Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

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I'm a little late, and I'm sure you all covered this...but I absolutely love what this vet had to say in regards to what Kap is doing. Stated perfectly, IMO.

I_Zac33: I don't agree with all of his points, but I'll fight to the death for his right to say it. #VeteransForKaepernick
Even though alot of messed up stuff goes down in this country it's still the country I Live in, when the anthem comes on I'm going to show respect.

Not saying he's a dbag for doing what he did but from what I understand he's American and has made a damn good life for himself here, I can't understand why people can't take such a little amount of time for the anthem
Maybe it isn't FOR YOU to understand. ....
I can't help but be curious about what points people that "don't agree with all of his points" are in contention with.

From the Post-Game Q&A posted early in the thread, it didn't seem like he did much besides state facts.
If it's a conversation that's above your head that's all you had to say my dude.
:lol:.. I dig what your speaking on. Having a military mindset and fighting for the "right cause" is a bad combo America does not want to see. They just want the hippie/left winger pansy types to exist.
edited cause when I reread it's not clear who he was talking too
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Anybody hear Will Cain hot-taking his way to his own show while getting crushed in debates daily?

Dude is filling in for Bomani Jones, and he gets crushed everyday in debates. But he'll get his own show because of his conservative hot takes. Watch
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The National Anthem is about pride not respect. It's clear at this moment he's not proud of the country he lives in and that's fine.

I don't get the whole "well USA gave you millions" argument like it was free money.

Yea it's fine and yea it's about pride but why can't you just show a little respect for the country you live in? I just don't get it, there's a ton of things I'm upset with about the country but I'm not going to take it out on the anthem.

Idk, it still doesn't make sense to me

You know how you show respect for your country? You follow the laws. You pay your taxes. You be a decent human being.

That means way more than standing for a song
^this is a good point, also America sort of has a wink wink nudge nudge mentality when it come's to our own laws.

Everyone speeds,

pirating media is the norm,

people cross when the no cross sign is up,

Jokes aside we're a country founded on disobeying unjust laws created by an oppressive government. If there was ever a two sides to the coin country it's this one. That's probably why we're so free and have such a funny attitude about authority
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I love how everyone just adores the anthem all of sudden but won't touch on the lyrics or the writer being reason enough not to stand [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]
Thought we were talking about present tense.

We i said throughout history I was including present day laws. Not to mention how crooked the U.S. judicial system still is. White dude gets a slap on the wrist for rape cause the judge thinks it will ruin his life, black dude gets 15 years for the same crime. The U.S. justice system is a joke. There's no type of consistency from verdict to verdict which creates racial disparities in sentencing.

it isn't so much crooked as it is just biases in the system, often times unconscious, michelle alexander's book: the new jim crow, does a great job of investigating some of those biases, it isn't to say there aren't some bad actors in the system though...and the attempt to get consistency in sentencing is what got this country's prison system so bloated in the 1st place with mandatory minimums & sentencing guidelines; judiciary discretion is a probably good thing when used according to the particular circumstance(s) of individual cases & not exercised so punitively, with the understanding that eventually people will return to society...
There are children out here who get it. I'd say more like inability to engage in critical thinking.

Yes and it's dangerous to have people who actually think there is anything wrong that he did.

Shows an inherent lack of knowledge regarding the the state of our country or a lack of empathy.

For many, it's both.
People are looking at what he did more than what he said

Yoy always ask they why question when trying to understand

When i manage my employees i do this
I.e. a worker doesnt perform well=what
The employee doesnt full understand job functions=why
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