college kid dunks on LeBron; Nike takes the tapes

I thought this was a joke, lmao
Originally Posted by AKA King Arthur

Originally Posted by JD617

Originally Posted by Im Not You

Originally Posted by JD617

There's a Lebron James Skills Academy? It's not the Lebron James Freakish Athleticism Academy?

What do they teach there, how to shoot with your elbow sticking out at a 45 degree angle?

How to shoot under 80% from the free throw line?
Paul Pierce has a skills academy too. Apparently, acting is something that's taught to the campers.

They teach winning a ring at that academy too.

do they also teach how to be average for 7 years tell you get 2 all stars better than you and have then carry you to a title

just let me know where to sign up
I have a serious dislike for both of the players you two are riding right now, but come on son, "carry you to a title?". PP was theFinals MVP

PP was average for 7 years? I didn't know being an all-star for 7 years and averaging 23 ppg for his career is average
Originally Posted by JD617

Originally Posted by Im Not You

Originally Posted by JD617

There's a Lebron James Skills Academy? It's not the Lebron James Freakish Athleticism Academy?

What do they teach there, how to shoot with your elbow sticking out at a 45 degree angle?

How to shoot under 80% from the free throw line?
Paul Pierce has a skills academy too. Apparently, acting is something that's taught to the campers.

They teach winning a ring at that academy too.
That class must be after the "How to be a loseruntil a star(s) comes along" session.
anybody else thinking that the news of NIKE confiscating the tapes is actually worse for Lebron's image than the actual act of gettin dunked on? I smell aPR backfire....
Originally Posted by J Burner

anybody else thinking that the news of NIKE confiscating the tapes is actually worse for Lebron's image than the actual act of gettin dunked on? I smell a PR backfire....


Myths go on forever.

Had the video been released, we would've oohed and aahed for a few weeks, then moved on.
I think hes gonna try to save face and let it out along with other footage of the camps. Usually videos of these Skills Camps come out.
Originally Posted by Swag Surfer

I just texted my friend and dude told me he straight *!$#%*% on Lebron
. He said one of the best dunks he's ever seen in his life
. He told me no one had it on their phones or anything though SMH.

obviously... u kno it was fierce if @%++$+ was buzzin hard enuff for Lebron to call in lynn meritt
What, does everything in the building get signed over as Lebron's personal property? If not, I'm not letting anyone take my tape from my camera that Ibought and that I own. Do Nike and Lebron just think they can come and take whatever they want? They don't run things like that. Who gives a %#!$ ifit's your Skills Academy.
Originally Posted by SenorRoboto2k5

What, does everything in the building get signed over as Lebron's personal property? If not, I'm not letting anyone take my tape from my camera that I bought and that I own. Do Nike and Lebron just think they can come and take whatever they want? They don't run things like that. Who gives a %#!$ if it's your Skills Academy.

What if it was the US Government filming it?
I'll like to see themtake their tape.
^ Oh, man... that would have been hilarious is Barack had some people there filming it for him, 'cause we all know how big of a sports fan he is.

Meritt: 'Ummm, we're going to need that tape.'
gov't guy: 'I am here under official government business.'
Meritt: 'Oh yeah, tough guy? That's awesome. Hand over the tape or I'll break your damn camera.'
gov't guy: 'Sir, do you really want to be charged with breaking President Barack Obama's camera? *shows government identification* Now please backaway, and continue on with the game.
Meritt: *crickets*
Originally Posted by DubA169

I'm starting to think that lebron isn't built for new york, new york fans, the garden, and the new york media.

If stuff like this ruffles his feathers, he would be a dead man. This dude needs to get some heart and grow some balls.

I don't understand what's so bad about being dunked on. It shows that you were at least TRYING to block a shot. these superstar divas would rather look good and lose than win and look bad word to "white men can't jump"
QFT......I was thinking the same thing after this season ended. The way he left the floor after the Magic lost really made me think about thatsame thing

Wow....thats crazy that he cant act like anybody that plays the game of basketball at a high level (i.e AAU Basketball, College Basketball and Professional)will get dunked on or get crossed 1 time or another during a pick-up or a real game. LeBron.....that was a PUNK MOVE by you to do that.
Originally Posted by TheFuture2236

Originally Posted by DubA169

I'm starting to think that lebron isn't built for new york, new york fans, the garden, and the new york media.

If stuff like this ruffles his feathers, he would be a dead man. This dude needs to get some heart and grow some balls.

I don't understand what's so bad about being dunked on. It shows that you were at least TRYING to block a shot. these superstar divas would rather look good and lose than win and look bad word to "white men can't jump"
QFT......I was thinking the same thing after this season ended. The way he left the floor after the Magic lost really made me think about that same thing

Wow....thats crazy that he cant act like anybody that plays the game of basketball at a high level (i.e AAU Basketball, College Basketball and Professional) will get dunked on or get crossed 1 time or another during a pick-up or a real game. LeBron.....that was a PUNK MOVE by you to do that.
Hadnt really thought of that. Since the NY media has been pretty much locked in on the Yankees. But your definitely right. Every shot the manwould take in NY would be criticized. And in NY anything less than a Championship is a failure. He would get the Arod treatment as soon as he gets there. Lovehim when hes doing good, but when your not doing good you better watch out and not read the papers. They are ruthless.
This was a disgraceful act by LeBron and Nike aka The Company, Crawford got done like Schofield.
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