face and his fro turns gray and it still wouldn't matter. They are purposely playing dumb cause it's easier to fake outrage over something imaginary than have a serious discussion over something real that will require discomfort, introspection and reflection.

These are the exact same tactics used when the civil rights movement was going on.
True but addressing what you said about them not caring about your skin color "can" be false

a "racist" aint signing up to risk his own life to save da life of someone he feels is genetically inferior to himself...firemen for da most part ain't built like that, check ain't that good for putting your *** on da line like that.
Kap could come out and say it's not about the flag, anthem, or military until he's blue in the face and his fro turns gray and it still wouldn't matter

i disagree..he hasn't had a press conference in a LONG wouldn't hurt.
a "racist" aint signing up to risk his own life to save da life of someone he feels is genetically inferior to himself...firemen for da most part ain't built like that, check ain't that good for putting your *** on da line like that.

Plenty of racist cops that have been fired that prove that theory wrong. People put they life on the line to save dogs and other animals that they feel are inferior. And there's no firefighter force that's We Save Whites Only so you sign up for a all and are only motivated for one.
i disagree..he hasn't had a press conference in a LONG wouldn't hurt.

How do you explain when he initially took a knee and gave that very detailed, clearn and articulate explanation why he knelt? Not even 24 hours later it turned into a disrespect of the flag, anthem, and military. Especially now that he's been effectively blackballed by the league? Why does he or Michael Bennett or Malcolm Jenkins or any of the other players have to keep repeating themselves to people who clearly have made up their minds already and don't WANT to hear the why anyway?

You actually think they'll be MORE receptive now with how things have ratcheted up?
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