Colin Kaepernick Is Righter Than You Know

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I think it would be great if someone like Cam did take a position like Kap and DID loose endorsements. Especially now with all the social media attention this is getting. It would be very fertile gtounds for an effective boycott to take place. People always talking about speaking with their dollars but its difficult to organize something like that and have enoigh people participate. I think something like whats going on now could actually facilitate this and build that mindset into demanding respect through our spending power in many different instances.

Very true was Sherman wrong on his stance?
Black on black violence is an issue too
He's not wrong for bringing that up
He even said that we need to deal with bad cops in that same speech
Richard Sherman is far from a sell out

If black lives matter stop black on black crime?

Naw He's not in that sellout category but are You seriously defending that statement?
Well he gave his reason that he saw people getting murdered in his neighborhood and he didn't hear any protests so I can understand his frustration
Cam might not lose his current endorsements but it might hinder him from getting more and bigger endorsements.

i'm not mad at him for not taking a side publicly but he a *** for all that tap dancing he did. he made webbie proud on how he dodged that question :rofl: :rofl:
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Too bad people aren't outraged by the crap treatment of vets when they get back home. Poor mental health resources and other resources that vets should get. But we stand with the military.

Kap spoke about that last night. :nthat:


Perception can be people's reality, if you allow it. I can remember growing up in the '60s, and the fashion then—that hairstyle he's wearing now—I had that same hairdo. I had that hairdo. And I can remember when you went out in the evening, at that point in time, leather jackets were cool. But the problem was, if you were black and you wore a leather jacket, the optics were 'Is this guy a Black Panther?' Because that's what the Black Panthers wore. And so without even having a conversation, people assume that.

I lived this life. Lived it my whole life. I see it. We're in a better place than we were in the '50s and '60s. Or even when my father was married to my mom, who is a German war bride. They were married! He served in the army—for 27 years. [He] fought in the Korean War and World War II. And because he married a German war bride, he could not get stationed in the south! How about that? Could not get stationed in the south! That's why we ended up in California, to be quite honest. 

Interracial marriages, you couldn't go into the South and live there! He served our country—he fought for our country, he was in the army! Okay so, I get it. I get it. I sit here and I get it and I see it. I lived it. And we need to talk about it sometimes.

Colin is taking a step. Because he's an athlete, people say, 'Just be an athlete.' I've always told my athletes this: 'Your occupation doesn't define who you are as a man. You have every right that every other person has on this earth. Regardless of what your occupation is, speak your mind.' And he's done that.

Growing up in the '60s, my father told me, 'Look son,' he said, 'your rights have been fought for. I put my life on the line for you to live in this country so you would have an opportunity, opportunities that I didn’t receive growing up in the south. You have the freedom to speak, you have the freedom to ask questions. You can ask people why. You have the right to do that. I put my life on the line so you could do that. Don’t you ever forget that.'
They don't love black leaders and people who stand for us until they die [emoji]128064[/emoji]
Knew it was coming :lol:
I've recently seen it talked about from a few sources and I have come to agree that I don't think we should refer to other black men and women as ***** or Toms in a public forum.

I think we should disagree with them respectfully while articulating our ideas. While we may think hes tap dancing that's for us to say between us.

We keep giving people ammo for the "look how yall treat your own" etc etc BS arguments.

That's just how I feel about it personally.

I understand where ur coming from but it is what it is. If you not helping us you're hurting us. That neutral riding the fence **** imo is turning your back on your people

I feel you and I agree. I call em out when I see them but lately just in person with people I know, or in texts or groups.

I don't do that neutral ****. Now is not the time for neutrality. Hell there's never been a time for it when it comes to being black in America.
I didn't expect anything from Kaep to begin with (while I'm happy he did) so I aint expect anything from Cam.

Problem with Cam is he never should've set up an interview and put that spotlight on himself. Like I'm not here wondering what Victor Cruz or Odell Beckham Jr. are gonna do 1st game of the season.

Its like if you not down we just gonna ignore and put you to the back as we focus on the players and other personnel down with the movement.

Should've kept quiet. When this news broke ppl weren't thinking what does Cam Newton thinks about this.
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Cam stole Kap's dab. Kap stealing Cam's shine. Old rivals like Goku and Vegeta. Kap all the way Super Saiyan with that hair, too like Blackarot. Camgeta obeying Lord Frieza Goodell's orders to invade as many homes as possible and take their money. Inside he's crying and hoping Kaparot saves him.
Cam stole Kap's dab. Kap stealing Cam's shine. Old rivals like Goku and Vegeta. Kap all the way Super Saiyan with that hair, too like Blackarot. Camgeta obeying Lord Frieza Goodell's orders to invade as many homes as possible and take their money. Inside he's crying and hoping Kaparot saves him.

