Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

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Black folks were willing to ignore the racism of Donald Sterling and sign with the Clippers. This went on for DECADES. If UA decided to drop Cam over a political statement, best believe there would be an opportunist waiting in the wings to sign a big contract w/ them.

How much money do you think Cam is bringing UA in comparison to what Mike was doing for Nike in the 90's? I don't even think it's a valid comparison. As a Nike athlete, Mike could have made a strong social statement like Lebron/CP3/Melo did and there would be no flack. Why? Because the NBA is a much different dynamic than the NFL. As I mentioned before, and the same goes for Mike, those guys ARE the league.

UA has an ace in the pocket with Steph Curry. Cam, while regarded as one of the best in the league, could be replaced by someone else.

Agree to disagree. Ain't nobody gonna jump on UA if they dropped Cam cuz he spoke out against police brutality. And I seriously doubt they would be dumb enough to drop him for that anyway. It would make them look real bad.
I reading an article of Deadspin and found this gem of a comment:

Of all of the bizarre political twists and turns this country has taken, the strangest one is this: the feti****ing, and elevating, of symbolic gestures, while actual words and actions have become almost irrelevant.

You can start a war based on phony intelligence, resulting in millions of deaths and casualties, and you can explain your way out of it. But God forbid you forget to put your flag pin on in the morning.

People lambasting Kaep have no semblance of reality.

It's weird, he explains himself well but it's all for naught.
:rofl: the police union is up to their usual tricks writing letters to the 9ers saying some cops might boycott. Don't they realize that the NFL cares about money and that's it? They won't be bullied into anything.
:rofl: the police union is up to their usual tricks writing letters to the 9ers saying some cops might boycott. Don't they realize that the NFL cares about money and that's it? They won't be bullied into anything.

Kaep the only reason that organization is relevant. 49ers been trash for about 1.5 decades.
:rofl: the police union is up to their usual tricks writing letters to the 9ers saying some cops might boycott. Don't they realize that the NFL cares about money and that's it? They won't be bullied into anything.

The fact that the sfpd is even contemplating that proves two things, 1, They haven't heard or didn't pay any real attention to anything kaep said and 2, their headship and majority is made up of those pigs he addressed in the post game interview.
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:rofl: the police union is up to their usual tricks writing letters to the 9ers saying some cops might boycott. Don't they realize that the NFL cares about money and that's it? They won't be bullied into anything.

The fact that the sfpd is even contemplating that proves two things, 1, They haven't heard or didn't pay any real attention to anything kaep said and 2, their headship and majority is made up of those pigs he addressed in the post game interview.

Fword sfpd straight up

RIP Mario Woods :frown:
SFPD are probably the same folks complaining about safe spaces and the pussification of America. When they hear the slightest bit of resistance, they crawl back into their shells to deflect criticism.
So they're protesting the way he chose to protest...

...and these people run the police department.
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They don't serve us. If you're not white, the police aren't here for you. I've seen it and have been through it. Is every police a ****? No. But they ALL know who they're here to provide protection for and who they're here to keep an eye out for.
I just found out that its actually the Santa Clara PD , not SFPD, that threaten to boycott.
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Police are some whiny *******.

We need them like we need firemen. If we call, come through. If we don't, we shouldn't even see them in public.
Police are some whiny *******.

We need them like we need firemen. If we call, come through. If we don't, we shouldn't even see them in public.
This they shouldn't be driving around writing traffic tickets for Petty offenses where they use their discretion to target people they don't like. Think about it if you like a certain group of people you're empowered as a law enforcement officer to use your so called discretion to target and harass those you don't like.
They whine and whine and try to bring up other folks internal issues, but never look at their own. Even though I know there are good police out there, the more I see things like this the closer it pushes me to the "**** them all" train.
All I'm getting from this is that they're ok with a Rams fan being beaten by a bunch of drunk 49ers fans and they're cool with fights in the stands and all sorts of other recklessness because hey, screw protecting their community. Kap hurt their widdle feelings so they need to retreat to their safe space.

They're getting defensive because it's truth to what Kap said. If someone says something about you and you know it's no substance to it, you usually laugh it off. Your defense mechanisms go into full gear if it's truth to what's being said about you though.
SCPD threatening to boycott is the type of mentality that Kap has been trying to expose through his protest. They're doing it to themselves and proving Kap's gripes more valid by the minute.
one thing that gets lost in the noise is the fact that they work for us. we do not work for them. i have yet to see an example of when the employee is bossing around the employer.
The discourse sparked by CK's protest helped educate me about the history behind the Star Spangled Banner and its author. As a white man, I will never again stand up, take my hat off, or show any semblance of reverence when the national anthem is played.

Thanks Kaep! :pimp:
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