Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

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[@="Easy Button" to make it all good for everyone.

I just:

  • Think it's a bit of a stretch when people simplify and wholly equate the anthem & flag to oppression & police brutality
  • Don't see what tangible, quantifiable benefits his method of protest will afford POC


Why is it a stretch to connect the anthem and flag to oppression and police brutality? We've come to a mutual understanding that communities of color, especially black people, have been wrought by this country for generations. The flag, multifaceted as it may be, harbor with it still a history that has clear consequences for black people to this day.And this bleeds into your next point:

That CK's actions come off as perfunctory at best, disrespectful and backtracking at worst. I believe you mentioned earlier in this thread that you're not black. Where do you stand on the grounds for progression as an ally? What boundaries do you believe in when speaking for what's right/wrong for the black community? Finally, do you not believe in the use of protests/civil disobedience like CK has displayed? Not being facetious here at all.
GOD and a bunch of angels could come down and cosign and the same devils will still act like they don't understand.

god went to war with lucifier over a difference of opinion...might wanna rethink that comparison. :lol:

SJWs are alive and well on NT.

Fake outrage as far as the fingers can type.

i mean...

just as a more general statement, black people should not be joining the military in force

when i hear things like this i cant help but wonder where is this mass stultification is doing to young folks that feel like there's no way out their predicaments when there are obvious positive choices like serving your country.
Even though alot of messed up stuff goes down in this country it's still the country I Live in, when the anthem comes on I'm going to show respect.

Not saying he's a dbag for doing what he did but from what I understand he's American and has made a damn good life for himself here, I can't understand why people can't take such a little amount of time for the anthem
The National Anthem is about pride not respect. It's clear at this moment he's not proud of the country he lives in and that's fine.

I don't get the whole "well USA gave you millions" argument like it was free money.
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Even though alot of messed up stuff goes down in this country it's still the country I Live in, when the anthem comes on I'm going to show respect.

Not saying he's a dbag for doing what he did but from what I understand he's American and has made a damn good life for himself here, I can't understand why people can't take such a little amount of time for the anthem
Respect what? Even if you put aside the actual poem in it's entirety (which is vile) and the slave owner/racist it was written by what/who exactly are you respecting by standing/taking time out for it? 
The National Anthem is about pride not respect. It's clear at this moment he's not proud of the country he lives in and that's fine.

I don't get the whole "well USA gave you millions" argument like it was free money.

Yea it's fine and yea it's about pride but why can't you just show a little respect for the country you live in? I just don't get it, there's a ton of things I'm upset with about the country but I'm not going to take it out on the anthem.

Idk, it still doesn't make sense to me
"In this capitalist society, rich people [the most influential] shouldn't speak up about the ills of the country; instead, they should be thankful that they're rich and be extra nice to the possibly oppressed non-rich population."

This is essentially what the counter-argument boils down to.
The National Anthem is about pride not respect. It's clear at this moment he's not proud of the country he lives in and that's fine.

I don't get the whole "well USA gave you millions" argument like it was free money.

Yea it's fine and yea it's about pride but why can't you just show a little respect for the country you live in? I just don't get it, there's a ton of things I'm upset with about the country but I'm not going to take it out on the anthem.

Idk, it still doesn't make sense to me

He currently has the platform to do it, and that's what he chose to do, and as far as attention, looks like it did the job. What other ways do you think he could have raised this issue and put the same type of spotlight on it? Fill out a form?
its as simple as "you not living what you rap about"

no one taking serious da plight of a pampered QB driving to work on a Lamborghini talking bout Struggle...

same way Trump got torch for comparing his sacrifice as a business man to that of someone who gave their son for their country.

it never squares right.
He currently has the platform to do it, and that's what he chose to do, and as far as attention, looks like it did the job. What other ways do you think he could have raised this issue and put the same type of spotlight on it? Fill out a form?

Well he is a quarterback in the country's most popular sport, I'm sure there are numerous ways he could of voiced his opinion on the matter he's referring to.

IMO not standing for the anthem of the country that he was born and raised in and has brought him so much just isn't the way to do it.
He's not talking about struggle though.
He talking about injustices in society and police getting away with murder..

he's in effect throwing da baby out with da bath water by disrespecting da national anthem & flag though, ans as someone who's done well,he not doing himself any favors.
Well he is a quarterback in the country's most popular sport, I'm sure there are numerous ways he could of voiced his opinion on the matter he's referring to.

