
Last month my cousin got locked up for beating up his bm (she white), this like the second time so his bond like 50 racks and he probably gone be sitting for a min. Aside from being my cousin, dude is one of my best friends. Chilled with him almost every day before he got locked up... Man this ***** wasn't even gone 2 weeks before I had my **** in his bm's mouth. Wasn't my intention, I had been going to check on her and the lil ones making sure they were straight and one thing led to another. Only got the head though. I was gonna **** too but after I got that nut off I told her I'll take a rain check...To make matters worse, this ***** wrote her from jail talking about changing and how he wanna get his **** together, she fell for it and told him she sucked me off smfh

I don't know what tip he gone be on when he get out, I haven't talked to him since she told him but according to her he went from saying he was gone beat my *** to cutting me off to killing me with kindness...I'm not worried about hands being thrown but damn man a part of me feel like I violated. If it was just a random ***** or just his girl then I might not feel bad but this the mother of his children and ****.

I said a part of me feels bad because according to her he not mad at her and wanna work it out...So you gone stay with the ***** who sucked your COUSIN but get mad at your cousin for getting it? [emoji]128579[/emoji][emoji]128579[/emoji][emoji]128579[/emoji]

Yeah gettin head is worse, thats all her the whole time puttin in that work :lol:

Musta been good if he still wana be wit her :nerd:
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Last month my cousin got locked up for beating up his bm (she white), this like the second time so his bond like 50 racks and he probably gone be sitting for a min. Aside from being my cousin, dude is one of my best friends. Chilled with him almost every day before he got locked up... Man this ***** wasn't even gone 2 weeks before I had my **** in his bm's mouth. Wasn't my intention, I had been going to check on her and the lil ones making sure they were straight and one thing led to another. Only got the head though. I was gonna **** too but after I got that nut off I told her I'll take a rain check...To make matters worse, this ***** wrote her from jail talking about changing and how he wanna get his **** together, she fell for it and told him she sucked me off smfh

I don't know what tip he gone be on when he get out, I haven't talked to him since she told him but according to her he went from saying he was gone beat my *** to cutting me off to killing me with kindness...I'm not worried about hands being thrown but damn man a part of me feel like I violated. If it was just a random ***** or just his girl then I might not feel bad but this the mother of his children and ****.

I said a part of me feels bad because according to her he not mad at her and wanna work it out...So you gone stay with the ***** who sucked your COUSIN but get mad at your cousin for getting it? [emoji]128579[/emoji][emoji]128579[/emoji][emoji]128579[/emoji]
:lol: :rofl: :x :wow: Dawg you are foul for accepting that neck. You said that was your blood and y'all are close and less than two weeks later you getting schooled up by his BM?!? :smh:
He is a dumb*** for staying with that tho. :smh: :lol:
Yeah gettin head is worse, thats all her the whole time puttin in that work :lol:

Musta been good if he still wana be wit her :nerd:
Last month my cousin got locked up for beating up his bm (she white), this like the second time so his bond like 50 racks and he probably gone be sitting for a min. Aside from being my cousin, dude is one of my best friends. Chilled with him almost every day before he got locked up... Man this ***** wasn't even gone 2 weeks before I had my **** in his bm's mouth. Wasn't my intention, I had been going to check on her and the lil ones making sure they were straight and one thing led to another. Only got the head though. I was gonna **** too but after I got that nut off I told her I'll take a rain check...To make matters worse, this ***** wrote her from jail talking about changing and how he wanna get his **** together, she fell for it and told him she sucked me off smfh

I don't know what tip he gone be on when he get out, I haven't talked to him since she told him but according to her he went from saying he was gone beat my *** to cutting me off to killing me with kindness...I'm not worried about hands being thrown but damn man a part of me feel like I violated. If it was just a random ***** or just his girl then I might not feel bad but this the mother of his children and ****.

I said a part of me feels bad because according to her he not mad at her and wanna work it out...So you gone stay with the ***** who sucked your COUSIN but get mad at your cousin for getting it? [emoji]128579[/emoji][emoji]128579[/emoji][emoji]128579[/emoji]

Scumbag move [emoji]128514[/emoji] , he gonna beat the **** out of you
Dude really thinking he's not in the wrong for that one :lol:

Talking about "I think" I might have violated... yah thing.

YO I will say this @The 7th Mile don't sleep on that dude brah... fam or not you violated in the worst way possible.

Dude talking about he's going to play it cool and kill you with kindness... yeah okay he's trying to rock you to sleep and you will catch a bad pounding.

