Confessions 2K10 vol. don't judge me

Some of yall got issues. But most sound like normal life so enjoy it but always remember, IT'S HARD OUT HERE FOR A PIMP.
Originally Posted by supreme math

i'm ed-t 27 years old and look 18-19,  peers, old classmates and crushes i've tried hard
to impress in the past that denied me all look 35-40. at first i felt gratification but they're all changed and
humble now but this character they helped create is really me and i like him. 

don't know if i could ever handle the failure of not reaching the level of success i strive for.
and what lies after failure.

have a fetish for women out of my league, and after i've slept with them they look less valuable.
 it scares me because i thought they were the "next level" of success i want and i'm afraid there
is never gonna be a "next level"  and it's all in my head.

Son needs to hit us with that website and rates though. Is it just her or other women? i'm mad my dudes laughed at me freshman year when i asked where the prostitutes were, and we should start pimpin em. "haha he aint even say %%#!, my son said prostitutes".
I never do this, but i guess i will contribute..

So this chick named Kay is a very cute/sweet girl.. She has never had a bf due to strict parents.. She really wants to get with me.. She is also a VERY RELIGIOUS GIRL too. Very RELIGIOUS.. IDK what to do
- had HORRIBLE sex with this girl who's V i took last year, now i dont even respond to her txts..dont want to make her regret her v but dont want to have sex w her anymore
- my Ex GF's friend (who is a bomb TWIN) just started hitting me up recently, i kinda feel bad but im gonna smash relentlessly
- Sophomore and still cant decide on a major i want to stick with

thats pretty much it for now.
  • [color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]5 !#%!%!@ YEARS SUSPENDED SENTENCE...records tainted, but come 2015 i'm clean
  • [color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]The gf of 5 years, who i loved, girl i'd do anything for, is no longer my gf...%#!@'s been tough[/color]
  • [color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]1 job, struggling w. school, dirty record, 2500 in CC debt...%#!@'s been tough[/color]
-I HATE school...ever since elementary school.  It really isn't for me but I have no back up plan if I drop out, and I've been thinking about it since I started freshman year(i'm a sophomore)
-off/on relationship with my girl because of our trust issues, but both of us are the best thing that happened to the other
Originally Posted by that WAVE

-I HATE school...ever since elementary school.  It really isn't for me but I have no back up plan if I drop out, and I've been thinking about it since I started freshman year(i'm a sophomore)
-off/on relationship with my girl because of our trust issues, but both of us are the best thing that happened to the other
thats my exact situation too
I'm caught up on this one girl, and I have been for the last 5-6 months..
She gave me plenty opportunities, I was and still am young and stupid when it comes to girls.
She got a boyfriend, I figured I'd get over it. That's incredibily hard when I see her everyday and once a week her and her best friend come over to my place after school to study.
I still think I have a chance, even though she's with someone and most likely friendzoned me.

I'm no pimp.

I sometimes change my personality depending on who I'm with, I try too hard to be liked by everyone.
Hurr being a teenager.
Originally Posted by TheBachellor

Originally Posted by Yoda

Nah it's not even like that. We both kept in touch with each other. 

I'm not one to judge anyone. It's not my place to tell her how to live her life, I just don't want to see her used and abused like a rag.

So, back to the original story. 

Why didn't you hit? Because she didn't want you to? Because you froze up? Or was it because you found out?

Combination of her doing her own thing last night and me freezing up.

I was tight as hell at first, but when I found out, I was almost happy I didn't.
It's almost spring term of my freshman year and I wouldn't consider anyone here my friend. I know I got plenty of time, but it would be nice to have some people to chill with...
- I'm the other man wishing I was the other man
- Misunderstood too often
- I feel as if I'm stuck in a maze
-INS x 5 smh.
- I have no game...none
- can't get out of the friend zone
- used to rap now i think my stuff is garbage. smh.
its hard out here
- Haven't smashed in a few weeks since a one-night stand.  Tried to hit up the chick again but she made it clear it was a one night suaree

- I hate school, I don't like living in a dorm, I'm tired of New Orleans, I want to transfer to NYU or something back in NYC.  I've already transferred once though so I guess I am jus going to have to get used to the next couple of years here.
- Ran into a girl who I like a lot first semester and was getting with pretty reguarly but we fell off for no reason.  We exchanged math again but for some reason I still haven't hit her up even though she seemed mad excited to see me again.  It's like I'm scared of getting into any sort of relationship so I don't bother to go forward at all.
- I have a bunch of kids I chill with at school but they are all pretty disposable to me.  I haven't met really a single person here I really feel I would want to get close too.
- i was depressed first semester of school, I'm not depressed anymore just sort of unhappy with my situation.
- My mom is having open-heart surgery friday so that hasn't made things any better.  She is a very strong woman but still sucks and I've been kind of distracted lately
- Can't wait for this semester to be over and summer to be here.
- INS x infinity.
- Dude I denied because of long distance, me not feeling him at all and him being too caught up in deep feelings for me keeps texting me, and each time I see a text I literally deflate, but feel obligated to reply. Even if it is uber polite/slightly friendly but not at all how I would normally text someone.
- Sometimes I feel like I'm emotionally-detached.
- I hate that the guys here are +*!* and the ones I am half attracted to turn out to be too emotional and clingy.
- I half caught feelings for someone even though I know the likelihood of it amounting to anything is so highly doubtful it's not funny.
- I'm the only female in my course and I like the fact I'm a minority. I like that I will have to work harder to prove myself in a male dominated industry. I thrive on it.
- I'm mad I didn't buy a season pass to the rugby.
- got a DUI last december...when i was supposed to go to court in january the papers were not sent in...i STILL have not been to court or heard anything
- because of fear of the DUI $ situation, i got a 2nd job's
money but thur-sat i have no life...i'm afraid i'm gonna burn out soon, i just can't handle not bein able to enjoy the weekend with my boys...i'm also too tired to go to school on mondays sometimes and it's effecting my grades...
- i'm an alcoholic but don't have plans to stop...
INS like all yall
My goals/dreams are still there, but i'm scared that I might fail to fulfill them ....need more motivation...think big.
I want a GF but nobody's out there that fits my standards.
There is this one friend that I hope to NEVER see again....he's annoying.
I don't know why some girls don't talk to me.
Money does buy happiness but too much can kill you.
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]Just got a probation officer, and have to take domestic abuse classes [/color]
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)](and it's not for beating on a female too)[/color]
INS but I will be goin to Miami soon

I feel like i'm depressed without weed
I hate school with a passion and I still have another semester to go
i got mega wasted for the first time in 2010 saturday night bought a 20 pack and split it between 3 people, went to the bar...lots of beer and 7 jager bombs

then i drunk dialed...
- I attract hella women, just not my type... and I'm getting fed up man..

-I gotta stop speaking my mind so freely. I be talking to my one babe about my other babe and talking to my other babe about my ex
. Where they do that at? I was on the phomne for about 45 mins with this girl I been off and on flingin with since like 04... why I tell her to tell her cousin "Brandy" to call me on some "Have you heard from my friend? Tell her I said get at me". Shorty chuckled like "You like her don't you?". I said "Yup.  little.. but she's engaged", which the first chick as apparently unaware of. She's also apparently unaware of the times I had her cousin at my spot after hours. It's ool tho, vuz "Brandy" knows I lik her cousin more... plus she got a husband-to-be anyway...

-Until 3 AM this morning, I had been up about 37 hours straight. Long story involving boppers, girlfriends, homies, cousins, pills, videogames, shootings, news about me opening for Waka, and everything else in between

-I stole this bic lighter from my homie
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