IMO not standing for the anthem of the country that he was born and raised in and has brought him so much just isn't the way to do it.
Because that's worked so well for others. I see exactly why he used it as a vessel to get his message out, because unlike other politicians, athletes, or just ordinary citizens who speak out on these same issues, they tend to get forgotten. So you have to MAKE them pay attention and take notice. And it worked, a national dialogue is taking place. We'll see what else results from it, but condemning him for the methodology doesn't make any sense to be honest on multiple fronts. He literally took the least evasive method while still able to capture the audience this was intended to spark. 
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Most military personnel are brave fools. The rest are just violent thugs.

Y'all gotta chill with this rhetoric. It took me a minute to understand it, but never let a fellow slave make fun of you for your chains.

The military affords people of color to be honored as men in their community. I'm aware of all the hoopla that goes along with serving the white mans militia and unjust wars etc. but... people are going to die on this planet regardless. When young black men enter the military they're able to come home and be looked at as a men in a society that's designed to dehumanize and emasculate them.

It's easy to point at them and say they were dumb, followers etc, but for every service member I'll show you a person whose in debt to college loans, a mortgage etc.

My point is we're all in some form of mental slavery. I'm no longer mocking my people who are making the best out of an undiagnosed post traumatic slavery disorder.

I *** wit you my dude but you basically just said go overseas and kill other people of color for the political and economic benefit of white supremacy so you might could come back and live in the big house.
Most military personnel are brave fools. The rest are just violent thugs.

Y'all gotta chill with this rhetoric. It took me a minute to understand it, but never let a fellow slave make fun of you for your chains.

The military affords people of color to be honored as men in their community. I'm aware of all the hoopla that goes along with serving the white mans militia and unjust wars etc. but... people are going to die on this planet regardless. When young black men enter the military they're able to come home and be looked at as a men in a society that's designed to dehumanize and emasculate them.

It's easy to point at them and say they were dumb, followers etc, but for every service member I'll show you a person whose in debt to college loans, a mortgage etc.

My point is we're all in some form of mental slavery. I'm no longer mocking my people who are making the best out of an undiagnosed post traumatic slavery disorder.

I *** wit you my dude but you basically just said go overseas and kill other people of color for the political and economic benefit of white supremacy so you might could come back and live in the big house.

:lol: :lol:
IMO not standing for the anthem of the country that he was born and raised in and has brought him so much just isn't the way to do it.

But ......who are you to say how he should and shouldn't deal with this ? He earned what he has received here. You make it sound like he should be grateful for some handout.

Can you even relate ?
But ......who are you to say how he should and shouldn't deal with this ? He earned what he has received here. You make it sound like he should be grateful for some handout.

Can you even relate ?

I'm just saying he should be grateful to live in a country like the USA and not a country where he wouldn't have the opportunity to do what he pleases.

I see where he's coming from but I don't get why he doesn't go about it in a different way. Start a group, protest against the prosecutors who aren't going after the BAD cops or whatever. Why take it out on the anthem of your country?
You can be grateful to live in America, and be upset at the injustices that exist within it.

Those two feelings are not mutually exclusive

-And like it was said before, the anthem of the country was written by a racist and includes racist lines. So there is that
There are injustices in every country, that doesn't mean everyone shouldn't stand for a minute while their country's anthem is being played.

Idk it just seems stupid to me but that's his right so whatever.

As a 9er fan and somewhat a fan of his I hope he can recover from this and whatever else is going on with him because he's seemed off for a while lately so I wish him the best
I'm just saying he should be grateful to live in a country like the USA and not a country where he wouldn't have the opportunity to do what he pleases.

I see where he's coming from but I don't get why he doesn't go about it in a different way. Start a group, protest against the prosecutors who aren't going after the BAD cops or whatever. Why take it out on the anthem of your country?

There is the collective action problem, it is difficult to mobilize people to make political change, especially if they are pushing back against long entrenched attitudes. One of the technique to deal with the problem of organizing disparate individuals is to disrupt something that is highly visible.

Sadly, the largest shared civic space in America is probably is the collective living room on Sundays during the NFL Season. So Kaepernick is planning to peacefully disrupt this widely watched civic ritual.
The saddest part about the discussion that is going on in this thread is that of all the people who got mad at him for not standing up, exactly NONE has addressed WHY he wasn't standing up. It's just been a stream of deflections and accusations of him not being right in his head.

It's telling. Some people would rather live with their head buried in the sand and they wonder why things go to the extreme.
There are injustices in every country, that doesn't mean everyone shouldn't stand for a minute while their country's anthem is being played.

Idk it just seems stupid to me but that's his right so whatever.

As a 9er fan and somewhat a fan of his I hope he can recover from this and whatever else is going on with him because he's seemed off for a while lately so I wish him the best
This part disturbs me. Sounds very cult like. 
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