:rofl: :rofl: :pimp:
Black people have uncle Tom's and *****

Mexican famb have coconuts

What do white folk have?
Cam stole Kap's dab. Kap stealing Cam's shine. Old rivals like Goku and Vegeta. Kap all the way Super Saiyan with that hair, too like Blackarot. Camgeta obeying Lord Frieza Goodell's orders to invade as many homes as possible and take their money. Inside he's crying and hoping Kaparot saves him.
I wish I wasn't out of reps.:lol:
You guys are saying things that I didn't. Not once did I mention Cam's contract w/ the Panthers. I'm talking STRICTLY endorsements. This is a hot-button issue and the men with the $/power in the NFL have already spoken out against what Kap is doing. Can you imagine what the suits at a place like UA would think if Cam pulled the same thing? Think about it..there's a reason why he's not speaking out. There's a lot of money at stake for him to potentially lose. And I think that's what the message was to him and why he's been mum on the topic.

And you guys are straight trippin' if you think Kap has more to lose than Cam :lol:

You know Cam has helped make UA hot right? They're not gonna drop him for not standing for the flag. Black athletes have made UA hot in the last few years, if they dropped Cam over something like that all them brothas would go somewhere else. Cam wouldn't be alone doing it cuz Kaep has already done it. And I'm sure if Cam did it others would follow. So what, all these companies would start dropping black athletes for standing up for their people? C'mon now. Cam is straight, like I said this dude is coming off of MVP season. He's one of the hottest athletes right now.

Maybe Cam is tired of being picked apart by the media and last year stressed him out. I can buy that. But scared he'll lose his UA indorsement? Nah :lol: Kaep has more to lose and it ain't even close.

Most of the people that shop UA are anti-Kap anyways
You guys are saying things that I didn't. Not once did I mention Cam's contract w/ the Panthers. I'm talking STRICTLY endorsements. This is a hot-button issue and the men with the $/power in the NFL have already spoken out against what Kap is doing. Can you imagine what the suits at a place like UA would think if Cam pulled the same thing? Think about it..there's a reason why he's not speaking out. There's a lot of money at stake for him to potentially lose. And I think that's what the message was to him and why he's been mum on the topic.

And you guys are straight trippin' if you think Kap has more to lose than Cam :lol:

You know Cam has helped make UA hot right? They're not gonna drop him for not standing for the flag. Black athletes have made UA hot in the last few years, if they dropped Cam over something like that all them brothas would go somewhere else. Cam wouldn't be alone doing it cuz Kaep has already done it. And I'm sure if Cam did it others would follow. So what, all these companies would start dropping black athletes for standing up for their people? C'mon now. Cam is straight, like I said this dude is coming off of MVP season. He's one of the hottest athletes right now.

Maybe Cam is tired of being picked apart by the media and last year stressed him out. I can buy that. But scared he'll lose his UA indorsement? Nah :lol: Kaep has more to lose and it ain't even close.

When you make controversial statements OR become a controversial figure, unless you're the face of the league, you jeopardize your BUSINESS relationship with the companies who EMPLOY you as a sponsor.

Doesn't matter if Cam made UA hot...they got Steph Curry on the roster, so losing Cam wouldn't be as big of a blow as you may think. Point being, he's replaceable. There are countless guys out there who could fill that void if UA ponied up the money, assuming they cut ties with Cam.

Now, back to a point someone else made...I 100000000% agree that it's easy to say what others should and shouldn't be doing when it's not OUR money that's involved. For as much as folks would like for Cam to be a little more socially conscious, he's towing the company line for a reason. There's really nothing wrong with that. I, and others, should not expect anything more from guys like Cam other than to be the best football player that they can. Putting them on pedestals for something more than what they are sets people up for disappointment when those athletes/entertainers don't live up to OUR standards for stuff that has nothing to do with why we tune in to watch them play on Sunday afternoons.

On the flip, if they take a strong stance, like Kap, it should be commended due to the risk they're taking. No need to knock someone down just because they are either ill informed or chose not to take a side/make an opinion on a certain topic.

Personally, I don't care for athlete/entertainers opinions on current events, however when you have someone like Kap, who quietly had a protest and then eloquently backed up why he's doing what he's doing when it garnered attention with a strong statement, I give him nothing but props. For one, he opened my eyes to a couple of things that I didn't know, and two, what he's doing takes courage. No need to compare him and his cause to other athletes around the league, and what they are/aren't doing. Not everyone is built for what Kap is doing, and that's just fine. Cam gives back in plenty of other ways.
You guys are saying things that I didn't. Not once did I mention Cam's contract w/ the Panthers. I'm talking STRICTLY endorsements. This is a hot-button issue and the men with the $/power in the NFL have already spoken out against what Kap is doing. Can you imagine what the suits at a place like UA would think if Cam pulled the same thing? Think about it..there's a reason why he's not speaking out. There's a lot of money at stake for him to potentially lose. And I think that's what the message was to him and why he's been mum on the topic.

And you guys are straight trippin' if you think Kap has more to lose than Cam :lol:

You know Cam has helped make UA hot right? They're not gonna drop him for not standing for the flag. Black athletes have made UA hot in the last few years, if they dropped Cam over something like that all them brothas would go somewhere else. Cam wouldn't be alone doing it cuz Kaep has already done it. And I'm sure if Cam did it others would follow. So what, all these companies would start dropping black athletes for standing up for their people? C'mon now. Cam is straight, like I said this dude is coming off of MVP season. He's one of the hottest athletes right now.

