Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

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The employing restaurant of the girl who recorded the video said they won’t take action because it didn’t happen on company time.

Fairly certain they also sent out a response basically telling people to stop "taking their issues out on a small business and our employees". As if those bringing it to light are somehow the ones who are out of line.

Joint will be up in the barbershop soon lol
Yeah, they get a minority scholarship

Had a white home girl who went to Howard, she got some type of minority scholarship. Or so she said. Maybe it was just the school offering more money.

Edit: yea she was about that swirl too.
:pimp: :pimp: :pimp:


BERLIN -- Hertha Berlin players and officials kneeled in solidarity with the recent NFL protests ahead of their Bundesliga match against Schalke on Saturday.

A number of NFL players have "taken a knee" in recent months and German club Hertha showed solidarity for the ongoing protests in the United States before their game on Saturday.

"Berlin is colourful," the Hertha stadium announcer told the fans in attendance. "Hertha BSC stands for diversity and against violence.

"For this reason, we are joining forces with the protest of our fellow American athletes to take a stand against discrimination.

"For a tolerant Berlin, both now and forevermore.

Shameful how countries overseas get the point but our own Americans don't.
This was great from Hertha BSC. Major props. I hope more foreign sports teams join in and show solidarity.
Like I said before, there was never any confusion about what the kneeling protests were about on our news here. I would assume the same goes for our German neighbors.
The message about protesting against police brutality and general systemic racism was received loud and clear here, even during the start of when Trump jumped in. Only thing I heard on our news about disrespect to the flag was that a substantial part of Americans viewed it that way or deliberately tried to distort the protest into signifying disrespecting the flag. Not that the protest itself was about anything other than Kap's original message.
This was great from Hertha BSC. Major props. I hope more foreign sports teams join in and show solidarity.
Like I said before, there was never any confusion about what the kneeling protests were about on our news here. I would assume the same goes for our German neighbors.
The message about protesting against police brutality and general systemic racism was received loud and clear here, even during the start of when Trump jumped in. Only thing I heard on our news about disrespect to the flag was that a substantial part of Americans viewed it that way or deliberately tried to distort the protest into signifying disrespecting the flag. Not that the protest itself was about anything other than Kap's original message.
Glad you have informative news, trying to explain this issue with the "smartest man in the office" (he has a PhD in engineering) was infuriating.
Glad you have informative news, trying to explain this issue with the "smartest man in the office" (he has a PhD in engineering) was infuriating.

Engineers are the "morons" of the STEM fields. Not that they're stupid, but with age they tend to become very set in their ways. It's even worse if they are in an industry where things don't change fast.
Glad you have informative news, trying to explain this issue with the "smartest man in the office" (he has a PhD in engineering) was infuriating.
I think what also plays a role is that we have no interest in trying to distort the message of those protests to defend a particular group of Americans. Foreign news like that usually makes it over here unfiltered because we don't have a dog in that fight. Even with Trump desperately trying to muddy the original message, it doesn't exactly take a genius to take a closer look and figure out the real message. I fully believe that distortion of the original message into disrespect for the flag/army is mostly deliberate malice or simple ignorance. And our news simply doesn't have any reason to go along with that in this case.
I would say our tv news is generally very neutral and the bias they do have is mostly confined to selective reporting rather than how they report on something.
Our newspapers on the other hand are a different story. Aside from a few high quality exceptions, I find that most people of my age prefer foreign outlets like Reuters, The Guardian, AP, Der Spiegel, ...
Putting all the was Lincoln a hero talk aside, because my view is kinda moderate, he is mad out of place in that pic.

Everyone else, besides Kaep of course, is someone from the 2nd Civil Rights Era.

It seems Abe is in that joint for no good reason other than to pedal the myth he was some sort of champion for equality, and he clearly was not. Even if on aggregate I would judge him as a good actor.
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They got your man kneeling like he fought to free slaves from pure benevolence.

**** outta here.:lol: :smh:

Sadly, the way Lincoln is taught to most American students leaves out the letter he chose to write to Horace Greely to express how he couldn’t care less about freeing slaves. I don’t think I learned the details of that until I took an elective in college.
Yeah in all levels of my education, I was taught that Lincoln was a good dude who freed the slaves; and always seen people put him on a pedestal because of it.

Didn't find out the full story until an adult (on social media out of all places). Which led me to do my own research :smh:

Education system is trash. I feel like I'm going to have to re-wire my future kids when the time comes.
Yeah in all levels of my education, I was taught that Lincoln was a good dude who freed the slaves; and always seen people put him on a pedestal because of it.

Didn't find out the full story until an adult (on social media out of all places). Which led me to do my own research :smh:

Education system is trash. I feel like I'm going to have to re-wire my future kids when the time comes.
always having it seem like white folks are the heroes :smh:
Former 49ers QB Colin Kaepernick files grievance against NFL over alleged collusion

Former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick has filed a grievance against the NFL, alleging the owners colluded to keep him out of the league because of his protests during the playing of the national anthem before games.

The grievance alleges the league's owners "colluded to deprive Mr. Kaepernick of employment rights in retaliation for Mr. Kaepernick's leadership and advocacy for equality and social justice."

The NFL did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Instead of filing the grievance through the NFL Players Association, Kaepernick has hired attorney Mark Geragos, who has represented several high-profile clients, including Michael Jackson, former NASCAR driver Jeremy Mayfield and musician Chris Brown.

Kaepernick, who has not been with an NFL team since he severed his contract with the 49ers in March, began his silent protest of kneeling during the anthem in the 2016 preseason. He told the media he was protesting against the treatment of blacks in the United States.

Some other NFL players followed his lead during the 2016 season, drawing a mixed response from football fans and the general public, with some supporting the protest and others not.

But Kaepernick's most visible impact seemed to come at the start of this season, even though he himself had not been signed to a team, after President Trump at a campaign-style rally in Alabama slammed NFL players who participate in the protest.

The president told the crowd at the rally on Sept. 22 that teams should fire players who kneel during the anthem.

In response at NFL games over the next few days, many more players kneeled during the anthem or locked arms with teammates and in some cases also with their team's owners.

This is developing story. Please check back for more.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.
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