Dog I would poke the **** out you and pound you into next week if I was him so just keep your heads up and be on the lookout you dirty treachourous snake.

You were better off oweing him money and you guys have a fall out over that, but things happen especially when you and her chilling kicking it and yall smoking and drinking :smh:

I seen this **** happen so many times bruh when I was coming up as soon as dudes go to bookings and will be away for a few months or years N's that you thought were your friends are the first ones hitting up your lady trying to play the helping role hand know damn well they just want to get in the girls guts... just like you did :smh:

My one good friend was murdered down the block from where I lived growing up they shot him in the back of the head in 2005 and the next night after cops questioned his girl it had one of the dirty Puerto Ricans, that's what we called this certain family around my way because they were nasty piping each others baby mom's, their brothers girls, nieces, cousins that came from PR, mad underage girls like 13 year olds and these dudes was like 40+ and still living at home with their moms :smh: anyway yeah the next night after he was killed one of them was lurking around by my mans girl house trying to offer his condelences to my dead friends girl but dude hardly knew my friend like that just from the neighborhood but we all knew what he was up to. Didn't help that my dead friends girl was a roller though and a loosey goosey but everyone in the neighborhood told him she was a thot and stripped when funds got low.

You can front all you want and act like you were trying to look out for him but you was scheming long before that when you guys were chilling. All you had to do was drop some loot off or just make a phone call but you knew what your intentions were so that's why you kept going there chilling :smh:

Just be careful as
Last month my cousin got locked up for beating up his bm (she white), this like the second time so his bond like 50 racks and he probably gone be sitting for a min. Aside from being my cousin, dude is one of my best friends. Chilled with him almost every day before he got locked up... Man this ***** wasn't even gone 2 weeks before I had my **** in his bm's mouth. Wasn't my intention, I had been going to check on her and the lil ones making sure they were straight and one thing led to another. Only got the head though. I was gonna **** too but after I got that nut off I told her I'll take a rain check...To make matters worse, this ***** wrote her from jail talking about changing and how he wanna get his **** together, she fell for it and told him she sucked me off smfh

I don't know what tip he gone be on when he get out, I haven't talked to him since she told him but according to her he went from saying he was gone beat my *** to cutting me off to killing me with kindness...I'm not worried about hands being thrown but damn man a part of me feel like I violated. If it was just a random ***** or just his girl then I might not feel bad but this the mother of his children and ****.

I said a part of me feels bad because according to her he not mad at her and wanna work it out...So you gone stay with the ***** who sucked your COUSIN but get mad at your cousin for getting it? [emoji]128579[/emoji][emoji]128579[/emoji][emoji]128579[/emoji]

Ain't judging but :smh:. Foul fam
Dude really thinking he's not in the wrong for that one :lol:

Talking about "I think" I might have violated... yah thing.

YO I will say this @The 7th Mile don't sleep on that dude brah... fam or not you violated in the worst way possible.

Dude talking about he's going to play it cool and kill you with kindness... yeah okay he's trying to rock you to sleep and you will catch a bad pounding.

Dog I would poke the **** out you and pound you into next week if I was him so just keep your heads up and be on the lookout you dirty treachourous snake.

You were better off oweing him money and you guys have a fall out over that, but things happen especially when you and her chilling kicking it and yall smoking and drinking :smh:

I seen this **** happen so many times bruh when I was coming up as soon as dudes go to bookings and will be away for a few months or years N's that you thought were your friends are the first ones hitting up your lady trying to play the helping role hand know damn well they just want to get in the girls guts... just like you did :smh:

My one good friend was murdered down the block from where I lived growing up they shot him in the back of the head in 2005 and the next night after cops questioned his girl it had one of the dirty Puerto Ricans, that's what we called this certain family around my way because they were nasty piping each others baby mom's, their brothers girls, nieces, cousins that came from PR, mad underage girls like 13 year olds and these dudes was like 40+ and still living at home with their moms :smh: anyway yeah the next night after he was killed one of them was lurking around by my mans girl house trying to offer his condelences to my dead friends girl but dude hardly knew my friend like that just from the neighborhood but we all knew what he was up to. Didn't help that my dead friends girl was a roller though and a loosey goosey but everyone in the neighborhood told him she was a thot and stripped when funds got low.

You can front all you want and act like you were trying to look out for him but you was scheming long before that when you guys were chilling. All you had to do was drop some loot off or just make a phone call but you knew what your intentions were so that's why you kept going there chilling :smh:

Just be careful as

all of this and someone had the nerve to rep his post :smh:
Man has comin back to NT after a loooong time is crazy, especially with this forum. Got me in the feels. I won't go all the way back from the time I was away from here, I'll just do recent things that have been goin on.

