Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

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You said NT, that implies all of NT, not just this exchange in the last page. But this entire thread, and all the other post regarding the injustices facing black people.

And even in that situation, not is doesn't imo

Agree to disagree.

Im making an observation. Im not bout to go through the thread and pick out all the posts that fit the SJW criteria.

Fine. Agree to Disagree

But let us remember you said website. You won't like it if I went back to dismissing your post I don't agree with as trolling, and went to pick through your old post to paint you as that.

Maybe try to understand why dudes find the implications of dudes argument so upsetting, instead of dismissing them.
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I see enough points from different angles being made that makes that assumption untrue. This wouldn't almost be 1200 posts if that were the case.
So to be treated as men and get some respect black man have to enlist? :rolleyes

Soldiers are pawns for foreign policy in the chess game of life. Yes we all are slaves to this system In one way or another but that doesn't make that bs about black men in the military correct. That was just plain *******

"you're alright boy! You served our country" FOH

There could be no white people left on earth and at this point with some of these soft shoe negros we got out here, the al sharpton Jessie Jackson stephen a smith types etc we'd be living in a system of white supremacy run by blacks. Im out this thread
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Admire the dude's sentiment but seriously :lol:  at him wearing the X hat while also wearing a shirt of him conversing with Castro!? 

Also the idea of him revering Fidel while also.. *um*.... playing for San Francisco. Just weird. If we're playing Family Feud SF Streets/Locations it's top 4 easy right? 

Yeah not digging the clothes choice to be honest

#VeteransForKaepernick is trending worldwide...
Look at these guys posting their collages and FB profile pics and ****. It's so blatantly obvious that they're just self-aggrandizing on social media under the guise of "courageously fighting for Colin Kaepernick's right to free speech."

Do none of you see that? Read their captions.
  • "Bad ***" picture in front of a helicopter:  "I didn't wear all this gear..."  
  • Collage of all his best army pics: "Me: West Point, Ranger School, Kosovo, Iraq, Bronze Star."  

  • Some more "bad ***" pics: "I  don't agree with all of his points, but I'll fight to the death for his right to say it."  
Humble  Noble bragging at its finest. Stop acting like they're part of some profound movement because they tweeted pictures of themselves  and captions about their accomplishments. It's not so different from people putting the French or Belgian flag on their Facebook profile pictures. People just want to participate in current events to feel included, and be as photogenic as possible while doing it so they can get likes, comments, and retweets. This fake ***, pretentious society. 
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So to be treated as men and get some respect black man have to enlist? :rolleyes

Soldiers are pawns for foreign policy in the chess game of life. Yes we all are slaves to this system In one way or another but that doesn't make that bs about black men in the military correct. That was just plain *******

"you're alright boy! You served our country" FOH

There could be no white people left on earth and at this point with some of these soft shoe negros we got out here, the al sharpton Jessie Jackson stephen a smith types etc we'd be living in a system of white supremacy run by blacks. Im out this thread

You should read about Liberia and Rwanda if you haven't.

Look at these guys posting their collages and FB profile pics and ****. It's so blatantly obvious that they're just self-aggrandizing on social media under the guise of "courageously fighting for Colin Kaepernick's right to free speech."

Do none of you see that? Read their captions.

  • "Bad ***" picture in front of a helicopter: "I didn't wear all this gear..." 8)
  • Collage of all his best army pics:"Me: West Point, Ranger School, Kosovo, Iraq, Bronze Star." 8)

  • Some more "bad ***" pics: "I don't agree with all of his points, but I'll fight to the death for his right to say it." 8)

Humble Noble bragging at its finest. Stop acting like they're part of some profound movement because they tweeted pictures of themselves and captions about their accomplishments. It's not so different from people putting the French or Belgian flag on their Facebook profile pictures. People just want to participate in current events to feel included, and be as photogenic as possible while doing it so they can get likes, comments, and retweets. This fake ***, pretentious society. :smh:  

You're just upset because those brave men and women didn't go against him.
Look at these guys posting their collages and FB profile pics and ****. It's so blatantly obvious that they're just self-aggrandizing on social media under the guise of "courageously fighting for Colin Kaepernick's right to free speech."

Do none of you see that? Read their captions.

  • "Bad ***" picture in front of a helicopter: "I didn't wear all this gear..." 8)
  • Collage of all his best army pics:"Me: West Point, Ranger School, Kosovo, Iraq, Bronze Star." 8)

  • Some more "bad ***" pics: "I don't agree with all of his points, but I'll fight to the death for his right to say it." 8)

Humble Noble bragging at its finest. Stop acting like they're part of some profound movement because they tweeted pictures of themselves and captions about their accomplishments. It's not so different from people putting the French or Belgian flag on their Facebook profile pictures. People just want to participate in current events to feel included, and be as photogenic as possible while doing it so they can get likes, comments, and retweets. This fake ***, pretentious society. :smh:  

View media item 2012802
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Who's alternate SN is that? :nerd:

Ever since he popped up in the political thread he been posting BS.

