Communism isn't such a bad idea if you think about it

[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]You should get paid for what you do....communism as an idea is great but then why should you get whati make for myself? and then it usually leads to a dictatorship............[/color]
Communism is definitely not for the greedy. When society gets over the period of wanting to own everything in sight, they may realize how communism isn'tso bad.
But if you think about it, growth would virtually stop in terms of technological progress.
Originally Posted by damnitzvin

everything is shared, thus everybody wins
I totally agree. Look how well it worked in the Soviet Union.
Originally Posted by JChambers

Originally Posted by Sputnik

Los Yankees. Why Do you go to the restaurant or get fast food. This is the reason they imported certain resources; it's more efficient and possibly cheaper. It wasn't Stalin that made "communism" look bad. It's the US that associates the word with evil. Stalin shaped Russia into a world power, he was a good leader. Sure there were sacrifices in the process, but aren't there always?
You could also say "Hitler shaped Germany into a world power, he was a good leader."

Hitler was an amazing leader, with horrible intentions. If you disagree, you are an idiot.
Hitler was probably the greatest leader the world has seen yet.

What he did with his power was obviously terrible.
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

I've just realized no human run system of government or ideology will ever really work.

I know. I can't wait till our Robot Master's take over
Originally Posted by Sputnik

Originally Posted by JChambers

Originally Posted by Sputnik

Los Yankees. Why Do you go to the restaurant or get fast food. This is the reason they imported certain resources; it's more efficient and possibly cheaper. It wasn't Stalin that made "communism" look bad. It's the US that associates the word with evil. Stalin shaped Russia into a world power, he was a good leader. Sure there were sacrifices in the process, but aren't there always?
You could also say "Hitler shaped Germany into a world power, he was a good leader."

Hitler was an amazing leader, with horrible intentions. If you disagree, you are an idiot.

How old are you?
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

You really understand nothing about Cuba Bro.
i wanna go to cuba one day before da embargos are gone....i would LOVE to see how a world looks void of commercialism

Originally Posted by JChambers

Originally Posted by Sputnik

Originally Posted by JChambers

Originally Posted by Sputnik

Los Yankees. Why Do you go to the restaurant or get fast food. This is the reason they imported certain resources; it's more efficient and possibly cheaper. It wasn't Stalin that made "communism" look bad. It's the US that associates the word with evil. Stalin shaped Russia into a world power, he was a good leader. Sure there were sacrifices in the process, but aren't there always?
You could also say "Hitler shaped Germany into a world power, he was a good leader."

Hitler was an amazing leader, with horrible intentions. If you disagree, you are an idiot.

How old are you?
so you are an idiot.
communism is not a bad idea.
If everyone in that specific microcosm where communism is implemented actually cares about the well being of everyone else.
If not, then communism won't work.
Some of you keep saying communism wouldn't work it's because you're heavily influenced by capitalism already. It's part of our sytem, so we arebiased when talking about another system of government. I wouldn't say it wouldn't work at all.
Communism in America wouldn't work, since other eastern countries share with each other as religous homage communism is favorited.
Originally Posted by Sputnik

Originally Posted by JChambers

Originally Posted by Sputnik

Originally Posted by JChambers

Originally Posted by Sputnik

Los Yankees. Why Do you go to the restaurant or get fast food. This is the reason they imported certain resources; it's more efficient and possibly cheaper. It wasn't Stalin that made "communism" look bad. It's the US that associates the word with evil. Stalin shaped Russia into a world power, he was a good leader. Sure there were sacrifices in the process, but aren't there always?
You could also say "Hitler shaped Germany into a world power, he was a good leader."

Hitler was an amazing leader, with horrible intentions. If you disagree, you are an idiot.

How old are you?
so you are an idiot.
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]He was a great leader...he got his people brainwashed and did things to gainpower....great leader, horrible cause[/color]
OP are you saything this because ud rather get paid like everyone else by doing nothing?
Cause same here, id be lazy as hell. Then id go tell the doctors that i make the same as them picking up trash.
Lulz Communism will never work ever.

And to the dudes above, Hitler was a smart dude with really really good ideas. He was a good leader, until he decided he wanted to take over the world byclearing out a race and start his own.
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Originally Posted by Master Zik

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Originally Posted by Master Zik

Power corrupts.

Only perfect people can make communism work.
Very true.

However the only reason we are not perfect, in what would most likely be Marx's opinion, is because we have been living in a Capitalist society for so long we think it is "natural."
Well that was his few on us and some other Western European countries. When you look at places like Cuba and Russia the corruption is clear. Although like someone said you could just call those dictatorships (but they did start off communist). China happens to be a special case.

