
You don't forget to text or can't reply for days, that's a terrible excuse. They a celebrity or something :smh:

That's my thinking as well.  :lol:

But what happens if they get back to you and ask to meet up?

I'm inclined to give benefit of the doubt, but if she flakes 2x = dead it. Got no time for shenanigans.

Don't sweat and/or make her speak to the "I'm not ignoring you" excuse, birds gon bird. Now just utilize as little text back n forth as possible to set-up a meet up to kick it.
You don't forget to text or can't reply for days, that's a terrible excuse. They a celebrity or something

That's my thinking as well. 

But what happens if they get back to you and ask to meet up?

I'm inclined to give benefit of the doubt, but if she flakes 2x = dead it. Got no time for shenanigans.

Don't sweat and/or make her speak to the "I'm not ignoring you" excuse, birds gon bird. Now just utilize as little text back n forth as possible to set-up a meet up to kick it.
Definitely agreed. I think this is why just having multiple options eliminates this overthinking.

Am I being petty if I don't respond until a few days later (it goes both ways)? I was talking to @Antidope about this and he said we're both too old for that ish.

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:lol: it's petty but I'd be lying if I said I don't do back. Then they wanna act like what's the problem??
I've come to terms that I just don't like texting back or answering calls. I just don't like texting sometimes or talking on the phone. I used to use the "I'm a bad texter line" I'm just anti-scoial :lol:
You don't forget to text or can't reply for days, that's a terrible excuse. They a celebrity or something

That's my thinking as well. 

But what happens if they get back to you and ask to meet up?

I'm inclined to give benefit of the doubt, but if she flakes 2x = dead it. Got no time for shenanigans.

Don't sweat and/or make her speak to the "I'm not ignoring you" excuse, birds gon bird. Now just utilize as little text back n forth as possible to set-up a meet up to kick it.
Definitely agreed. I think this is why just having multiple options eliminates this overthinking.

Am I being petty if I don't respond until a few days later (it goes both ways)? I was talking to @Antidope about this and he said we're both too old for that ish.

It's too early in the game to play that card, you start those games after you've kicked it with her once and there's clearly chemistry there... because at that point you have her intrigued, right now in her eyes, you just another n_ tryin to hit/chill.
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10 Confessions.

My job is cool but I feel I'm meant for bigger/better. This is just a stepping stone to my dream life/career. 

Speaking of, I have a 5 phase plan to reaching the "dream". Just call me Thanos. 

Losing moms a few years ago is something I'll never get over. Wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. She was the only person I felt understood me. 

Maybe its due to him getting older or maybe its due to moms not being here but it seems like my pops is trying to atone for the piece of sh*t he was to me while I was growing up. I swear Denzel in Fences was based on him (he saw it & called saying he realized that was him). But at this point I'm not trying to hear it because I know he's still the same a**hole. I dont hate him but I'm real distant towards him.

I know you're not supposed to hate anyone but I'm close to it with my older brother. He was the perfect example of what an older brother shouldn't be.The main reason I decided to be to my young brother what I always wanted in an older brother. 

Being diagnosed with depression and anxiety is a gift and a curse. Gift because it makes me extremely self aware. Curse because it creeps up on me at the worst time. I often feel the world and everyone in it is conspiring against me. Hence why I'm so defensive over myself. 

Playing college ball was cool but I know part of the reason I didn't make the league was because I didn't love it. Just paid for college. You have to love it and be dedicated to make it. Two things I wasn't. 

I love women and I'm successful with them (not bragging) but it would take an act of God for me to say to myself "I want to be with her forever". Cant trust them. Women that are married or in relationships still answer my texts/DMs. Why? You know what I'm hitting you up for. Arent you in love? Why even entertain me?

This is therapeutic Especially since I'm introverted and closed off to most people (don't like feeling like I'm a burden to anyone).

To anyone that needs it, keep fighting at this thing called life. It'll beat you down and spit you out but there are some good parts to it as well. Don't give up. It gets better. Take it from someone who has complimented suicide a few times in the past. 
Is it double texting if the last message you sent didn't really require a response? ( I always thought it was)
Losing moms a few years ago is something I'll never get over. Wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. She was the only person I felt understood me. 

Take it from someone who has complimented suicide a few times in the past. 
Bro, I'm sorry for your loss.
I know that feeling too well and it hits me to this day. It's been 2.5 years and it still hurts like hell.
Her birthday is actually coming up this weekend and I just feel so damn sad to be honest but I try to put up a front like I'm all good. I'm not gonna lie I've had thoughts about ending it all when she first passed away but I know that what good would that do if I did.

