college kid dunks on LeBron; Nike takes the tapes

Camera men should have done a kanye on punk'd and hopped in a minivan out of there..still a dumb move by nike, its gonna have more people with cameras outthere hoping to get a shot of anything that makes lebron look frail.

I honestly dont think it was that serious for them to have to confiscate tapes, look at Kobe an Beno Udrih, Kobe got eaten alive with that crossover but it allwent away, unless it was on that damon jones level I doubt it would have been newsworthy
this is crazy stuff. a player can control the media like. if lebron can revise history, just imagine what david stern cando....oooooweeeeeeeooooweeeeeeooeoooWEEEEEE
man but if it was the other way around, that joint would be leading Sportscenter as we speak.
Originally Posted by MisterP0315

My boys are so salty after I made a Facebook status about this.
Henz at 1:23pm July 8

But you like a dude who gets beat up by +#*+$% 8 inches shorter than him, & wants to be a rapist
at 1:27pm July 8
U don't know if he got yammed on..ur takin some bums opinion..when I see video footage I'll comment til then ya got nothin but a blog...



*runs to facebook*
^yeah for a day or two

now it will become a legend and haunt him forever until he says something
There's a Lebron James Skills Academy? It's not the Lebron James Freakish Athleticism Academy?

What do they teach there, how to shoot with your elbow sticking out at a 45 degree angle?

How to shoot under 80% from the free throw line?
Originally Posted by JD617

There's a Lebron James Skills Academy? It's not the Lebron James Freakish Athleticism Academy?

What do they teach there, how to shoot with your elbow at a 45 degree angle?

How to shoot under 80% from the free throw line?

but seriously Nike and Lebron lookin real lame AGAIN.
Originally Posted by JD617

There's a Lebron James Skills Academy? It's not the Lebron James Freakish Athleticism Academy?

What do they teach there, how to shoot with your elbow sticking out at a 45 degree angle?

How to shoot under 80% from the free throw line?
Paul Pierce has a skills academy too. Apparently, acting is something that's taught to the campers.
Originally Posted by JD617

There's a Lebron James Skills Academy? It's not the Lebron James Freakish Athleticism Academy?

What do they teach there, how to shoot with your elbow sticking out at a 45 degree angle?

How to shoot under 80% from the free throw line?
womp womp womp....
Originally Posted by Im Not You

Originally Posted by JD617

There's a Lebron James Skills Academy? It's not the Lebron James Freakish Athleticism Academy?

What do they teach there, how to shoot with your elbow sticking out at a 45 degree angle?

How to shoot under 80% from the free throw line?
Paul Pierce has a skills academy too. Apparently, acting is something that's taught to the campers.

They teach winning a ring at that academy too.
Originally Posted by JD617

Originally Posted by Im Not You

Originally Posted by JD617

There's a Lebron James Skills Academy? It's not the Lebron James Freakish Athleticism Academy?

What do they teach there, how to shoot with your elbow sticking out at a 45 degree angle?

How to shoot under 80% from the free throw line?
Paul Pierce has a skills academy too. Apparently, acting is something that's taught to the campers.

They teach winning a ring at that academy too.

do they also teach how to be average for 7 years tell you get 2 all stars better than you and have then carry you to a title

just let me know where to sign up
man lebron is a square for this. i wouldnt of gave up the tape,i woulda sold it to them instead.shame on the camera guys
everybody gets dunked on...who cares but this is childish by Lebron...i actually started to like the guy but after what happened in orlando and now this
eyes.gif beginning to think hes a sore loser
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