Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

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a "racist" aint signing up to risk his own life to save da life of someone he feels is genetically inferior to himself...firemen for da most part ain't built like that, check ain't that good for putting your *** on da line like that.
FDNY make like 120 to 150k to basically sit in a firehouse all day and go out for menial jobs most of the time. That’s a good check. If I wasn’t so afraid of being burned alive or getting lung cancer that one day that I eventually have to run into a burning building, I would of been signed up for that job. Anyways you can’t be serious about racists not signing up to save minorities. Those jobs pay well. They sign up for the paycheck.
a "racist" aint signing up to risk his own life to save da life of someone he feels is genetically inferior to himself...firemen for da most part ain't built like that, check ain't that good for putting your *** on da line like that.

Firefighters make very good money I don't know what you've heard.

Also, they work two days a week with two 24 hour shifts.
How do you explain when he initially took a knee and gave that very detailed, clearn and articulate explanation why he knelt? Not even 24 hours later it turned into a disrespect of the flag, anthem, and military

that was LAST year....

you seen da reuters poll...da messaging got lost.

now its Patriots & da flag/ anthem supporters vs people protesting da flag anthem.

da nuance is gone.
And when I do come across people (especially white people) who seem to have empathy for our plight, give them the straight dope and encourage them to tell their friends and family who still might be close minded. Because it seems they're only receptive when it comes from one of their own.

If one is closed minded in this regard, much of me thinks it's damn near irreversible. And if their only reason for being persuaded is because it came from one of their own, that almost cements it for me.

I get what you're saying though.
i disagree..he hasn't had a press conference in a LONG wouldn't hurt.

It would accomplish nothing. Kaep is the last person I'd expect to be required to speak anything further. What you want him to have a Rodney King can't we all get along moment? F that. If people don't understand his logic by now, they never will.
that was LAST year....

you seen da reuters poll...da messaging got lost.

now its Patriots & da flag/ anthem supporters vs people protesting da flag anthem.

da nuance is gone.

I know the timeline. I'm asking you to explain why did it take less than a day for them to misconstrue what he was taking the knee for? Could it be cause they didn't want to hear why? More likely than not yes. And that being the premise what has changed in these 14 months that would make a world of difference if Kap came out and regurgitated his exact statement from that initial press conference. The messaging was never lost, they (who opposed the protest) changed it on purpose. How do I know this cause for the last year on every news and sports outlets there have been people and players repeating what Colin has said yet it's still billed as an anthem, flag, military protest.
Was his initial reasoning ever accepted by the media/general public?

Not really. It went pretty quick to disrespecting the flag. There were also other comments about how he lived with white parents and stuff.

Montel Williams breaks down in tears while defending NFL protests
Not really. It went pretty quick to disrespecting the flag. There were also other comments about how he lived with white parents and stuff.

Exactly, there was no conversation addressing his concerns only regarding how they decided to define his clear reasoning.

"What he really means....."
I'm saying, I've read some crazy stuff over my few years on NT, but man damn some dudes are dumb as hell and destined to live the crappy life that they live.
Not really. It went pretty quick to disrespecting the flag. There were also other comments about how he lived with white parents and stuff.

I believe that he even spoke on veterans serving our country and not being taken care of in various ways upon their return (to some extent) the very same day and no one cared, mentioned it or anything.
i disagree..he hasn't had a press conference in a LONG wouldn't hurt.

Ninja, why does Kaep need to speak though? People clearly aren’t listening to him. Even if he did hold a press conference, people would still ignore him and continue to push this narrative.
I'd like to see this quote that Kaep made that deserved the anti American narrative to be created
I'd like to see this quote that Kaep made that deserved the anti American narrative to be created

"I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color."
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