I can understand both sides of the argument in capitalism vs. communism and both have their pros and cons. Communism leaves no room for fantasies of one day living in the lap of luxury where you're rich and don't have to work where as capitalism leaves plenty of room of the fear of hitting rock bottom living on the street not knowing where you're next meal is gonna come from.

As people a lot of us are irrational when it comes to that and that's why most favor capitalism since communism in some ways takes away hope of a better life so to speak.

At the end of the day both have some form of a caste system but maybe that's cuz no country has really succeeded with either on a permanent basis.

You think there is any less corrpution here than there is in Cuba??? There is far more here, we just don't even realize it. The past 8 years of the Bush administration is rife with every type of societal ill and human rights violation one could imagine. And for you that act like the USSR failed, they are about to become a world power once again, while our star is fading. Within 40 years ago Russia will prolly be a more powerful country than us.
I never said anything you just assumed. I talked about what ppl would ideally prefer based on them being irrational. Nothing in my post impliescapitalism is better than communism or that countries who are capitalist do better than countries that are communist.

As we all know and I've said before the U.S. isn't even currently working under capitalist ideals and it hasn't been since around the first Bushadministration. We all know how good we had it with the internet boom but that cash cow is gone.

Also capitalism or the lack thereof in this country is the least to blame for our downfall during the Bush administration. The amount of unconstitutional andreckless things are the cause(passing laws ignoring our civil liberties, going over Congress to start a war, etc.) The current state of America was inevitablethe way things have been going the past decade.

Furthermore the USSR did fail. You know Russia is no longer communist right? Also lets not act like Russia is about to become a world power due to communism.
Originally Posted by Master Zik

I never said anything you just assumed. I talked about what ppl would ideally prefer based on them being irrational. Nothing in my post implies capitalism is better than communism or that countries who are capitalist do better than countries that are communist.

As we all know and I've said before the U.S. isn't even currently working under capitalist ideals and it hasn't been since around the first Bush administration. We all know how good we had it with the internet boom but that cash cow is gone.

Also capitalism or the lack thereof in this country is the least to blame for our downfall during the Bush administration. The amount of unconstitutional and reckless things are the cause(passing laws ignoring our civil liberties, going over Congress to start a war, etc.) The current state of America was inevitable the way things have been going the past decade.

Furthermore the USSR did fail. You know Russia is no longer communist right? Also lets not act like Russia is about to become a world power due to communism.

If you think that Capitalist ideals ended with the first Bush administration shows your lack of knowledge on the economic structure of this country since thestart of the Progressive Era.
Originally Posted by Sputnik

Originally Posted by JChambers

Originally Posted by Sputnik

Originally Posted by JChambers

Originally Posted by Sputnik

Los Yankees. Why Do you go to the restaurant or get fast food. This is the reason they imported certain resources; it's more efficient and possibly cheaper. It wasn't Stalin that made "communism" look bad. It's the US that associates the word with evil. Stalin shaped Russia into a world power, he was a good leader. Sure there were sacrifices in the process, but aren't there always?
You could also say "Hitler shaped Germany into a world power, he was a good leader."

Hitler was an amazing leader, with horrible intentions. If you disagree, you are an idiot.

How old are you?
so you are an idiot.

Under 18, I would guess.
this post is too funny... so much DISinformation being spewed by both sides... just wanted to thank everybody for the laughs, and recommend everybody goread a book or two.
Communism would work if executed correctly... the thought process
behind it is accurate, it's just never been properly carried out.

And to the guy that thinks Hitler wasn't a great leader... You must be on something.
He transformed a chaotic Germany into one of the greatest powers the world has ever seen.
His intentions and his actions were certainly evil and i do no agree with them in the slightest, in fact,
i carry a strong hatred for the man. But there is no denying that he is one of the greatest leaders the
world has ever seen.

I was even watching this history program in a World Civ. class in my school, and a historian was being interviewed
and he said that only three rulers who have ever lived would be able to effectively control the entire world... And those
three leaders were King Solomon, Alexander the Great, and Adolf Hitler.
Communism is great theoretically but the practical application of it is almost impossible due to man's natural desire to accumulate more wealth.
Then lazy scumbags will get money they don't deserve
This is a TERRIBLE argument for many reasons. One of them being that there are rich lazy scumbags out there. The idea that rich people = hardworking and noble and that poor people = lazy scumbags is a myth perpetuated by some of capitalism's biggest supporters.
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