:smh: :rofl:
Look at these guys posting their collages and FB profile pics and ****. It's so blatantly obvious that they're just self-aggrandizing on social media under the guise of "courageously fighting for Colin Kaepernick's right to free speech."

Do none of you see that? Read their captions.
  • "Bad ***" picture in front of a helicopter:  "I didn't wear all this gear..."  
  • Collage of all his best army pics: "Me: West Point, Ranger School, Kosovo, Iraq, Bronze Star."  

  • Some more "bad ***" pics: "I  don't agree with all of his points, but I'll fight to the death for his right to say it."  
Humble  Noble bragging at its finest. Stop acting like they're part of some profound movement because they tweeted pictures of themselves  and captions about their accomplishments. It's not so different from people putting the French or Belgian flag on their Facebook profile pictures. People just want to participate in current events to feel included, and be as photogenic as possible while doing it so they can get likes, comments, and retweets. This fake ***, pretentious society. 
this was a real verse:

No refuge could save the hireling and slave
From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave,
And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.
Most military personnel are brave fools. The rest are just violent thugs.

Y'all gotta chill with this rhetoric. It took me a minute to understand it, but never let a fellow slave make fun of you for your chains.

The military affords people of color to be honored as men in their community. I'm aware of all the hoopla that goes along with serving the white mans militia and unjust wars etc. but... people are going to die on this planet regardless. When young black men enter the military they're able to come home and be looked at as a men in a society that's designed to dehumanize and emasculate them.

It's easy to point at them and say they were dumb, followers etc, but for every service member I'll show you a person whose in debt to college loans, a mortgage etc.

My point is we're all in some form of mental slavery. I'm no longer mocking my people who are making the best out of an undiagnosed post traumatic slavery disorder.

Coulda left out that one part but I feel you. Don't know why you got the reaction you got.

I have military family and they are amazing people. Dudes see "military" and automatically think you were out there shooting brown kids and civvies. My grandma's husband is the only military person I know that has actually killed another person. He fought in Nam and I'm almost certain dude has no respect for the US at this point.

Everybody else is chillin. I don't respect them more or less for choosing to take on the job, especially since they just wanted the money and aren't even involved in the action :lol:

I don't agree that infiltration is the right method to create change. The system is performing well and as intended, so I don't even believe infiltration is possible at the level possible to effect change by just us alone.

I said before in another thread, black Americans need to outsource for assistance from other nations. March, get on tv, do whatever. We need assistance because this country is not gonna save us, no matter how many well intentioned people there are.

Look at these guys posting their collages and FB profile pics and ****. It's so blatantly obvious that they're just self-aggrandizing on social media under the guise of "courageously fighting for Colin Kaepernick's right to free speech."

Do none of you see that? Read their captions.

  • "Bad ***" picture in front of a helicopter: "I didn't wear all this gear..." 8)
  • Collage of all his best army pics:"Me: West Point, Ranger School, Kosovo, Iraq, Bronze Star." 8)

  • Some more "bad ***" pics: "I don't agree with all of his points, but I'll fight to the death for his right to say it." 8)

Humble Noble bragging at its finest. Stop acting like they're part of some profound movement because they tweeted pictures of themselves and captions about their accomplishments. It's not so different from people putting the French or Belgian flag on their Facebook profile pictures. People just want to participate in current events to feel included, and be as photogenic as possible while doing it so they can get likes, comments, and retweets. This fake ***, pretentious society. :smh:  

Boy you stupid or you dumb? Or just a bad troll :lol:
I get Hallywood's point, not sure why it was miscontrued the way it was either. Step outside yourselves and look at it realistically from a bird's eye view, at what's real right now, not how you feel.
I get Hallywood's point, not sure why it was miscontrued the way it was either. Step outside yourselves and look at it realistically from a bird's eye view, at what's real right now, not how you feel.
I'm glad I'm not the only one. I don't think the reaction was warranted, and I understand the point that he's making. I may disagree, but I definitely don't take offense the way a lot of others have.
I get the point they're making, and for the most part I agree, and I also feel like some of the posts came across as another selfie/gloat challenge, as most things on social media do.

Much like the "what if it was me" challenge [emoji]128565[/emoji]
^ You should know ignorance very well given a lot of your posts. Or maybe you don't know because your ignorant to what you post....
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