Maybe Cam is tired of being picked apart by the media and last year stressed him out. I can buy that. But scared he'll lose his UA indorsement? Nah :lol: Kaep has more to lose and it ain't even close.

When you make controversial statements OR become a controversial figure, unless you're the face of the league, you jeopardize your BUSINESS relationship with the companies who EMPLOY you as a sponsor.

Doesn't matter if Cam made UA hot...they got Steph Curry on the roster, so losing Cam wouldn't be as big of a blow as you may think. Point being, he's replaceable. There are countless guys out there who could fill that void if UA ponied up the money, assuming they cut ties with Cam.

Cam is one of the faces of the NFL. Now that Peyton is gone there is no one face of the league. Cam, Rodgers, Brady.

And that's why I said they would go elsewhere. If UA dropped Cam for standing up for black people they would be sending the message that they don't care about the racism black folks go through. You think brothas would still sign with them after that ****? Hell no.

These dudes don't work for Nike or UA or any other brand. The athletes make all these brands popular by wearing their products. It ain't the other way around. They're not at the mercy of these companies the way you make it sound. Too many of 'em just bow down and don't realize the power they have.

You think Nike woulda dropped MJ if he spoke out against police brutality in 92 when the Rodney King **** happened? :lol: All that money Mike was bringing them.
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-Indian's it is Uncle Taj, I think Aziz got some jokes on this

My liberal white friends, as long as I could remember, would always call hardcore conservatives "Cleetus"

And I am talking different groups of white folk too. Always Cleetus :lol:
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LMAO I've never heard that term ever. I've heard Twinkie
You guys are saying things that I didn't. Not once did I mention Cam's contract w/ the Panthers. I'm talking STRICTLY endorsements. This is a hot-button issue and the men with the $/power in the NFL have already spoken out against what Kap is doing. Can you imagine what the suits at a place like UA would think if Cam pulled the same thing? Think about it..there's a reason why he's not speaking out. There's a lot of money at stake for him to potentially lose. And I think that's what the message was to him and why he's been mum on the topic.

And you guys are straight trippin' if you think Kap has more to lose than Cam :lol:

You know Cam has helped make UA hot right? They're not gonna drop him for not standing for the flag. Black athletes have made UA hot in the last few years, if they dropped Cam over something like that all them brothas would go somewhere else. Cam wouldn't be alone doing it cuz Kaep has already done it. And I'm sure if Cam did it others would follow. So what, all these companies would start dropping black athletes for standing up for their people? C'mon now. Cam is straight, like I said this dude is coming off of MVP season. He's one of the hottest athletes right now.

Maybe Cam is tired of being picked apart by the media and last year stressed him out. I can buy that. But scared he'll lose his UA indorsement? Nah :lol: Kaep has more to lose and it ain't even close.

When you make controversial statements OR become a controversial figure, unless you're the face of the league, you jeopardize your BUSINESS relationship with the companies who EMPLOY you as a sponsor.

Doesn't matter if Cam made UA hot...they got Steph Curry on the roster, so losing Cam wouldn't be as big of a blow as you may think. Point being, he's replaceable. There are countless guys out there who could fill that void if UA ponied up the money, assuming they cut ties with Cam.

Cam is one of the faces of the NFL. Now that Peyton is gone there is no one face of the league. Cam, Rodgers, Brady.

And that's why I said they would go elsewhere. If UA dropped Cam for standing up for black people they would be sending the message that they don't care about the racism black folks go through. You think brothas would still sign with them after that ****? Hell no.

These dudes don't work for Nike or UA or any other brand. The athletes make all these brands popular by wearing their products. It ain't the other way around. They're not at the mercy of these companies the way you make it sound. Too many of 'em just bow down and don't realize the power they have.

You think Nike woulda dropped MJ if he spoke out against police brutality in 92 when the Rodney King **** happened? :lol: All that money Mike was bringing them.

Black folks were willing to ignore the racism of Donald Sterling and sign with the Clippers. This went on for DECADES. If UA decided to drop Cam over a political statement, best believe there would be an opportunist waiting in the wings to sign a big contract w/ them.

How much money do you think Cam is bringing UA in comparison to what Mike was doing for Nike in the 90's? I don't even think it's a valid comparison. As a Nike athlete, Mike could have made a strong social statement like Lebron/CP3/Melo did and there would be no flack. Why? Because the NBA is a much different dynamic than the NFL. As I mentioned before, and the same goes for Mike, those guys ARE the league.

UA has an ace in the pocket with Steph Curry. Cam, while regarded as one of the best in the league, could be replaced by someone else.
I reading an article of Deadspin and found this gem of a comment:

Of all of the bizarre political twists and turns this country has taken, the strangest one is this: the feti****ing, and elevating, of symbolic gestures, while actual words and actions have become almost irrelevant.

You can start a war based on phony intelligence, resulting in millions of deaths and casualties, and you can explain your way out of it. But God forbid you forget to put your flag pin on in the morning.

People lambasting Kaep have no semblance of reality.
Had to change the avatar for his brazen stance, but his recent highlights have me ready to buy a poster.
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