I don't understand why society creates this thing of people not being able to just be friends with their ex. We'll start it off with that.

Before me and my new girl started dating, I was casually just talking to my last girlfriend. Just regular friend talk, music, shoes, etc. Ya know? And I didn't think it was gonna do any harm, but it clearly did. My girl got upset, about it cause she thought I was trynna get back together with my ex. Long story short, my girl doesn't trust me, but we're still together. And it sucks, knowing that she doesn't trust me, but knows that I love & care for her so much. It sucks that she doesn't trust me, and I know even though she does all these things to show her love.

And recently, these last couple months we've been fighting a lot more. Getting into arguments and such, some of them big but others aren't worth it. I never pick fights, it's always her doing it, picking a fight and what not. She's ALWAYS gotta win... And it's so annoying. She even admits that it's a pride thing and she's gotta let it go. She admits that some fights were so petty that she should've let them go. This recent fight, she got so pissed off. She expects me to fix it all, like I've caused all this and in my head I'm just like, "Okay, how am I supposed to fix all of this?" when all of the things happened in the past? Like, it just doesn't make sense to me. Anyways, she got pissed off and sent me "Don't text me later. U seem to not know how to fix sh-- anyways so it's fine. Bye." And that really hit me hard. Like, I know she's all heated and everything, but... I can't be responsible to fix everything that we argue about. It's like, all fingers get pointed at me, everything's my fault, I gotta fix it all, nothing's her fault. Idk, it's honestly just taken such an emotional hit on me, it makes me feel like I can't fix anything. 

Family, it's been slightly rough. Grandma had a scare couple weeks ago, another stroke but hasn't happened for a few years now. No one knew what it was at first, but the morning I heard the news, my dad told me that it could be her time now. She just turned... 97 I wanna say just a month ago, near the beginning of January. And I was honestly scared outta my mind. She's had a huge impact on my life, and by far one of the nicest people/relatives I know. Yeah, she's my grandma and she's gotta be you could say. But still, like some people talked about losing their parents, I'm not ready to lose my grandma yet.

School's going good. I'm in my second semester of city college (shocker considering I made this account 5 years ago now lol). I'm trynna make my way to art school for photography, I'm only nervous about where it'll take me. I'm still undecided which specific field I wanna do (landscapes, portrats, wedding, etc.) and I'm just scared if I stick to one specific then I won't be the kind of photographer I wanna be. Currently, I'm just scared that if I don't get into the school I wanna go to, that I don't have much of a choice after if I don't get accepted. I'm scared that if I'm shut down, it'll kill my dreams then I'll be another man hating life while living with his parents and working a minimum waged job.

To those who took the time to read this, I appreciate you hearing my rambling of every aspect of my life as of recent. These types of communities are truly a great thing, seeing everyone here just helping each other out through tough moments in each other's lives. It's great to see.

I used to think talking casually to an EX was cool, but my thought process now is once that door is closed it's closed for good. Only exes I associate with are my ex-wives and that's because of my children. Otherwise, I'm not dealing with any exes period. Different strokes for different folks.
Son beats his girl on the reg, WTF you think he gon do to you?

He gonna come home and possibly kill her and the go hunting for you, then he might murk his self after realizing what he did. Start lifting weights and grab a Trey pound or a four fif.

But I know your cuz better than us. I'm sure you know what he's capable of. Good luck.
Son beats his girl on the reg, WTF you think he gon do to you?

He gonna come home and possibly kill her and the go hunting for you, then he might murk his self after realizing what he did. Start lifting weights and grab a Trey pound or a four fif.

But I know your cuz better than us. I'm sure you know what he's capable of. Good luck.

Take this dudes advice.

Dude is in there plotting.

I can't believe his girl told him though.

I remember my man Mane wildin out and he broke the phone when in jail when he found out his chick was messing with other dudes.
thanks fellas. at some point the greiving will take a turn and eventually end up being happy memories with my little guy. as of now, that's not even close to happening.

I think about him all day B. :frown:
All I gotta say is I've done my dirt...and with that said, KARMA IS REAL.

I mean don't get me wrong we've all done our dirt... no matter how bad it may be.

But I've never messed with dudes I was cool with main girls that they had a great deal of affection for.

I've always been a stand up N, but the same couldn't be said the other way.

I've done dirt but I would never mess with dudes girls and/or especially family members chicks.

