college kid dunks on LeBron; Nike takes the tapes

courtney lee...TWICE!!!! wow, hadn't seen the 2nd one. harris and lee, backcourt for a decade in jersey (brooklyn)
epic first post...LeNixon
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

in some backwards,twisted way,i view this whole thing as some sort of marketing ploy from nike.
No way. I have a feeling they'll use it as a marketing tol, but that will be simply making lemonade out of lemons.

This was just a case of 'Oh hell nah.'

'You dunk on me at my clinic? And someone's taping it? Oh hell nah. Nike, go get those tapes. This dude has lost his mind, thinking he can bang on me in my freaking clinic and show the world.'

i just don't get the idea if this were part of a marketing ploy. you start with your main star being humiliated then you'll try to flip it??

after choking on the ECF even lil dez made the lebron puppet more stupid.
I don't thnk it'd be that big of a deal if Nike just lets it out, the more they try to hide the more I want to see it.
Maybe it wasn't even that bad, but the hiding give people room to imagine how bad it was for it to be worth hiding
Originally Posted by Andrew630
Damn i didn't really acknowledge James got baked so many time..but at least he went for blocks� on all those dunks, if makes it seem better
But it still doesn't add up to all ppl he made poster out of in his NBA career.
marketing ploy to bring hype for the dunk contest which he said he will be in, maybe dunk over him...and show the footage there....

a dunk contest lebron can't back out because he will look like a wuss....
Lebron got "dunked by" on every single one of those dunks...even the one where Yao got him on the And 1.

@ him getting got by three different Wizards
The longer this goes on where the tape is hidden, the more I feel that it could be Lebron on Damon Jones like. For it to be kept this long they are either forsure making some sort of commecial which should drop in the next couple days. Or Lebron just got got so bad it wasnt even funny.
When you contest dunks you are bound to get dunked on.

Can't think of a player that plays Defense that hasn't been dunked on.

I don't really care for the term haters but wow
From Kobe's Basketball Academy tonight, Kobe accepted the challenge of a one-on-one game with a trash-talking-happy camper.
Earlier in the day, when we were filming the courts with Kobe roaming them watching his campers, the camper told Kobe he'd "need lotion for his feet when he was done." Kobe, beaming at his young camper, responded with, "I've got a long list of people like you." The trash talking continued on in a fun, competitive way; both smiling at each other.

When it was almost time for the one on one game, Kobe told the kid he could shoot for outs and told him he'd better make it or it's game over for him.

Kobe backed him down point after point; telling him he wouldn't take it easy on him as promised earlier in the week when he accepted the camper's challenge.

At the end of it, Kobe won 5-0 and grabbed the mic to ask him what the kid had learned. The courageous camper responded with, "You won't be able to win at Lebron's camp!"

Kobe, laughing, responded back with: "I also won't get dunked on in my own camp."

Originally Posted by JStar25

When you contest dunks you are bound to get dunked on.

Can't think of a player that plays Defense that hasn't been dunked on.

I don't really care for the term haters but wow
This isn't about him getting funked on, it's about how he couldn't handle it and had the nike rep Deebo the footage like a gold chain.

Had he just kept it moving, admit to it when asked, and give JC props, he would've gotten nothing but praise from the media and his witnesses, but instead,his vagina started hurting and he tried to cover it up.
wit his ol...puuuuuussssaaaaaaaaassss
Originally Posted by AIR J XIII

Originally Posted by JStar25

When you contest dunks you are bound to get dunked on.

Can't think of a player that plays Defense that hasn't been dunked on.

I don't really care for the term haters but wow
This isn't about him getting funked on, it's about how he couldn't handle it and had the nike rep Deebo the footage like a gold chain.

Had he just kept it moving, admit to it when asked, and give JC props, he would've gotten nothing but praise from the media and his witnesses, but instead, his vagina started hurting and he tried to cover it up.
wit his ol... puuuuuussssaaaaaaaaassss

Exactly. Step off your high HORSE and use your +#!$!%@ reading comprehension before you try and talk down on people next time.
This isn't about him getting funked on, it's about how he couldn't handle it and had the nike rep Deebo the footage like a gold chain.
I understand that, just a lot of comments in here are on the hate tip. Wasn't really trying to jump on the original post or anything, takingpeople tapes footage was a bad bad move and I agree with you.
Exactly. Step off your high hours and use your *#@%!$@ reading comprehension before you try and talk down on people next time.
As for the coat tail rider, you need to pump the brakes and stop trying to act hard core on the internet. The term was High Horse... HORSE notHOURS so maybe you should step up your reading comprehension and keep it pushin.
You got me I didn't spell it right. And no one is trying to act hardcore the same stuff you're saying has been said over and over and over in the postso what's the point of you coming in here and beating a dead HORSE?
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