I don't know what the hell I'm doing anymore in life. I'm just going through the motions idk anymore....
I was out drinking alone last night at a jazz club and emotions flooded me.

My loneliness has become something I've accepted, but a growing part of me hates it.

I spent the last 10 years in a "hiatus" from life, lost touch with friends/avoided relationships in order to build my career and achieve my long-term goals.

Now that my career is up and running, I've tried to reconnect with them and to no surprise, the friendships are dead.

On one hand, I'm happy to have a tangible amount of career success now, but on the other hand, at what cost to the people I love and the relationships I've forgone?

It honestly kills me inside and I often wonder "what if"?
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Bro, I'm sorry for your loss.
I know that feeling too well and it hits me to this day. It's been 2.5 years and it still hurts like hell.
Her birthday is actually coming up this weekend and I just feel so damn sad to be honest but I try to put up a front like I'm all good. I'm not gonna lie I've had thoughts about ending it all when she first passed away but I know that what good would that do if I did.

I don't know what the hell I'm doing anymore in life. I'm just going through the motions idk anymore....

I'm sorry for the both of you. Its going on 9 years for me and it doesn't seem to be getting any easier.
I just want to make music and I hate all the steps I have to take in between b/c of the poor decision making I made in the past.
Bro, I'm sorry for your loss.
I know that feeling too well and it hits me to this day. It's been 2.5 years and it still hurts like hell.
Her birthday is actually coming up this weekend and I just feel so damn sad to be honest but I try to put up a front like I'm all good. I'm not gonna lie I've had thoughts about ending it all when she first passed away but I know that what good would that do if I did.

I don't know what the hell I'm doing anymore in life. I'm just going through the motions idk anymore....
My guy its a pain that will never truly leave you. Everyone will tell you "it gets better or it gets easier" but it honestly doesn't. My moms bday was last month and I went to her grave to give her her yearly balloons/flowers. Stuff like that helps me cope. Just have to do your best to live your life with the lessons Moms taught. Show her that you actually listened to all the talks and advice.
Man lifes been weird lately. 

My parents have been separate for 7 years now, since my grandmother passed. She had stage 4 cancer and at the time we moved her into my parents house. I was 19 at the time and had just moved out. 

My mom had focused on taking care of my gma and she lasted for about 6 months until she lost the battle. It was really, really hard on my mom and taking care of my gma kind of pulled my mom from my dad.

When things cleared from that, my mom found out my dad had a separate life in mexico, 2 year old son and wife, whole new family. She found this out months after losing my gma.

So things since then have been in this weird limbo since theyve both messed each others credit up and financially can't afford to part ways. So they maintained being separate for the sake of not losing the house.

Fast forward to now, they are officially divorcing. I was over at the house and going through my old stuff and it really hit me. I broke down crying. I didn't think as a grown man it would hurt me like this, but it does. A lot of what my pop raised me on was real man ish. And dealing with the loss of my gma, I never let the reality of things sink in. I just want my folks to be happy but I really wish my old man practiced what he preached. He followed the cycle of his old man and crushed my mom. Who was recently diagnosed with CHF. Man....thats another thing there. I just wanna grind out my 20s and get this money so I can hopefully help them out. It breaks my heart to thing the childhood home I grew up in might be lost.
Damn @balldontlie206
Why does it seem that most stories continue to end this way between parents....I hate that.
My father left my mom when I was about 2 or 3; I'm 27 now and still feel like a piece of me been missing. I did get to visit my dad last Friday to see my lil bro, sister & his wife after 5 years & just being around them was the best day of 2017. Thru the years I see why he left my mom but I always love her still cause that's my heart.

BDL if you dont mind me asking, what were some things your father contradicted himself on...I know it hurts when our parents or ppl we look up to dont practice what they preach
^ I'm guessing @BallDontLie206 meant that his dad taught him real man sh-- like taking care of your family, loyalty, etc.

I'm sorry you're going through this, brother. A divorce is depressing and oftentimes shatters the children more than the parents going through the divorce themselves. In this case, it stings even more given what your father did.

The only thing you can do going forward is to focus on yourself. Raise your self-equity. You seem like you don't want to repeat the mistakes your father made, so take this as a cautionary tale.

No one is infallible.
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