I've seen what women cause between men and the outcome is never good especially if the men knew or deal with each other.
Last month my cousin got locked up for beating up his bm (she white), this like the second time so his bond like 50 racks and he probably gone be sitting for a min. Aside from being my cousin, dude is one of my best friends. Chilled with him almost every day before he got locked up... Man this ***** wasn't even gone 2 weeks before I had my **** in his bm's mouth. Wasn't my intention, I had been going to check on her and the lil ones making sure they were straight and one thing led to another. Only got the head though. I was gonna **** too but after I got that nut off I told her I'll take a rain check...To make matters worse, this ***** wrote her from jail talking about changing and how he wanna get his **** together, she fell for it and told him she sucked me off smfh

I don't know what tip he gone be on when he get out, I haven't talked to him since she told him but according to her he went from saying he was gone beat my *** to cutting me off to killing me with kindness...I'm not worried about hands being thrown but damn man a part of me feel like I violated. If it was just a random ***** or just his girl then I might not feel bad but this the mother of his children and ****.

I said a part of me feels bad because according to her he not mad at her and wanna work it out...So you gone stay with the ***** who sucked your COUSIN but get mad at your cousin for getting it? [emoji]128579[/emoji][emoji]128579[/emoji][emoji]128579[/emoji]

So Im curious, when she gave you the top, how did "one thing lead to another".... lol... son u tried her... keep it a buck
Son was cool with his cousin and found out what his bm mouf do. :rofl: Cuz coming for you, not because of his bm but because you were his people. I always wondered if Jerry Springer was real or not. :frown:
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Last month my cousin got locked up for beating up his bm (she white), this like the second time so his bond like 50 racks and he probably gone be sitting for a min. Aside from being my cousin, dude is one of my best friends. Chilled with him almost every day before he got locked up... Man this ***** wasn't even gone 2 weeks before I had my **** in his bm's mouth. Wasn't my intention, I had been going to check on her and the lil ones making sure they were straight and one thing led to another. Only got the head though. I was gonna **** too but after I got that nut off I told her I'll take a rain check...To make matters worse, this ***** wrote her from jail talking about changing and how he wanna get his **** together, she fell for it and told him she sucked me off smfh

I don't know what tip he gone be on when he get out, I haven't talked to him since she told him but according to her he went from saying he was gone beat my *** to cutting me off to killing me with kindness...I'm not worried about hands being thrown but damn man a part of me feel like I violated. If it was just a random ***** or just his girl then I might not feel bad but this the mother of his children and ****.

I said a part of me feels bad because according to her he not mad at her and wanna work it out...So you gone stay with the ***** who sucked your COUSIN but get mad at your cousin for getting it? [emoji]128579[/emoji][emoji]128579[/emoji][emoji]128579[/emoji]
lmao! bro you ain't got no morals b. so you saying your nephews and nieces be kissing you tip indirectly fam? wow
Son was cool with his cousin and found out what his bm mouf do. :rofl: he coming for not because of his bm but because you were his people. I always wondered if Jerry Springer was real or not. :frown:

And then the BM snitched to the cousin.... If I was the cousin I wouldnt trip if that was just my girl, but she got kids wit dude... she wild for doing it... but you cant be mad at the man who caught the neck..
Last month my cousin got locked up for beating up his bm (she white), this like the second time so his bond like 50 racks and he probably gone be sitting for a min. Aside from being my cousin, dude is one of my best friends. Chilled with him almost every day before he got locked up... Man this ***** wasn't even gone 2 weeks before I had my **** in his bm's mouth. Wasn't my intention, I had been going to check on her and the lil ones making sure they were straight and one thing led to another. Only got the head though. I was gonna **** too but after I got that nut off I told her I'll take a rain check...To make matters worse, this ***** wrote her from jail talking about changing and how he wanna get his **** together, she fell for it and told him she sucked me off smfh

I don't know what tip he gone be on when he get out, I haven't talked to him since she told him but according to her he went from saying he was gone beat my *** to cutting me off to killing me with kindness...I'm not worried about hands being thrown but damn man a part of me feel like I violated. If it was just a random ***** or just his girl then I might not feel bad but this the mother of his children and ****.

I said a part of me feels bad because according to her he not mad at her and wanna work it out...So you gone stay with the ***** who sucked your COUSIN but get mad at your cousin for getting it? [emoji]128579[/emoji][emoji]128579[/emoji][emoji]128579[/emoji]
You on a different level of foul for that one my guy. 
All 3 parties foul imo. not even sure if that was her motive, but wouldn't be surprised. she was def in a vulnerable situation.
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