Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

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Didn't know the measure of good was how much money you could get others to give. But really, we know it's not about that anyways, just more angry white supremacists.

Such an idiot especially her Trump goodness


They trying to scrub him from the record books....
That dude got the death penalty and it was well deserved. Normally I would pile on with a celebratory gif but I’m at a point where I can’t see gaining anything positive from celebrating the death of another individual.

I’m by no means religious in the traditional sense and i see that whole forgiving your family’s murderer Christian mindset as a poisonous perpetual state of victimization. Dude is gonna be erased from the planet in his physical state and should honestly just be forgotten.

More death doesn’t make me happy. No one man can be killed that would result in change. The groups responsible for planting the seed in the mind of this killer will never be brought to justice because we have way too many people including certain individuals on this very message board who claim anti-white supremacy while simultaneously upholding it because they’re oblivious to their mental indoctrination. Trained to dismiss any information that isn’t produced from the machine of government and mainstream media who are completely and totally controlled by white supremacy.

So until we get rid of individuals with that mindset i have nothing to celebrate. You can’t even put a book in front of these people because they refuse to read. Dangerously ignorant. A virus to what we are trying to accomplish. We gotta heal ourselves from within and clean up our side of things because as of now we’re not even close to being organized enough to take on this enemy.
That dude got the death penalty and it was well deserved. Normally I would pile on with a celebratory gif but I’m at a point where I can’t see gaining anything positive from celebrating the death of another individual.

I’m by no means religious in the traditional sense and i see that whole forgiving your family’s murderer Christian mindset as a poisonous perpetual state of victimization. Dude is gonna be erased from the planet in his physical state and should honestly just be forgotten.

More death doesn’t make me happy. No one man can be killed that would result in change. The groups responsible for planting the seed in the mind of this killer will never be brought to justice because we have way too many people including certain individuals on this very message board who claim anti-white supremacy while simultaneously upholding it because they’re oblivious to their mental indoctrination. Trained to dismiss any information that isn’t produced from the machine of government and mainstream media who are completely and totally controlled by white supremacy.

So until we get rid of individuals with that mindset i have nothing to celebrate. You can’t even put a book in front of these people because they refuse to read. Dangerously ignorant. A virus to what we are trying to accomplish. We gotta heal ourselves from within and clean up our side of things because as of now we’re not even close to being organized enough to take on this enemy

Given some of our previous comments and even saying that you would kill cops in the Purge thread, I found this comment interesting when I started reading this post.

Then I reached this part and it all made sense. It is not a reflection on taking human life or what qualifies as true justice, but instead to talk down to people whi don't believe the **** you do. Because if they don't think like you, they are not prepared to take on white supremacy.

Ok boss, sureee
Given some of our previous comments and even saying that you would kill cops in the Purge thread, I found this comment interesting when I started reading this post.

Then I reached this part and it all made sense. People don't believe the **** you do, so they are not prepared to take on white supremacy.

Ok boss, sureee

I’ve heard you speak on my “beliefs” many times and I find that interesting because I’m pretty sure you’re making assumptions about my “beliefs” and jumping to conclusions as I’ve never stated them. Only presented information. You’re pretty consistent with making assumptions so I’d expect nothing less here.

Then you bring up a purge thread with a bunch of hypothetical **** loool. Nope
I’ve heard you speak on my “beliefs” many times and I find that interesting because I’m pretty sure you’re making assumptions about my “beliefs” and jumping to conclusions as I’ve never stated them. Only presented information. You’re pretty consistent with making assumptions so I’d expect nothing less here.

Then you bring up a purge thread with a bunch of hypothetical **** loool. Nope
We have had direct conversations about you beliefs. I even watch the YouTube videos you linked. Remember you going off on me because I pressured you to answer what would be the basics of our new Economic system and you said you didn't know, people will figure it out?

I am sorry if I think indoctrinating the world into Natural Law philosophy or Adam Kokesh style arno- capitalism is a good way for to fight white supremacy

I am not making guesses, I am using the things you have said to me and others to form my opinion. But this is you shtick, be condescending, until you get called out, then play the victim who is "just sharing information"
We have had direct conversations about you beliefs. I even watch the YouTube videos you linked. Remember you going off on me because I pressured you to answer what would be the basics of our new Economic system and you said you didn't know, people will figure it out?

I am sorry if I think indoctrinating the world into Natural Law philosophy or Adam Kokesh style arno- capitalism is a good way for to fight white supremacy

I am not making guesses, I am using the things you have said to me and others to form my opinion. But this is you shtick, be condescending, until you get called out, then play the victim who is "just sharing information"

No no see where you ****ed up is making the assumption (yet again) that because I support certain ideas and am opposed to solving the WS issues with the system that they designed and implemented, that I automatically have the plan mapped out for some utopia. I never made any such claims and never will. You seem to be more interested in debate tactics and proving points then addressing the issues so I don’t even bother with you
No no see where you ****ed up is making the assumption (yet again) that because I support certain ideas and am opposed to solving the WS issues with the system that they designed and implemented, that I automatically have the plan mapped out for some utopia. I never made any such claims and never will. You seem to be more interested in debate tactics and proving points then addressing the issues so I don’t even bother with you
I never asked you for a plan Utopia. Ask asked you for the basics, a simple vision. And you couldn't provide that, and flipped your ****. I am not making an assumption, I am asking you to be accountable for you own words and views. Why is this always so challenging for you?

Like I said your shtick is pedaling conspiracy theory nonsense, being condescending, then playing victim.
Yeah when I step back from it, Meek played a part, but the prison complex system is still entirely ****ed and stacked against us. I hope he really doesn't even do a year.
I'm sorry, I rock with Kaep but I disagree with the assertion Meek Mil was done wrong by the justice system in regards to the recent sentence he was handed. He is in jail because of his own constant **** ups.

Also bringing up Brock Turner kinda undercuts his point. Turner should have gotten a longer prison sentence but the 3 months wasn't is only punishment. Plus prosecutors wanted him to serve 6 years, it was the judge that have him that break. Legislating harsher sentences is not a good idea, that what mandatory minimums do.

You want a system where prosecutors and judge give defendants breaks, no matter class and race. So anything the cost of that system unfortunately will you get some more Brock Turner's too.

Like I said, the justice system can both be unjust to black people and Meek could have played him. These issues are not mutually exclusive.
The problem I have with Meek is that he put all the power in their hands when he hopped on that bike.

It’s definitely wrong, though. And it should be dealt with.
What I take from either argument is judges need a governing body to evaluate and hold them accountable.
Yeah, but I think everyone gotta realize that that the goal is to get black folk, other minorities, and poor people to get the breaks affluent whites do.

Not demand that affluent whites get played by the courts, like minorities and the poor do.
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With Meek, I see it like this. It’s reasonable to view meek as an idiot while at the same time acknowledging and calling out the ****ty flawed justice system for what it is.

Meek is a dumbass. You know the system is against you and that probation is jail minus the bars and you go and **** up.

At the same time, the court system is beyond inconsistent and unfair. You got pieces of **** like Brock turner getting slaps on the wrist and killer cops walking free. In Meeks case you got a judge with a conflict of interest in terms of making suggestions on his career and asking for shout outs.
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